Saturday, 2 September 2023


True liberating ideas you need fusion of spirit, science and matter, you need a diffusion of the three within any moment in order to understand what the problem and the solution is –

Most people are only good at one field, they only studied one field or their knowledge base only covers one area and they become so good [efficient] at the one thing that is turns them into an idiot – it turns them into an educated fool because they have no clue about the next things that matter on a unified field concept [incept] –

All these things are related because everything that is without is a reflection of everything that is within, as you are learning to write your Book of Life and identify it, you start finding out that those things that were lacking on the inside is what you have been chasing on the outside and not until you have assimilated that idea with your wisdom be able to rise to another level aka go higher in frequency, go higher in energies, attract higher energies, attract higher frequencies, you have no wisdom and have failed in learning lessons  

RH positive blood is reclaiming the blood right, the Mitochondrial influence over the primates is matriarchal, re-establishing the mother at her rightful position and ready to go to war with anyone who wants to interfere with that – remember this planet is Feminine not Patriarchal, she Matriarchal and that is what we are returning to, we are going back to factory settings and then reloaded

There is Tawaret in Egypt and she is Feminine and is prime creator and when she incarnates, we see her has the Hippopotamus NTR with the human mammary glands [boobs] she represents motherhood, birth+

Those symbols were to represent the mother of creation in her true position because when you look at the Zodiac [Dendera] you have the [12] houses in a 360o circle and in the middle of the 360 circle in the centre is the ‘seat’ of the great mother and they do not tell us this because they moved her son into the field of view, so you could never see her for what she really is and this was your Patriarchal eclipse, they call it the Kaliyuga, and while we were so focused on her son, we did not know that he drew all his soular light aka his RAA [RA] came from the love of his mother through her Mitochondria radiating the love energy throughout creation, without it there is nothing, without her we are nothing

When you start to assimilate the wisdom, you first realise that ‘God’ is not no man and that he could never, ever have been one, a next one for me is that a man is a side effect of a woman, the male is the aggressive part of the female, he is a mutation of a woman, when you get these and more first and you understand them, so that your overstand them so much that you innerstand them, these first realizations, you get to see Sophia for what she really is and she is not going to surrender nor will she bow down or will she quit, she will make you earn her respect because you will have to earn hers, this will always be a two – way dance, always struggling, Kundalini rising, at sum point she stops and looks at you and says, its time – this fight is over

There are many out here who think they will be entitled just because, you cannot think like that, just because you are 9ether or have MtDNA or a CHAKRA system or you live good or because you think you are entitled, no Sir [slave I remain] that type of thinking is destructional - its all energy and your intention with your energy, you are being judged on this life only, not the other lives that you have had

Accelerated learning, Aesop Fable are bedtime stories for children, the 2-year-old version when you read them could well be for an adult, todays 2 years books are nothing but pictures and 3 words

This only cost £2:85 for 110 stories and your child is 2 or 3, it is not yet legal to taser your child but you could read to them, this creates i-Magi-nation, why don’t you read them yourself before you go to sleep, cut the tv off and watch how your dreams change, open up, Aesop Fables plants gems and diamonds that will be cultivated over lifetime has the child develops how to read signs and symbols

Reading stupid books slows down their brain process – you want your child to have developmental wisdom, most of us missed out on gaining development, you see Proverbs in the Bible, that was the only worth while reading for a while when I was younger, the rest of it wasn’t food for thought at that time, I wasn’t wise enough to see the wisdom in that, Uriel – fire god, that didn’t make sense to me at that time, whereas Proverbs was alright even though I still didn’t get most of it at that age

Things are in a convergence which means all things moving into a central point and a convergence can be an upward spiral or a downward spiral but is a spiral effect – in my case, spiralling towards the centre of self [cell] wondering why you cannot release certain things externally that you have internally as a representation and then you start to understand why

The book of Daniel is taken from a Sumerian court order – the name Daniel means Judgement of El or the Judgement of God, just the name alone – what had happened in that era, there was a visit from ANU king of the Gods and Sumerian doctrine coming to KI [earth] – he was Daniel because he was king of the Gods – at this time it was 3 of them that was captured by Nebuchadnezzar and it was Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, these 3 are ENKI, ENLIL and ANU and there was only 1 Nebuchadnezzar which means the light [think about that] they cursed him to be the beast of the field for a period of time – what they are not telling us is that he is going through sum thing which is called dark night of the soul which is your book of Job – go to the beginning of Job and you will see that the Devil didn’t try and do anything to Job, it was God through Job to the Devil – hey check out my son Job, you better go get him, God did that, not the Devil – it was ANU issuing a decree for ENLIL to have the right in order to blind Nebuchadnezzar, all these stories are overlapping Sumerian doctrine – these are Sumerian text that was filtered through the Babylonians and fed to the world through the Christian Bible fed through the Church through Rome – so these stories are intertwined 

