Thursday, 28 September 2023

Future Self

Holographic reality
Halographic [Solograhic] reel-ity 

The game of life is the game of the gods [game of throne] because the game of life is played in the holographic universe aka the ‘gods’ play in the holographic universe – the holographic universe produces the earth realm and the earth realm is where we experience life [light] – the rules state we have to be synced [MtDNA] to the earth [KI] and we come in with amnesia [Kaliyuga] and remember who we are – the little girl told you there are 10s of 1000s of us scattered out around the world in order to raise the vibration and frequency of the planet

SOUL-AR storms and the UV rays interact with earths electromagnetic fields and this generates what is known has the SCHUMAN resonance but now its going to be restored as the SHU + TEF + NUT resonance which is the right resonance aka instead of having double Masculine Shu + Min it will be Shu + Tefnut which is Masculine and Feminine - google Shu [image below] and you will see the canopy of the SKA over the earth [KI] which is the right frequency A-tone

Schuman [Shu -Min] we were under a flip grid that gave us a double positive Masculine polarity on the earth and they called it the Schuman resonance – the NTR [deity] SHU [SCH] and the NTR [deity] MIN are two male ‘gods’ and this is a violation of earths gender contract that allows men to rule aka to be under a double rule male domination – so you have a south and north magnetic pole, we only use the north magnetic pole because we are in the northern hemisphere – but just like you have calibrated north magnetic pole magnets, you also have calibrated south pole magnets also – so that when you are in the southern hemisphere you can traverse the land using the southern point of reference which is up – so when you see those lines coming out, those are the developing of the electromagnetic field [EMF]

Shu and Tefnut are Mother earth and the moisture [water] of the SKA and are the meeting of the two under the 432hz which is the earths frequency, the Schuman resonance is calibrated on a different frequency, to give us the wrong pitch [7.89hz] which made us redundant

When the Schuman resonance [frequency] is flipped back correctly, will become the ShuTefnut resonance which the proper frequency of the earth and will be called the pole flip, before the whole crust of the earth would flip around and now its just the energy – NIBIRU will pass just far enough not to flip the crust but will still pull on the electromagnetic field, which will cause the magnets to flip and those frequencies that you see will be reoriented to the position they are now, south is up, north is down – so all of the ones of us that had north calibrated compass is not going to work right, it will draw you to the south – so your north is going to be reading south on your compass because of the electromagnetic grid flip

So as we make atonements for the dirt what we did, this automatically re-tunes the earth back to the A-tone which is the atonement of the earthborn and the redemption process to recover the earth from those who cannot stay here because they are violating cosmic law – they created the man made Matrix that we have to clean up and in the process we collect galactic points for being t the bottom of the barrel through suffering but at the same time building up pre-karma – in which pre-karma was created by y-our suffering being the firstborn of the earthborn – so they could achieve more, so we passed the ‘god’ gene into the ‘god’ creation because ‘god’ created sum thing that they had no business doing because he didn’t have prime creator permission nor did they have the permission from the Queen over Heaven and Earth

So, then they had to come into the 9ethers homes for their one drop of [ANUNNAKI] blood by any means necessary, even at the edge, tip, of a sword, so the Shiners come in 32 degrees Scottish rites under a challenge FEZ [QEZ] vs FEATHERS [FEZZAS] under George Washington Masonic Order to put the 9ethers in a Warlock, so now they can’t access their wealth [resources] because they are in Warlock

To break free for the Warlock, One [Neo] of us must break free from the slumber   

 I have been reading up on artificial supplements and what I see is that sum artificial supplements are not always from artificial sources – its just the source was refined in order to extract the part that you can supplement with – the food is being grown and your using artificial means – so they have to extract supplements from other locations – sum times toxic sources that you cannot take in through free form, but they can get the vitamin or mineral out without having the negative side effect of consuming – it becomes artificial when you assemble it from scratch – the first word of artificial is art – art comes from the creative mind express through the hands of man – your words can manifest, your deeds can manifest – if you can tell a compelling story to inspire [inspirit] deeper thought in sum one else – then you become the MaStar of Thoth [Thought] forms, you control thought – because your energy changes the way people perceive reality

We are at the final solution which is the final resolution and the final resolution is the final resolve and the final resolve is to get this sh9t done – so when we look at you and how you contributed to the art of life – remember in their book, it says, you’re the salt [sal] sol] of the earth [e-art-h] in order to be the salt of the earth you have to have the potential expressed

The fire is the Promethean Flame which is the unadulterated intelligence of the ‘gods’ – remember Prometheus climbed up Mt Olympus and stole sum of the Flame aka he got a Female that was born of the ‘gods’ to marry and reproduce to give that Flame to his seed aka his prodigy – once he gave that Flame to his prodigy now he has passed on the wisdom of the ‘gods’ to his prodigy and wisdom is always justifiable of her children, who Sophia – and Sophia is FEMI.9 for wisdom, her KHMT name is Seshat = all this is talking about with the wisdom + justifiable is talking about the Queens chamber in the brain – the Queens chamber in the brain is where the Pineal Gland sits and on the other side is the Kings chamber where the Pituitary gland sits – the two glands hold two entirely different functions – the pituitary gland develops your maturity as a man it turns you Masculine and as a female it turns you Feminine and from the Queens chamber we are downloading through the interior gyrus [guru] in the brain the instructions form Big Mamma in the Queens chamber, if there is no occupier of the Queens chamber, then your Mamma cannot die and she has to stay here until you find sum one match her energy or live for you unconditionally and then you are born again

