Saturday, 18 November 2023

Bliss Me

The best rituals are the ones you create yourself, ritual is another word for rite, right of way, hence the [11:11] aka your personal MaStar-y, for each one of us has a purpose in contribution, your spirit would have already identified this to you, your abilities, your power, where your Magi [Magic] is and everyone has their time when they are part of a wave to complete that spiral, that wave of intention, the one and all and the all in one, no ones reality is wrong or right than anyone elses

Everyone has their own contribution to bring to the table to complete has a whole [sphere] wave, we have all been instructed through our spirit, through our many lifetimes in the purpose we came here to MaStar [Master] - do you get that, this is about you 

When doing a ritual, you must have the circle of protection, a circle is a sphere and is 360o and 720o [2fold], you need this when your ready to start your invocation for you are going to invoke the spirits of the universe aka the MaStars of the Universe to come, it is us that rules the spirits, not the other way around – but you have to ‘know’ that – watch this movie 13 Ghosts which will give you a hint of that – Spirit has to respond to written, spoken incantation – so each one of us has already been trained by our spirit [KAA which translates double you] where our MaStar-y is at and each one of us has to make our contribution to that, take the word 'con' away and its Tri-bu-tion – like the twinkling of a Star, you are responsible for one twinkle and not the full twinkling but that one twinkle is just has important as the full twinkling of a Star – you must be in your position to enable the Star to twinkle, I’m not just writing that, for you see all them Stars up there, you are attached to one of them, you are Stardust, with your dust [ADAMA] down here and the Star part of you up there, as above, so below – if its not whole, then its not real [reel]

You have MaStar-y and have been guided by the spirit through many lifetimes – to MaStar the purpose, whatever Star sign [Zodiac] house sign [Mansion] that you came in – in this lifetime is to expose in that MaStar-y [Mastery] of what your contribution is to the overall [holistic] purpose is being fulfilled

You also need the [4] elements which you need to activate the ETHER [MELA] KAANU – which you will need an altar, made from wood, you need candles [fire – plasma], sum water [in a bowl] any crystals or stones or plants for the earth [KI] – these are the [4] symbols that should be on your altar    
Get incense [in sense] for the purity of the air and to cleanse the mind

 Trust in yourself and work with your spirit [KAA] you need the partnership – create your circle [sphere] and demonstrate [angelstrate] it through the elements – I usually make a circle and light [4] candles, 4 cardinal points – East [fire] West [Air] North [Water] and South [KI] which also forms my sphere – the [4] elements are members, AIR is justice, righteousness and balance, FIRE is passion, protection, to defend – it’s the warrior, who is FIRE, Bas [Sekhmet] Oya, Nyabinghi, it’s the protector energy, the reason you are the Gods down here is because you bring all of the elements together, you are the vessel that can hold these components, elements together WATER is the compassion, love but, can fu9k you up if you play with her because you represent her and her family and she doesn’t play like that, you have already been ordained by her and there is nothing to fear apart from her, Big Mamma – it is not the Father for he is the AIR element and he deals with compromise – the Father is the one who negotiates – can’t we all get along – that is the AIR element – we need that half, its just that Mamma is the total recall opposite of that – check the Lioness [KAUR] EKUR [AKUR] AKIR she will destroy you if you fu9k with her cubs [family] if they like the male Lion they will back him up against intruders or if he is a sh9t father or protector, she will leave him to get a beat down, she will not leave, she will fight back, ok, that is Big Mamma and Father is can we talk for a minute, Mamma [AKUR] doesn’t talk – this is KALI MAA which is Cancer energy which is WATER – the FIRE is your passion, your desire to protect and defend, righteousness as you look at Aires the warrior and Libra the peacemaker – balance those two and you get a warrior looking for peace – EARTH is value, character, integrity, internal, so it starts from within – EARTH and WATER are internal – WATER for your emotional happiness – EARTH is your security – its too much of a burden to give to sum one else outside of you – the spirit moves inside out, when you are secure

When you read things like this, sounds good, but dig deeper, your world class people now, start acting like one, Nun primordial waters 

