Saturday 5 October 2024

Intelligence versus Ignorance

The war between intelligence and ignorance – so intelligence versus ignorance – they are allowing ignorance to run rampant until sum one comes along and says that is enough of the dumb ass sh9t

So, we get to a point that if it is enough of doing things from a perspective of ignorance what do we have to do now to shift to intelligence – to give you the example they gave you sum thing called Artificial Intelligence which is 4. quantum encryption – however the HuMin intelligence is tied to your spiritual body which gives you 19. quantum encryption which across 19 dimensions, that is 19 x 19 to the 19th power and 19 is the sacred seal, Alpha means Omega [beginning meets the end]

We have many who accepted the religious dogmas that they gave you, without questioning it but as you start questioning it, more questions start to arise and you’ll get to a point where you are able to see right through it but for those who didn’t go through the process cannot see it – so now you have been separated by intelligence versus ignorance and that goes back to everything we did that is predicated on dividing conquer, they united the HuMans up by geography, skin complex, class, ranks, titles, systems, style+ all the different means of dividing us and we still have the ability after all of the devices of tactics used to still make us the worst – we still have the capacity to love each other and not care that other people don’t want you to love sum body – you may have a friend everybody dislikes and ask you why your with that friend, you’ll reply that that friend is good to me, but that friend is a piece of sh9t to them [others] that friend is supposed to be sh9t to others but good to you – that friend is a diAMONd in the rough to you, that friend is a rose to you – everyone isn’t supposed to all get along and this is one of the problems where people cannot take criticism – they think everyone is supposed to kiss everybody else’s as9 – in my Book of Life it does not say I must kiss everyone else’s as9 – lets go with the word ‘god’ do you think ‘god’ wants you to kiss his as9, why would ‘god’ give you those divine qualities of divinity that enables you to stand on your own two feet – this is also part of the discussion that Arjuna is having with Krishna [Hari] Hari [Heru] – he said EMbracing your spiritual PTAH [PATH] is going to put you in conflict with people you love and this means that its not that you don’t love them any less, it means that your spiritual development come first, no one wants to walk life and we would rather bypass the hard part, not knowing that EMbracing the hard part sets you up for the rest of the walk to be a PTAH of ease – but the hard part has to be addressed – out here many are avoiding the pain in pursuit of happiness

Dumb people are stuck to the right and others are so busy inflicting the pain that they don’t care about the happiness of others because they get their happiness from inflicting the pain and they are stuck to the left  

The goal is to walk straight [neutral] ‘that which is straight’ MAAT ‘balance’ that is all you have to do, you may have fu9ked up when you were younger, but that was before you ‘knew’ better and once you ‘know’ better you have to do better, you will only be punished for overriding logic and reason, I say punished but in reality you will lose sum life force, MAAT and NUN want us to make it – you are obligated to do better, you cannot do better than what you know and this is why it’s a world of knowledge [intelligence] versus [ignorance] – the wise versus the unwise

Many people are going to die because of ignorance

Once energy is created, it can never be destroyed 

Your soul never dies it recycles in the Universe
This same rule happens with the galaxies and the universes
They all die and are reborn through black and white holes [portals]
You are not exclusive
You follow the same pattern and laws

Emperor [Empire] Haile Selassie [I] of the NTH gate [Abyssinia] Ethiopia used a 3-pointed-star [two triangles] and was known has the Trinity Star

Ethiopia is also known has Lalibela [Lilith] and her mother Ishtar [Inanna]

This symbolised the Holy Trinity [w-holy-Trinity] and is the name for the Emperor - that is what the Baptismal and regal name Haile Selassie means – PoWRA of the Trinity hence the word EMperor [EMpress]

The correct w-holy spirit is the holy trinity- nothing can take place officially until the nu energy is reintroduced, reinstated and the w-holy elect can only speak on behalf of [God] aka the Most-High, which would be Haile Selassie who was the elect- only the Most-High can this person speak for using the ELect [electron] the wHoly trinity, which are

[1] Statesman [Stateswoman] [2] Lawgiver [3] Priest [Priestess]

See her hands, that is Alpha and Omega, the Universe is OM-ega [FEMI9] 

See the A and O and right image is the di-Amon-d portal 

HAHA - that is how your break down barriers - their reactions - the guy in the middle with the dreads, BabyHundo loses his mind and so did I when I first heard Tommy - 
Music is the 'Untied Colours' of Benetton
When music hits you, you feel no pain - Robert Nesta Marley 

CON + TROLL [Con means to deceive and Troll is sum one who is stalking you, watching you+]

Shuttle, glorified plane, only been to the lower orbit of this planet called deep SKA, it is forbidden to leave this dimension - see that 'black' that is MELANIN [ETHER] KAANU - without it they couldn't come back into this quarantine zone 

 He said how do you rebuild from this, your not meant to, if you check it, we are on a countdown and say with FL this has been for the last 10 years, FL has been hit multiple times over the years with billions in damages, this is systematic dismantlement 

What was in the chemicals 

He said predictive programming - yep, you got that right - they are getting you ready subconsciously 

