Friday 18 October 2024

Mixed Bag


ALASKA - Check the EYE of the RA [RE] SUN 

Not Auroras - two different light sources 

When we have incoming know that even if its one object and they split or they say broke apart, they are pods, this is a craft camouflaged and they separate upon entry - carrying personnel, logistics, tech+  

Northern Lights painted the Alps pink with its reflection
Pink and Red deletes 

The images are flipped, don't you think the SKA has fallen - low how low the SKA is 

No more normal storms, that to me is plasma strikes from crafts or crafts, when the USA was warned not to move a Vimana that had been stuck in sum type portal and they did, the base in Afghanistan was plasma blasted for hours, the locals filmed the USA bases, we saw the footages - no sure were this was filmed in the USA but there may be underground bases there or is above ground or sum thing that is getting blasted - even sum sort of sonar, plasma pulse and the sound - where does the sound come from, the US military can see the on radar

RED is in the air 

USA - check the colours 

SPAIN gets hit 

 This is the heat signature from a volcano in Ethiopia that is about ready to let loose 
Many will perish when that goes off

Parts of the USA and Europe will be plunged into the cold - but the heat is here 

USA [DAKOTA] blizzard of 1966 [1066] 
Why did they have snow and they didn't before, climate change today, but what was it called back then

Last 48hr into 72hrs we have seen the SUN discharging, data missing from the NASA [NOAA] sites meaning they didn't want us to see how many or the ferocity of these strikes [CMEs] and right images, sum thing came through but check the ends just behind what they say is the camera lens handle but they seem to be serrated at the ends and what is in the middle that is blocked out by the handle 

Near enough every 45min there is a pulse [pattern] signal 

There are more earthquakes, the planet is always rumbling 

Check primary colours 'energies' - Green + Blue make Turquoise 
check the heart shape - double CME impact - the planet is getting hit  

The SOULAR [SOLAR] system has changed and NASA [NOAA] do not want you to know about these changes 

Pluto's atmosphere has recently collapsed - Neptune's storms have suddenly begun rotating backwards - Uranus' polar regions have been visibly flaring
Jupiter has recently experienced a 700 degree temperature impulse originating from its northern pole, and its great red spot is fading - Mars is suddenly displaying seismic activity
This planet polar regions have warmed drastically recently, the amount of volcanic activity we are seeing is at an all-time high
Venus's planetary winds have increased their velocity by 33% in the last 20 years

It goes on from there, recently observed
large-scale changes in the ice cover on Jupiter’s moon Europa, large-scale changes in the polar ice cap on Mars, a large-scale decrease in atmospheric pressure on Venus, a mysterious brightening of the atmosphere of Saturn, a mysterious darkening of the atmosphere of Venus, unusual changes in the temperature and pressure of the atmosphere of Neptune, a brightening of the atmosphere of Jupiter, a mysterious dark spot near the South Pole of Venus

Here on earth, the planets own magnetosphere is rapidly losing her strength as the planets magnetic poles continue to move away from their usual positions, wreaking havoc on animal migrations and bird navigations+ - see all the beached whales over the last couple years which is also linked to military using sonar blasting them out of the water 

Things have gotten to the point where they are now updating our magnetic models yearly, and soon there will be zones of flux broken bad enough to cause real danger to flying due to constant magnetic reconnection [planes dropping out of the SKA] 

The aurorae are reaching record levels of intensity, with aurorae colorations indicating very high energy intensities being observed, the fundamental electromagnetic nature of this planet is changing rapidly
Electromagnetism is responsible for a variety of effects on living creatures, most especially cardiac and pulmonary health in humans [EM] 

Volcanic activity on this planet is currently at a record, with more and more volcanoes showing concerning lift, erupting, or showing increases in lava flow, every single active volcano along the pacific rim is showing increased activity
Given only one of two data points, it would be easy to discount the events as isolated and unrelated outliers with no significance

Taken together, however, the total body of evidence becomes impossible to ignore, and, once the presumption is made that this information is known by our leaders, pretty much explains the motivations for their actions – climate change did not just start a decade ago, climate change amped up when NIBIRU was reintroduced back in 2012 [2021] 

NASA [NOAA] are watching Mars like a hawk, because once Mars loses their magnetic field and goes zer0 we are next – gravitation vs levitation – the SOULAR system has changed and so to the galaxy for we are in reSet and this also means all the planets [energy discs] 

 NIBIRU changed this SOULAR system way back when and is changing this SOULAR system once again 

