[3] points of existence
Sibyl [Delphi] Gorgon means Oracle [Prophetess] Priestess
Sibyl [Sibtu] priestesses are the highest priestesses and
sit with the Queen of Heaven and Earth [KI] and many of these priestesses are here
and are you today, these priestesses are sync with her and become her ambassadors to
the rest of the world, because wherever they are at, she is there – hence why it
says wherever you’re at so is the Lord
When was the fall of Matriarchy, when things like Alexander
usurped Helen by gaining the destiny scroll and surrendering it to his father
line in order to rise up in Rome as a Patriarchal empire that had homosexual
philosophy as the base philosophy – Roman [Romantic] philosophy is about the
greatest love between a man and a boy – this is not correct and is the exact
opposite of the earth doctrine – the earth doctrine is about the greatest love
between a woman and a man in which they produce a child – what we call the
great Trinity, every time another child is born that is another Trinity, that
is another [3] – the child is the sum [some] parts of the mother and the father
The Sibyls and wherever they went the Queen of Heaven and
Earth knew whatever was going on because the Sibyls where there, they could see
through her eyes and she could see through their eyes – they are all Nexus
[connected] Hive link – you move in the frequency of the tribu [tribe]
A power shift that your government do not want you to
know about, but yet the energy is in the air and all of the signs and symbols
are available but many are still plugged in with the false narrative still
captivating the audience keeping them mislead in the manmade Matrix
When you learn how to harness your energy during psychic
self-defence [psy means soul and Chi is the life force and self is the word
cell] your own energy and to control your energy, you can easily disorient a
person with just a look – because you can thrust your energy through your eyes
the same way you can thrust your fist to their jaw - have you had sum one give you a look and in that look was the charge
Can a person reincarnate as their own daughter after
dying a few months after giving birth to that child – yes and every now and again the
soul [person] cannot find a person they are willing to come back through and so
they will say fu9k it and self [cell] reincarnate – the child takes up to nine
months in order for their soul to calibrate to a frequency to lock them into a character
of who they are and are drawing that energy form the DNA family line anyway
So the mother is not present in physical form, its just a
matter of calibrating that energy form from the other side to get it into this
Remember not everyone has a soul, KJ2 was rewritten to
take reincarnation out because the 6ethers do not reincarnate aka they do not
have a soul [BAA]
How much are we a fusion of our parents in a completely different
soul in this body; the DNA seems infinite but it does have a limited number of frequencies
for a soul to incarnate into a physical form
Its sum thing like 4 points on the entire genome that
line up to allow certain energy frequencies to come back again, these
frequencies are coming from the union of two lines, father line and mother line
and when they cross the individual then lets out a frequency becoming a composite
of both sides of the family and the fusion is not always the same, sum times it
can be 20% mother and 80% daddy or vice versa and is to why many say, you take after
your father or your mother [not talking about looks] people can look at you and
tell because you have a controlling percentage of one or the other
You can reincarnate the same timeline after you leave
here aka death if you do not make the level – you will have the exact same
timeline until you make the right choices – all you do is monkey flip back to
the beginning of your consciousness – soon as you figure it out, your learning ‘self’
now aka Man Know thyself but you can definitely reincarnate on the linear
timeline – you will be looping, is that your own h3ll, the word h3ll is subjective,
you will one day get it and start when you are ready, we are all guilty of not
being grounded – remember this is a simulation – a learning program and you
will learn before you can truly leave this realm [dimension]
The children of light are the Rainbow children [Indigo] and
have been coming in for the last 45 years and are awakening at different levels
because we all don’t wake up at the same time – they all have gifts to offer ‘humanity’
for the upgrade of ‘humanity’ – the light code activation are the soular
[solar] rays coming in – this is the activation of the light codes in melanin
beings [seen in these images above], but the melanin is auto sentient, its conscious on its own and you’re
learning how to communicate with it and the prime source or microphone is at
the base of the spine [think Matrix plug-in]
You are created has a sentient creator being for the
purposes of manifesting [i-magi-ng] reality before our eyes and you have
different expressions of reality throughout the boundless universes – watch Sliders
to get an idea, because you have light spectrums, sound ranges and the
combination where they cross at different locations vibrated at different
