Sunday, 26 November 2023

Little Hawk Eye

KOSMOS [COSMOS] means, to take care of or tend to or worldly or world or universe – it’s a German word coming from a Latin word, the word takes on a different meaning when coming from religion and can come back has the Universe or Firmament aka Dome – Cosmetic implies make-up, garments, worldly garments and could mean all what you would need to wear for attire, all what is in the Universe, this planet, ingredients, the make-up of this planet, soular system+ universe 

The firing of the coding (cosmic energy from the universe) and the realisation of your identity will become overwhelming intense, reason being, the evolving DNA [RNA] DEA which holds the codes

When you have 12 helixes of the DNA in place those helixes will begin to plug into the 12 Chakra system, vortex centres, loaded with information that you must be able to translate, you will need to step up into whatever realties that you enter, because you are a member of the light family, sum of you are entitled light worker, healer, this is your purpose

Cosmic rays sent by the prime creator and the original planners penetrated the planets frequency shield, they bombard earth, however these must have receivers to receive them

We have Protonic energy upon the planet earth, washed by Protonic energy
Proton energy is the highest form of light, highest form of light that can manifest physically is Protonic light, this is atomic level, the whole soular system would be going through this high radiant belt of light

These creative cosmic rays, reciprocal rays will create chaos and confusion for sum

Alchemy = Cosmic Electromagnetism

In the beginning was the Logo, and the Logo was >>> and the Logo was with <<< who is >>

In order to properly be enlighten about proper nutrition, we must first comprehend the words and science of being Bio Cosmic ElecrtoMagnetic Beings, Ædom, the Dark Clay; Melanin sits in Carbon [C], Hydrogen [H], Oxygen [O], *Nitrogen [N]

Then we learn the difference between amines and amino, and the nature of [Mineral - Amines – Amin-o = A-Min-eral] Vitamins = Vita+Amine, Amino and Peptides, and other topics like Free Radicals AntiOxidants, Electrolytes, Ionization, Enzymes, Protein and Carbs

We are Crystal Lattice Star Dust, inhabited by mysterious animate intelligent spirit- energy
The first language was the Cosmic Language, live

Osiris [ENQI] along with Aset [INANNA] are pure mortal form, Osiris [Shiva] a creator of creation cycles

Seven, fourteen and twenty-eight, metaphysical Maat-physical conceptions of Cosmic process associated with Oser [Asaru] Osiris [Sirius] 

[1111] Aset and Asaru twin turbo 

Universal Mind
Cosmic Web

There is a force that is controlling activity in galaxies millions of miles apart and these galaxies are being affected and are reacting to this force

Where is this force coming from, the central galaxy or sum thing completely different like the Cosmic Web

The galaxies are synchronising citing and are all connected and are being controlled by the central black-hole

Why don't you talk about the Magnetic sun NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] and its presence in this soul-ar system and stop hiding behind boring western science, the whole galaxies and soul-ar system are getting to rotate in a number [9] and light years means instant, NI.BIRU our binary sun travels at light speed which are the exact coordinates to the Gaza-sphinx complex- which is the motherboard, black-holes are called ether or mater or KAANU in KHMT [Egypt] the same liquid substance in 9ether people, look at the central nervous system of 9ether people and the galaxy and see the same thing, we are being upgraded but first Gamma radiation must destroy all that is artificial and doesn't belong in this soul-ar system we have a virus that must be destroyed first before we connect to Sirius, the Atom nucleus and the soul-ar system are the same, as above, so below, UVC is being blasted to the core of this planet by the central black hole 

[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultraviolet
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray

U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of 'black' ETHER [KAANU] light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system

The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on

The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts, being

[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves

[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

The universal mind is connecting to become one

Stay tuned for the next message.....Zer0 points.....full power...Zer0 point energy is an ancient subject that created everything that gave us supreme cosmic powers

Our biology is changing in the lower realms, they say its every seven years the cells in our bodies go through a death and rebirth
KAANU [ETHER] Melanin evolves every 3-4 years but this last 3 years things have changed rapidly

The DNA [RNA] DEA patterning is also changing [upgrading], many 9ethers do not actually have DNA and are not HuMan 

