Monday, 25 September 2023

Playing with Fire

I heard this track the other day and in the song the guy was talking about his toxic trait, it pleases me inside to hear young people talking about energy and wanting to protect their energy, young teenagers are dying in the streets of London [UK] on a regular bases and at a more alarming rate, the powers that be do not give a fu9k – it will not be a petition or a march that settles this bullsh9t once and for all, it will be the FEMI.9 principle that steps in and takes their children back 

The mere fact that the word toxic is being used by these young people indicates that they are looking for the soul-ution as well

This message is for you if you recently cut sum one off or have been cutting people off or have been streamlining to those in your field [orbit] that you shouldn't be or have, you had to move on from a toxic relationship or you are thinking about it – I want you to know that these people are coming back, they are coming back to see if your really done, they are coming back to see how much healing or growth that you have done since the last time you and these people have communicated – you need to know why they are coming back [this could be you, yourself] 

They are coming back because the energy has changed full stop and things are about to get real for many overnight, they are coming back because they regret losing access to you but this does not mean that they miss you or that they are coming back to treat you better or that are they coming back because they have healed, learned and have grown, don’t get me wrong, there may be those that have – this message is for those who have recently cut sum one off – you see many people when they get to a certain age you value people in the sense of what they can offer you, sum people keep you because you will lend them money when they are short, sum people keep you because your fun to be around, and sum people keep you because you know things, you have a good perspective or outlook on things, they value you because you can be real with them, they keep you because you have 'love' light 

Many are coming back to you so they can see how much you have developed

The reason they regret losing access to you is because anytime you were always there for them, you didn’t judge them and gave them what they needed when they needed it – you have a great character, you have a good mind when it comes to certain things, they can trust you when you are outside of their presence, they trust in your advice, guidance, many take strength from what you say to them for they value your time with them – to be honest there is no one that is like you, there are similar people, but not the same – your spirit energy is not easy to find out here and so the answer is no, they cannot find the same energy – which brings them back to you [source] for sum of you, they only wanted to see if they have access to you, sum want to see if they can still control over you, sum just have too much time on their hands

Please understand so that your overstand that the spirit that is behind them returning to you is very manipulative, it is not genuine, its not pure, its not from the heart, remember people change and many have in the last decade for the wrong reasons, you won’t have to look for signs, your own spirit energy will repel them before they even step to you, the only way they can bypass this is if you override the sign-als

People run out of energy and so have to look for another source, many just want to keep using [usurping] you, they do not miss you, but check it, you do not miss them, sh9t, you don’t even need them – it’s the convenience of having sum one like you in their life, a lot of people have sh9t energy [people] in their lives, sh9t environments, toxic environments, be ahead of their lies and don’t fall for their manipulation – for the longer that you stand on, nope I’m good, or god be with you or good riddance, the more they are going to manipulate you with words, gifts, things that they know your heart feels for, they think they know you, but forget that, because you also know them – whatever worked on the past with you is what they will use, fu9k them, especially if they are earth family or this person does not mean well with their energy towards you  - stay strong and remember why you had to cut this person off in the first place, remember how sh9t they were to you, how they lied in your face and how they talked about you to others has if you were scum, remember why you left and why it is so important that you removed yourself from this person

Who they showed you the first time on who they were the first time, you have to believe 'know' that, because your character was so good that they didn’t want to cut you off, who you are you showed and that is why these people are trying to return because you were a great person who they showed you that first time if they were lairs, cheaters, fake+ whatever the circumstance was they still are that person and they just miss having a good person like you in their life to mistreat, if you allow them to run all over you or to use as a doormat, they want that doormat back, but you have grown, developed and evolved, your not that person anymore – always remember why you left, always remember why you cut this person off, why, because whatever this person or people did are capable of doing it again – sum people are crashing and are taking many people with them, your not the one

Each day [24hrs] is a nu cycle, your role is to be the best that you can be, your not the same person as yesterday

The other reason why you cut this person or people off is because you have outgrown that range, during the 2016 [9] period we were made to be selective, we were made to delete whatever didn’t serve us anymore, the frequency was changing and so you had to be able to reach higher levels and you wouldn’t have been able to had you kept lower vibrating frequencies [people] around you, sum of us our hand was forced

You lose respect from these people when you set a boundary in your life and you allow them to return, they no longer think you are serious because you allowed them to return – so you have to stand firm on the reason why you cut them off, do not allow them to question why or ask you to forgive them, you can do all that but you must stand firm and remember why you cut them off and why your still cutting them off, we are in Karma stages and many are receiving just that, you do not want what they are receiving or going to receive, you did your work, none of these people or coming with you or leaving with you or finishing with you

