Monday, 18 September 2023

Only Time

Looking from a 4th dimensional prospective while you’re still in a 3-dimensional body > while using a vehicle, a brain, right now you’re clearly orchestrating and creating a spaceship and shape and form and a mentally to develop the 4th dimensional vehicle, but right now you are still at infancy level because you’re in the 3dimension

When we are looking at 3D vehicles it does not have to necessarily be a star the way you perceive it from your 3dimentional vehicle, understand what you are perceiving from a 3rd dimensional vehicle, you’re not getting the full spectrum, you’re not getting the whole light, so you’re not seeing everything, so what you see has a star might actually be a piece of sum thing

However, a star is in the 4th dimension realm, so, this is where the concept of the 369 comes from and things happening simultaneously on its realm or its level or its experience

Now, when we talk about dimensions, realms and realities, every world, realm, this realm of reality or this universe, everybody, world or experience or imagination or dream have [3] realms of realities

Now, within these [3] realms of realities, you have [3] dimensions, so each realm of realities have [3] dimensions to it, which is where the [369] comes from

144hz = 9

So you have the (highest) >> this is dependent upon how big your spectrum, expansion >> contraction is, how your experience is has a spirit and how many bodies you have created for yourself, that means how much wisdom you got for yourself, the highest realm of reality, so when we talk about the (highest) one it will be from 987hz, 7 through 9, that will be the (highest realm of reality), then you have the centre realm of reality, that will be 456hz, 4 through to 6, then the bottom realm of reality, then the dimensions will be 123hz, 3 through to 1, dimension are like numbers

Right now if you are in the 3rd dimension, we came last, because the first one was 7 through 9 and the middle one >>> which came last and the last shall come first, remember that, Alpha or Omega, your past is your future, your future your past , to know where you are going, you need to know where you are coming from <<< >>> this is that whole archetype pyramid structure, that this being that was here for you has created for you to sustain yourself through this astral-travel that we are breaking down right now

What is down is up and what is up is down, what is left is right and what is right is left, what is forward is really in reverse, what is reverse is really outside of you, reflection

So the highest realm is 789hz, 7 through 9, the number system 7 and 9 is higher than 123, but dimensional wise and realm of reality it’s actually not, highest realm of reality is the top one, and the dimensions in that dimension is 789, the middle one is 456, and the bottom one is 123 because we all come from a zero space of circumference, so your space is the spirit, so you come from a zero, if you want to become your own space within space, you have to become an individual space, aka an individual spirit to have an outlook on the space that you are in, how do you do that, you become the one, you become your own second coming, you say sum thing in your imagination and create a dream and that dream is your version of saying let there be light, it becomes your first womb, your first egg cell, your first moon, your first light body, you become light, not gas because it’s not physical yet

You become that one, a space within a space, you is light, almost like you are transparent, you take that and dependent upon what you resonate with you could go sum where and maybe go into the duality, based upon what you resonate with you go into space and location aka a spirit that has travelled the same way you just did but did that before you, so they are a bigger space, their expansion and contraction level was bigger than yours, but once you travel through their transparency you get to create your Masculine body which will be your first sun [son] to be consciously aware of yourself through that astral-travel based upon what you have resonated with

Now you can have experiences to add to be conscious [aware], this is where conscious comes from, that is when you understand sum thing that is outside of yourself, you went into sum thing that did that before you outside of yourself, at this point, this is where you see the light, but you are actually going into your parents womb, because your parents imaginations and dreams created that space before you did because there was a spirit that’s been in that space and location before you had come, aka they had created a body before you did so its takes them to create another body aka imagination for your no-thing-spirit to go into and resonate with in the first place to start creating lights, masculine forms of your body, then you start creating your Mercury's, your Jupiter’s, your Mars and Venus, now you got a chakra system, now you have a planetary alignment, now you have a soular system, a system that you have created like s spaceship in order to orchestrate your spirit, your spirit is that actual driver, but that’s the vehicle you created to actually travel through that astral realm, your soular system is the vehicle your spirit goes into to drive through that astral travel, do you get that, this is why we come from the zer0, we are always going to come from the zer0 perspective when your being born, this is why you always die and be born into a realm of reality

Since you came last, you are a seed now, so based upon each realm of reality they all hold 3 dimensions, the highest realm of reality orchestrated all off of mental, thought, fire, air, like high concentrated masculine energies, these are light bodies you can take has a spirit, you can take to experience and if you are an inexperience spirit these are the ones that take these shapes and forms the most because they are trying to experience