During this cosmic [galactic] shift y-our DNA patterning is mutating because of the frequency fluctuations and this will make our bodies go through many ascension symptoms and many of you are experiencing them now, the light is now powering the body, not the other way around, it is the body that is taking the brunt

You know the symptoms that come with upgrades, these symptoms are happening because your body is resisting these higher frequencies, they’re foreign to y-our physical structure, this transformation isn’t going to be easy especially on a physical level, this is why you must maintain your tri-system, and your Chakra system

Your body [KHA] is purging out all the sh9t you have accumulated over the many years, sum of you will be sluggish, listen to what your body is telling you, cut out what you know you need to cut out

The reason is these toxic chemicals are foreign to our natural vessel and when ingested it doesn’t know what to do with it so it stores it

These toxins are being stored in our fat which then becomes diseased and cancerous+

Granted the 9ether body is the Mercedes and the 6ether body is a Pinto, the 6ether body will not be able to go to higher frequency, but then again, nor will sum of the 9ether who have compromised their vessel 

The progression of the HuMin [HuMan] up until now, there is a huge difference, they are patching up their body with animal parts, there are more clones, hybrids, test tubes+ on the planet than HuMin [HuMan]

The consciousness awakening of the human race from then to now show the real time progression, we know we are upgrading because they are bombarding toxins and poisons in vaccines, air, food water+ this should tell you exactly what [they] are fearing, they fear the hidden one(s) ascension

Genetics are changing, UV is deleting all those without a soul, UV is deleting anything that is artificial to this soular system

As the sperm activates the egg during conception the DNA keys and codes trigger growth and replication of the pre-programmed pattern contained within the codes
As this process continues, familiar looking organs and tissues develop and you have an embryo
Locked in this tiny embryo are all the codes to grow an upgraded version of you
Also, contained within these DNA [RNA] codes are y-our etheric memories and ancestral patterns of the bloodline of the parents of the emerging child

What western scientists don’t understand is what lies within y-our so-called junk DNA is y-our memories of y-our past lives, parallel lives and lives on other worlds
Also, contained within y-our DNA [RNA] is the codes that will trigger y-our ascension, it is the hidden code

The light is consuming your avatar [KHA] this is all contained in the configurations of y-our DNA [RNA] DEA - DEA is your celestial ingredients 

The 9ether have 12 strands of DNA and each strand corresponds to a density level of experience

Western scientists are only able to detect the strand that corresponds to this 3rd density level of vibration

As we activate these dormant strands of DNA [RNA] we are experiencing higher levels of reality
Levels of reality our minds could never comprehend before

You have pre-destined activation programs in your DNA [RNA] that automatically ignite the dormant strands once you reach a certain frequency in y-our evolution and that time is now

Listen up, not everyone is going to be upgraded, while many are being upgraded in waves, many are being downgraded in waves, the frequency had been asking you if you remember for the longest, the frequency had been asking you to simulate the vibration

What man says >> Earth was bombarded by ultra-powerful cosmic ray, and we [Man] have no idea where it came from
When powerful cosmic rays hit gas molecules in Earth's atmosphere, they create a cascade of energetic particles that are detected on the ground
By tracing back these particles to their source, researchers can estimate how powerful the original cosmic ray was

Researchers have detected one of the most powerful cosmic rays ever seen slamming into Earth — but they have no idea what caused it or where it came from. The extremely energetic particle, which has been named after a Japanese goddess, arrived from the direction of a void in the universe where almost nothing is known to exist, according to new research.

Cosmic rays are highly energetic particles, mainly consisting of protons or helium nuclei, that are constantly raining through every square inch of the universe (including our bodies)

These extra-energetic particles, known as “ultra-high-energy cosmic rays,” have at least one exa-electron volt (EeV), or 1 quintillion (1 followed by 18 zeros) electron volts, of energy, which is around a million times more energetic than the fastest particles from human-made particle accelerators

On May 21, 2021, researchers detected one of these supercharged cosmic rays with the Telescope Array project — a detector made of individual substations covering more than 270 square miles (700 square kilometres) in Utah, this particular particle had a whopping 244 EeV of energy, which makes it the most energetic cosmic ray since the particle in 1991 — the most powerful cosmic ray ever detected, which had an energy of 320 EeV and travelled at more than 99.9% the speed of light, we have had more since then

