Thursday, 7 September 2023

No stone will be left unturned...

Man means Mind 

Where should I be, when you understand where you’re supposed to be all along, then ask yourself who owns that position – because if you understand the character and nature of the One [Neo] who owns the position, then you know that you’re in position you’re supposed to be in, you’re telling yourself [your cell] who the fu9k you really are – in the MIRs [MER] pyramids it always told you where to begin – and it says, Man – Know thyself

Man means Mind

Because once you know thyself you cannot be deceived, if you cannot be deceived then the Devil [D-Eve-Lillith] cannot trick you and if the Devil cannot trick you, he has to serve your best interest because anything that cannot trick you has to treat you – Halloween and that sh9t is coming up right after the Devils night and the Devils night is the 30th and Halloween [Hallowed Eve] is the 31st

The person behind the scene is not who you think he said he is, ww3 begins when you understand that its all a ploy to deceive man [mind] and this man is hiding behind the scene with sum skilful mtf sorcerers and magicians trying to do everything they can to move us out of position

You will be where you are supposed to be, it is Nature [Netu] Neteru who is dictating the PTAH [PATH], Metu [Mother] Netu [Nature] is a force and she only follows the critical PTAH, the PTAH of least resistance, so the more you resist the more she fights you and the less you resist the more she moves you, so if you let Mother Nature move you, she will find you where she chose you and where she chose you and where she choose you and where she chose you is because what you have been through and what you have been through shows the rank and spirit because the ones who had it the hardest becomes the strongest because the strongest have the heaviest load to carry – you cannot put the heaviest load on a weaker person because they simply cannot take that load, many of you have been through the mill and are still catching h3ll out here, sum of you its your own fault because you may be attracting sh9t, sum of you won’t drop your sh9t, but many of you are so good at what you do that they give you more, they know your threshold and your capacity, we cannot judge anyone with what they have been through for everyone’s capacity levels are different – the reason we are constantly given situations [simulations] is to keep your focus and in training, why, because sh9t is going to get very real out there for many and you will be needed for order and balance, you will be in a field where grown men will cry for their mothers, where many hearts will fail 'man' 

This spiritual journey or game of life is based that way, no ones life outweighs their capacity levels, you move up or gain more when you deal with more, at this final stage those who have overcome more will be the strongest, sum just don’t know this – yet

You are in the middle - the two either side of you are not really there - that is your positive and negative side - your lower and higher self - you want balance 

That Kaliyuga [Amnesia] is losing its grip for many and we needed that key to unlock us from this ‘sleep’ state into a ‘woke’ state making us reach the higher states, making us reach the higher ascension without having to worry about the struggles we have been through, all we can do is use the situations [simulations] experiences to empower us for what we are about to receive as a compensation for the nation over this duration of time

The amount of water [Moya] coming in lets us know that the miracles of life and eternal life comes in with the sweet waters and the sweet waters comes in with Oshun [Ocean] and Oshun is going to have to return to HAITI [I.TI] because this is the last Conjure to close, when they call Oshun back to HAITI that means they are out of the warlock [war lock] what follows will be Ogun, Shango, Legba+ aka the Orissa [Odisha] Orisha [Odessa] Odia [Odin] once they finish tearing s9t up and everything becomes clear – then we will see [sea] the way with the key that will open many doors

When you open up the Queens Chamber you turn on the light and the light and the light is the Pineal Gland and the light is the light of man [mind] and the light is the light of the soul and when your eyes become One [Neo] the body is filled with light – this is when your soul has the MaStar key and the MaStar key will set you free when you begin to see what your supposed to see in order to find your destiny

Destiny [destination] destiny is not a place, it is an English word, be wary of how people use this word around you, who give the impression that it is a place, no sweetheart it mean destination, from one starting point to an ending point

The Schuman models are not showing nothing in the last 48hrs but they should be, last night I saw the Schuman in my dreams and the colours where pink, and red and green and there was a pyramid type energy signature in the graph

The Mitochondria is getting ready to be shut off and we see this up and down the land, if you haven’t done your shadow work, if you cannot reach the frequency+ you will be shut down, if your ego is too absorbed to assimilate higher consciousness  - then the Mitochondria is getting switched off aka your brain is being switched off – your heart is being switched off – we have seen what it looks like, drastic population reduction, closing schools, extremely high number of deaths among older and young people, middle age+ because of Jabba the Hutt [???] but most definitely because many cannot match the frequency, we will never be going back to 7.89hz ever again, we are hitting over 144hz alone, and there are [3] tones hitting the planet

Many were simply never ever going to reach that capacity because they are hardwired at a certain range and that range is over – many will bail out of here simply because no one taught that person how to raise their vibrational frequency, were supposed to teach one another instead of monkey see, monkey do which is 90% of people in the Matrix

You don’t need the eyes to see, don’t rely on others to tell you so, you need to ‘know’ things for yourself – guide yourself – rely on yourself

***remember there are no mistakes with Mother [Ma] she wants you to do your best, she does not want you to repeat what you have already done before, do it the right way, she is watching you, she is listening to you, she can only respond with what you are thinking about, stay in the right position and you will get the right result  