When you are secure [EARTH] and you feel [WATER] aka how Mamma speaks to you through the internal – through the WATER – through your ancient memory, from your ancestral memory, from your ancestral powers, Mamma is the one who exposes from the internal who you are from a universal perspective and connects you to your ancestral powers – so when your secure on how Mamma speaks to you through how you feel from your ancient memory, the security of the EARTH is how you send that energy vibration out aka externally and will reflect itself, as AIR and FIRE are spiritual powers

So how you feel will be in how you open your ritual, how you open the portal between you and source, whatever source you are going to, the realm is called Satanic [Saturn] and one side is demonic and the other is angelic aka – positive or negative, that is it and how you feel is how you are going to open your dialogue aka vibration, your Magi will be in your words and in the beginning was the word aka sound, vibration, frequency – you will know what to say

Talk to your KAA, and allow the KAA to come through, you may want to sit down or kneel or dance – you do what you are inspired to do which the word inspired is to be in-spirit whereas conspiracy is to con the spirit – look at the word, con-spirit-racist haha, the English language is a joke, if sum one says you are a conspiracist, say no, I am a inspiracist, I inspire people 

Everyone who has taken the heritage test, their results will have Africa in there whether you are white or brown or yellow today, many do not accept this but the DNA is there if you want it, even if you are white today you started out black for you came from the 9ethers who were here first, it was only 9ether wombman here - its not just slavery, Africans are not a one continental people, they are on every landmass down here - so in many cases they were already there before anyone else got there - you have the DNA in you already, you just have to access it 

Spirits of the universe aka the MaStars of the Universe - the Orishas are the manifestation [Magi] of the Nature [NTR] of the Creators [MaStars] - called 'Black Magi' [Magic] aka African spiritual systems 
Bless you is to be less [b-less] you, the word is Bliss
Universe [Un] Nu 'Abyss, the deep' 



You can see the huge red sphere [hue] and the WAJI satellite - solid black clouds, mass, crafts in the mix - look at the design of the WAJI satellite - its also holographic, see the energy signature 

Seattle [USA] look how low the SKA is

 FL [USA] 

'white' auras in Russia in 2013 and in 2023 again in the 'north' we have multicolored auras, when we see the auras in all four corners of the planet, it will be show time  

You can see the codes, tones in the resonating frequency - heard the sones over the last 72hrs, they are more an intelligent signal - right side [right hemisphere] is the MtDNA controlled side which has been asleep 

See the lines coming out of the planet in the Normal image from 2009 and look above at the 2023 image and see the lines are WAJI [GREEN] which NASA [NOAA] had to add the WAJI sum years ago, the black lines was ETHER - that Red is the FEMI9 ELECTRON ENERGY surrounding this planet

 The arrows coming from right to left are coming from the sun and towards this planet [in black] and right behind - left of the planet- we see the arrows turned around from an unknown source aka NIBIRU who is collecting the energies [radiation] and sending them back into the planet magnified, we can see in the 2023 graphic that NIBIRU is right beside the planet which we can see in other images of a binary sun system in the year 2023 


NAM [VIETNAM] anything can use the water channels and move, Crocs, Snakes+ 
The Vietnamese figured it out because they kept the USA and all their military might at bay for a decade, they lived underground for 10 years, they also used the Magi, they knew the Arc of War and used it on the USA 

Why don't we see the rest of the rim lens around the side which is lit up in only the four corners, maybe if we see the whole lens rim it might show us that the suns rays are hitting a solid sphere [rim] look at the bottom left and the CME leaving the sun and hitting the bottom left of the camera - how if we are in vast space 

No ripples in the water or from the ground from impact, what are they, there is nothing that man and his friend can do about it 

You can see the shape, clouds don't form like that, you can see the red iron oxide emitting from the craft

Maui is Muur [Maur] - those are scouts, probes, Star family watching during the daytime and what the guy saw through the telescope  

Who that - a BIRD in space called the Phoenix by sum, this is NI.BIRU - no matter what happens in this dimension NIBIRU has returned [2012] and is supervising this outcome 