The story of earth is a love story in the end – the love story is bringing the love back where the misery dwells and to order to unravel the love story in real life, you have to unravel the mysteries of time – when you unravel that you find yourself in the midst of the mystery system and you become the unsolved mystery – so see [sea] if you can’t find mystery, the answer revolves around your history, so quietly I dropped this degree, scientifically and realistically [Eric B and Rakim] the 18th letter – the ‘R’ Rakim – its not 18 its three 6s and 81 is the flipped [mirror] which is [9]

When you put all this sh9t together, all they needed was one drop of blood [ANUNNAKI] in order to be creative as us = mission accomplished – galactic family, star family have come back to see if we have accomplished the tasks they left us to do – we fought against each other, in the end we don’t even have to burn this Wendy House down – even if we kissed and made up, because after the anger and the rage comes an understanding of the price that we paid – once you innerstand that the price you paid paves a better day for your children, then you will see the price of the suffering you had to take, as long as you don’t do no more, you won’t have any more generational curses – breaking generational curses means giving up everything that doesn’t serve the greater good  - and if we all teach one we will reach one – reach one and the better we can teach one – it’s a reciprocal manifestation of real time, understanding the holographic board game of the game of life

We understand we take on new avatars when we wear this one out – the spell is breaking and we are expanding and when we put together the holographic universe and show you piece by piece how its assembled, think to yourself, who else has done that [???]

Holographic teleportation is nothing nu - the original movie StarGate shows the device being used, movies are manuals that you can use because their movies are based on the truth but told through lives [reversed] rumours of wars, because a rumour is built off of the truth 

ATLANTIS [ATLAN] is the name of a Mothership that is on KI [EARTH] with its capital called ATLANTA  

TA.MERI is the name for the land we call the AMERICA, TAMERI is West Africa and Africa is called TA.MARA [TAMARE]  TAMA means 'Land of the Sun' and RE [RA] means creative source - the 3 triads of RE and [MAR] or MER means pyramid 

There are MaStar teachers and there are MaStar students, I AM a MaStar student – so I can tell you what my teachers showed me and then I can put it call together so you can see what eye see [sea]

This is why I was sent here – navigator, circumnavigate, the Mason [Masem] Virgo house energy means that we don’t take energy but self-generate energy, we see how it works, functions and then interpret that data [light], once you see what eye see, you cannot unseen what you have seen 

ASET [ISIS] translates 'emotions' - 'the throne' - 'seat' - pulpit - all is talking about the Queens chamber aka an area of the mind that she sits in - spiritual - full power 

No power - physical - Aset never led from a throne, the throne is the mind  


'No spoon' 

Mitochondrial DNA is only inherited [transferred] from the mother – this function, known as respiration, and is why the Mitochondrial is frequently referred to as the powerhouse of the cell

Within the liquid matrix lies the mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid [MtDNA] which contains the information to direct protein synthesis – the chief function of the Mitochondrial is to create energy for cellular activity by the process of aerobic respiration

The Jabba the Hutt breaks down your DNA and will be the reason many of you will not come online - because your having a slow death 

 Honour thy contract, things happen the way they are supposed to, we don't know if sum one is burning up sum thing from a pervious life in this life, sum things are working for sum people and sum are not 

People are going through KARMIC fields 

You always had a choice and may not receive spiritual guidance because you opened yourself up to certain things, even with those who took the Jabba the Hutt just because, without really looking into it, spirit guides cannot help you -you are subject to the choices that you made - you did not listen to the 'god' within and you and went against yourself, you ignored your 'gut' [second brain] feeling, you never listened to your intuition, many made decisions from the mind and not how they feel [heart] doing things like this is you making a contract to move against yourself  

People doing sh9t that makes no sense - you have creative [free] will and no one can intervene or change that, no even ancestors, your on your own, many will be grounded [staying earthbound] - people are making choices without understanding what they are doing 

Take a real good at your friends, family members, partners and when you see them going through sh9t, just remember before you start going in there and trying to take on this and that, that many made that choice and you have to leave them to get out of that choice, you can guide sum one on how to do this but do not do it for them or you will go down with them - ask questions to find out how they even got there in the first place - we make choices that we have too, sum are good choices [decisions] and sum are bad choices, either way they must be honoured 

Its not your job to 'wake' sum body up, its not your job to pull sum body out of their reality that they are in, no one was sent down here to save another 

Its hard for me because I have to honour peoples choices, when you care for sum one its hard to allow that person the right to 'free will' which is their right to make any choice [decisions] that they see fit to take

It was never my place to pass judgement on those individuals and for future reference, more compassion and love to those who are not in the know, I AM still learning 