Researchers from Osaka Metropolitan University (OMU) described the recent cosmic ray in a new study that will be published in the journal Science on Nov. 24

“When I first discovered this ultra-high-energy (UHE) cosmic ray, I thought there must have been a mistake, as it showed an energy level unprecedented in the last 3 decades,” study lead author Toshihiro Fujii, an astrophysicist at OMU, said in a statement, they named the mysterious particle “Amaterasu” after the SUN goddess from the Shinto religion who is believed to have helped create Japan, Japan is called IAPAN and is part of Tibet which a whole subcontinent under water

The scientists are unsure exactly where the UHE ray came from “Its arrival direction points back to a void in the large-scale structure of the Universe,” the researchers wrote in science journals, this region has no known galaxies, nebulas or other cosmic structures

It is possible that the cosmic ray originated somewhere else and was deflected toward us by magnetic fields surrounding a star or other massive object, however, UHE cosmic rays are less likely to be deflected than less-energetic counterparts, the researchers wrote

It is also unclear what could have produced such a powerful cosmic ray, the researchers have suggested several possible sources, including supernova explosions, black hole mergers and pulsars, but this still does not tell us what produces such a highly powerful Cosmic ray - they are letting you know sum thing - we know where its coming from -  244 EeV of energy - what is the most powerful energy FEMI9 electron energy - artificial races genetic make up is being broken down, all kinds of virus will take place - they are using all these words to describe the same thing 

Bod [Bodi] Budda [Buddha]
Near Mt Kailash
Japan [Iapan] is part of Tibet

Himalayan land between Tibet and India, from Sanskrit bhota "Tibet" + anta "end." The local name is said to be Druk Yul "Land of the Dragon."

Capital of Tibet, Tibetan, literally "city of the gods," from lha "god" + sa "city." The Lhasa apso type of dog is so called from 1935 in English, from Tibetan, literally "Lhasa terrier." Earlier name in English was Lhasa terrier (1894)

Himalayan nation north of India and south of Tibet, from Sanskrit Nepala, said to be from nipat "to fly down" (from ni "down" + pat "to fly") + alaya "abode, house." If this is right, the reference would be to villages in mountain vales. Related: Nepalese

City in Peru, former capital of the Inca Empire, from Quechua (Inca), literally "navel," in a figurative meaning "center" (of the world, as the navel is the center of the body)

Other places known as "navel of the world" include Delphi, Jerusalem, Rome, Easter Island, and Mount Kailash in Tibet

Bhota – Bod – Bodi - Bodia - Buddha - Bunthu - Bantu 

They have never told us what these towers in Tibet are, Ashtar Command have their fleets grounded and sitting over the Himalayans, they cannot leave and is to why there is a no fly zone of parts of Tibet, in their movie 2021, they left from CHINA in the Noah's Ark ship, boat, they are following a script while we are writing this script 

April [1st] is fools day for the 3D world and you got that right for them 

The great conjunction was in April 23rd 1994 which is the Sigi ceremony done by the Dogon and 10 years before during July 23rd 1984 which is the rising of Sirius [Leo] in 1984 - Vanessa Williams Ms America was dethroned and if you read the Kabbalistic you will inner-stand the mystery behind the Habiru [Hebrew] – not the exoteric Judaism but the esoteric Judaism and the mystery behind it all is the holy Shakina [Shekinah] Kachina

Shekinah [FEMI9] is the daughter [Malcoot] and the daughter is in exile and until the daughter comes from exile – then Israel will still be lost – she is here - 

MA.AT is the Holy Shakina [Shekinah] Kachina [Katsina] 

Aquarius [Aqua][Water][Moya] = I AM
Leo [Leon] Lyon Lion [Fire][Plasma] = Creator
[I AM Creator]

HERU which is the double Horus [RHK] – which is the inner or shadow energy and the other is the Christos light form or KARAST energy and all combined is a form of MAAT = FEMI9 energy

Ruwty can mean double headed Lion [AKIR]

