Monday, 21 October 2024

Background Noise

You are in the middle, left is HERU and right is SETH aka your lower and higher self [CELL]

Back in the day, meditation had nothing to do with relaxation or breathing originally, these things were added later on – the original concept of mediation was for you to die every night

So that when your death actually came, you never died – die before you die, so that when you die, you don’t die – this is ancient knowledge, what it is saying is that, if I have an eye that can see without human eyes, ears that can hear without the ear – a mouth that can speak without speaking+ should you be more concerned about that soular[spiritual] person than you, the physical person [you]

My inner voice is more powerful because that is the immortal voice me, that inner voice does not go away when the outer voice stops – when the outer eyes stop seeing, the inner eyes continue to see – when the outer ears no longer continue to hear, the inner ear hears all

Check this study by Neurologist who have reached a point whereby Western science is stuck, people have reported people who were clinically brain dead, they were operating on these people and killed them – they died on the table – these people their brain died while they were being operated on – they were in a vegetable state, in a coma, the brain is dead, they revived and the person comes back and says, I saw everything that was going on, I remember everything that you were doing+ they have 1000s of these cases and the Neurologist don’t know what to do with this data because what they are saying is that, they thought memory [mem] membrane [brane] brain - was in the brain – but they said when the brain is dead people still re-mem-ber [RE-MEM- BAA] 

Memory is not in the brain [brane] its in the BAA [soul] 

Everyone has to go back and forth, right and left and up and down + time = three dimensions, which is your boy Einstein theory of relativity – that is all it is – this is how you escape the three dimensional space in reality – you can go in and out and not just right and left, back and forth, up and down – you can go in and out – the spirit is in and the soul is out – the spirit is always inward and the soul is always outward expression

You are not the flesh; you are the voice in it  


1987 release date - what a TUNE 

The top image is from the 70s into the 90s, look how big the chocolate bars are - everything looks big 

The difference between Bahamas chicken and USA chicken - the Bahama chicken is circled - check the difference and size 

Rare means uncooked, that is ELK in hi hands - you will never ever bee able to digest red meat 

One molecule away from plastic and shares 27 ingredients with paint - why would they do you like this 

Over 70,000+ editable plants

They had preprogramed the DNA of marijuana and artificial light modified marijuana for the longest but we have marijuana coming from Ethiopia, Gambia and South Africa aka Africa - check the clothes of the farmer and the laboratory assistant for a plant, manmade versus natural   

Ant face seen through a microscope 
Andromeda - insectoids

Weaving with Pandanus Leaves 


The year of the SNAKE aka the NAAGA [NAGA] - 2025 [9] year NINE - the 9ether beings 

The 9ether man, Neptune and Saturn, discipline and balance – your spiritual work needs to be done ASAP for we are in the spiritual time, reunification – the 9ether man is being given the tools for restructuring, stand in your power – the timelines are changing for the next year is Saturn – Saturn the 9 hearts – Crystallization – this is only for those doing the work, those who are not it will be the year of restrictions – it will not be a good year for those who are not doing the work

The 9ether man is feeling it, all year they have been in the news and now we know why, after November, Saturn goes direct – Saturn is telling you to do the inner work – after the retrograde Saturn will be coming in heavy  - I can see it – I know they can feel it, last week I felt heavy and felt the weight of many, the thing is you had your chance to make right, even now Saturn is letting you know, she is coming and you best fix up – the shadow work is in motion

You must do you shadow work or the planets will give you an assignment – anything you have underlining will surface

Each time you do anything that is in alignment esoterically, you are opening up portals within yourself [cell] that gives you more knowledge and inner-standing

Portal wide open - check the colours in the SKA 

What is that bright light on the left in both images 

THAILAND - are they still there - check that PLASMA [portal??] strike 
Purple SKA drop and white holds all [7] light spectrums 

The radiation of the Sun getting more intense enlightening, purifies the lu-cent presence, radiation is energies to the 9[8] ad [7] ethers – Melanin [AETHER] KAANU absorbs light, Melanin absorbs the sun rays which are codes that NIBIRU is magnifying, the SUN is being fuelled by Sirius 

Arizona [USA] 

So between the Chinese probe and NASA they released this image they say is showing the backside of the Moon - OK then, if you say so - no dome?? 