Now the dreams and imagination that they go into to experience, fire, air those gases are so light that those bodies die fast, so you have to go through those bodies to create bigger and heavier bodies

That is when you get from 789 reality and gain those experiences you get to go lower down, from the top now into the middle, you become a star of a sun or a planet or whatever you want to call it, this realm of reality is dealing with feelings and emotions, this is dealing with the water, the lightest mist, illusions, hallucinations, imaginations, this is what this realms filters through, that is how you attach your feelings and emotions that is the 456, that lets you know that the planets, stars control your feelings and emotions, and the way you think about things, 456, they utilized the water vehicles, the vehicles that could move, this is the vehicle you created that up in 789 for your soul to move, so when we get to the 3rd realm, 3D, which are the dimensions of 123 together, here is where you get things physical

So, you get the thought > top realm >> middle > feeling and emotion and expression and experience >> the bottom realm >> the vortex of that being the physical down here on a 123 dimension on the last realm of reality, so now things appear to real, they appear to be physical, these are just the physical shapes and forms or the realities or illusions we created to go into because that sh9t is vibrating at a lower rate so we get to experience our dreams and imagination we had up here 789 a lot longer down here 123, so we are not this 123, you use our light 789, we are not this 123, we the spirit up there, utilize that light up there to create responds, emotions and responsibilities and rotations and being relative to things to rota, create the shape and forms that we are going into for a long time, this expires, transforms, this is not us, down here, we created that, it appears to be real,  its sum thing that we go into but is really just vibrations of lights we created that is vibrating real slow, and that is all it is

But many think it’s a reality, many think its realistic, anything that makes sense there is what it is, but you really created that from your imagination from being a spirit, your spirit is not that, this is the creation - you are the creator, do you see this, you’re in the 3rd dimension because you’re in the 3rd dimensional vessel right now

The 4th dimension is a bigger world or bigger globe, so your able to see 360 surroundings while being in a bigger 360 surroundings, so your outside looking in, so you get to see the whole full spectrum, you’re not just the 3rd dimensional being

So, you come from the zer0, your space your spirit you create your individual spirit which is a soul, you become a soul, the one, you create your light, then you go into a greater spirit that did that before you, that is duality, in that reality you get to become one in that realm of reality, now you are a 3 dimensional being, now you have your surroundings, now you are a whole, that is why 3D represents whole, your automatically a 3rd person because you have two spaces to look from and move through and both these spaces are you but at the same time your automatically a 3rd person comes from the zer0, its not these things - these are the things it created for itself, conscious light bodies, do you get it, your moons and suns, your masculine and feminine bodies that you utilize from an energy spectrum that utilize that before you become whole in that realm, so now you are a whole in that realm, so now you are a 3, you are a sun, you are a star, or moon if you are a female, forget it, your stars, sum spirits correlate with masculine and if be feminine energy more, this is created before you go into your physical vessels

When you look from a 4th dimensional aspect, say your around somebody and you want to see them, really see them, now you got land, space and location from your 3 dimensional aspect, so you have land, space and location, you can go places, but the land, location and space that you are on got manifested, transpired out of the energy vortex with the energy that is going on in that vortex in general in the first place, now we have to go from a 4th 5th and 6th dimensional aspect now, so when your looking at feelings and emotions and things of that nature in the 4th 5th and 6th (yin realm) we look at things has actual spaces and locations, that is why when your in the 3rd dimension and we say I’m not in the right space right now,  that is why, your physical body is here but your mental, spirit or your soul is sum where else, now in the 4th, 5th and 6th dimension that is actually true

Say you have sum one around you and you want to see them from a 4th dimensional aspect, because you want to know what is going on with them, you feel a certain way around them, they make you feel a certain way, you feel a certain presence, you would have had examples of it based upon, body language, and the words that they say, you will be able to catch certain energies, so when they are not around you what you need to do is take yourself out of the 3rd dimensional realm and see yourself in the 4th dimensional realm, now in order to go to the space and location in the 4th dimensional realm you have to actually feel like them, so you have to tri to experience what this person is kind of feeling in order to even feel what type of ideas is on their mind, in order for them to have certain body languages that they have, move in a certain way that they do in the first place, you have to go to that place, those that are too logical or too left-brained will look at this and say, this is a waste of time, you can actually innerstand the energies that are going to be created when your around sum one because your both going to be manifesting from one another, logic person is, this person is going through sum thing, who cares, nah, you need to be spiritually inclined, so take yourself to their place to the astral realm, tri-ing to feel like they feel, that is when your spirit actually goes through the astral realm and goes to the location that this person is actually in, have you seen a movie Silent Hill, she is in the same place but things appear to be how they really is when the veil lifts, there are a lot of movies do this type of energy where sum thing happens and you actually see what is really going on