They are ‘hoping’ that your still broken, they are hoping that you are still weak in the heart, they hoping your still weak in the mind, you well may be, but you will be alone in your own quest to heal, to grow and to evolve, your inside is stronger than your outside 

If you have to talk to this person or people, then ask yourself why, what is it that they want – they just need one thing and then they are in, keep your mind, eye open, close heart, let the mind do what it does best and that is to process, nothing more, nothing less, it is what it is – because this is about to happen if it hasn’t already happen

Today your time ‘light’ is not for free and people need to know this, we were told to conserve our energy and don’t just feed anyone, especially to those who do not serve you

You are watching you, don’t supress the real you, you are only taking from yourself when you do, you deplete your energy by undermining yourself, I would encourage you to show yourself how much you have grown by listening to yourself – you’ve come a long way now and you’ve still away to go

We don’t want to cut these people or person off, but in this particular timeframe you know why, even if they don’t, you do not need to tell them why or explain yourself to them, this is about you, if these people or person is not treating you with respect [energy] then you have to treat yourself – be good to yourself and stay within your lane, your doing alright, yeah you miss people but its not reciprocated which depletes you, we are using telepathy, the universe is also reading our thoughts and responding, you can let people know how you are feeling about them, you can charge people from a distance, we are in the spiritual fields now which is consuming the physical field  

In order to give light to others, be you, people will activate from what you are today, they will activate from your energy, be the example, be you and let them activate from your healing – your Aura field contains what they need to proceed without you 

You are not to deal with toxic people, you know their ‘toxic trait’ even if they don’t themselves 

'Be you'

The CHAKRA [SHANKH] system are alien implants graphed into the ANUNNAKI offspring - the 6ethers do not have a CHAKRA system and have a calcified eye - the 6ethers who were incarnated during the Indigo, crystal, rainbow [chakra system] cycles, those that have brown eyes, those that grew their heart chakra + 1[ion], those who have usage of their eye, those that produce DMT, those that hair brown, black hair, nipples [melanin]+ those who have 'black' blood that isn't tainted are all part of this energy 


MANNUKA with Sumerian skeletal term MNNK
ibi-MANNUKA which translates; those who from the heavens came- are actually the Sumerian ANUNNAKI that translates; those who from the heavens came

We will be seeing sum 'phenomena' and 'fundamental' and 'rare' sh9t coming, check the arrows - NIBIRU is millions of miles from this planet they say and is collecting all of the energies and from the SUN and returning back into the planet at night, this is a 24hr operation

October is when NIBIRU would come in closer and this October they are telling the masses there will be a nationwide alert, they are on edge, they are keeping the masses on edge, be kool with a 'k' 

Check all the colours in the CROWN of the planet 
Red [MAAT + HERU combined = FEMI9] 

90 degree angle in space - around this planet - this is a protective shield, a cube force field, no energy can escape, this house is now sealed - check the colours 

If black was a colour, it is not the darkest, blue is darker than black 

Check that out 

Match the colours [energies] radiation - CHAKRA 

The EMF [DOME] FIRMAMENT [OZONE LAYER] VAN ALAN BELT collapses and energies seep through, one day the dome is going to come down permanently - the SUN triggered and so energy comes in within 3 days - expect the SKA to be bright, the weather is up and down has one plays 'god' and god plays herself - you cannot stop her  

Check these codes in WAJI - Hieroglyphs [Heru-graphs] are in the frequency, codes, light   

Crafts in the SKA - look at the person in their car mirror, they pulled over because they know what they are looking at - this planet is surrounded, so is the SUN and SAHU [ORION BELT] which are the only two portals to leave this SOUL-AR system, both are guarded

The SUN has been triggering but NASA [NOAA] have deleted the timelines 

Crafts around the multidimensional portal 

The handle on the camera lens as now flipped and we can also see the cloaked craft sitting on the right of the SUN - from 2021 or 2022 this cloaked ship as been sitting there - its huge 

Here you can see from 2022 at least that craft as been sitting there - it went missing for a couple months or NASA covered it over - but that craft is sitting there right now 
September [October] November [SON]  

First called Humans, Humans are on the move, Exodus, movement of 'Jah' people, the 6ehers have never had to move, but their time is coming up, because soon we will all swap places soon - why are they on the move, what is happening where they are from 

