Hands outstretched [KAA] also the ANKH symbol
You must overstand that all things are created for their
specific functions, those of which you may not overstand, forms and deformity,
all play their parts in All
Events in the Universe affect and interact with each
In other words, there is no such thing as an ‘isolated
incident’ that affects nothing outside of itself
Life on earth, to the great extent depends on the
activities of its SUN
The SUN, came into existence by the combination of
Hydrogen and Helium atoms
You grew upward as all other things on this planet –
cells grow, plants grow toward the SUN
SA and [ANKH] SHANKH and KAA and FIS [FISH] symbols
The great ‘Goddess has different faces, and at times it
is hard for us human beings to integrate them all together, she adapted and
transformed depending on the need and environment
Like for example the Virgin Mary who used to be the Great
Goddess - actually really relating to Isis [Aset] [Auset), as her first form
during the Age of Pisces was "The Virgin", [pure energy] opposite to
Pisces and Female counterpart to the Fisher ‘God’ Asaru [Osiris], baring these
attributes at this time
And even the constellations of Virgo [Masem] Mason, has
an important part called the "House of Wheat" in [Habriu] Hebrew
"Bethlehem" aka black house
Even stories of daughters of ‘Goddesses’ are often
explanations of diverse cosmic functions, for example Neit [Net] Nut [Nun] ‘Goddess’
of War and Birth, has a daughter who is, Goddess of the ‘first and the
last breath’ Birth and War give action to the first or last breath or Isis
becoming pregnant with Heru [Horus] and letting Hathor [Atheer] [House of Heru]
and her seven forms [the seven Hathor’s] - which is Venus and the Pleiades become
her son's Nurse, but in reality it is always the same ‘Goddess’ first in ‘her’
form of Lover and Magician, who can begot a child with the help of Magic [Heka]
and then as a Mother, Hathor, the perfect Mother
She can be both but will enact differently depending on
the situation for ISIS [ASET] who wears the BULL [BAAL] crown with the horns,
who not only symbolizes a woman, but wears the horn of the BULL, so she takes
on the role of woman and man or a symbol of Hathor and Re [Sun]
Here we have these Limestone stela – sum was found in
Cartage which is modern day Tunisia [Tunesia] nesia [Melanesia] and we see the
KAA symbol, we also see the Caducei which are curled snakes which is positive and
negative charges [Serpentine] Kundalini energies and the DNA stands – 12 petalled Rosette in
sphere [disc] or 7+ creation symbols+ and they say the inscription says, dedicated
to BAAL – BAAL HAMMON – the consort to the ‘Goddess’ TANIT [TANEIT] TA +
Europa is the Greek version of the KHMT NTR 'Goddess' HATHOR symbolically whose real name is ATHEER [ATHENA] the Europa [Yoruba] 'Goddess' who is a Moorish siStar Phoenician - hence why Europe is associated with the BULL [BAAL] - the word Europe is a Greek word Erebos which means 'dark' aka black 'Moor' - this is why in Spain they use the 'black' BULL and taut the 'black bull' through the streets of Spain and then they would kill the BULL which is symbolic of killing the Moors or killing the 'Goddess' [Matriarchal] or removing the Moors from Europe
PARIS [PARISIS] ISIS [ASET] the city of Isis – Pantheon
means the City of Athena [Atheer] Hathor
Isis is Queen of Heaven and Earth [Inanna] Ishtar and
Isis [PAR-ISIS] has a city in France, you need to pay attention to that – when
they closed Isis temple [Hetu] in Egypt Europe was plunged straight into their
medieval aka middle evil period
BAAL is a title – rank, BAAL translates Master Lord and BAALATH
translates Master Lady
We also see the FISH symbol
FSH [Follicle Stimulating Hormone] and is present at
inception [conception] = FISH + SELF = [CELLFISH]
We are all female – the gender of the baby in the womb
till FSH [Follicle Stimulating Hormone]
[FSH] FISH [CELLFISH] SELFISH] – the gender will always
be female
FSH is present at inception, only in appearance, as the
code is laid out at inception, the gender
[XX or XY] is already determined aka the instructions
that moulds a girl to a boy, do you get that, a GIRL to a BOY, never a BOY to a
GIRL – the male is missing half of the X
The male is the aggressive part of the female, that is
all he is –
YHWH is a title and is a mathematical equation
Tetra-gramma-ton = Tetra means the number [4] Gram is a measurement of weight >>
Tetra also = FISH <<< YHWH is [4] without the vowels and all letters
carry a numerical number
To be able to pronounce the word yes but they don’t, is
this that the YHWH can be spoken without the vowels if you overstand they each
