I had been building this post in the last 72hrs and had the title Beyond the skin a couple days ago and eye was thinking about what picture, so I put in, what is she thinking art into Google and this image came up entitled what is she thinking, I looked at the title Beyond the skin and thought those that read this post will think because she is old, wrinkled + and is to why the title, so eye was thinking I like the image and want to use it but don't want the confusion and I looked at the time and it was 16:11 [9]
Keep this in mind when you read through this post on being aligned during this stage
All the MaStars of Amenti, the Gurus [Herus] and the
Orishas are in the field right now, enlightenment does not mean, I will never
think a negative thought again, but in actuality its more, a negative thought will come
into my field and I will Observe it without judgement or attachment and then I
AM truly free [unbiased] balanced un-judgmental [mental] thought
You have to learn how to detach from feelings and
emotions when Observing, take time for yourself, make time ‘light’ for
yourself, be in quiet moments, be in the dark, don’t be afraid of the dark, you want to separate what kind of thoughts you are having and know what they are, each individually and consolidate, which is solid, which means get rid of the sh9t ones because you know what they are, what your aiming for is to learn how to calibrate
Meditation is Medicine [Medi] you don’t have to lay down
and close your humans eyes, its starts with you Observing things and pondering
in quietness, why, because thoughts can get louder, once your subconscious mind
finds out what you are doing, it will start to shout because the subconscious
wants to survive, these downtime moments allows you to stop even responding
The thought loses its power, charge, fuel, because you
are no longer paying attention and that then takes you to zer0 point – the goal is
not to stop negative thoughts but to filter them, what are these thoughts and
where are they coming from – decipher your thoughts and what you are judging
because ultimately you are judging yourself – negative thoughts are part of the
journey and mastery
Do you trust your thoughts or is it, do you trust
yourself, have you searched yourself – no really, have you, have you searched
yourself – if you cannot trust your thoughts then you don’t trust yourself, why
don’t you trust yourself, because you only ‘believe’ in yourself, you do not ‘know
thyself’ – when you stop judging yourself on a conscious and subconscious level
and Observe, where are these thoughts coming from
I hold ‘source’ so sum things become easier from source
because eye tune into the frequency [16:11] source is in my head so I hold that frequency
of source as my metric – if it is not from source and it doesn’t feel right,
then I know its that person, company, environment or my Ego [Alter Ego] or its
her or him using the Jedi mind trick on me or its an reoccurring thought, pattern, attachments + feelings + emotions, these thoughts usually revolve around
family, ex partners, trigger thoughts about other things, when the frequency is
low I feel it, we may hit 144hz and I match that but it can be very intermittent
with emotions, super ranges, prolonged ranges and at the flick of a wrist into another
set of emotions, low points and high points, medium points, I think a lot and
in my personal life about people, they may think I don’t but I do, the closer I
get to my destiny aka destination the more things become more apparent to me
Sum thing can be in your energetic field and as been
there for a long time – find sum thing that you really trust and do by association
– if it feels like ‘this’ [the thing that you trust] and ‘I’ can trust it but
even if you cannot trust it, then sum thing is out of alignment
Now this is happening a lot to me and others, the frequency
is merging and strengthening and levelling itself out all at different times has the energies all collide and we get the fallout, this is making me uneasy
in my thoughts – making decisions in the 3D world, the frequency holding those
in the 3D is uneasy, negativity charged which is merging, blending with the
superior FEMI9 electron energy that is consuming this planet
So, if you don’t know about sum thing, number one, leave
it alone, number two it means its not aligned – you will know when it comes
from source [16:11] you just know, when you are flowing things flow and when they don’t
flow this disrupts your input and output signals
This word conscious, the front part ‘con’ means to deceive,
so what does ‘scious’ mean, I cannot find its meaning, yes its Greek, but what
does it mean, is it important, yes it is to me, why, because I want to know, I
have the KHMT meaning but until I find what ‘scious’ means then I won’t truly
GOD [Generator Observer Destroyer]