Sum times when you see a mug shot from the police, the person is smiling, sum times its not because they don't give a sh9t, it is because your taking a picture and our automatic reaction is to smile 

Help us to crash this system so that children can be children, how many reason do you need, children and women must be protected -its 2023 and nothing is going to ever change because the matrix is designed to fail many, crashing it allows for temporary shut down and reboot and reinsertion of the higher codes, new program - this image gets to me, deep to my core, I'm done with seeing sh9t like this

You should be worried 
In the movie Terminator John Conner is an abbreviation for Jesus Christ [JC] 
The author is the same author for the movie the Matrix 

You are now plugged in all day everyday, those with 5G cell phones and I-phones and sum with the Jabba the Hutt 

Remember you are writing this outcome [myStory], not hiStory, the outcome is still y-ours to make 

If the plane is traveling between 6 - 8 miles above sea level, is it me, but are these chemicals not higher or is it because the dimension has changed, look at this image and look where the chemicals are and the plane - they seem higher or is it the dimension 

Check the shape and the colours of the SKA backdrop 

HERU is on the Horizon [Hor-izon] Horus 

HORUS is another name for HERU [HARU] and NIBRIU is also spelt NEB HERU, NEB translates 'Lord' - HORUS [HERU] comes back to Osiris which comes back to ENKI [INKI] ENQI  

Look where the SUN is and how lit the SKA is 

INDIA [RAJASTHAN] between PAKISTAN and INDIA - water [floods] coming in 

This rift is in CHINA which is next door to INDIA - CHINA is being readied to become an ocean and parts of INDIA will also become part of that ocean - this is why many Chinese are in the USA and AFRICA 

This canyon opened up after earthquake in TURKEY 
Many places will be going under water

This guy and his sidekick the oriental are RacCoons, do not let your children follow coons - they are not speaking the truth 

For the HuMan being and the Jinn he said - this guy is 6ether, look at him, that is a white guy, 
Cauc-asian -they are the same people, it is Irish priests who translated the 'message' Quran - creating the Koran aka the English version - how about starting with the message, 'us' are just following the message that was given to them by the Irish 

Bilal was first seen calling his people to prayer to which the 6ethers Arab had never seen before, meaning Bilal who had been captured [slave] was a 9ether Muurslim 

He is a Muslim offspring, Islam is over, like the Christians [Catholics] - listen to what he talks about, the content, do you think he goes Mosque on Friday, course he does, why Fridays, because they are taught that is when the gates to heaven are open, Friday is Venus [Lahamu] energy - listen to his words
Religion failed to keep up with secular trends and this shows, either way this person is still in the Matrix but is aware of many things just by his lyrics, the nu generation have a different meaning to religion  

'Black Magic' is called so by the Romans and Greeks when they come into Egypt for the first time, the 'black' is coming from the people who used 'magic' the 'black' is the Melanin [Ether] and the 'magic' is from the word Magi which comes from the word i-magi-nation which is called manifestation

These 'black' people do not have guns and so must open a channel between their world and the physical world, the same with the Haitians - 'black magic' is also called VOODOO [VUDON] 

Notice the 'red' that is the colour [energy] of [ELEGBA] LEGBA - SHANGO [CHANGO] and OBATALA 

They are calling on the ancestors to help them, and they will 

MARS left and KI right
MU [MUUR] the children of MU 
Mars is an exotic version of Egypt 
NASA[NOAA] are watching Mars like a Hawk because when they go to Zer0 field, we are next 

A painting by Peter Bruce Gale in 1562, which would be 300 years before western history supposedly knew anything about dinosaurs, however we know that man walked with dinosaurs

Right image shows humans prints beside a dinosaur 

Ice age for the Europeans falls under the 10,000 years bracket and they only started recorded their history 3,400 years ago and is to why they cut you off at Egypt - we know 'black' people walked with Dinosaurs because their records tells us so 

Georgia [1930]
Castle is an Ethiopian word Kastle and means dwelling in the sand 
Cstille means Castle [Castillo] Casa [Kasa] and means a fortified personal home-built 
What lies beneath - who built this place and who tried to hide this place
Those are WI-FI towers 
Mud flood is coming to a place near you 

Georgia is where the Caucasian Mt is - that Russia rolled into, sum years back and took over, the Caucasian Mt is the cradle of Mankind NOT HuMin kind, Mankind is a kind of man but not quite HuMin - HuMin kind is from Alkebulan [Africa] this is the 8th root race that we are going into, there have been many batches of HuMins before