realities to produce different realty than the one you see [sea] – so right now
we are in a grand dance to create tomorrow while we are burning yesterday down,
were done with yesterday and all we are doing is taking the memories and taking
the lessons from it to build a better tomorrow – tomorrow is not here yet
because we haven’t built it – but were in the process
It was only when they put the Moon there did women stop [pathogenesis]
reproducing by themselves, the Moon was put there to block out the Lillith
[Saturn] energy – the women had to relearn Moon Magic with their Lillith
[Saturn] Magic and once they learn how to retune their bodies they will be
returning back to pathogenesis, only certain ones would be allowed to do this,
so her status would be Queen [Hive mind]
[Y] White Chromosome
[X] Chromosome
Only the 9ether wombman can produce a 'white' child, the 6ether woman cannot not produce a 'black' child
The red iron oxide is coming from the tail of the red
dragon, keep in mind it’s a brown dwarf collapsed star that took on a metallic
form – the ANNUNAKI along with several other forms of the allies hollowed it
out and made it inhabitable and the iron oxide blows off of the surface of
NIBIRU traveling through space has a dust trail - this is a picture of the sun in the SKA but you can see the dragon
Aurora Borealis are the Northern lights are a reflection
off of the inner earth onto the atmosphere – the 5th dimensional
realm is the realm we go to in-between incarnations; the 4th dimensional
realm is called the dream realm – but because the fourth and third dimension was
collapsed on each other meant that we had to split our days between the two
dimensions – but when you leave your physical form you recoil back to the 5th
dimension, unless your done doing your work here, then you go all the way back
up to the 18th dimension
This slave [Diaspora] period 400 [512] years – ended in 2012 [2021] and in 2017 or 2018 – they had a house resolution commemorating the 400 [512] years –
they acknowledged the 400 years which is an actual closing of a Conjure contract which
is known as the Biblical contract of the Pope
None of us are prepared to allow genocide to be part of y-our history
She doesn't give a fu9k, she is going to have the final say, not man and his machines and friends
This is an oil painting by Rutger Hiemstra
wft is this - this monkey boy will be deleted off of this planet, its woman, man and child, not man and man and clone [IVF]
James is another dildo, watch all footages and by pass what he says and deal with what you see - remember we are in real time now - instead of what it might not be, deal with what it really is
Sh9t is real in the field
The threat is real in this field
When Trump says 'it sounded like an ancient pandemic' that is exactly what it is SARS [ASARU], the Pharaohs curses, they knew exactly what was coming in - Trump cannot say too much, I'm not sticking up for him but his hands are tied - mandatory vaccinations are coming - who were those 100miliion that he saved - and how about those who never took the Jabba the Hutt are still here
Not because of online banking
Displacement is coming for all, just at different times, these people are only doing what was done to them before, its just there are those who like to forget - when sh9t hits the fan, those same people who are deemed the invasion will tear everything down - get away from the coastlines
One race loves bars, cages, fences, the border wall that the USA had between them and Mexico increased deaths and are now just rusting steel - there were never borders until the 6ethers invaded
Anywhere from 1000hz upwards, including the WAJI [Green] energy signatures takes up into 14000hz
Second tone is 100hz+ the model only goes up to 100hz and we must be hitting 144hz at times
Multicolored energy signatures and the signatures over the last week
Last set of images are DNA [DEA] upgrades
Canadian Schuman is still down
Different energy signatures - frequencies
When the SUN triggers you can see on the top right light up, so the CME is hitting sum thing, you can see the top right light up, inside the CME are ships, life forms - what is the CME hitting - why is the rim lit up like that
The four corners are lit when we are in vast space, that is what they taught you, the white ring in the middle is the lens cover to protect the camera from flying, so why does the four corners light up like that - on the right we see a cloaked cube
GREECE [ROME] UK empires must be deleted
NTR [nTr] is tearing them all a new assh9le
People are being made to lose everything for a reason
They are messing with the weather, Libya now up to 20,000+ water is coming in big time around the planet that its becoming normal, its already dark by 7pm+
Signs and symbols in the SKA
TEXAS [USA] look at the top right, huge distortion with shapes in there
What is beyond the horizon - solid clouds means mass
The world and planet are two different things, the world is ending, not the planet, learn the difference
Consider the kid
What lies beneath
Trust no one - if he feels like a c99t, then he is a fu9king c99t
Leave mundane consciousness
The letter M and W are electron signs - waves of emotions are energy in motion
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