So, for the most part that is actually what you are doing, when your looking at a 3rd dimensional circumstance or situation or a circumference or surroundings, from the outside looking in, taking one of your light bodies that can actually travel there in that realm and you go there and you get to see everything that is actually there, you see who this person is dealing with, the demons they deal with all the time, you come back in the 3rd realm and know you don’t want this dry person around you or damn, eye do want this energy (person) around me, either way you will be able to truly decipher that, you will pick up on these certain energies, based upon the presence that you feel, the persons aura and based upon certain things that they say and their body language, there are only certain conclusions a person can come to for them to say certain things that they say, and for them to even act the way that they act, so keep that in mind

Once you know that you will be able to decipher the energy signatures that this person is tri-ing to portray and whatever illusion that their sun is letting off or their moon is emitting on to you has a woman or a man

So, with that in mind, go into your own spirit and create your light body, take yourself to that place, and how you go there is through that emotion and feeling, so once you go there BOOOOM, check out who they are dealing with, now you looking at things from the outside, you can see them but they can’t see you

You will see if this person is talking sh9t about you, if they really like you, if this person is indecisive and confused and if they are messing with other demons or entities or spirits or angels that they cannot even see, people that are around them that have spirits demons in them they can’t even see, there might be other spirits, entities that don’t like you and are working through this person to get at you, so that person might be blind but when you open the door and allowed this person in your life you actually opened a door with many, many, so this person might love you but is robbing you

You love him or her and you might not realise that other entities are using him or her and now you, so you need to be MTF carful out here, but at the same time, that is how you observe people, and be able to know what kind of energy and manifestation your going to have when your around this person, then you might have to do parenting, you might pick up on energy that this person is unaware of, and if you care about this person or you are going to be with or have been with them for a real long time you are going to have to fight higher battles on your own self, you will get tired of that and take it out on your friends, or dearest to you then you will start to feel bad about that, so cut them off, it is not worth it if it is not too late, you have kids then that MTF will be around until the end of your time

If you have sum one who keeps bringing you down to the place that you are trying to get them out of, it doesn’t matter, say they keep asking you for money, that they need you, they keep asking you how to do things, and your that type of soul that teaches how to drink from the pond and not have sum one keep following you to the pond, you teach them to go to the pond, not call you all the time, never cast pearls before swine, (is that right or the other way round), what that means is never entice a person who doesn’t need to be enticed, that what the pearls thing means, you will become that person, shape or form that anytime they need to be entice you are that enticement, so you need to show a person how to do it themselves and give you a fu9ing break

Sum times you have to give tuff-lov9 and if you don’t give that realm of reality, then you’re in trouble, in life sum times you have to come at people the way they come at you, none of this, let me change them, spend your life fixing them while not paying attention to your own life will cost you in the end up

Ok, so don’t prejudge, judge upon experience, what does my experience tell me, no experience then you is fu9ked, once you have an experience [simulation] or once you have interaction with sum one, then you can judge, then you can judge that experience, then you can judge that interaction or when another person might start to feel regret or feel like they have missed sum thing or they misunderstood sum thing or they wish they can go back >>> no that is your fault that you where in h3ll, you were lost in sum thing at the time, point-blank, and you are supposed to let that person who is aware of that at that time that was happening know, your supposed to be aware of, don’t judge, you’re the one who should be aware of, just experience the flow, your supposed to be always aware of your intent or your intentions of your alterative motives, therefore when the situation [simulation] happens you are placed in position, so it can’t be knocked down, it can’t be misplaced or mispositioned, it can only be what it is and anything that is added can only make it greater no matter how it is looked at