The sun is electrical and NIBIRU is magnetic - Cube NI.BIRU magnetic (neutron star) and Earth [Tiamat] [Ki] (sphere of water) meaning the genetic compatibility between the two is assured

The SUN and KI – they are talking, when we just assume they are two rocks, one is on fire [plasma] and one is on water but they are sentinels, because in our raw form as etheric beings we are pure SOUL-AR wind, light, we emit the same kind of light that the SUN does in our true form, sol [sal] aka SUN and you have a SOULAR PLEXUS – soul2soul – we are what is called a step-down capacitor Mitochondria [MtDNA] energy source that allows a whole Neutron Star to function in a HuMin body – all it is, is not to spontaneously combust

Wakey wakey


How to locate your BAA 

On the walls in Lalibela [Ethiopia] NTH gate it says, ‘know thyself’ and the priests would say, say those words to yourself – many people walk pass these walls and read the text that says, ‘know thyself’ and that is it, whereas you were to say these words to yourself, your mouth didn’t move to speak these words, but you heard the words, you said ‘know thyself’ so whose voice was that, who said ‘know thyself’ this is now you finding your BAA [SOUL]

When you said ‘know thyself’ to yourself – you found yourself because the self [cell] that spoke was not your mouth – your voice did not speak, yet you spoke [try it, say ‘know thyself to yourself] you heard yourself speaking – how can you hear yourself speaking but your mouth didn’t utter any words but you heard those words

If you close your eyes, you can see your future and your past – what is the vision that sees your path – imagination [Magi] which is the Western term for BAA [SOUL] the word I-magi-nation – your image nation – the Greeks called your BAA [SOUL] ‘black’ Magic [Magi] - when you imagine you are projecting yourself – another word for imagination is consciousness – also inner person, inner light and again the soul

Your huMin [human] eyes do not see your past, yet you see your past, these two eyes do not see your future, yet you see a future – imagine this, you see your future – these two eyes are not seeing that, you can speak without the mouth speaking, you can hear without the ears – we are locating the BAA – we are locating the first you, the you that projects the other you – physical you – you are not your body, two arms, legs, head, torso+ that is not you – you are that voice inside and your physical is the projection of you – your BAA is beyond the body [physical] – its an idea – you are the projection and what people see of you is what you want them to see of you – but the real [reel] you is that voice [try it, say ‘know thyself to yourself – that is the real you] that voice is that sight, is that hearing that doesn’t need the psychical body to exist

Those priest telling us to say ‘know thyself’ to yourself and you did and walked away feeling perplexed until you get it and it means know thy cell, not the body, what is that cell, you exist without the body – the huMin [human] body is not necessary for you to exist – those priest were letting you know there is no death [spoon] because if you can, speak, hear, see now without the body – when the body expires, you will still be speaking, seeing and hearing

When you EMbrace the power of your plural you will self [cell]-realize your soul [magnetic] is eternal and spirit [electric] is infinite

Con means to deceive and Scios means 'awareness' and Ness is to make their word Consciousness, the word is MAGI [MAGU] 

Other voices, sum of you are being remotely accessed, sum of you opened a portal, sum of you said the devil made me do it, that devil is still you - the only voice you should only be hearing is your own, unless you are not alone 

That is you in the middle [you are not here] and on the left is HERU and on the right is SET - which are your lower and higher self [cell] you must learn to balance your ego my hero [heru] 
This is your TRIAD - this is your pituitary gland + pineal [3rd] eye + hypothalamus - Trinity 

Universe - Uni means together and Verse means against

The shift from 3D to 5D consciousness, this transition marks a profound vibrational change on the firmament [OM], symbolizing our collective spiritual ascension, from the dense, physical world of the 3D, we are moving towards the enlightened, nonphysical realm of 5D

This journey involves shedding our egos [lower self] [cell] and embracing an elevated state of consciousness, — thinking about 

Firmament comes from the word Firm in English, or solid – so the heavens are firm and the water are firm according to scriptures – the HABIRU [HEBREW] NIBIRU use the word RAWQEEAH meaning extended surface or solid – so the atmosphere over the planet earth was composed of a firm heaven, firm waters and void of atmosphere and light

Atmosphere [Mosque] Mosquito
Dome [Firmament] EMF [Ozone Layer] Van Alan Belt

Supercells, weather storms+ all come back to motherships, check the purple from the SUN that they use to charge up their ships and disrepute plasma called lightening, you can see the motherships but there are other crafts in there and faces in places 