MOON not quite looking spherical - hologram sitting over the deathStar - which one for we have multiple MOONs up there or we do not have the same MOON in the four corners of this planet

SA.HU [Orion] is teeming with Nebula(s)

A Nebula, or Nebulae is a diffuse mass of interstellar dust or gas or both, visible as luminous patches or areas of darkness depending on the way the mass absorbs or reflects incident radiation
It comes from [Middle English] Nebule, cloud, mist, from Latin (Roman) Nebula

Sum bipolar Nebulae contain more than a sun’s worth of mass, and all of them are expanding at hypersonic speeds

Astronomers now see bipolar Nebulae as an imprint of violently colliding stellar winds

You must understand that all things are created for their specific functions, those of which you may not understand, forms, deformity, all play their parts in All

Events in the universe affect and interact with each other uni = together = to-gather and verse = against

In other words, there is no such things as an isolated incident that affects nothing outside of itsCellf

The three stars that appear about midway in the SAH [SAHU] constellation are coming from the neighbouring 19th soular system and not this soular system [18th]

The Sahu constellation is a StarGate a portal out of the 18th soular system where we reside, the hologram image is that of Asaru (Osiris) who is the Gatekeeper aka this is his holographic doorway, holographic universe

The only way out of this soular system is through Sahu and the Sun [multidimensional portal+ docking station] are both are heavily guarded, command ships, command fleets occupy the space in between

The western breakdown of what a Nebula is, is from Nu [Nun] which translates to the Abyss, the Deep, Nut translates Energy of Nu, her other name is Neit which translates to weave and is referring to holographic program, the fabric of the computer program 

The earth is like a magnet, she has a north pole and a magnetic south pole and NIBIRU is also a magnet, a stronger magnet, a bigger magnet with its own north and south poles 

Orion Belt is a Greek concept, this Star constellation is recorded SAH [SAHU] 

Remember, remember the 5th of November 

This came up on YT and was posted yesterday - this is their way of letting you know that NTR is coming to the UK - the USA engine house is Washington which is a separate state from the USA and is run by the UK - we watch this space 


This is Midnight Pass in Sarasota Florida
It was closed by man in 1983
It is open again and flowing

NTR will have the final say, she will always find the way 

Whoa - 100,000 dead it says or maybe he means missing, the list is 4,000 rows with multiple people [family members] so not sure where he is getting 100k from but if it is a 100k then take notice of how the US government is handling its people or not 

Ground water meets surface water with no where to go but up 

There is only One Direction [ritual] NTR is leading the charge - watch your heart strings out here

Who is she again in the SKA 

Kansas [USA] - the SKA has fallen 

Oscar and Nadine getting ready 

Northern lights not quite Northern

LONDON - what is that yellow glow, light - we've seen different colours like this and similar views 

Mellow Yellow 

EMF bends, buckles+

Check that out and the reflection in the water 

Match all 'colours' with the CHAKRA [SHANKH] system 

NASA [NOAA] cut the feed for hours+ 

Keep an eye on the SKA - they can only hide it for so long 

Mech [Mach] Machine [Mechanical] Olmec [Ulmec] Mec [Mac] Macintosh
Apple Mac [HQ] NYC DRACO negative - the disagreeable Draconian and Rizq opposed us, they hate the HuMins [HuMans]

The flicking switches can be ‘kill’ switches that are in cars [vehicles] planes+ via satellites which are controlled by A.I+ HAARP and DEW weapons for modifying the weather and brainwaves

There are positive and agreeable beings and there are negative and disagreeable beings here 

When he talks about Mt Helen, remember that Mt Helen collapsed in the 80s and many LARS [LARES] 'bigfoot' were injured, so when he talks about the town was under attack by Apes, the story is not that far from the truth - it was good timing that that guy and his friends went into that cave exactly at the time they did not knowing they were to find that girl 