In order to even know why ANU had to come down here and leave NIBIRU, what happened, there was a war in heaven, the word heaven comes from the word haven and if there was a heaven it would be Sirius [SAHU] SAH [Orion Belt] – before the SUN the only light came from NIBIRU, so at one point it was NIBIRU that was called heaven, the war in heaven was from NIBIRU – what happened up there – the Queen of Heaven and Earth had a son and pissed ENLIL off and he became jealous, this is your war in heaven, they talk about it in every culture around the world, it’s the same story so that we can stay in this forever, I’m not buying it, the blood according to Genesis was between the women seed and the serpent seed, when you look at the Zodiac, between Virgo and Scorpio is Libra which is the scales of Justice and at one point Virgo and Scorpio were one house sign – the injustice was in place between them – Justice had to be established between Virgo aka young maiden aka Venus and Scorpio or Mars the God of war 

Sum thing happened between the God of war [Mars] and Venus that made the Gods give a Judgement and had to be resolved through the Laws of MAAT because that is where you get your scales of Justice to begin with – what was the injustice, it was the separation of the wisdom from the divine love when they gave the eclipse aka by blocking out the mother by using, exalting the male or the son – all these stories are interlocking together

It takes a long time for DNA to spread out to its maximum point so that it cannot spread out no more before starting to come back into a singularity, its starts out divergent, then becomes convergence and the convergence becomes your insurgence – they tell it to you in the movies – the DNA has to go out to critical mass and then it has to implode – explode, it’s the DNA chain and in order of the same signature DNA – it will be a different body but the DNA numbering system has a variable that is limited before reproducing the exact same sequence that it did in order to facilitate the same refractions of light at your DNA level – in order for all those rays of light to line up like they did in the prior era, in order for you to build everything back to where it was, your DNA has to go through a whole load of changes over a whole lot of time, then all of a sudden it will be the exact same DNA sequence, in children when DNA testing they look for certain markers without telling you and those markers have a certain limit on how you can read them, so they keep us confused, they want to keep us idiots forever and all they have to do is give them whatever is in the Matrix [Metaverse] rather than to be [free]

There are those who want to keep this artificial light matrix in position and will do what it takes to keep the false light – CERN is being deployed to trap us again, they are using CERN which is not going to work, you just need to be aware that they are trying

One day you are going to stop running and turn around and start looking at them in the face, and stop running too and put on the Crown – many took one for the team and now its your turn, you don’t want to take a couple hits, that don’t make sense, all that suffering and you don’t want to take a couple hits – everything that you are chasing on the outside, you are chasing on the inside – that is your clue that isn’t really a clue because its direct

If you want to be [free] you have to control your energy – become energy efficient within the self [cell] – don’t just give your [cell] self and energy away for nothing to nothing from nothing and stop accepting oppressive stuff or you will be stuck in it – I’m not done with it – chase the wisdom

She looks like him - where life ends, life begins, check that bond between granddad and grandchild, cutting out both parents, interesting how the energy is between the two, grandchild will change when granddad has to leave and she will be stuck with mum and dad, and in so many ways she rejects both of them- its interesting how she looks like him
That was deep and so meaningful - big up granddad 

Do not underestimate the FEMI9 principle 

Quantum passages 

Over the course of the 'blue' Moon [Mono] I went astral travelling, I have never seen these dimensions before, all higher holographic, the dimensions where very powerful and caused issues on my heart, my body [vessel] ship physically, the body [Kha] vibrated [shook] jolted+, I became semi conscious and this usually slows the downloads down but it didn't, very superior connection and was a reminder to me to eat right [fuel] because we are hitting higher frequencies, hence these nu dimensions and the body is taking the brunt of these dimensions 