are tones - listen Yaa Hu Waa He
YaaHuWaHe = YaaHu is the moon deity TaHuTi [Thoth] aka
Tehuti as in HuHi meaning masculine-FEMI9 hence why we see the Moon [present]
The [7] daughters of HATHOR [ATHEER] ATHENA in IRULAN are
also known has EMMA [EMMAS] [EM-MASTAR] who was a mother ‘Goddess’ of the TUATHA [HATHA]
DUN [DUNN] the Celtic wife of BELI [BAAL], which is the wife of BAAL or from DUN which
means ‘brown’ the ‘EMMA’ are Oracles
There are many stone [frequency] structures
[7] siSTARS [PLEIADES] Maia [Alcyone] Asterope [Celaeno]
Taygete [Electra] Merope
[7] souls of RA [SEFECH BARA] aka Tree of Life [Kabbalah]
Chakra system
ARUSHAATS [Seats of light]
CHAKRA [SHANKH] [Energy centres]
[7] BA[BAA] of Man [Man means Mind]
Shekinah [FEMI9] is the daughter [Malcoot] and the
daughter is in exile and until the daughter comes from exile – then Israel will
still be lost
We are looking at her symbol which is present over the planet
Use your EMotions to navigate the Matrix - its hard not to get attached, you have been down here for so long you think everything is real [reel] its just a fu9king projection
Check the bio-field because sum one is checking yours - many are looking for energy extractions
The only newspaper at one point with a girl with her tits out in the entire world and everyone wants to come to England, and you wonder why white women are targeted - the SUN used a 16 year old girl who had just turned 16 to model - pointless 'newspaper' that educates the people of England [UK]
Have you seen the number of remakes coming back out, from
Rambo to Predator to Blade, Scarface, Streetfighter, Spartar 300, Braveheart, Hancock, – all old people, using CGI
– keeping you stuck in the 3D – why isn’t there an abundance of new actors and
actresses or new movies
Right moment
Genesis Oil on canvas by Matthew Cornell
The Matrix wants to survive
Who that
Dome [Firmament] Ozone Layer [Van Alan Belt] EMF+ all the same thing
Washington DC is the engine house for the USA and is owned and run by the UK
Craft in the SKA
Mt HELEN - four crafts sitting in the SKA
The planet is in the middle right now
The sun is electrical and NIBIRU is magnetic
- Cube NI.BIRU magnetic (neutron star) and Earth [Tiamat] [Ki] (sphere of
water) meaning the genetic compatibility between the two is assured
SUN and KI – they are talking, when we just assume they are two rocks, one is
on fire [plasma] and one is on water but they are sentinels, because in our raw form as
etheric beings we are pure SOUL-AR wind, light, we emit the same kind of light
that the SUN does in our true form, sol [sal] aka SUN and you have a SOULAR
PLEXUS – soul2soul – we are what is called a step-down capacitor Mitochondria
[MtDNA] energy source that allows a whole Neutron Star to function in a HuMin
body – all it is, is not to spontaneously combust
Only 5:45 long in 24hrs a day [cycle]
HAARP station in Gakona,
HAARP (High Frequency
Active Auroral Research Program) a
research program on active auroral frequencies, conducted in the United States,
the HAARP project has occult objectives: to represent a "final weapon"
with out of the ordinary performances, completely revolutionizing military art,
being the first weapons system of universal and cosmic value, developing HAARP
as a military weapon: HAARP is fully operational and has the ability to trigger
floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes
HAARP has triggered
catastrophes, floods, droughts, hurricanes, storms, devastating earthquakes in
Iran, Pakistan, Haiti, Turkey, Greece and the Philippines, major interruptions
of electricity distribution, the crash of TWA flight 800, Gulf War syndrome and
chronic fatigue syndrome and mind control [MK-Ultra]
Aurora [Aura] is your
Chernobyl was a HAARP
facility that blew up
That is a pulse every 45mins
Not so Northern if we are seeing them in the West and East and South - the North is in the South
Iceland, a land covered in ice, same with Greenland, what
was this land [lan] called before, this land is a part of Tatarian – into Antarctica
– you can see the Blue rays, the Green, Purple and Red, Pink rays, primary energies,
colours, mix, match these colours ‘energies’ with your CHAKRA [SHANKH] system
The SUN is releasing PLASMA [UV] GAMMA [XRAY] [PRUPLE]
9ethers have plasma in them and is called KHAYBET – the etheric in them is
called AKH – they have electric in them called KAA and magnetic in them called
BAA and the spark in them is called SEKHEM
Even if the SUN is not out ‘overcast’ the SUN is – CME
means when the SUN has ejected sum thing and that sum thing is PLASMA which