Observe your thoughts [Thoths] – if you like [love] light the
thought and its in alignment with love [like] light – the Observer part of you
is about neutralizing the energy when your thoughts are pulling you down, when
they are negative, the Observer part of you is about how to stop fuelling these
thoughts, how to stop charging these thoughts – it’s a knock on affect, you
cannot just think positive or be positive or have unconditional love or
thoughts, be real will you, how can you be unconditional down here – create your
thoughts, be in sum thing that is passionate [compassion] compass – be aware
when you feel incoming, be aware when you know a trigger is impending, when you feel sum thing coming on, reverse it straight back, this self charges you, its called
Play in your imagination [Magi] [manifestations] fantasies,
creative side – that is the beautiful side but know when the polarity is
happening and how to pull yourself out of it – if you are working in a toxic environment
like your home or work, then you are fu9ked are you not, two places that you
spend a huge amount of time in that are both toxic, if you are over 40, go to
page 999, if under 40, leave, leave both or leave one, the 3D is only being kept
alive by consumer confidence aka people are just functioning and ‘believing’ –
only if you are on your spiritual – soular destination, this is worthless to
those who are just trending, for those who are part time in all this –
Showing gratitude
goes a long way, we are being watched, scanned and there are those who simply
think this is it and give nothing back, they don’t feel anything, they don’t
show anything, the small things in life and the appreciation+ many need, I AM th-ankh
full for the food I ate last night or I AM grateful that I AM secure in a home+
I watch a lot of things and see how people have to live, like the upload Bald
and Bankrupt and the last upload, there is a guy who lost his entire family at
the ravine and they were all at the camp watching this guy just walking around,
this played on my mind, that was his mum and dad, wife and children all taken at
the ravine, his loss became my loss, just watching him in the background walking
around without a reason, his mind and what is he thinking about – the things
people have had to go through makes my own experiences insignificant – I hate
being here but have had a good life and would repeat the cycle, however being grateful
for certain things, good or bad have changed me, matured me and for that EYE is
showing gratitude, this builds into a momentum, I know that things are changing, I
know that his mother was there and that they would all go back to source, that
they were all together and why him that was not taken, there is a reason, I know
how these things work and this builds me up, this then leads into nothing
down here is fixed, its temporary and that I AM only here for a moment - eye have to see it from the GOD EYE [YE] the bigger picture
I have to Observe for others have a bigger contract than I
When your broken, in western science they have a term for
the loss of energy called Entropy and Entropy is when sum thing is needing more
energy than it can take in to sustain itself and so there is an energy loss
taking place and that energy loss is the Entropy or the falling away from sum
thing – so like we take in food, however if we don’t eat enough we start to
develop malnutrition aka if we don’t take the time to heal spiritually then we
are no good to anybody – things like depression, psychological dysfunctions and
disorders+ set in because you are not healed – there are those in your life who
have to take energy from others [you] because they cannot Generate their own energy, they are not a Generator to which you are, stay in GOD mode
NIBIRU is bending the light - you must bend the Matrix
All power is within
How did Neo beat the Matrix, he merged with it and crashed it from the inside out - look at the image, that is Neo bending the 'light' Matrix has he saw fit...he is merging with the Matrix to crash it from the inside out
When you say ‘good’ that is Autoboot [all to bot] and the
‘bad’ the disagreeable or the deceivers, Decepticons [deception] – who both
were at war with what is called the Allspark or the light of the Most -High
[highest frequency] or the ‘light’ or EL ELYON – there are those who automatically
think Lucifer means disagreeable – it doesn’t, it just means you are carrying
whatever that light is, so anybody that has the ability can access the light
and carry the light - Lucifer means Light-bringer- what is 'light' [Lu-Celler] Il-Lu-minate [Amber]
[AL] EL rank, title
ONE [NEO] are you that One [Neo]
Memory [Remember] Membrane [Mem] [brain] is your energy, memories don't last like people do, they are always with you - you take your memories with you - which is your energy signature
Big up the youth