A military drone took this image 

Huge crafts [SHAM] caught on the camera 

Huge Mothership in Argentina - with snow, is Argentina in the South or the North  

Crafts sitting in the SKA 

Now with the top images and this upload you can see the two are similar 

Crafts in the SKA, the craft in the Israeli clip morphs and changes shape, the ANUNNAKI want their planet and their land, Israel does not belong to man or his machines - same with Ukraine - they are not fighting each other, they are fighting the SKA beings 

KANADA - many wrote this is Starlink, nope it is not - this craft the bottom star is red and the craft looks like it has a couple probes, scouts with it - all crafts are seen on radar 

There are no crafts [UFOs] in the SKA that are not from the Galactic Federation with its members, allies and alliance, there are war planets up there [cloaked] the lead are the ANUNNAKI [RIZQ] who have returned for this planet and their offspring - 

Ashtar Command are grounded [Himalayas] and have their fleets on earth that will have to break for it, hence why we have different crafts up there, space platforms and craft carriers - they are over bases both above ground and below, they are over nuclear sites, plants, facilities, they are over anything to do with the military, they are over gentile [reptile] states+ assembled with NIBIRU from 2012 [2021] they are not here to fight the HuMins [HuMans] battles but are here for the protection of this planet for man has nukes and his machines - Ashtar are a group made up of defectors, they have no planet, only their ship 

Sum of these crafts are being manned remotely and sum are manned by siStars 

Atlantis the ship, more information is now coming out that it didn’t sink, the ship took off, so if Atlantis didn’t sink, was it the island of MU [LAH.MU] that sunk which is a part of Atlantis [ATLANTA]

AT-LAN-TIS [ATLAS] ATZLAN [South America] – the Mother Plane is half a mile by half a mile square and that it was constructed on an island off of JAPAN [IPAN] IP and they are saying that it took flight in 1929 – today we are left with the so-called Aliens are homegrown and this word Extra-terrestrial is now replaced with the term Ultra-terrestrial and now the two have merged for what was being taught from ancient text onwards [1930s] is now truth

Information is out there the real gatekeepers are the produces of shows, documentaries, movies, you can name all those who we see in the media, its not them, it’s the people behind these people providing the logistics, see with people like Steven Spielberg or Alan Wilcox+ they are not the knowledge, they are the intermediates – what happens is they start to realise there is another agenda  

Whether Atlantis was a land or people or a ship or maybe a thought process, a through stream, because think of the MER [pyramids] what would you rather have, the pyramids or the mind it took to create them – if you had the mind to create the pyramids you could make a better pyramid – the return of Atlantis is the return of the mindset of the people that created Atlantis 

The world is over, but not the planet, she will always be here, while man bombs, kills his way around the planet and changes names, places+ the planets history is what we will die for, not for man 

Thailand - its what is going on behind the plane that is interesting


Different worlds are colliding - what you 'know' and what you 'believe' 

1924, check the human on the island of Hawaii [Maui] and how he is dwarfed by the thick vegetation, why are the leaves the size of tree canopies 

Giants causeway in Ireland, they said we used to live in trees and this stone door is a former tree- from Ireland to Afghanistan to South America they have been seen 


The real name of modern-day Haiti is Ayiti – and this is Taina Warrior Chief of Xaragua and Queen Anacaona from Hispaniola [Haiti] what the Spanish did to her I would have to grit the back of my teeth and what they did to Ayiti – their KAA [spirit] is in the resistance - which is here now 

"AMER'ICAN, n. - A native of America; originally applied to the Aboriginals, or copper-coloured races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America."
-1828 Webster Dictionary

Q'Oriankja on the top right are Mongolians mixes with Philippines and Eskimos that were brought over to mix out the original bloodlines which are 9ether - you are white Asian aka Caucasian - whereas the 'ICAN [INCA] below and top left were already in TA-MERI-KA 

Check their headdress and they are all rocking the SHU [FEATHER] FEZZA] = MAAT 

Before and after, rebuilt and restoration, found and founded 

Feline features are characteristic of Lyrans, including noses and eyes that resemble cats, lions, tigers, and leopards - Sirians may also have bird-like features [AVIAN] such as falcons, hawks, and owls, while some have human-like appearances with diverse skin and eye colors depending on their home world's position


The KAT beings are called LYRA = [LYNX] LYON [LION] LEON [LEO] the Sphinx [Lynx] is called EKUR and called Babylon which is Baby Lion in Indian text they call the Lioness KAUR [EKUR] and the Lion [SINGH] Barcelona [lona] is Lion, LONDON [LONDUN] is LION + DON and DON or DUN means 'black' we have the [3] Lions on their logo but Lions are not indigenous to the UK but 'black' 9ether are - anywhere you see Lona or Leona comes back to the Lions, our blood runs through them hence why they did the Barbary Lion like that - keep the movie the 'Black Panther' in mind and the 80s cartoon Thundercats

