[STAR] TAR [TARA] TERA and SUN [STELLA means SUN] in SUMER they called the SUN
Starseed, you see [sea] all this around you – you created
it and is to why you have a Zodiac [Dendera] house sign, and your house sign
tells you where you’re from, what constellation [Stella means Star] what Star
system you are from, you are not from earth, your made from earth but you are
not from earth, you created this – those born under Scorpio [Virgo+] coming
into the physical under the rulership of the Star family of the Virgo + Scorpio
constellation – Virgo and Scorpio are one house
[you need ETHER to be Nexus to
the Zodiac]
When you come in you are a Star, you represent a Star
[Astarte] Ishtar – they cannot count all the Stars and so cannot determine how
people that ever lived and when the energy from the Star reaches the earth it
produces in the physical form, a sentient being that we call Hue-man [HuMan]
This is our mental projection on how this creation works
aka the MEKABA in Megatron’s cube and we are all in different points in the
cube aka the 1000 petal Lotus of enlightenment
The Satanic rule on earth is what they are aiming for,
they warned us 3 times, in 1991 they bombed the World Trade Centre and in 1995
they bombed the Federal building in Oklahoma City and in 2001 they bombed the
World Trade Centre again – that is a zigzag – the ones called the Illuminati was
their calling card [3] to let us know they were taking control of the earth –
Behold the Pale Horse tells you that George Bush Sr with a select committee
made himself King George I and all presidents to follow would be under his direct
command, Bush Sr stayed president until he died, the rest were puppets and
placeholders – so Bush Jr, Obama and Clintons all had to go through Bush Sr
first – they had to get direction from him first, Henry Kissinger was adviser
to the throne hence why he was around for so long – with many not even in
politics that long has him and he was in everybody’s business and no one knows
why, who is this mtf – he was taking ‘special juices’ to keep him alive
The system is crashing and its in layers, many branches
on a spiders web and each part of it has to be destroyed and with each piece
being destroyed we start to see the emergence of our original system rising
from the ashes of the old system [program] that just fell – the return of the
Phoenix, this is your Atlantis rising, Crystal City, New Jerusalem – the
Mothership returns to earth, they said it sunk and that means the Mothership
flew away – in their book of Revelations it says that Christ came with the New
Jerusalem adoring like a Bride for her Groom – they are talking about ISIS
[ASET] the return of ISIS, the return of the Sweetwater – the Queen of Heaven
and earth
This is St. Peter's Basilica – and that is the Queen of
Heaven and Earth her chair, no man is allowed to sit in the chair and those
that did died, look at your Pope, his chair, and see how insignificant his
chair is – ISIS chair is suspended in mid-air when she is not on earth and the
day is coming when that chair will be lowered
That Mothership is going to land and its going to land on
the Emerald River in Colorado – and right now Wyoming is on fire and this
blocks out the SKA – we also had a huge anomaly that was on the graphics sum
months back and this object, black mass was kicking up the ocean
FEMA also stands for FEMALE – we will relearn Autonomy
The enemy is within but they didn’t build this creation
so they cannot destroy it – they know what is going on and all they are doing
is controlling the narrative and whatever it takes to stay in power because when
they go down, they go down
KUNDALINI [SERPENT] power – there is positive and
negative charges from the KUNDALINI as it moves through the CHAKRA [SHANKH] and
around the spine [STAFF][WAAS] to the head where ‘conscious’ perception occurs
The SA symbol means protection and is the symbol for the
Doulas [siStars] Graces [Medusa] Medu Netu] – whose role was to aid those
giving birth – spiral is coming down from one dimension into another – you come
down here in a loop – Tehuti said that everything is cycles within cycles –
which is represented in the centre with the top being the uterus and the bottom
being legs of the nu born baby – she is telling you that she is bringing in
life from one dimension into another, she is meeting him at the gate – all in
this one symbol and there is more data than that about this one symbol – once
you understand the SA symbol in the community that changes everything because
that symbol ends up becoming the Caduceus which rhymes with Medusa who are the
birthing priestesses – the Caduceus is the modern day medical symbol, wrapped
around the Staff [Al Wass] which is the male virility or the phallus and the
serpent wrapping around the [Al Waas] is man receiving his offspring from
another dimension through the uterus aka procreation and reproduction
Nope, if you do not have ETHER [MELANIN] KAANU, then you
do not have DUST [ASH] which makes STARDUST
This is an ALCHEMY process [AL] CHEM [KHEM] Y = KHEMET
means ‘ETHER’ MELANIN [KAANU] aka BLACK without it you have no protection or
can reach enlightenment
MELANIN is a superconductor, a semiconductor, MELANIN