2012 [2021]
2011 [2012] VENUS [LAHAMU] crossed in front of RE [RA] for the activation of the FEMI.9 principle energy, [2022] did not exist and here we all are [2023]
WAJI [GREEN] EMERALD - last image - ICELAND - no more ICE and what is the LAND called, what are those [4] arches sitting there - the planet has been hot for the longest, what does all these places covered in ice look like today
Check the energy signatures in there - different signatures
Last 72hrs
That is a bit to close PESCARA [CHIETI] ITALY [VITAL]
Called Sprites, from the root word Spirit
Red Spirits [sprites]
Devastation type systems because pivoting right off of the
DOME we have Sprites [Spirits] reaching 60 – 80 miles high which only come
about though high levels of pollutions, which the highest level of pollution is
thought of resonating signatures of resonating frequencies and sequences in
humans the collective human consciousness – when this drops like it is now, the
female and the male are imbalanced there is a corrective measure [failsafe] by
nature for example we have men wanting to be women and they are changing the
resonating frequency [GEO modification] to imbalance the DOME, we are also
seeing marriages end, the mother and father who have also become imbalanced –
the female energy is way stronger than the male and the energy that unbalances
us is called Ashteroth which is a Hermaphrodite energy which is A-Star the Star
of Roth [Reth] which means Red and this only happens when a paradigm is getting
ready to be shut down
We are going from SCH + MAN [double masculine] to SHU + TEFNUT [masculine and feminine]
Where the SKA [SKI] SKY meets the planet
BRAZIL - check that craft sitting there, there is one above it more cloaked - once BRAZIL collapses so does Portugal [Spain]
Colorado [USA]
M[W] electron symbol
1984 and 2022 the moment when PLASMA hits water [currency] currenSea
The planet is an Aquarium
Double sphere - why does the word sphere and spear pronounced the same
Double sphere with satellite in tow
Three crafts on the left with one having their beam [laser] on and there is a SHAM
Craft top right
Meteorites, asteroids, crafts in light speed
Huge ships sitting around the SUN [PORTAL]
Same here
While the French get ready to settle down with another remake of Napoleon - they should look in the SKA - a whole nation is sitting right above them - look how many crafts of different sizes are up there, over that region that includes the UK - oh my, you know the UK and France can see them on radar and all they can do is send the helicopters for a fly by, the UK and France+ do not control the SKA or the planet, its whoever leaves the crops circles that controls both and beyond - Europe will get it Pepsi Max style, everyone will be punished to their works [deeds] cash on delivery
Spain [Portugal]
Near Italy - all these are cloaked crafts - 24hrs operation around the planet, above the planet, one crew comes on duty and another moves to another or have a tea break, this planet is surrounded, no one can escape for this house is now sealed - show your children these images and they will tell you what they sea [see]
5 killed in US training mission near Israel - the UK are using Cyprus as a base
This brings the total of military training exercise
crashes to 5 this year with a total of 22 deaths
Death count:
2 national guards in Alabama in February - Black Hawk
9 soldiers in March, Kentucky - Black Hawk helicopter
3 soldiers Alaska - 2 Apache Helicopters collide
3 US soldiers - Osprey Aircraft crash Australia
5 special Ops - Black Hawk Helicopter - Mediterranean Sea
And the F-35 that went missing, then was found crashed,
though there was no wreckage on site
You don’t smell sum thing going on here
Don't worry if you don't speak the lingo, you know footage language
BRAZIL 35C is 95F and the F stands for FU9K me that is hot
This is how you read the temperature
Hay fever is all year round, there is no such thing has
the common cold, Flu [Influenzas] which were reclassified in 2022 and means if
you go to the doctor with ‘Flu’ symptoms they will say you have CV19 – stay away
from those who are constantly coughing or those with a cold, the children are
the worst carriers - do not take the flu jab or the Jabba the Hutt, there is a culling still taking place - boost your immune system which is your defence system from nature, not man [look at image]
NILE and the MISSISSIPPI River are the same river
ALGAE boom
Goodbye CHINA - INDIA is next door, you will be straight next - the Reptilian [Dragon] families have got to go
What is going on here
Hail [Haile] comes from Crafts, designer ice stone designed to damage cars, buildings, crops+
You should take this personally - NATURE hates you, many are not to live their reminder on this planet comfortably - total destruction - no one has ever died from a hailstone shower ???