The SIGI was every decade 2001/2004 sum thing like that was the last one 

Cannot be taught, only inherited and shown, no need for books, you are the book, all is within, we never put sum thing into sum one, we extract sum thing out of sum one for they already have it within
KUNDA is an actual gland - the Uterus is an antenna - she comes down here already circumcised and is to why she gets cut off from making life [having children] around 30+ for she spends all her time in the spiritual worlds, while he can have children all the way into 70+ because he is all physical, he has to get circumcised - the MtDNA is switched on by her, she switches his MtDNA on - a man can go a whole lifetime trying to switch it on, when it is she that has the poWRA to turn the MtDNA [Mitochondria DNA] on - he cannot do it by himself 
[Him - Hymn - Omm - Om] Self [Cell] 

When will it happen, when she is ready, its in her time [Alpha + Omega] no beginning of days, no ending of nights 

Destiny comes from the word Destination, the more you 'know thyself' the more you reveal about cell [self] the more is given to you, your road map is in your mind [KHU] you just have to unfold it 

The journey makes us restless, the mind alters between realities, shifting energies, intermittent sensations, feelings and emotions, its easy to think that you want to give up, we are all at our threshold and this causes us to be uneasy, restless, but in the end, it will be worth it, your rewards are coming from outside this realm 

You have [4] Chambers to your brain [mem-brane] organ, muscle, your brain houses where you process data which is information which is light, its a processing plant and not for decision making 

Remind [remember] membrane yourself of what you have actually been through and pulled yourself out of to where you are today, that is your on testimony, it was a test, a test to see if you really wanted it

The energy [FEMI.9] can only be has affective has you, we have to go to source, the FEMI9 principle is always there to save us but we must go to source, staying on your PTAH [PATH] empowers you, feeling restless can come from not knowing what to do now, things comes into our realm and we do not know what to do, this is still a positive thing for being stationary allows for messages, signs, symbols, light codes to come your way, nothing happens before the time, we also have the 3D which is negativity impacting us all with negative energy streams, navigate your way through, you have already done this in your other experiences [simulations] programs, so what is wrong with you, sum times our environment can become stagnant, our daily routine becomes a prison term, people, places, things become stagnant to us, again this is part of the shifting energies, its higher and so you have to adapt and go higher, people - can be that you are in the 4D[5D]+ and you are dealing with 3D people, conversations, 3D things, places and your KAA [Spirit] wants higher light which you are not giving to the KAA making the KAA miserable because it wants higher codes, lights [conversations] aka stimulating, arousing energy, everything will always come back to energy, this can play out in your environments, home, work+   

The way out is to stimulate your mind, your interests, sum thing Nu [New] it must be sum thing that you haven't heard, done, seen, tasted, felt, tried before, we are reminiscing, 2023 was the year for completion, finalizing

One thing that eye have been doing is calibrating the FEMI9 energy that was in my life this time round, the FEMI9 energy which is MAAT + HERU combined = FEMI9 electron energy is consuming this SOUL-AR system, this planet - MAAT [LIBRA] her name translates Balance, Justice, Order, Truth, Chaos, that which is Straight, she is restoring the FEMI9 principle and eye have been reflecting through, she wants us to Balance out ourselves, KARMA is being served in real time, we are Judge and Jury of ourselves - the FEMI9 energy is making us think and from the Heart [AB] CH.AKRA [SH.ANKH], where you should be making your decisions from, your heart strings are being pulled for your heart is being weighed [scales] Libra [MAAT] the heart communicates to the mind but the mind does not communicate back to the heart, the mind is processing only 

Sum thing Nu in your life that stimulates you, this triggers your 5 senses + 2 more which are your feelings and emotions, making it [7] senses, that need to be flooded with delight, sum thing that you are passionate about deeply, remember you cannot have energy that you have had before aka you cannot have sum thing that you have already had as a program, simulation, experience, sum of you had to wait and are now coming into sum thing Nu, you just had to be patient, you will recognise it when it comes, it might not be in the same package that you wanted but it will be what you 'need' and not what you 'want' the Universe answers in her time, which is ultimately your time, they say that curiosity killed the KAT, no, the KAT energy is called MEKABA [SEKHMET], if anything the curiosity aroused the 'pussy' KAT - sum thing that causes you to think, sum thing that you will find stimulating, follow it [White Rabbit- Matrix] 