Why does the word Pussy be associated with the females Vagina - Jamaicans be like, I'm getting sum pussy tonight - that guy is a pussyhole 

The CAT [KAT] is called Sekhmet [KHMT] - her Yoruba name is OYA and her other name is NYABINGHI and her siStar is called BAST [BAS] Sekhmet house [HETU] comes under the HETU of SOBEK [Reptile] because the KAT [LYRA] and Reptile are cousins and ancestors of the huMins - they both hiss, slit eyes and have a 3rd eye+ aka the CAT and Reptile are related, blood brothers 

When you break down the word ANUNNAKI, the first word AN refers to SKA and also Sirius, ANU refers to ANU [Heavenly Father] 
Overall, it would translate to - Beings from Sirius [Heaven] come to earth or Beings from NIBIRU come to earth - the Alkebulan root race is directly from NIBIRU which is located in Sirius
The word Heaven comes from the word Haven and if we were to look for Heaven we would look to Sirius - the Reptilian is ENLILs other family and not ENKI 

Esau - all the inverts are being deleted from this planet 
UV [GAMMA] XRAY deletes anything artificial to this planet 

WARIT [KARNAK] in WA-SET [LUXOR] complex before and after excavation
'excavation' - when did this word first appear in the English language

Ex-cave-a-tion - the word excavation comes from the Latin word excavātiōn, which is a combination of excavāre and the suffix -tiōn-: Excavāre: means "to hollow out" or "to excavate" -tiōn- A suffix that indicates verbal action

The word excavation was first used around 1611
The word excavate was first used in 1599

The word excavation has multiple meanings, including: a hole or cavity created by excavating, the act of excavating, an area where excavating is taking place or has already taken place

The 6ethers have told so many stories and made up everything, twisted it around and covered it over – this ‘mud flood’ didn’t happened way back like they told us and there is at least 1000 years or 900 years of added history that doesn’t exists 

Found in 1699 and rebuilt in the 1800s - the floating palace 

This prehistoric [pre western history] site in Africa is found in Senegambia and has 1053 [9] stone circles and 28,931 monoliths – the root of all these ‘Stonehenge’s’ 

ASIA [ASIAN] there is no such thing as Asia miner or Asia major 

Genghis [Ghengis] Khan is head over the Mongols, Turks and Tartars
Before 2006 SERBIA was part of Yugoslavia and during 2003 into 2006 it was Serbia and MONTENEGRO [MON + NEGRO] who were the Mons and who was the Negros 

MUNTU [BUNTU] MONTU [MON.TU] - the MON [MUN] of Thailand
The first Thai kingdom was Sukothai in the central plains of Thailand, from which originated the modern Thai culture, which is a blend of Mongol = Mon 

2 old Manchester town halls, one in the USA and the other in the UK - either way they were both not built by the 6ether Europeans and both have a huge portion still under the ground  

TURKEY [TURKISH] KISH [KUSH] who the KUSH are from Ethiopia 

The reason the mountains don't match is because they are not mountains but leftover ancient structures 

Königsberg Castle

UK - No cars so where does all the dirt on the buildings come from - this is 1885

Check the high voltage lines, when did the USA get electric - check that Palace in San Francisco

Essen train station - PARIS [PAR-ISIS] - Sukharevsky market in Soviet Moscow 

How did they go on a destruction campaign, ww1 and ww2, I bet they used that has the front to bomb these places from the planet that they didn't build and would eventually get caught out on, they have been systemically deleting 'things' from our timeline - all the TANTRA [SHAKTI] records left in INDA [INDIA] NAAGLAN is still there only because they couldn't find it, India is a big place, same like Cambodia [ASIA] and ASIAN - stone records, every time they keep digging up this planet the more she reveals, those before us spent time making records out of stone so that we could use as a reference point - so we could think about things and does it make sense to you and if not, why not

HE-MAN master of the universe - check the symbol, used by the KHMT + NIBIRU 
One is fiction and the other is reality 

Check height of SARGON [NIMRUD] and the two beside him who are all 9ether and check the 6ether Muslim Arab - SUMER - look how they defaced the 9ethers - shame on you 


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Mixed Bag

PRIMORDIAL FIREBALL PRI-MOOR-DI-AL [PLAMSMA] SPHERE BALL [BAAL]  ALASKA - Check the EYE of the RA [RE] SUN  Not Auroras - two different ligh...