Shields up 

Craft or planet 

That craft [UFO] is really low or the SKA is really low 

Lee is on the way 

Whether it is through man and his machines or it is through nTr [Nature] one way or another this Wendy House is being dismantled - other places are being made the example
One day you are going to wake up and the world around you would have changed overnight while you were sleeping - keep one eye on the ball 

Weather systems are hitting around the planet and are set to get much worse, I heard on the radio people talking about Halloween, sum one else said September was already over - but September is only 7 days old, next they will be talking about Christmas - wishing time away is not going to cut it, you cannot escape the time 'light' 

They are methodical in what they do, the SKA is littered with crafts that are armed but yet they have not used one weapon - only when threatened - NTR has kept the numbers of causalities down considering what has taken place - but she can only hold back for so long, many warnings have been given out since 2012 [2021] and it is down to the user to use discernment 

No one is coming to save you, when you realise this your life will start in that moment 

Get ready 

Ok, sure, concrete and now terrorist on the loose in the UK 

$75 billion to Ukraine - come on - what is it all about 

If Hawaii belong to anyone it would be Liliuokalani and Kalakaua's people 

The Rocks people are not from Hawaii, they are from Mongolia  
Samoa [Samoora] All 'blacks'  

You were asked to leave and not to return by your own people 

More of the lady and the robot and actually talking, with the 'lifeguard'  oh boy, the lifeguard is not right - check the movement of the lifeguard, which is robotic - android  

Check all those at the ATMs - all of them - the number plate on the motorcycle is from the UK - the guy often misleads when explaining certain things, its a mixture of the truth and lie at the same time, which they have to give you, all you have to do is watch the footages, is obvious that whoever recorded the footage saw what you are seeing - that concert, you can see the energy wave was real, they were harnessing energy, the weapon suggestion sounds plausible, I wonder those affected how they are today, sum one usurped energy   

There are currently [7] types of Oculocutaneous Albinism and are scientifically defined: OCA1, OCA2, OCA3, OCA4, OCA5, OCA6, OCA7

Blue or green eyed, blonde or red-haired, with pale skin [6ether]
This makes them susceptible to sun burn and skin cancers

In modern medicine, this is called Oculocutaneous albinism type-2 (OCA-2)
Oculocutaneous Albinism type 2 (OCA2), is defined by coloured hair: often blonde, and coloured eyes: often blue - and contrary to many false definitions, with the ability to tan
This is uncomfortable diagnosis and definition for 6 ethers and others afflicted – stay out of he sun because the sun is trying to kill you
More than 80 mutations in the OCA2 gene have been identified in people with Oculocutaneous albinism type 2
People with this form of albinism often have light yellow, blonde, or light brown hair; creamy white skin; blue or green eyes

Today’s 6ether people are formerly so called 9 ethers ‘black skinned humans’ of the “Caucasian” phenotype, specifically, they are mostly the albinos of Black Dravidians of India [Naga]
[Caucasoid] Caucasian [Cauc-asian] Cauc-asia-n] there is no such thing as Asian minor or major – ‘white’ oriental and Indians are all from the same cloth [Asia – oriental] Asian – Indian
[Caucasian Mountain is in Georgia and is their candle of man or mankind of life]
This means they are all the same race except the 9ether 

The so called ‘white’ 6ether race formed in Central Asia, where the aforementioned Dravidian Albinos congregated to avoid strong sunlight

Though so-called ‘blacks’ make ‘whites’ (Albinos) daily, ‘whites’ cannot make so called ‘blacks’

Therefore, those Albinos congregating in Central Asia, as they mated with each other, they simply made more Albinos, thus giving birth to the so-called white race – 6ethers

Whites are the Albinos of INDIA'S INDIGENOUS DRAVIDIANS, who split from India and went into Central Asia

The black and brown Dravidians of India produce the most Albinos per family, and it is from these Dravidians that the white sub-race arose
Their white skin or lack of pigmentation is due to defects (mutations) in certain "Autosomal Genes"
The associated disease is called Albinism
Each type of Albinism (of the 7 types so far discovered), is caused by a different defective gene

The Bhatti tribe of Pakistan still produce albinos identical to the original “Caucasians”

So called whites are Albinos derived from Dravidian Indians, is the Genetic Distance Maps created by the studies "Genetic Distance Map from The History and Geography of Human Genes" by Cavalli-Sforza - and "The Genetic Structure and History of Africans and African Americans" by Sarah A. Tishkoff - both genetic maps show that black and brown indians, and whites are alone together, separate from all other humans - the only difference is that one group is pigmented, and the other is not or one group is albino, and the other is not

Stay out of the sun if you do not have pigment

Vegas has also been accused of being a Puff Daddy [P Diddy] 
Rupturing the Root [Sacral] Chakra prevents a Chief, Prince becoming a King 

These guys are young people and will be here after us, they are 'woke' and are already up to speed, only old people are getting in the way because they are trying to hold on to an energy that is expiring, another word for 'woke' is 'awake' or 'activated' or online

This has been going onwards from 2012 at least and you can see that sum one [many] are going down in real time, the truth must be revealed before all h3ll is released and we will all see the truth 

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