You have earned a lot of experiences [simulation]s programs, we have had [7] life programs already and will be Judged only on this lifetime and not the others, you are being Judged on your energy and what your intention with your energy was in this lifetime only, the PTAH of knOWLedge is infinite and you are encouraged to continue on your journey, just don't be repeating cycles [simulations] or KAA will leave you, share light [knowledge] with others, including the children, tell them the truth, they can handle more than you know, break generational curses by speaking [Blue Throat Chakra] the truth [Ma'at] and not repeating the lie - we know that life and death is spoken into existence and that spoken word is sone [sound], you speak truth or say nothing, you want to create a better world [environment] around you, speak it - your BAA [Soul] wants to express itself and this through the Throat Chakra is why many of you, your voice is changing, maybe weaker, sounds different, the BAA wants to express itself through you, and the reason why your Throat Chakra is glitching because you may feel that you are not ready, you are ready, its that fear of not knowing enough or thinking you don't know enough, when you do know enough, you've brought yourself this far already, so you must know sum thing, you have everything you need in the space that you have, you've had experiences, you gained wisdom, knowledge now, your better equipped, we have entered the realm of spiritual maturity, sum will make it and sum will expire in the 3D world, this is your calling [Om] 

A compassionate lifestyle that allows you to be you, this is so imperative, the basics that you are grateful for, those who hold no value to material things or possessions, the KABBALAH says that they shall have everything in this world, so that no portion will be leftover for them in the Nu world - this will play out in your relationships as well, you may have noticed this already, this restless feeling, is it one thing or the whole thing - whatever it is, you want change, the KAA is demanding it, the BAA 'needs' and you 'need' this in order to make the ascension, show compassion to yourself and the outside world, you are not like those other energies, avoid entanglement for you are vibrating higher than others and avoiding the bullsh9t - the energy is forever changing so therefore you will always be uneasy, this is also so you don't get to comfortable for sh9t is incoming, attachments are being taken away from you for a reason, self isolating is cell-isolating, sum of you work better when you on your toes, back against the wall, its mostly that the energy is constantly changing and this is for your own protection, you are connected to nature and nature is always changing thus so are you, we always hear the news telling us scientist have found a new species of or a newly discovered island+ nature is always changing and you are part of nature so you are always adapting   

See yourself in others, this always offers up sum form of maturity, seek out your lesson plans in your experiences [simulations] that you have already had - sum of you are really good at what you do and is to why you are given more than others, why me, because your good at what you do [this does not include your repeated cycles, self inflicting cycles] the more you burn up the more powerful you becomes, the strength of the soul is strengthened, see the world through love 'light', use discernment, come from your heart space, not for everyone, you cannot be unconditional all day, be real will you, you what to be observing and not absorbing, observe through your [7] senses, take a knee, what do you see, feel+

You don't have to take on all the things you see out there but what you focus on will grow  

   Oko [Orisha] 
Hare Krishna [Hari Hari Krishna]
Hari [Hare] Haru [Heru] 
All use the FLUTE, what happens when SHIVA plays his flute

I have been listening to Andres music for the last 72hrs to the point I can hear the FLUTE in different ways without the album playing, the album is a code, listen on headphones or in surround sound on speakers, get lost into sum thing Nu, the Nu BLUE sun, Nu [Nun] Nut [Mut] Mu [Ma - Nu means the abyss, the deep - I meditated all evening on and off listening to the album, too many words to describe but all senses are activated, the mind doesn't know what to do [process] the dimensions, realms, expansions are different for you 'feel' like you are with nature, that you are with the elders, that you are not alone, the sounds make up my imagination and out of that word we get Magi, allow your Magi to take you there, where ?? to the other side, open your mind is to open your i-magi-nation - different, that is what we needed

Found in TURKEY [TURKISH] KISH [KUSH] which is in Mesopotamia [Sumerian] Babylon

They say this subterranean city is almost 3,000 years which is their favourite cut off year, and that this place could house between 20,000 and 30,000 people – this site is 18 stories deep and had everything including stables, why would the people need to be underground at that time, around 3,000 years ago, so say they came out during the daytime and returned at night or they were in there full stop, but why 
Also we see similar construction to Ant nests, this complex is well thought out 