takes in information ‘light’ and interprets the information 'light' and independently puts out its interpretation
In their Bible it says, they hid among the Stars aka
9ethers, they hid among black people when they got here, only those with ETHER
have starlight aka 6ether [7ether] 8ether and 9ether
HELIUM = SOULAR system has a central SUN [SOULAR PLEXUS] of
HELIUM + HYDROGEN which would be the NUCLEU [NUCLEAR] of the ATOM [ATUM]
HELIUM [ATOM] from ‘I’ Hydrogen to ‘WE’ or ‘US’ HELIUM
aka the final product of these [2] stages became the HELIUM [ATOM] or ATUM a
composite of beings into ‘ONE’ ATEN and its heavenly host or the NETERU [NTR]
NETERAAT – this process changed Hydrogen to HELIUM and Crystallization of the
HELIUM took place, thus forming a solid substance in which the Atoms are
arranged in a definite pattern – the un-sum of nothingness is – 1 ether
Creation of the COSMOS
The Dendera Light - The Creation of the Cosmos, in the
form of an elongated Lotus bulb
Life [Chi-force] springs from a lotus-flower, the Lotus
being the first object that floated on the primordial sea
From the flower also appears a snake [coil], which is
equated to the rising sun = electron energy
The HuMin form, standing behind the bulb and his KA [living essence] is kneeling beneath the bulb The cosmos-bulb with its
sun-snake is supported by a Djed pillar with arms, a symbol of stability
The Lotus Flower gives forth the Sun of a New Day -
From this demonstration, one can see that there is a
figure behind the Lotus Bulb (Cosmos, Universe) and that figure is
responsible for all the perfection we see calculated and placed in balance here
in the universe, that person they would call 'God' could that figure be God himself
Notice that it is a He and
she behind the bulb, who is that 'Creator God'
The NTR Ra in his form of Divine Child inside the Sun
emerging from the Lotus Flow-er
HERU [HARU] HORUS – finger on lip is a representation of
consciousness aka ETHER [MELANIN] KAANU at its most potent
The silver MaStars or golden MaStar – the original
MaStars, they would sit in the Lotus position and be 4ft off the ground – these
are the secrets that they hide from the masses
HARU translates ‘Mountainous, far away’
ASARU translates ‘He who is seen, The eye’
HORUS is the 6ether Greek name
9ether DNA
LAHAMU [VENUS] Orbit around that planet KI [EARTH]
Formed by the nesting of 3 tetrahedral which creates a
12-pointed star
This creates amplification, the modulations it emits set
in motion the energies of the electric grid [field] that surrounds us - Your MEKABA [MER - KAA - BAA] is the light-body and is
activating, many of you are already online - the Dodecahedron Star [Sirius] this is what Sirius looks like
with her seven-siSter(s) around her in TEHUTI [Thoth] hand
And the word 'sound' was with 'God'
Water [MOYA] is liquid crystal which is what space is made of - its a currenSea [see] sea
[Starsea] Star Sea [See] Seed
All showing you the same thing, naturally
SOULAR [SOLAR] panels are made from COAL [SOUL] + QUARTZ and means in 2024 we are still a type [1] civilisation - even though the blueprints, cities with natural electricity was never used, because man did it his way, NTR disapproves and they will use hailstones to smash your harmful electricity
Queen of Heaven and Earth - ISIS [ASET] is here with her siStars - she will have the final say
This SOULAR system houses a planet KI [EARTH] TIAMAT that can support complex life and is one of a few planets in the entire COSMOS that can
FRANCE - check the SKA backdrop
Portal wide open
Who up there
Crafts [mother ships] are riding the clouds
The hologram is going to go out
We do not have the same SUN or MOON in the four corners of this planet
ABZU [South Africa] double bubble
BOOMBABY - all that space debris are souls
Multiple strikes [CME] which will be impacting - sum thing came in from left to right and up or vice versa
Communications Satellite + specific orbits
META also means beyond
Peaking around 70hz + 66hz + 62hz and 58hz
500hz into 100hz and 900hz+
200hz and 500hz - see the pattern, signals, pulses in the Schuman which is converting back to original settings aka single masculine and single female instead of double masculine
Old settings 7hz [14hz] and 20hz] you can see we are well above those numbers and for those only built or have the capacity for 7hz are crashing
Kp8 - Kp9 - another mother
See the bottom graph, we hit Kp9 - the SUN was blasting out today
RED - HER + MAAT combined = FEMI9
Detoxifying waves, cleansing, mutating waves that are changing you from the inside out
CME impacting
The SKA has fallen
5G already did this - 6G is only sum thing like 4-5 years away,
you are being converted to an artificial antenna - 66% increase since 2019 that means in four years 66% of young people - this figure includes footballers, athletes, does this include clones, IVF [IUI]+ those who took the Jabba the Hutt and accelerators [boosters] are these just based on 6ethers
Shutting down while the weather system is on its way, WDW in FL is Pedo paradise city and we should be seeing this trend continue -