Hmm, what is it - he is right, there will be a lot of revealing 

You must watch these uploads for they give you insight 

HAARP is still in the mix, there isn't just one machine and they are also using DEW+ 

CME lighting up the EMF 

Last 72hrs 
Red + Blue + Yellow makes Turquoise - Blue and Green are life force energies, Green [WAJI] is life force + healing energies 

Red is also the symbol 'energy' of the FEMI9 principle - HERU + MAAT combined energy 


Old resonating frequencies [3] we are way above 7hz which the new resonating frequencies are way higher making those whose capacity is 7hz go offline and those whose capacity is higher than 7hz go online 

We are in an enclosed environment called a DOME 
HEMISPHERE in LATIN HEMI means HALF and the word SPHERE aka HALF a SPHERE is called DOME and also called the FIRMAMENT [VAN ALAN BELT] OZONE LAYER [EMF]  

Match the 'colours' [energies] with the graphics, you will go further 

They are getting you ready subconsciously 

[3] tones hitting the planet 

[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves 
[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

Which are 

[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultraviolet light – black light – purple light
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma ray light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray [the hidden one] 

U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of 'black light' coming from cosmic rays that come from outside of this soular-system

The [3] black-lights are called [1] U.V. RAYS [2] GAMMA RAYS [3] X RAYs

3.10.24 - see where it says KP7 means we are 2 away from X9 and would be a very powerful generated phone call - many are saying the X9 was released 

X-CLASS released M9 and looks earth facing - the X stands for X-RAY 
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray [the hidden one] Re or Ra stands for Ray

Dark energy is IMANA and is source, this 'hidden one' aka hidden energy is called IMN [AMEN] aka IMANA - the mother of electricity, light + sun, the 'hidden' magic [magi] magu 

So the next 48hrs into 72hrs this will hit - the SUN is pissed and wonder why - this is coming after Israel, Iran and Palestine get trigger happy, man cannot have the land he is fighting for, these lands belong to advanced beings, Lebanon has a no fly zone over Lebanon and NATO guarding a specific site with a giant who is trapped underground for these areas are where the ANUNNAKI elite assembled on KI when they visited - when John Kerry went to sign the peace process the SUN had one in the chamber and his finger on the trigger, Kerry went twice to sign and each time the SUN faced this planet ready to released, Kerry left it alone and here we are today, again he had one in the chamber and his finger on the trigger and he pulled the trigger and it is on the way, right after you bombed each other

The last M9 was in 2019 and we had an M8 a month back - the CROWN will be lit for many, many will go offline, start acting out, aggression, anger, sadness, depression+ my laptop shut down and there was a lot of blackouts, radio, internet issues - with more on the way, without protection you will receive high levels of radiation, 3D technology will fail - you will feel offkey and many around you will feel the same, if your good to go, stay in that field  

They have these vehicles on LAHMU [MARS] - you are going to repeat history if you fail to realize that you are repeating it, Tesla is recalling more than 27,000 #Cybertrucks because the rear-view camera image may not activate immediately after shifting into reverse - let me guess, it is a software update, we have had a lot of plasma discharging, these vehicles are also controlled by satellites 

Take note that NIBIRU is the MaStar key and along with RA can shut this dimension down - man and his machines are limited and she NTR is going to show you, we have had M8 a month or less ago and we have an M9 incoming, we are on borrowed time aka 'light' 

Eclipse - I was really tired today and slept longer than usual but had mad downloads, dreams, during last night and I also had head sweats - crown working overtime 

Dark energy is IMANA and is source, this 'hidden one' aka hidden energy is called IMN [AMEN] aka IMANA - the mother of electricity, light + sun, the 'hidden' magic [magi] magu 

Is that two planets or star-ships opposite one another, the lower left planet is only in one frame 

Crafts are everywhere were sh9t is going down, we are being supervised 

Crafts are in the SKA, we are not dealing with 6ether words 
 Jacob is not his name and this is not Ya'quwb and nothing to do with the Bible but is the Polaris Star but is true that heads will roll 

[X] is the symbol for NIBIRU and used by its members 

The Di-Amon-d in the SKA 
[BENNU] in the middle 

Imagine waking up and that was the SKA 

What is coming from the horizon 

Double bubble 

I was watching this and saw that mountain in the background and there are no clouds in the SKA but just that one exactly over the mouth of the mountain

Same documentary, check the hue around and how is comes down around the SUN and all the colours, I can see nearly all the colours of the light spectrum and check the shape of the SUN, check the 'snake ribs [Kundalini] Serpentine around the Star, around the SUN 
Seshet [Sophia] is Djehuti [Thoth] counterpart 

They filmed in Kenya and Uganda, we clearly do not have the same SUN in the four corners of the planet

Faces in high places 

We are already 10 years into the Apocalypse 


SS-witzerland goes under - NTR coming in 

90 year old great granddad talks about he is back and Israel and nothing else, all these old people still hanging on - they are more happy the clone is functioning again rather any interest in North Carolina