affects the Alpha brainwaves – this plasma passes through your body from the
CROWN [PURPLE] throughout your body and out of your hands and feet hence why
you do not have ETHER on the palms of your feet and hands – this plasma affects
your [EM]otions
The SUN is trigger HAPI and is releasing plasma which is
shaping our consciousness [awareness] and there is nothing that man and his
machines can do to stop the ‘time’ – emit – light
NIBIRU is bending the light in this dimension
Huge amount of power in that weather system and faces in places
SUN or a satellite from NIBIRU
'White' core holds all [7] light spectrums, yellow rim - this hologram or SUN is going out - the real SUN is ETHER - the SUN does have a city and docking station and looks like circuitry
The SUN is discharging and the tail of KOMET [KOMAAT] ATLAS is really long
The SUN is going to go ape shit and this cannot help you, you need ETHER [MELANIN] KAANU to absorb the radiation but is energy to those with ETHER
This phase is ALCHEMY and without it you are going to die - we are at extinction levels for the 6ethers which are white people along with the Asian [Indians] Arabs+ and Asia [Orientals] - 6ethers
That DOME is going to go down and there will be nothing to protect both the ethers
They have these vehicles on LAHMU [MARS] already - even the satellites we have come from LAHMU - old technology - they have been around 50+ years in front of the 3D world that must merge because we are in the 4D [5D]
This is old technology, we have been here before - the movie Terminator was written by the same author that wrote Matrix, the Terminator was originally called the Blueprint to Mankind and the Matrix was originally called the 3rd Eye - what they are showing you is old technology that costs $30,000 - they have more advanced robots than this, all this is to do is get you ready and merge technology
If he is 'bleeding' and that is coming from inside of him then he needs medical attention but he is coughing up yellow substance which is hydraulic fluid
Hilary was killed in the Oklahoma bombing, she was in that federal building, they cloned her and with the clones sum have machinery parts, she is coughing up a green substance aka hydraulic fluid
In the days of SHIVA they killed the clone and not SHIVA, with the clone they still have the mechanical heart that the priest still watch over
5G already did this - 6G is only sum thing like 4-5 years
away, you are being converted to an artificial antenna - 66% increase since
2019 that means in four years 66% of young people - this figure includes
footballers, athletes, and does this include clones, IVF [IUI]+ those who took
the Jabba the Hutt and accelerators – the movie Wall-e – human consciousness in
machines – these robots they are introducing will one day become fully operational
– one day you will be in this machine, they will start off with machine parts
before many will fully convert – what if that day already happened
Who are they making these machine avatars for -
this movie A.I is already here, they walk among you already
Ogdoad the Dogon called them Nommos [Nomo] Numo, the
Yoruba referred to them as Ogrigwabibikwa, the dwarfs who changed [shape
shifted] into reptiles, the Greeks used Dercito, for fishtail humans, the
Mesopotamians [Sumerians] use Dagan, half man half fish; the East Indians say Takshaka,
king of the Naga [Anu-Naga] Anun-Naki [Nagu] Naka
They are human ancestors, which explains why humans have
gills while in the womb, like a tadpole, and a tail, webs between their fingers
and an inconstant need of an emergence in water, or the intake of water, or
they dehydrate, at their armpits, there is still traces of the wings
The Ogdoads, also called the Malayket Bahri ‘River
Angels’ from which the Mermaid [Merman] stories came about – also called Dogri - Dinosaur means terrible Lizard and is a reference to upright lizards also called Reptilians
This is why there are so many pool houses and aquatic
houses, subterranean bases around the planet
They are also called the little green people in Ireland
[Iruland] Orisha [O-rish-a] I-rish [Irish] Rishi [Risha] also called the
Leprechaun, Elf, Ghoul, Gauls
Frog comes from the word Trog [Troglodytes] – Amphibian –
they resided by the Nile River
How to tell the difference between the reptilians and the
Ogdoad is the reptilians eyes slit over whereas the Ogdoad eyes flash over
[like the Predator in the movie] they have many names and many mutations, there is good and bad in all, trying to find out might get you killed, leave it alone, you have your contract, deal with that first
Digging up the dead, only the 6ether Arab Muslims,