When your interacting with the outside world, you are interacting with everything, don’t just assume that the tree is just a tree because you had been taught it is a tree, experience if for yourself, take yourself through that 4th, 5th and 6th astral travel and utilise why they would even use the letter t, utilising the letter r, you then start adding science and knowledge onto to that but who said it is a tree, and who said it is doing what it is actually doing, you have many different dimensions in that illusions in that reality, when you start innerstanding what is a tree now from a 456th dimensional level you will be able to see what is actually right and what is actually wrong with what scientist are trying to say, then you will be the one to tell them what it actually is and now you’re the craziest MTF in the world, but on the flipside, people will start to make up excuse for you and start making up concepts in their mind and say, sum of the smartest people are actually sum of the most illiterate and dumbest people in the world, there is the concept that is doesn’t actually have anything to do with that, it is really based upon experience and common sense, because we all have senses in common, the moment you start to have your own interpretation of what the senses are then our senses are no longer in common, you have sum thing else, you have another interpretation, you have sum-body’s else’s idea now it manifest in ways that we are not in common, now we don’t have nothing in common, even our space and location where we live at

Get in your 4th, 5th and 6th vehicles and see things for what they really are, then you can decipher what is real and what is not real, a lot of you already have conscious bodies and are consciously aware, just start to be consciously aware of what you resonate with, all those great imagination that you want to do in the 3rd but you only resonate with what is around you, friends, family, co-workers, that isn’t sh9t, you beta have sum conviction in your life


Think of the BAA [soul] as a radiator [system] and every now and again you have to bleed [cry] the radiator [BAA] or it won't be able to circulate, in y-our case, forgive yourself and let go, what you are going through 'eye-know' I 'feel' the same - hearts must be lighter than a feather or we will drop in dimensions - I don't want you to be out of reach  

@1:49 the Oracle speaks and tells Neo it wasn't time for Neo to know the truth and Neo replies in so many words, who decides when he is told the truth and ultimately it is Neo, when he Knows Thyself 

Everything is in your time 'emit' and only when you are ready, who decides this [Temet Nosce] you do
Know Thyself and when you do all truth will be given unto you for now you walk in truth 

First of all get rid of the word time, the word time backwards is the word emit and light emits, does time change, no does 'light' change - you have to pass through aether [ether] when you go quantum, 9ethers have ether already in them - para means offsite - we are in real time and are picking off from where left off 


The heart talks [communicates] with the mind but the mind does not communicate back to the heart, the mind is for processing only, telepathy comes from the heart, do not make decisions from the mind 

Telepathy - EMPATHS [EM-PTAH] EM [EMF] not everyone has EM aka Electromagnetic field and are dead energy full stop 

Real talk - you have your own range now

Universe [Un] Nu can only respond to what you are vibrating to, remember where the mind goes the body follows, the Universe is Alpha + Omega [FEMI.9] you will receive what you need but not what you want or desire - its impossible to vibrate at joy, love and abundance down here but just aim for it and stay nice and build from that  

As it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end 


Crafts linger in the SKA 

Star family are in the SKA - whoever controls the SKA controls this planet and its not the Reptilians, Greys or man and his machines 



Plasma discharges - why is the camera lens arm red and the rim light up

Cloaked cube 

Kensington - Skid Row - the USA is a 3rd world country with France and the rest following behind 

We are entering the 4th wave of depression and suicides 
We also have a high number of deaths from Fentanyl + CoCain-e or Fentanyl + Meth - they also have synthetics of things like Opium - if you have seen how Fentanyl and Meth and Coke are made then you will know they all came out of a Laboratory - and the real dealers are not the ones on the street - 32% of deaths in the USA in 2021 was a result of overdosing and this means that in 2023 that number went to 50fold - the UK needs to be wary for that monkey sh9t is already here, people + young people are depressed and want ways out - the frequency is pressuring everyone, that 32% means double the number to 60% 

Depression [pressure] repression = Crown blockages = offline 
Pressure or Presser or Pression or Oppression 

Do not judge anyone for you don't know what they went through to get to where they are and remember, you are going to swap places with them 

Talk to sum one, do not walk on by when you 'know' this person could do with guidance, be honest, young and old people know more than you think - talk to children and those who have lost their way, mental blockages come from the processing plant aka mind 

That is way too big 

Last 48hrs we had had strikes hitting over 144hz 

See on the map and look where Cornwall is - the Northern Lights can only be called Northern if they are in the North - this planet is upside down and North is really the South 
One plane 

Not flat, but one plane 
Aeroplane [planet] plane [plan] 

Take the NASA tones [haze affects] down and this is what the SUN looks like 

Check the red hue and the two crescent Moons, Matrix glitch 

 [MEXCIO] ancient symbol in the SKA is now modern day symbol in the SKA 

First clip you can see the plasma is coming from the volcano upwards, check the craft sitting there on the right and the second clip you can see the cloaked craft move from right to left into place and then there is a discharge between them 