Your man Jesus comes in 2,000 years ago, so he didn't make the planet or the plants or the animals or 9ethers, he made the 'world' learn the difference - for that wheel to be here 300million years ago would mean the planet was here 300million years ago for the wheel to be found in the first place 

Check these Shells on these Clams out, look at their designs, patterns, all individual per Clam  

The knowledge came from the West 

Whose castle is that - they said they kept Bees here, but what else was this place before the 6ether Arab Muslims came in 

Back in the day you could climb up these MIRs [MER] Ziggurats 

They cut them down, many say that is where the sand [silicone] comes from for many deserts - we used to live in these trees and use as a portal+ 

The truth is coming and many won't like it 


Christopher Columbus said he was going to INDIA and they also say the term INDIA was mistakenly applied to the 9ether [TAMERI] Americas by Christopher Columbus, who believed he had reached the Indian subcontinent when he arrived in the Caribbean in 1492

This is why 9ether native Americans are referred to as INDIANs and the Caribbean islands were referred to as the West Indies – based on one man from Europe the name Indians has stuck, but CC did not invent that name nor coin the term Indians because we know that name INDIA comes from HINDI [H-INDI] INDI [INDU] + KUSH [KUWSH] HINDU KUWSH in NAAGALAN

The EKUR [AKUR] complex called GIZA translates mountainous house or abode and the Sphinx [Baby Lion] Babylon is a Cat with Aset face – they say there was two Sphinxes here - who was the other one 


You have written in the ancient tablets, the name of the abode or coast land [Iy] of ANU which included many cities, called E. ANNA, ‘house of AN’ AN is another name for ANU

IY pronounced as E, the Sumerian word for abode, house and even misused for ‘temple’ but in actuality means ‘the coast land’ and in KHMT the word is HETU meaning abode, isles, coast land, house+ 

E. ANNA is also called the Pure Sanctuary; also, when the Gods assembled on the planet Earth, they met at ENLILs court at NIF.FUR [NIPPUR], a city given to EN.LIL and dedicated to him, and the main ly ‘temple’ in it was called E.KUR which translates mountainous house or abode

KALNEH [CALNEH] SARGON [NIMROD] personal city was [1] of the cities in the great King-dome

You had BABEL or BAB-EL ‘Doorway to El’ which was one of the cities, ERECH another, AKKAD another and CALNEH another, all in the land of SHINAR which SARGON was King over – SHINAR is SUMER [Greece, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Saudi]

Typhonian, Sumerian [Mesopotamia] Utnafishtim, Babylon and Khemet are all in the same area

Genesis 10:10 clearly says, and the beginning of his kingdom was Babel and Erech and Accad and Calneh, in the land of Shinar – so the great city of Nimrod is here mentions – as the verse continues from 12 onto 20, the sons of Noah, UTNAFISHTIM which includes HAM [KHAMI] KHEMET – Sudan [Ta-Neshisi], Kush, Ethiopia [Aksum], Mizraim, Egypt, Plut, Libya, Canaan – the sons of Mizraim, Ludim, Anamim, Lehabim, Naphtuhim, Pathrusim and Casluhim and from him came Philistine and Caphtorim

The sons of Canaan came Sidon, Heth, Amor, Girgash, Hiwiy, Jebus, Arkiy, Sinity, Arvad, Zemar and Hamath - these Canaanites dwelled in Gerar unto GAZA on into Sodom and Gomorrah and Admah and Zeboim and Lasha

The EKUR [AKUR] complex called GIZA translates mountainous house or abode and the Sphinx [Baby Lion] Babylon is a Cat with Aset face – they say there was two Sphinxes here

HARU [HERU] translates Mountainous, far away

Images are from GABON - Check the brick work, flat floors - last two images are from a 2billion year old natural nuclear reactor in GABON in the west of the country


This city is in Myanmar [Burma] and is next door to Bangladesh and Thailand - Myanmar separated from India in 1937, Bangladesh was founded in 1973 - Thailand was 1939 - this ancient city in Myanmar is called BAGAN - Bangladesh is also called Bengali or Bengal with Begum - you can see the Bagan and in Thailand they have Bangkok making also the word Angkor  

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Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...