Aquarius Age - the st-Age of the 'knowing' 



The Star Station [NIBIRU] creates an orb giving the impression of a globe or planet structure, multi-dimensional and is also a cube 

So where is NIBIRU, computer models are predictions, the SOUL-AR system has changed 

I'm sure we have see this or maybe this type of SKA is occurring again - what is protruding through like that and has a shape, pattern, design to it - how low is the SKA aka dimensions are merging

From KANADA to RUSSIA [Northern Hemisphere]
CHAKRA [SH-ANKH] ENERGIES for the planet - she does have a CHAKRA system 

UK - 'white' light holds [7] light spectrums - water is liquid Crystal and explains when 'rain' or 'mist' is in the SKA does the [7] colours show up in reflections  

SA [ABZU] nature is going to crush what remains of SA before SA is flooded 

This is not just about what happened, this is from the 60s+ ticking time bombs are ticking around the world 

just a snapshot, she is rocking and rolling - swarming in earthquakes with tsunami strike, a big one - land slides means land is moving below you 

The tsunami they said was 20meters which is around 70ft - high or higher than this wave in this footage- the energy produced was the equivalent to 21 atomic bombs and that the tsunami went in three different directions - this was the real deal - which lasted 30min+ 

Engulfed - that is the planet in the middle - HERU + MAAT = FEMI9 energy, there is no escape - why is there a bow, curve like that - because we are in a DOME 

RED [HERU + MAAT] in the CROWN of the planet 

3 tone hitting the planet, check the colours [energy signatures, look at the electric Turquoise [Blue + Green] full [7] light spectrum - even though I have written the DNA is changing, there are those 9ethers who do not have DNA for they are not HuMan beings - all colours [energies] radiation matters, its what is changing us all 

25.11.2023 - check the energy signatures, the Moor-se codes 

Anything over 9hz causes issues 

25.11.2023 Turquoise - two primary colours - energies - radiations - mixing 

Smell the bullsh9t 

There are three or four, multiple, light sources with the helicopter footage 
MrMBB333 is using the words real life and experience 

the Truth [MAAT] is out there 

A man 'pedo' abuser does not need a title, rank, letters after his name, a uniform or credentials, that was an Alpha female that did that and I enjoyed every bit of that on loop, big up Mama Bear  


What changed, my frequency band  


NIKE [Just do it]

When the Gladiators fought in the Colosseum whoever was victorious NIKE would lay a Reef at the winner – we see her driving a two-horsed chariot, she would absorb, usurp the energy at these events, a bit like today, at these oval stadiums designed to usurp energy 


There is esoteric knowledge and there is exoteric knowledge
There is an exoteric version where you become Christ and an esoteric version which means you worship sum body

Gnosticism is esoteric Christianity; they took a people [religion] and called it Gnostics

A group of Nubian people called the Gnostics who had written scriptures that was being colonised by Greece and taken over by Rome but the original Gnostics was still around although the Romans had in their hand’s ancient scriptures of the Gnostic teachings that these Gnostic Nubian people had, who were still around – Gnostics means knowing


A special clan of Gnostics [ABIRU] exists in Rwanda and Burundi

The term ABIRU has two meanings
[1] Gnostics and [2] ABIRU also refers to general 9ethers - excluding 9ethers descended from HAM and those descended from the TWA pedigree

Among the ABIRU as Gnostics, clans from all genus attained the initiation into the mystery school
There are Gnostics that are HUTU [IRU], TUTSI [Beni Ham], and TWA [BUNTU] BANTU

The Greeks tried to take fiction and make it historical fact mixing the words, definition of the words Exoteric, Esoteric and Gnosticism which just means ‘knowing’ 

knOWLedge [OWL] BUMA - no more believing, this means you are plugged into their Matrix aka society, you cannot blame the Matrix [society] because your plugged into it 

Plug out - follow the 'White' [7] Rabbit 

You are world class people now, you need to start acting like one [Neo] 

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Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...