SPAIN - 'white' holds all [7] colours [radiation] energies and we can see purple backdrop, there is a red hue with yellow at destination point 

Who goes there 

Who goes there - that example does not make sense unless there was sum thing behind causing the reflection to bounce up there like that 

Dana that bi9ch ripped through SPAIN 
Listen carefully, agriculture, infrastructure, roads+ all designed so that you won't live comfortable for the reminder of your time on KI 
Turkey had two systems in one day, they say

2012 is now 


No bi9ch, proving that the Rishi is from source and that Western Science is from man

Orissa [Odisha] Orisha [Odessa] Odia [Odin] 
Rishi is from the word Orisha [O'Rishi-a] like the word Irish [O'i'rishi-a] 

Om [Owm] Aum  
Hmm [Hymn]
'Sound of Life' [frequency]  

From 2001 until now [2023] there is no difference only in terms of functionality 
No one is inventing anything because the energy [frequency] is over 

When you sing out loud and from your heart, you use your CHAKRA [SHANKH] system
Music was for healing and still is, the message is always in the Muse [Music] Museum 


Back in the 70s into the 80s they targeted the parents, children wanting toys that were given away with every purchase, wheat, grains+ have finished and how is it that brands like Cornflakes and Weetabix+ are still on the shelves - mutant foods, remember the word Breakfast is Break Fast, breaking your fast 
MacDonald's today do not have to given nothing away, fights have broken out in their stores for artificial food 

Yet shortly MacDonald's will become Mitchell Star grade to many because food is over 

Those shoes are from the 80s, really, they look a bit too clean - that guy John will be found in 1000s of years time and the debate of who was here first will surface again and John will once again the topic of debate  

Notice it was a female who used her intuition, her perspective - detective = detection - to get to the truth
Heinrick - German name [Henry] Pedophilia is genetics 

The only way to protect children is to crash this Matrix that protects the Pedophilias   

Clones - [Doppelgangers] - you have [7] versions of you 

The guy who is presenting these videos called the Ouji board a 'game' and the guys 'playing' fu9ked themselves - do not mess about with the spirit world, many are there because they were murdered, so forgive them for being a little pissed 

That first clip, just before the orb goes from left to right, down the bottom right you can see a shadow being walk pass left to right and even from the door you can see a light reflection from sum thing passing by - the guy that presents this upload often uses words like belief, sceptic, hypothesis and rambles on about old folklore or give stupid 'mundane' reasons 

DINO [Dinosaurs] means terrible lizard 
They say these tracks are 100 million years and this means these tracks are from 9ethers because the 6ethers hadn't even been created on the planet 

So when they say 'men' or 'humans' walked with Dinosaurs, yes 'black' people walked with Dinosaurs 

O = Orisha [O'risha] Irish 


Morris [Moorish] Morocco [Moorocco]

We see the same dance in Ireland under the name Rinkey or Rinceadh-fada described by Walker in his Memoirs of the Irish Bards, which he was plainly talking about the Minstrels dance; and clearly it was substantially the Moors dance that was once common to Western Europe

The dance as changed hands and is now with the 6ether Irish who blacken their faces 

In “a short description of the uncorrupted Morris dance, as practised in France about the beginning of the sixteenth century,” it is stated that—about that period— “it was the custom in good societies for a boy to come into the hall, when supper was finished, with his face blackened, his forehead bound with white or yellow taffeta, and bells tied to his legs, he then proceeded to dance the Morisco, the whole length of the hall, backwards and forwards, to the great amusement of the company”

There are other French examples of Morris-dancing, of earlier date than that; one so early as 1440, and another of 1458—on which latter occasion the dancers were “attired like savages”

We are told that in Spain “the Morris dancers usually blackened their faces with soot, that they might the better pass for Moors”

During the early part of the sixteenth century, it was the common custom for the citizens of Edinburgh to conclude an evening’s amusement by “bringing in the Moors, or Morris;” and it is on record that, at that period “the Egyptians” “danced before the king at Hollywood house” on at least one occasion

Whatever, therefore, may have been the natural complexion of those Dancers and Minstrels who are stated by Walker to have welcomed James II with the Rinceadh-fada when he landed at Kinsale two centuries ago, it seems most probable that their faces were, at least, temporarily blackened; if not “Moors” by descent, they were “Moors” in appearance—like all the earlier dancers of the Moors dance

Source (Ancient and Modern Britons, Vol 1 & 2; 1884)


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Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...