Is HURRICANE season man made or are these Supercells, weather systems crafts - the word weather comes from w-eather [eather] aether] ether and many of these weather systems are crafts, 9ethers control the weather and to do that you need ether, many of these crafts are manned by females
The word HURRICANE are two words welded together HERU + CAINE
Is man using his machines to amplify the charges in the weather systems or are these weather systems coming from source, either way, they both want to destroy you
The UK is next, all these weather systems follow the slavery route
Chernobyl was a HAARP facility that blew up
Sum is HAARP and sum systems are coming from crafts - many people always offer up prayers, my question is who are you praying to and isn't it the same person that is doing this that you are praying to
Millions evacuate and are now stuck on the long bridge right in the middle of the hurricane with waters over flooding both sides of the bridge - you best have your guns with the safety off because sh9t is going down
KAT6 - You'll need to do more than just shut down Pedos Paradise with more systems out there - FL will not be the same again, these are life taking weather systems
FL [USA] just before touch down - PLASMA [UV] HAZE [RAIN]
Biden is still flaky, don't they have another clone, he is slurring his words+
That man is dead, his brain - motor skills, wtf
He is lying about everything, to have him in place means they are holding on for sum thing, sum thing that will mean it won't matter, because clearly this 90 year old man is failing - Harris is not cutting it
What is going on out there
Northern Light that are not just in the North - how are we seeing Northern lights at this time of year and in these locations and more often than none
IRELAN [IRULAN] + USA + UK + SS-witzerland
Once we see this in the [4] corners of the planet it will be show time - match these colours 'energies' with your CHAKRA system - this is not sum fancy light show, amazing and god is great or nature is great, these are detoxifiers and means if you do not have a Chakra systems or Ether to process these radiations aka energies you will be deleted, your molecular structure is being changed from the inside out
See that cube like shape in the clouds, normally its a sphere but this looks cubed, there is a a cloaked crafts sitting there and you can see where the cloud, air is accumulating which is coming from the electromagnetic turbine underneath - the Russian pulled this X-winged fighter from Antarctica - Star Wars already happened
Star Trek already happened
The footages are not always great quality but we know they are there
Amazon is dying up in places
Wakey-wakey ABZU [South Africa]
When NTR hates you with a passion
Pay attention - Tesla cars are controlled by satellites, that guy talking about cash is from the 3D world which we have already split from, he is from an old program and hence why he doesn't get it, because he is not meant to btw he also has blue eyes so he is unable to think above 7hz - Klaus is old and that is my pet hate at the moment, the amount of old people getting in the way - Green energy, we are still a type 1 civilisation, still using coal - that eye is part of Skynet - that Titanic was about the people in it and the condition of the vessel made it easy - that Butterfly with Katy yes agreed they are flaunting but you must keep in mind that they are being dismantled and what she is doing is trying to stabilize their kind, MK-Ultra is very real but so is the change, we are very much awake to what is going on, more so than say a decade [2012] 2021 ago - that woman said it was the Iranians and Persians, which is in Babylon that control the world for the last 5,000 years - dig deeper - Pine Gap!! that makes sense now in Australia and with the track I come from the land of down under by Men at Work with the Reptilians being there and outside of Greece [Gecko] they have a huge number in Australia, no wonder they have crafts sitting over there and at TARNAKI [new Zealand] and that thing about the Central Bank and them accepting another member and that being Saudi Arabia makes sense with their revolution money advert posted seen in the UK - the Oil must be switched off and that clip after he set up the XBOX and that shadow entity, what that to do with the XBOX or what
We have seen all the clips up until the last two, the loud explosion and the man sleeping and the woman arguing in the clip straight after
These uploads are important, try and watch these uploads using your own mind on what you see - a couple look suspect and made up, a lot of blurring and stills rather than footages
Watch and learn
Looking good on paper
DRE - Babylonian Sex Magic
Tranny with no fanny
Is this their way of telling us he was a cross-dresser - King James was also inverted, his partner was a tranny, in fact the whole royal lineage is inverted
He can move - that homo sh9t with children present isn't a good look
Watch this, this made me laugh out loud
Cheesy chips and a pint in LEEDS [UK] guess how much
You will eat bugs and own nothing [what is Spam] dog food
A day is coming whereby MacDonald's will be Mitchell 5star food
Check you out with your bad self
The owner says, Bonnie [Cat] knows when he is coming home
This guy is good, the older lady said where is the sound system!!