An example of the level of power in ICELAND that they said time to evacuate
Many would say he had a vision, he always was ahead of the game, JAYZ [JAYZEUS] ZEUS is ENLIL, these are not predictions by the Simpsons if you are writing the narrative - he is ugly, if my daughter ever came home with this - I would have to be non-un-judgemental - HAHA - I would rather be non judgemental in JAIL
UV fu9ks with them - people are seeing things - where is Tiffany for real - what is causing them to reveal themselves - there are beings that are here that are not from this planet or soular system
Its good to watch these things and see what is going on out there
We are not from the Grey species - many 6ethers are
What happened to the family in the USA where the craft [UFO] landed in their backyard, nothing, they have disappeared - what was in that 'package' that was dropped from the SKA, see the purple backdrop, sum thing was delivered, dropped down - not for man or his friends, your right its from other beings that the guy presenter said are myths or folklore - that footprint is not from a man-eating giants, found in ABZU [South Africa] which is North Africa and is ENKI and ENLIL [HQ] base - no doubt there are man eating giants - Nephiliem are the ones called the 'Fallen' 200 of them that ate humins,
KHA-NOWK [ENOCH] ADAFA had to round them up - that competition is nothing more than information gathering, they already watch you through your cell phone, computer and now they want your doorbell recordings, sum months back they were backing the disclosure from the evidence they have been putting into the public domain which is only to get many ready, its not enough because they have at least 40 - 60 years to fit into this moment - many have bases here and they should not be here, what is going on in the Amazon [PERU] - since July 2023 and their government have not stepped in and the military know why
They say that locals in PERU [HERU] dug up a cemetery and unearthed this mummified head, not sure where the body is - PERU is seeing a lot of extra terrestrial activity, and this is not helping your case, stop digging up the ancient - everyone is to be punished for digging the ancient up
NPC [NON PLAYER CHARACTER] many are hardwired for their Matrix and will never leave it and will die trying to keep it - stay away from these dildos called influencer - this number 144,000 is a range aka 144hz and you have to merge into that resonating frequency [NPC] cannot or will ever make that vibration - 81% of the population are NPCs - you do not follow trends, you set them
What time is it Mr Wolf
'O' CLOCK [9 'o' clock] the O comes from O-risha [Risha] Rishis [Irish]
'O' Leary ['O' Neal]
[Aum] Owm [Om] Yomi [Womb] Dome
Orissa [Odisha] Orisha [Odessa] Odia [Odin
Nomos [Ghouls] Ogdoad [Nagas] +
The 'Sound of Life' [Om] is changing
All 9ether artifacts for todays value of $20 billion
So the SS [NAZI] steal these paintings from other Jews, how did these Jews get these paintings, and who taught Dangelo how to paint, who was his teacher, who was painting back then
Stone blocks at the top of a MIR [MAR] MER notice there is no mortar holding them in place
ARCHITECTURE [ARC or ARCH] or ARCH + CHI that was brought to this SOULAR system
Published 2 weeks ago in the year 2023, this means that in the last 123 years nothing has changed for the animal kingdoms, the world that was created is being deleted, there are those who honour all life and place nothing about that, and there are those who do not, the planet, plant and animal kingdoms do not need man to survive yet man need their very existence to exist himself, it ends in this cycle
The 'tiger' would protect the Female at the scared site
Sidney use to be the European Australians capital until they were forced to move the capital to Queensland, Australia is moving and it won't be 1.5million years, more like 1.5hrs, the land is barren because the Europeans are there - we do not accept genocide has part of our history and so we do not accept western history, religion+
In-vitro-fertilization [IVF], the word Womb is Dolphin, from the English and French Daulfin, blend of Daufin and Dalfin and Dalfinus from Latin Delphinus from Greek Delphis [Delfin] from Delphus meaning womb [from its shape] scientist will tell you that the huMin genes are closer to any land animals Discovery Channel [24.8.98]
Why is this important - the Dolphin project is called the fish man and the genes were transported to this planet in the Dolphin by artificial insemination, which led into cloning, why there are seven copies of each person on KI - when the higher beings were here - Atum is the son of the force of the chaotic waters, Nun [Nu], whose seamen [semen] was placed into the womb of Nunet his consort, bred Atum, and this germ as the sea-men, semen was extracted from Atum as sperm [sperm whale] and placed in the womb of the Dolphin, for transportation
The ORCA and DOLPHIN are the same family and are part of our ancestors - why are the names, Oracles alL Nexus [connected]
We reside in an Aquarium - 72% MOYA [WATER] WATA [WATTS]