'released afterwards' from where - they are from the Amazon and you released them where ??
Crystal Palace and Alexandra Palace, once a year this annual event would house all the items, humans that the British had stolen from around the world - these structures were already built by the Moors, Cambridge [Kambridge] was built the same time the structures were built in Mexico [Aztlan] 

Tamazgha [language]
Tamazgha [Tama-zgha] Amazigh [Amazon] Mazagh
Ta-mazagh = Amazigh; the true etymology of the word Amazon = Amazonian, the word used to name the Aztlan [South American] rain forest and the Indigo [blue-beings] people formally known as Negro [Naga] de Terra, why does North Africa and South America [Aztlan] have the same name [Tamazagh]
Tama [Tamare] Tamareye  

Made from shells by the Olmec civilisations 
Almanac [Al-manac] Al-mac [Al-mex] [Almec] Olmec [Ulmec] Ulmex
[Mec] Mexico [Mutec] 
MAYA [MAYAN] name of writing [text] system
Under the Ulmec civilisations we have the MANDINKA [DINKA] INKA [INCA and the 

There is the name IDIKA [ITTHIYA] in HINDU KUSH which sones like MANDINKA [DINKA] INKA [INCA] they also have the word RASSAYO [RASKSHAYO] and RASSA aka RASSGALA [RAJAGALA] the Sanskrit word is RAKSHA [RAKSHASA] which is were we also find the word RASTA [KARAST] CHRIST - is that coincident or because they are all from the same source - global network, there was never any disconnection 

ROOSTER [ROOSTAR] aka THOTH [TEHUTI] also IBIS and [BABOON] in Aztlan and Tamare 
Its is ENKI using TEHUTI avatar 

ANU [ENKI] INANNA [ENLIL] NINLIL all use multiple avatars at the same time and are all in the [3] main cultures at the same time 

CHILE was only founded in 1818 and we know that PERU is HERU 
South America is AZTLAN and is a part of the global network that existed on this planet
West Africa is America [Ta-Meri] Atlantis is the ship
Check height 

Found in Ecuador
Over 7ft
Found in 1912 but seen for the first time in 1999
Giants once roamed the land, sum of them are still here 

A woman was talking and explaining how she went out on a date and everything was fine, they both ordered food and was waiting, so she took out her phone [cell] and she said she looked at it for no more than 30 seconds, she said that the guy got up and left discretely 

I would have done the same thing, at least she was honest to say what happened 

#Truth - people live with each other for decades never knowing that person, we will be having a lot of people weighting up their lives [heart], just like when lockdown kicked in and many had an audit about their lives, many form a relationship but not a loving relationship, sum have lost their way down here and think love is based on what the Matrix shows them, huge mistakes and filtering down to their children, you don't have to love sum one who uses social media - there are many false people out there, remember we are having our hearts weighed in real time and those who hold the heaviest stay here - be real in this field for those who have a heart CHAKRA - its not that they are a false person, it is that they are using false light - which is negative light

I like that, when the student is truly ready, the teacher will disappear, eye never thought [thoth] of it like that - btw that teacher is you, your higher self - we never tri and put sum thing into sum one, we pull that sum thing from inside of that person - we extract from within out

Replace the word 'believe' with the word 'know' in themselves 

I travel where my KAA tells me to go, when I get there I use my BAA to guide me through, when done, just like the gentle wind, I leave - dust your shoulders off and come again, we all have to level up 

Passion [compassion] compass [encompass] 

This property is in a place called Pescara and I have been going to and from since 2012, there are Olive plants in the land behind - check out what this couple are doing [upload below], I have been watching their uploads - the back part of this property had to be added and indeed renovations
Italy is beautiful but not quite like Greece  

The ROMAN empire must come down 

Big up Dad [Dada] Don Dada 

Ghanaian innovator, Danny Manu has developed wireless earbuds, that can auto translate over 40 languages – BOOOMBABY – imagine you saw a girl and you liked her but you both didn’t share the same language but everything was in the eyes, what could you do, in 2023 we have a tool that enables the user to break barriers, you could travel and talk with others in a different country, you could go and work in another country or visit - multiple opportunities, big up MANU [MAA.NU] 

Matt puts the learning back into learning, you can watch his shows with children for he can reach them, great teacher without the red tape, I really enjoy watching his uploads and how him and his dad put cars back together, he can do what any of the car mechanics specialist can do - if you start with one of his projects and watch them, you will not be bored, through Matt, I now know what a Pyro fuse is - top man, if I had children I would watch his uploads with them - big up Matt


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