Wednesday, 30 October 2024

The Redemption Seat

The FEMALE brain is half a pound heavier than the MALE 

There is a whole ‘Goddess’ realm and one of the names for this particular realm is called the MALINOGIN and is ruled by Goddesses and Priestesses, they sum times also refer to this realm in Grail mythology

This realm that is ruled by Goddesses and Priestesses, no man can get in there unless he shares the severe form of the ego and the severe form of the embodiment that makes us trapped down here in this physical based on the maleness, he has to become more like woman and not necessarily in the sexual aspect and he has to become less judgmental [woman has well] – we are talking DNA, its one of the things that is stopping your upgrade

One of the things that is stopping the DNA is being judgmental, you have to become more like a child, children do not judge unless taught, child is a blank canvas and is innocent – granted you are older now but you know the difference - do you remember the last time you were HAPI – it didn’t take a lot of money to make you HAPI – it took less things to make you HAPI

The realm of the Goddess and you have to go to that particular realm and you get freed

This book from Oxford called Goddesses Who Rule and came out around 2000 [2001] which was the millennium and is written by Elisabeth Benard and Beverly Moon, this book coming out at the millennium was not random and what they are saying is, the realm that we have to focus on is the Goddess realm and I for one are seeing this start to work because for me, in my life there are Goddesses that show up and hence why you see nothing but women Goddesses on this page

We are trained to look through the eyes of the hijacked Matrix, social, economic mundane level and we don’t understand how this can be, but everything is changing, the terrain is changing and what is up has to go down and what has been supressed has to be released + sum thing new, not old stuff, whatever gets released will be new [Nu] – there is a reason why they wrote that book, they didn’t exactly write the knowledge in that book, they edited that book but the scholars that participated in the book released what was excluded for a long time in this male dominated western culture

In that book they have Goddesses from Lakshmi [INDA] to Oshun [Alkebulan], they have Het Heru [Alkebulan], they have Tara from Tibet+ it is one serious [Sirius] book  

This started with ASET [ISIS] when I was at primary school level – she came to me - when they say Goddesses Who Ruled, they are not talking about a physical rulership, sitting on a throne and delegating, nope, they are talking about the mind [KHU] you see ASET her name translates throne, pulpit, seat – they are talking about a state of mind and incept [concept] the 'seat' of consciousness

Solomon was chosen for his mind by MAKADA QUEEN [NTR] of SHEBA and her siStars
ASET is also known has ISIS which translates ‘emotions’

Non judgmental, why, because all you are doing is judging yourself 


[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE

Which is a part of the 3black-lights called; [1] U.V. RAYS [2] GAMMA RAYS [3] X RAYs

[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultraviolet light – black light – purple light
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma ray light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray [the hidden one] 

[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves [the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE - the 'hidden' black light is affecting us all


MAAT is laying down the LAW [LAND + AIR + WATER] her LAW is symbolic of the FEZZA [FEATHER] in which your HEART must be lighter than a FEATHER - your heart is being weighed in real time - your mind [CROWN] is being read in real time 

The FEMALE principal energy is always there to save us, but you must go to source 

She is an entity that feels emotions and has a heartbeat 

Silent geometry, ingenious blueprint, a sphere of symmetry, radiant, intricate, and pure, as if each filament were laced by a measured hand - who is NTR and how does she flow 
Each cling like thoughts to their center, aligned, precise, until the wind calls and scatters them, here lies evidence of intelligent design’s hand, the dandelion’s geometry, unerringly planned
A masterpiece woven in nature’s finest threads, its beauty a proof, as if the universe knew

Depression doesn’t exist for ‘depression’ is ‘deep rest’ you are resting too much and you are not creating, the whole reason you are here is to turn thoughts into physical reality

Everything you see around you – this car was a thought before it was [Magu] Magi [i-magi-ned] imagination aka manifested physically – if you do not create which is your whole BAA [soul] purpose through your KHU [mind] – if creation is minimal in your life you will become depressed – you must have sum thing wholesome, fulfilling that earns you HAPI – ness, that is rewarding – everything you listen to, everything you hear, touch, feel, taste+ all contribute towards your mental health [men means mind and tal comes from Ital meaning pure] you cannot heal, fix mental health with a physical pill from the doctor because your mind is not a physical thing, ask the doctor to show you where the mind is located and he will show you the brain – nope that is not it

The KHU [mind] is consciousness and what is consciousness – it is not the brain – the intelligence, awareness – you have to control the mind to control the external reality

Where you are in life right now is a direct correlation with every thought you have thought up until this point aka your external reality is a result of your mind  

You change your mind, you change your reality

Stay wise people, it’s a jungle out there

 Light is information [data] 

How do you get metal in plastic bottles unless it was sum thing else [nano style]  

200,000 a minute 

Hoof animals, where is Dog meat [Hot Dog] and Horse meat - all that red meat is still sitting on your stomach all 3-4kg worth and you will never shift that red meat ever' 

Bypass that fact that eating Pizza for a decade didn't help, the fact that the staff responded was deep, the company gave them tickets for the cinema and a Dominos rally [???] but that was deep to know that sum one cared enough to do what they did