Europeans+ have dug up 9ether [black] peoples resting places, nowhere else have
we seen them do this – this is from 1919 when Carter was digging up Egypt – he
discovered nothing, they broke into all these places thus releasing the Pharaoh
curse which is today called SARs from ASARU aka Osiris who is Chief of KHMT and
is to why from 1919 all those involved have been sick or died - many that they display are royal caretakers, scribes, priestess or priest, none will be the elite - you see that face mask, you can see the 'brilliant white' that after all these many years is still radiant, they it was painted on yesterday - they never had white people back then, 6ethers aka white people have only be recording their history since 3,400 years ago
The disrespect is coming back to you in the form of SARs, famine, diseases+
Carter called the 'mummy' BASHIRI and the last two images show the BISHARI who European history call Nomads which means people who have no land - yet the BISHARI [BASHIRI] do have land, they are from Lower Egypt and forced out by the 6ether Arabs [Muslims] - it is the 6ether Jews who have no land and are the real Nomads
Bishari have many different tribal members and sum are from
Aswan which is in Ethiopia which is still in Egypt
Old GREECE [SUMER] and ROME was built by the KHMT and NUBIA
9ether Sparta warriors [Etruscans] Gladiator now redundant throwing balls across a pitch
Boston, Alabama and Zürich
This is the view from the side Cascade towards the Palace
of Electricity
1904 World's Fair, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Apparently this was built between 1903 and 1904, then
demolished in 1905 – you see how stupid they are – they found this site and
then destroyed it
Top image is in OHIO [USA] and was converted into gymnasium at Ohio State University which was founded
in 1898, that is when they found this structure in 1898 and this structure was already there - next image down is the SUN gate in PERU - The SUN gate [HERU] PERU in AZTLAN [South America]
America is TAMERI - the word INCA comes from the world MANDINKA [DINKA] INKA – INCA and AZTEC are two words welded together AZ from AZTLAN and TEC
is TECA [TEKA] AZTECA [AZTEKA] AZTAKA [TAKA] this site was created the same
time the architecture was created in London aka the Tower of LONDON was built
the same time this SUN gate [portal door] was created and the images are from Cambridge in the UK, half that building is under the ground still
LONDON went through its medieval period when they shut
down the HETU [temple] of ISIS in KHMT – they were sent in to their middle evil [medi-eval]
period – Cambridge, Oxford, London was built the same time the structures were
built in HERU [PERU]
LONDON [LION + DUN] DON or DUN means ‘black’
KHEMET [KHAMAT] KHMT means 'black'
The Ulmec [Olmec] are pioneer builders and they are huge
beings, out of the Ulmec we get the ‘Moors’ and is to what KHEMET means ‘black’
aka 9ethers built these sites that are earthquake proof and were destroyed by
Castles [Kastle] is an Ethiopian word meaning dwelling in
the sand and we find these Kastles [Star forts] all over the planet from Haiti
into Ethiopia – Europe [UK] and America - many were converted into prisons, institutions,
We won't know what this site truly looks like after they rebuilt the top - most of this structure is still under the ground
[3] large coral
limestone slabs that form a gate, with mortised joints to keep the top stone
from falling of - each weighing about 40 tonnes
Maui or Maur or Muur means black and New Zealand was
[ANUNNAKI] you see those two on the left are the original people of that land -
9ethers aka black people, Polynesia - nesia - Melanesia - Melanin - Ether
- the ‘all blacks’ Naga [Nigg9]
Architecture, the ancient sites captivate me, they tell of a time before, present and future, many have stood the test of time and only fell because they were destroyed - stone records
There are children walking around with blueprints to the 4D [5D+] and what it looks like, they are the pioneer builders to come, get feats were accomplished, advanced building knowledge taught to 100s of generations for 1000s of years - we know they had the means to achieve what we in the modern world are only learning to do now, isn't that fu9k up, sum structures do not have anything holding them together
They left designs that would perplex man and it did [does] sum one can tell you 'God' is coming but cannot explain how the pyramids were constructed, did a 'god' build them because I'd like to hang out with him or her - what does the NU world [word] look like
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