$750 and the pat on the back and off you go 

Set up in 1979 and in 2024 they are broke and this means you are on your own 
FEMA became a part of Homeland in 2003 

Your government is not coming for you, looting in North Carolina, not for clothes+ but for water and food - you cannot eat or drink or heat money, they are going through what everyone else has done for decades - those who reside in the Mountains in North Carolina are 6ethers, you think Helene was a weather system, that craft was sent to start to destroy your communities - last time when there was a great depression, they sold their children, they will also be eating one another - they are going to have to use their brain and think [consciousness] and many can only function via instructions - you are being forced out, eviction orders - they are going to have to work together, with those they hate+ 

When the European Americans invaded USA they fed 9ethers babies to Crocodiles, live babies 

Charles Alfred McKenzie said that a 3 day old [not 3 years] 3 day old baby could experience an organism, who do you think this c99t was experimenting on - not just his own children but 9ethers children - those in the USA are going to suffer, you may not be like others but you will be grouped together, trapped and will have to come together, but once the power goes out we are going to see ADAM [beast] and ADAM [heaven] NTR said they will not live comfortable for the remainder on this planet, don't get me wrong, 9ethers have punishment themselves - cannibalism is already up and running - adapt or die - your government is going to fu9k you in the as9 without no Vaseline, now you know that has got to hurt 

In the UK all they are waiting for is the Capital to flood out [Square Mile] and they will abandon the ship - they have nothing in place because they will be fu9king off and leaving you to sort it out 

Either Japan or China does not matter, Japan had or have 50,000 US soldiers based there at one point and China owns the USA - brand new he said, what are they expecting in Arizona 

1979 - laboratory door - what was behind the door, aliens, ancient diseases+ keep in mind this door is not a Bank door, laboratory door for experiments 

You can see giants in the Frescoe, all are 9ether and the lady in red, she along with parts of this painting have been altered, look closely - what is that rectangular above them all - who are the priestesses+  
All them doors in Europe that are way too high for an average human made sense now 



Queen Victoria St - horses and carriages, check the buildings - this does not add up - these buildings were already here 

ITALY [VITAL] MIR [MER] in marble casting and we can see its part of the Castle
They like to call these ‘pyramids’ tombs indicating sum thing to do with burial and these are generators

Point being, there was a period before the 6ethers took over, these buildings were built by 9thers 

Germany [Berlin] take my breathe away 

Boston [USA] Paris [France] and KHMT and now in the USA museum 

This hand carved tree has stood for over 300 years in Aburi, Ghana and depicts proverbial people walking on top of each other to get to the top, but to me looks like they are helping everyone get to the top - Ganesh is from Ghana 

Are these beings female, what is that around their waist, these are images found in North Africa that they say are 16,000+ years old - your Jesus only comes 2,000 years ago 

Wolf found that lived 30,000+ years ago and was bigger than todays Wolf, this means your man Jesus or Mohammed didn't play no role in the animal kingdom, did NOAH get the Wolf on his wooden boat
Your book is only 2,000 years old - they say Jesus made the world which is being deleted but he did not make the planet and her kingdoms 

Sum one posted this and said, Fairy was found dead in Derbyshire UK] does this look like a Fairy, this is a winged being, probably the side kick for a Reptilian, Archon - be real will you, look at it 

That first clip of the Horse, whoa, remember the Horse is on the planets negative field and means the Horse is not in the heaven but is on the planets negative field, keep this mind when we see 'people' here and means they are not in heaven - what happened to the employer at the store at the end because she fainted - passed out - all dimension must merged into one - the guy who presents these uploads is using predictive programing, I can tell all the words that he is going to use - that MIR craft was real in the field - always watch the footages yourself and make up your own mind on what you see

Black is not a colour, it is the energy [essence] that all other energies [colours] come from, you cannot have light without dark, white is not a colour, its bright and bright holds all the [7] other colours [energies] - we are dealing in energy only 

GMO Apples hitting supermarkets in the UK that don't go brown aka they came from a lab

Man is fu9king with everything and he must be deleted 

Australia had the Capital called Sydney 1901 then 1913 Melbourne or 1927 to Canberra - the reason the 6ether European Australians had to change the Capital is because they had to move because the SUN was tearing them a new as9hole - the land became barren when Henry 8th started sending the Irish and English convicts over there and he only stopped when gold was found - the name Aboriginal only means A-B blood type and Origin backwards is Nigir aka Nigg9 and the O is Original blood type, they were captured and what, shipped has slaves and the rest murdered including women and children who were pushed off of cliffs and their protector the Tasmanians Tiger hunted to extinction - now look at the same image but the right side, Australia have their own ending - we don't hear anything from Australia about anything but they will be punished for all these Original people are connected to source and source is here - all good things must come to an end and many places are going into extinction mode for what they did, all energy borrowed must be returned to sender 'Creasy Bear' 

The clone took her - she is not here anymore - they are all involved - all 3 images are linked

That is SIA, little man, remember her 

 They are homo and all these 'women' have phallus, Chris Martin is homo - that girl in the boat was found dead and wrapped in plastic 
Sodom and Gomorrah

We must stop the rot 

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