One thing that I have learnt down here is that you must bow to the FEMI.9 principle, that you can only tame her, hold her but you cannot keep her, you do not own her, she is the mystic energy
Eye hate [love] her - I respect her and have much more to learn
Hear that lady say Mamma Mia which is My Mother aka My God or Oh My God or Fu9k me or Jesus fucking Christ or Bloodclaat or Your fu9ing kidding me
Kimba is calm despite his environment, born in Africa but he is in Italy, so far away from home [Diaspora] - so many Zoos around the world, people also have exotic animals in their homes, snakes, reptiles, lions, bears, can you imagine when sh9t hits the fan and all these animals get released, what if the water levels drop and the Komodo Dragon gets to move closer to the mainland's, I used to wonder how Zebras got to Africa because they are black and white and for sum reason I think they should be in icier conditions, but the black and white does not mean all animals that are white are snow residers - even the Crocodiles, Snakes will travel with water and water is coming in and and trapping and cutting off many
KIMBA- hear the dogs barking and he just walks on by
Haha - your funny
Sum people are HAPI killing sum one else, that is different because they are hardwired to do that, you know what is wrong and what is right, sum peoples happiness is taking from children and women, this does not make sense to 'others' - take what makes your HAPI responsibly
Then and Now
9ethers blood is purple, black-red, the Khaybet which is the plasma turns yellow when Oxygen hits it
The world's rarest blood type is RH-null blood (null),
also known as ′′Golden Blood", has only been identified in 43 people in
the past 50 years
Nergal Sharstser [ENKI] did blood experiments, the word A'aferti has its roots in a'fara 'dust' and implies the taking on of dust particles, dehydrated blood, yet its translated as Pharaoh as a human yet spiritual god - ADAMA [A-DA-MA] translates of the ground, Earthling, AD-AW-MAW translates The Earth, AWDAWM 'of the ground' 'Earthling' [Ah] 'Life' [Daam] 'blood' ADAM [A-DAAM] 'Dark Red' brownish - ADAMA is an old Sumerian term that rendered into Hebrew [Habiru] through Babylon [Sumer] Sumerian
Rh comes from the Rhesus Monkey who the 6ethers were spliced with and why they must have the RhoGAM shot [injection] positive means you have Monkey genes and negative means you don't
These are not tombs for bodies, these are IY [HETU] which translates abode, house, isles, coastlands, temples, these places many walked through matter aka they walked through walls, they had gadgets to dematerialize matter - they would leave their avatars here and go astral traveling
You can see these places were sealed and they broke into these places
The earlier collision between NI.BIRU [Neutron Star] and
Earth [Tiamat, ball-sphere of water] meant that the genetic compatibility
between the two was assured
As Chief Scientist, EN.QI was sent to the AB.ZU [South
Africa] as it was full of potential scientifically
Man [mind] had not been created at this time, but the
research for the creation had begun
EN.LIL was appointed to the E.DIN [Eden or Mesopotamia as it was close to the spaceport in the Lebanon, as leader of the expedition it
made sense for him to be there
Ki [Earth] is a beautiful place for us as well as the
other living beings in this soular system, the proliferation of aliens on Earth
in the ancient past, the Annunaqi are the primary beings, who controlled Tamare
and Mesopotamia [Ethiopia] Aksum [Abyssinia]
No other alien race or planet dominated the laws,
sciences and the civilising of mankind and the HuMins as did the ANUN.NA.GI
The mining in AB.ZU was the primary reason that the
Annunaqi who were led by the Neter on KI, came to this soular system,
operations began, they brought with them utility workers, technicians and
operators of scanning and spacecraft equipment, specialized equipment, which
can only be described as laser guided, advanced technology diamond cutting
devices, also robots, AI and the utility workers who operated these robots, to
mine the gold, they were huge beings, AB.ZU was simply known as the land below
the equator, where the gold came from
Sumerian tablets tell us clearly that EN.QI established a
base in the AB.ZU which is your Zimbabwe
At its peak it was larger than modern-day Johannesburg
Zimbabwe consists of well over 100,000 stone ruins still
today and 20million in ABZU, these were linked by ancient roads, EN.QI
controlled his gold mining operations from here and the fortress of Great
Zimbabwe was his headquarters, EN.QI's [Iy]
(temple, tomb, coast, isle, adobe) is called E.ABZU which translates House of
the Abzu
The evidence of gold mining is everywhere in this part of
the world, gold would be taken by Shams [smaller crafts] to Sheshqi or SIN or
KUN.GU (Moon) and to LAH.MU (Mars, out-post) to be shipped to their home planet
Rizq which is through SAH [Sahu] (Orion)
This giant foot print that comes from AB.ZU, and is
between 200million and 3billion earth years old found in South Africa, these
beings have been here for a long, a real long time; it was located near the