SAH [SAHU] Orion - whatever it is is emitting a pulse and its like every 20 or 30 seconds - many crafts are going pass [meteorites] and there seems to be a bright flash at times coming from sum where else - when he says a satellite he doesn't mean a manmade satellite - I also have been watching SAHU - but that star, beckon is a bright 'white' flash [pulse] and I wonder what that is, its over this planet and not travelling with the Stars but is stationary

 Check all them meteorites [crafts] that he calls satellites - keep in mind that the SUN, MOON and STARs are all under the DOME with us - sum are just sitting there and then suddenly accelerate off, if these were random rocks while do they not collide into one another - you can see that they are intelligently moving - shooting stars are crafts - when you look at the SKA you can see the computer program - the grid format - when he says planes, are they - he saw sum thing that was blue but we can't see this for everything on the camera looks black and white 

I'm starting to think when he says satellites he means manmade ones, no they are not manmade satellites - so much going n up there, when he speeds up the footage you really get to see how many crafts are up there - keep in mind that you are tied to one of those stars  

Flight attendant caught this craft from a flight she was on, check the colour, she was on a flight from London to Poland - she said it was a strange shape and was flashing pink - she said it was moving

Flies are only attracted to sh9t and death 

the camera never lies they say - the guy who uploads these footages always moves you away from what it is your actually looking at 

Watching these kinds of uploads expands you range of thought, nothing is ever truly new or lost and any rewriting history is exactly that, rewriting his-Story 

SPAIN  crafts sitting in the SKA 

NASA [NOAA] cut the feed but you can see the SUN let rip at sum point in the last 72hrs, you can see a craft going to dock at the SUN - the SUN is triggering huge plasma [CME] releases 

Crafts around the portal 

The SKA [SKY] SKI frequency 

You can the different resonating frequencies shitting this planet - 12000hz and 8000hz and 4000hz and every 45mins or so a signal

WAJI [Green] coming from the SUN and out of the poles of this planet - huge CME on the way to the planet which will make her light up like the 'godfather' 

The 6ethers are at extinction levels and they knew this was coming, MtDNA is switched off, we have detoxifying energies hitting the planet that is changing you from the inside out and this is why they had to bring in IVF [IUI] the Europeans are on minus birth rates across the globe - for sum this is not a choice for 'childfree' and they could well be highlighting that fact that no births are occurring and people are noticing, from Japan to Italy to Russia+ we are at extinction levels

And they have changed flight paths 

NTR coming in - most of the signs are in the SKA - the water is coming in and there are places that are not getting flooded - land slides means land is moving 

She is also the 'Goddess' of purification 



Apocalypse means the revealing of the veil, in so many words and many will soon realise that we are in an apocalypse or leaving an apocalypse that is 10 years in the making  

She is tired he said

Massachusetts [USA] watching you, watching me  

Hollywood + Los Angeles [Lost Angels] 1902  

The USA still have the 9ethers in custody despite the expiry date - TAMERI [AMERICA] belongs to the original 9ethers of that land and not the Mongolian, Eskimo and Philippines mixes - the ANUNNAKI have assembled and have had shuttle [meteorite] after shuttle entering this dimension
Sum thing different is going to happen in TAMARE [AFRICA] but with TAMERI and the amount of craft activity that we see over there we know sum thing big is going to go down over there - over the last decade 2021 into 2021+ we have seen the patterns emerging and everyone will be having a different outcome in the four corners of this planet 

   Hailstones are designed to damage structures, vehicles and crops, plus GMO crops+ NTR say that no one will live comfortably for their remainder on this planet - these are footages from people from their homes, streets, but what about other areas  

That is bullsh9t what they locked him up for, 18months going forward keeps him quiet while their government take down the British people  

Things going on in the UK 

Rent boy Shrien did not kill Anni, it was her dad because he would have told her to marry rent boy because he is loaded and will give her a better life – ok then – the dad is a dildo 
Homosexuals do not give a fu9k about the female 


GREECE is a part of SUMER 


Belgium was founded in 1830 and is a combination of Dutch and French calling themselves Belgium today 

The indigenous people of the Philippines among which the AGTA [AETA] ATI and ATA and BATAK, are collectively referred to as Nègritos, they represent the most ancient civilization in the country, going back more than 40,000 years in time – they are mostly forced to live in the north

Part of the SILK road city in CHINA, this place was vaporised, blasted - Star Wars already happened on LAHMU [MARS] which was a ANUNNAKI outpost and here on EARTH [KI] - check the tower and how they have been destroying it over time, look how high it was and check those two strikes - this tower was a teleportation hub - they found red bricks at this site meaning Mercury is present 

Top image they say is or was Norsun Tepe and it was flooded in 1974 to build a dam and the last image is Gobekli Tepe - not sure what is going on, there are plenty of Tepes around this site and is the mould [pyramid] you can see concrete maybe? and metal rebar - they flooded this site in an artificial lake and means they had to hide this site full stop 


Seven stone pillars in today called Russia, just sitting there, huge - check the human for scale - nothing is forgotten or lost - this planet is way older than what you have been taught 

Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...