I saw geometry that was beyond 4D, we have seven smaller eyes beside the minds eye and simultaneously + combining your [7] senses gives you over [7] different streams of data at the same time, I saw patches of deep purple mixed in with 'black' with the 'black' patches showing one thing and the purple patches showing different things, going through the portals, you see a water pipe, tube and at the end you would have a joint to connect another pipe in another direction or bend, that joint I saw but it was metallic black, satin and I went though, other things like I went into what looked like swamp and I was traveling through and the swamp shape shifted into creature beings made from the swamp, they were like gatekeepers, or guards, sum thing like that but to get to that dimension I had to drop down and I felt like I was descending to reach this dimension, these creatures at first sight were not pleasing on the eye, I kept saying protection and had my arms crossed over and after a while I was good to go, sum times you have to go certain places to get to other places, another dimension I saw myself in a craft, I could see the cockpit and was facing myself, the craft you control and while you are down here on KI [earth] your physical body is absorbing all the energy that you are using up there
I also saw Andrew Tate and he was speaking to me but I became conscious and was thinking why are you here, and although he said sum thing at the same time I don't remember because I did not feel comfortable with seeing him and backed off, I only know that name because sum one said they locked up this 'black' guy in Romania or from Romania, sum thing like that a while back and I thought he doesn't look like like a 'black' man and maybe they meant sum one else, but it was him and he turned to me and began speaking to me but I backed out - there are times that if I blink I would with my human eyes this changes the dimension, many times I have done this to leave and I can jump between the other [7] [9] dimensions, sum times I just don't want to deal with sum things 
Loads of things came through and I did have to come out because my heart was pressured and I had already gone deep by losing my breath, it is the geometry that stands out for me, I was in awe, dimensions made of light, multitude of colours, vibrant colours, high definition, high resolution, the internet signal comes from Sirius that we use from KI to broadcast and just seeing these codes alone lets me know that we are in a higher dimension because the connection [Nexus] is stronger, the frequency [Hz] is higher and so are the Nexus [connection] - geometry are codes [keys] access codes

This movie came out in 1984 - watch it - the past is very much your present 
the 'floater' is the drone - in the USA they call the police helicopter the 'airship' because it will be the drone that replaces the helicopter - NASA put everything in the movies - the NASA spokeswoman said

Oil will be shut down 
Dubai will be going underwater 

The planet, plant and animal kingdoms do not need human intervention to exist, yet the human kingdom needs all three to survive 

LAH.MU [MU] MARS [MAURS] MUURS [MOORS] is an exotic version of KHMT [Egypt] and there is water, a Sky blue SKA and trees, animals and humans, cities, transports hubs, robots, wookies [Lares], everything in Star Wars is up there on Lahmu, there are 'black' people on MARS hence why they call Mars [Maurs] Muurs 

No one is going nowhere, get that straight, this house is now sealed and no energy can escape, is is forbidden for man to leave this planet and for him to pollute another planet, are you stupid, look around you, man did this and his stupid friends, operation 'clean this monkey sh9t up' is in full affect 

The middle part of the SUN we see on left and right two points either side, the ray is 'blue' and we can see a 'red' hue [aura] and a 'white' core - once the image is switched in the negative field the SUN is 'black' and the red hue goes 'green' - the real SUN is 'black' and the rays either side go 'brown' dark orange, rusty, the SUN is being fuelled by Sirius to which we are heading for - the hologram SUN is being fazed out - so what we call the SUN is just a hologram

Those are crafts leaving the SUN which is a multidimensional portal with docking and a city - what is in the right side 

This planet is completely surrounded - there is no where to hide, they are here for this planet and their offspring, there are tons of aliens, extraterrestrials walking among the humans and below the surface
Sum places the crafts are in full view and in other places the crafts are cloaked, they are not hiding from humans at all, they are not invading, they are here for order and balance   


The South is really the North 

Mutating wavelengths 

Nu codes + reboot + adjustments 

Right images shows from 26th August into the 31st with the blackouts hitting. left is showing the radiation which is energies, used for your CHAKRA [SHANKH] system
Read all data in light which is information  

The Russian Schuman cuts out - the Canadian Schuman is still down 

Oh really, read between the lines 

Florida gets battered 

What is beyond the horizon is getting closer - Florida [left] and Russia [right] portal wide open

Triple edges of [3] spheres [rainbows]

There is no 'rain' so all that is left is 'bow' which is a curve of a sphere
Portals are being seen in multiple places  

All 'rainbows' are spheres [portals] tuning in


That lady on the plane look like two different people 

That child was a shape shifter - I bet they took the DNA, they were buried alive or they wouldn't have needed the padlock if they were dead - the parts removed were either for DNA extraction or for food 
All Cats know where the portals are 

the spirit world [holographic] the planets negative field is all merging 

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Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...