ALASKA - no sun for two months, same on the the Moon, the Chinese probe on the Moon would have to shut down every two weeks because there is no sun, what is happening with the Indian probe that was sent recently - where is the car they sent to Mars, where is flight MH370  


18.11.2023 = 18 = 9 
This post was posted @1:17AM = 9 
Allow spirit [KAA] to work through U 

Attraction = detachment 
Experience = situation = simulation = program = lesson plan = cycle 
Life = Chi = force = energy 
Reverse Psychology is reversing the soular 'Psy' energy 'Chi' - when you switch on a mtf  

Follow your Cells [Self] 

#Special - Moths are the night time Butterfly [Farasha] beauty
Caterpillar [Yusri] Wisdom 
Cocoon [Taslug] Strength] 

Israeli defence minster, are you human, because that throat is not, reptilians in the house - the entire Saudi 'royal' family are not Muslim, they are Jews - I used to know a dark skinned Jew and she told me that her uncle was head of the secret police in Iraq and I said but you lot are Jews and they are Muslims and she said they don't know, these 'royal' Saudi families are dark skinned Jews - we don't care either way, just take all this monkey sh9t with you on your way out of this SOUL-AR system - no more wars

'ghosts' are negative residual leftover in the planets negative plane [field] 

KAANU [ETHER] MELA [BLACK] takes information and processes it and then interprets the information [data] which is what light is - look at what her 145IQ gets her, she can name all of the states in the US and their capitals by 5 years old ?? who gives a sh9t, a reality show ?? all done to side track her, the Mensa IQ test comes from the SS, this is not intelligence, she will be bored because she is not gaining any spiritual knowledge which would make her a Scholar [school + soular] 

Western education fries the brain because its boring wavelengths into the brain [organ] this is why many university students depend on coke or alcohol to soften the brain to take that sh9t in, 0-5 she needed more impute, a sustain amount of time away from the concrete jungles [cities] and into nature, overloading her with non simulating light is boring her   

Look at these two Boxers in their respected countries - see the difference 
One is loved and the other is worried

Check the Philippines who had a M7 - look at their faces, the name Philippines comes from King Philip of Spain whom him and his soldiers raped adding Spanish into the mix, the 9ether Filipinos fled for sum into the north were many are today, if you look closely at these lot in this image you can see the India's of American, the ones they call indigenous native Indians, there are Venezuelans who are Filipino  

This is a Filipino who with the Mongolians where brought to the USA to be used to masquerade has 9ether native Indians in the USA - he is a fake

Real 9ether Filipinos, who were always there from the start 

Real 9ether native Indians in the USA [TA-MERI] who were always there from the start 
Remember when Columbus was leaving, he said he was going to INDIA, yeah TA-MERI [AMERICA] TA-MERI-KA

Decommissioned photos taken by US spy satellites launched during the war revealed an archaeological find, archaeologist that studies aerial photography from the 1960s and 1970s, reported that they had discovered 396 unknown forts in Syria and Iraq, archaeologist are told to usually considered them Roman, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Libya, Iran+ all part of Mesopotamia [Sumerian] Babylon+  

CORONA and HEXAGON satellite images
As more images, such as photos of the U2 spy plane, are declassified, many new archaeological discoveries can be made
Sedona on LAHMU [MARS] aligns with Bagdad and when the USA invaded Iraq where did they invade first, Bagdad which is the exact same layout has Sedona 

[TA-MERI] AMERICA [Grand Canyon] 

Bod [Boddi] Buddha [Buntu] Bantu
Near Mt Kailash
Japan [Iapan] is part of Tibet
Himalayan is Hi-Mala-yan [Mala] Mela [Melanin] 

Himalayan land between Tibet and India, from Sanskrit bhota "Tibet" + anta "end" The local name is said to be Druk Yul "Land of the Dragon"

Capital of Tibet, Tibetan, literally "city of the gods," from lha "god" + sa "city." The Lhasa apso type of dog is so called from 1935 in English, from Tibetan, literally "Lhasa terrier." Earlier name in English was Lhasa terrier (1894)