#Special - check the kids faces
#Special - he is really good
Big up Helium
Nothing in life is guaranteed
Agamemnon [AgaMEMNON]
Memnon the Ethiopian [NTR]
King [Negus]
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen]
Melanin [Memon]
Armageddon [Ar-Ma-gedden]
Har-Ma [Har][Harma] = Karma [its in the pronunciation]
Arma-geddon [Gideon]
Armageddon means the
Memnon [Mycenaean]
Ki-ng Aga-Memnon [Armageddon]
When Helen [Atheer], the wife of
Menelaus, was taken to Troy by Paris [PAR-ISIS], Minoan King Agamemnon commanded his
united armed forces to ignite the Trojan War
Greece is a part of
Mesopotamia [SUMER]
Carthaginians is
Haddan becomes Hadrian
Hadrian(s) Wall is Picts
Wall in Scotland
Scotland is Scota [NTR]
Trajan is Trojan which
becomes ill aka war breaks out
Etrusia [Etruscans] was
later on called Troy [Troy]
Etrusia is E-Tru-sia then
you get the word Tro-y and Titanium [Tiranium] was the name of these particular
people [Titan] Etrustians
Sparta [Sparta] Spartar]
Hannibal [Hannib’El] Braca
Bust of a 9ether Man; part of top and back of Head
Roman, Imperial period
Bronze, 8.6cm. London, collection of Herbert James Powell
Source: Black figure vase with the department of Memnon
And these 9ethers Romans where in Britain [UK] LONDON [LION + DUN] DON [DUN] means 'black'
IRON slab weighing 60 tons just sitting there, they say
estimated 80,000 years ago to have fell to this planet and that it left no
impact crater, 60 tons fell from the SKA and left no impact crater – which to
me means it was either carried there or placed there
IRON plays a huge role in essential nutrients for the plant kingdoms, functioning electrons play roles in electron transport chains of Photosynthesis and Respiration [Oxygen]
NAMIBIA does have a fossilized forest and they also have the Baobab tree and plants - they had mountains that were trees
SHIVA is 9ether and has locks and BANTU [BUNTU] earlobes, stop lying with second image, that are not his ears or earrings
Detroit, Michigan [USA]
Then & Now - what happened and who built these buildings and who torn them down and why
And right image is from PARIS [PARISIS] they say these were only temporary buildings - stop lying
UTAH aka PTAH [USA] huge hands, not human size
Ancient aerial - Granite holds frequencies - it holds sound
Muslims only invented torture to women, child marriages+ the 6ethers Greeks only got back their history from the 6ether Arabs who had come into KHMT after the Greeks, wrote what the Greeks had translated and smashed everything up - who taught the 6ether Romans and Greeks - you did not construct first flying machine [VIMANA]
That is Mohammed Salah standing in front of RAMESES who you can see with the image underneath is is 9ether and not 6ether Muslim Arab
Records left in stone, we do not worship stones
Afer [Afar] A’aferti [Aaferti] Aa-fir-tee translates ‘the
Perahu [Pharaoh] translates ‘King’
Neb translates ‘Lord’
[NAGA] Negus translates ‘King’
ALI [Aa-Lee] translates ‘Most High Exalted’
ALLAH [Al-LAAH] ‘the source’
ALLAHUMMA translates ‘the source and them’
ALLAH the name is based around [ALULA] which is ANUs twin
[ALLET] ALLOT [ALLAT] she is the 'Source'
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