town of Mpaluzi, close to the Swaziland border, near what they call 'Adams Calendar] which would be ENKIs calendar
And is estimated to be between 200million and 3billion
Earth years old because of our current understanding of the formation of
granites in Earth's history, this dating immediately causes great confusion,
debate and argument - so I urge you to keep your mind open and focused
Discovered in 1912, in the remote area, at the time this
was a deeply remote part of South Africa known as the Eastern Transvaal,
teeming with wild life, including antelope and lions, it remains in the same
condition as it was when first discovered
The footprint gives you an idea how tall, huge these
beings were, the mining, before we were made, before the Nephilim, what we find
which is better to be seen from the air, are over 20million of these mining
site, at least 20million, they taught us that they were for cattle, yet no
cattle (bones) were ever found for sites that number in the millions, every
site has a frequency within them, each circle has a frequency different from
the rest
Scared Anunnagi geometry was also being applied, we also
find a stargate [portal] calendar nearby, EN.QI’s calendar which at the time
was 2o degrees out of
alignment meaning the planets crust [skin] had moved at sum point
The discovery of the oldest statue of the Hawk head of Heru
[Horus] which is about 260,000 earth years old; petroglyphs of winged disks
with a cross, and two Mir(s) aligned to EN.QI’s calendar and the rise of SA.HU (Orion)
are forcing the elite to rewrite their human history
This is a flagship ruin at the centre of the largest and
one of the most mysterious ancient city on Earth belonging to the ruler of Qi
Earth, EN.QI (EN.KI) [Ki], the ‘calendar’ was measured and found to be 2
degrees out of alignment did the supreme beings made a mistake- no, the earth’s
crust had moved
They spoke of conflicts between the Annunaqi about the
mining, EN.LIL is working the utility workers 24/7 and they become tiresome and
they revolted, the ancient Sumerian records tell of an alternative, the
creation of primitive beings called the Lulu Amelu or Abd, this is another
reason as to why scientist can’t explain the real truth about the Homo Sapiens
Granite - it is a well-recognised geological part of
South Africa and recorded on all geological maps - that is why this footprint
is such an incredible mystery, and can be described as a phenocrystic granite
or coarse porphyritic granite, that underwent several different stages of
cooling, the result being an interesting mixture of large and small granules,
this is why granite companies are keen to mine this area for granite because it
will look really ‘pretty’ when polished
In the official Geology of South Africa, this outcrop is
called Mpuluzi Batholith (Granite) and the official dating of this rock
produced dates of around 3.1 billion years
There is a eco-Nuclear reactor in Alkebulan that is
2billion years old, sum one created it and extracted a potion out of it without
disturbing the natural flow of nature and today we have Japan and the Russian
fu9king with this planet with their Nuclear reactors exploding
The Sumerian tablets tell us that this was a special
place of observation built by EN.QI in the deep Abzu (South Africa) around
260,000 years ago, now this batch of humans (now) are between 200-300,000,
there are many creation points of the HuMins with the HuMans coming in the last
5,000 years, the HuMins are brand new compared to your 3.5-6 million year old
The [Iy] temple was destroyed by the Anunnagi along with
the spaceports
EN.QI is aging compared to the Anunnagi whilst he is on
Earth, the Sun is aging him, 1 day where they are from equates to a 1000 years
in their nature state, they live for millions of years, they have the ability
to extend life and end life and shape shift into whatever they desire
ENKI elects to stay, the calendar was just that for him,
it was also a star gate, portal, NI.BIRU’s passage is 3,600 only from SA.HU
(Orion) to Earth, the Anunnaki have a base there to
EN.QI also has another base, its entrance is at the North
Pole (hollow earth) EN.QI resides in the ocean underneath the earth which was
an important place in Mesopotamian cosmic geography
EN.QI's temple E-Abzu (house of the Abzu) [EA] which was
also known as E-engur-ra (house of the subterranean water) or E-unir, the
entrance for the hollow earth is where we call today the North Pole, Greenland,
during the initial visits with the Annunaqi the land mast was very different, a
lot different than what it is today
We have EN.QI’S base in South Africa, another base inside
the earth the entrance is in the North Pole that between the Russians and NASA
they tried to bomb the entrance, the footage is out there
Anunnaki when they are on NI.BIRU, those that join EN.QI
on Earth are called Anunnagi, Gi means Earth in Sumerian, those on Earth [Ki]
are called Anunnaki, there are over 6,000 different beings on NI.BIRU alone,
their name translates these-beings, there are loads and the lead are the ANUNNAGA [NAGA] NIGG9s
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