Himalayan nation north of India and south of Tibet, from Sanskrit Nepala, said to be from nipat "to fly down" (from ni "down" + pat "to fly") + alaya "abode, house." If this is right, the reference would be to villages in mountain vales. Related: Nepalese

City in Peru [Heru] built by the Ulmex [Olmex], former capital of the Inca Empire, from Quechua (Inca), literally "navel," in a figurative meaning "center" (of the world, as the navel is the center of the body). Other places known as "navel of the world" include Delphi, Jerusalem, Rome, Easter Island, and Mount Kailash in Tibet

Sardinia [Italy] Vital 
MIR [MER] Pyramid [Ziggurat] 
Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Crete+ all part of Mesopotamia - that is why there is so many giant remains in Italy, when the Romans came through they rebuilt certain places, there is a huge Cannon buried with a huge rock near sum where when I went to Sardinia - I use to have the picture and that Cannon alone had to have been operated by giants 

Greek MIR [Ziggurats] 

France, the thing on top is from 1976 but its what its sitting on
Why cover the MIRs because if they didn't they wouldn't be able to tell the masses that there wasn't a global connection, network, that this civilisation came after this one and so on+ 
This architecture was brought to this planet, soul-ar system by the ANUNNAGA [NAGA] aka the Nigg9s, ask any religious person how was the MIRs constructed they will tell you they do not know and this lets you know there is a disconnection between source and man, they did not write about the MIRs in their Bible because they did not know what they were  

Orisha Lands

[3] part complex

They cut us off at the 3,000 to 4,000 mark which is when western history started recording at 3,400

There are 18 smaller satellite mounds, these are not tombs and this word tomb indicate burial when these places are energy centres, they would be like a MIR [MER] – the Sumerian word is IY pronounced Ee and are abodes, isles, coastlands, temples, house+ [energy house], there are two passages that open towards the east and west and extend almost all the way into the centre of the mound, there are chambers [acoustic] + working with the soular energy and alignments, the soular system was different and so was this planet - you can see on the stone symbols the coil  

They say this word Knowth is in honour of two goddesses Knowth sounds like Know and Knowledge and there was two twin siStars

If the Jamaicans knew their history, then they would know they are from Ireland and not the other way around, it is the 6ether Irish who are similar to the 9ether Irish of yesterday, the 6ether Irish are using 'black' peoples names, land and culture to express themselves - show us the Irish Moors, show us the IRU or TWA TRIBUs of the Orisha lands aka IRELAND - it is impossible for 'black' people to have copied 'white' people  

Where did these stone 'blocks' come from - they were found in church graveyards in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England, these 'blocks' were moved to graveyards and did not come from covering graves to start off with - so who made them and what were there original usage 

Reth [Roth]

Rotherhithe sits south of the Thames in the east of London
Across the river to the east, as it loops down, is the Isle of Dogs and Canary Wharf

In its early days, Rotherhithe was more of a flood plain for the Thames and often waterlogged, Isle of Dogs is named so because Henry used to hunt and walk his ‘Dogs’ and was used for grazing cattle who had been brought up the Thames from Kent before their final leg to the markets of London

China Town was originally in Limehouse – Westferry road – Eastferry road – Opium dens until China town moved to Leicester Square

The Courage pub looking east. In 1851 these buildings housed a China warehouse, linendraper, coal merchant, boot maker, oar maker, ironmonger, lighterman, hairdresser, barge builder, plumber & painter, fruiterer, boat builder, mast maker, shipsmith, flour mill, bellhanger, engineer

These places became poor after the wars but before were thriving through slavery, Deptford, Lewisham – Barings Bank was a road in Lewisham where the slave masters would house their money made from Livestock [Bondage] Bonds [money] this bank was brought down by Nick Leeson in 1995 

This is Dom 2 years ago 

And this is Dom 2 years later, Dom can call a small army together when needed 


Smooth operator - imagine that was your dad or granddad or partner 

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