I'm moving towards unity consciousness and in order to unify, one must have unconditional love for all, which I think is impossible to attain down here, how can you, but I is aiming for it - you cannot pass judgement on those who don't know has much as you - leave those people alone and meet those people wherever they are on that level - live your life as the example, so people become curious about your light, their curiosity will not kill the KAT - if sum one values your light they will take in your light, for your light holds truth 

When you see certain people in a state of mind, its not your job to criticize them or put them down, because they don't know, its not your job to bring knowledge to them, that they are not ready for, I am not better than the person that doesn't know, we are all flawed in here - you are going to continue to learn lessons, whether they are positive or negative or neutral, you are going to learn  

Be good to yourself so you can be a wellbeing   


Drums heal, these were the first primordial beats, you can heal with the sounds, through vibration, music is a form of Voodoo and certain instruments are attached to your CHAKRA [SHANKH] system

You are creators of the SUN – 9ethers like a lot of BASS [BASE] BAA.SE in their music – the 808 exists in the lowest CHAKRA called BASE [BASS] in your body and the majority of content that is related to the 808 is ‘killer’ or ‘sexual content’ – the original 808 was even off pitch and means there is an actual sound in the track that you don’t realise is there and is fu9king up your entire frequency and the reason being is because you have a soul [BAA]

Each instrument that we created effects each CHAKRA within you – certain instruments are attached to you if you are an electrical being [EM] Electromagnetic being - this is why sum people cannot dance, because they have no rhythm aka EM 

33rpm = 6 
45rpm = 9 

You can listen to sad music but at 45 because that equals 9 and means life, whereas 33 equals 6 and means death - the brain runs off of sound waves, its an organ, muscle that contracts and expands, when you learn sum thing nu, you create creases on your brain making nu connections [Nexus] aka 


That was good from both uploaders - really good, I felt them [resonate] 

I purchased this track in 1989 [999] = 27 = 9 special year [decade] special track 


The Moon is anti-photon energy, so it looks like a sun and glows [illuminates] like a sun and they tell you that the Moon reflects the suns light [rays], but that is a lie, it’s a holographic projection [image] the part of the Moon that we see, but the ‘dark side’ of the Moon, the part of the Moon that you cannot see – is the actual base where they have scientist sitting up there stealing Magnetism or Souls as they leave the realm – they know Souls are being created because the 9ether MtDNA woman are having babies for the ‘god’ race – so they turn the Moon on to certain levels for each Ether and this impacts and effects every single ‘goddess’ who is pregnant with a child [Soul] on the way

The Moon [Mono] emits anti-photon energy [APE] - sum one is lying 

Super Moon [Meaning the DeathStar will be under its own full power] is now into the 29th and three days after – its three days before and three days after or so because energy lingers  

DeathStar was a former Reptilian [Draco] command ship that was captured and its hardware was stripped out, when we have a full Moon it means the DaethStar is under its own power which gives the impression of light, when its illumination - there is a ship that is holding the DeathStar in place that is locked to this planet - this image that you are looking at is the hologram that they are using to hide the real base - NIBIRU and ANUNNAKI and [RIZQ] and those involved with KI [EARTH] are dealing with the Reptilians

What is this sphere really in the desert - 3 days before they switch this thing on for real for real - same day the Moon goes Pepsi Max - who is feeding this sphere - just saying 

This is supposed to be the SUN taken in the morning [Scotland] how [???] how is the SUN purple 

Is this planetary body a reflection, then from what or is this planetary body cloaked or between dimensions, either way this sphere is sitting in the SKA 


WOMB [DOME] OM [VAN ALAN BELT] OZONE LAYER [EMF] FIRMAMENT+ all the same thing and is coming down 

HEMISPHERE [HEMI means HALF in LATIN] and HALF a SPHERE is called a DOME in anyone's language - look at the top image from a NASA satellite of this planet and the colours - doesn't that look like a CROWN [PURPLE] CHAKRA and see the NUB [GOLD] 

As above, so below - your DOME is your forehead - see the HEMI with your 'eye' 'ye' [god] in the middle, the minds eye, the 3rd eye, your main eye - your Wadjet, your Horus [Heru] eye, your Moon and Sun eye, you are Nexus [connected] to source because you are source 

The DOME is going to crack wide open soon, the DOME at time fails and energies seep through, these energies are called radiation to others, your need a CHAKARA system - which are alien implants to process these energies, along with Melanin [Alchemy] - many 9ethers are going to turn blue again, and green, sum purple - sum a combination of all colours - Rainbow children - which are all real pigmentations, this radiation is hitting hard and is fully charging the 9ethers and sum 6ethers - the gateway is going to be opened aka the SKA is going to be opened - we are seeing this because we can see the two suns, we can see holographic planets, we can see them - mens hearts will fail them when they peel back the SKA 

Double bubble
We are seeing cubes, spheres and pyramids up there  

Different light sources and reflections - from what - look where the SUN is and how the lights bounce between what [??] how 

POLELAND [POLAND] POLSKA - where the Poles used to be experienced dangerous SKA
Red destroys - mutating wavelengths 

Hieroglyphs [codes] in the frequency 100hz+  

Check the colours - see the codes from right to let and up and down - Moorse code 


That helmet looks interesting 

There is a light source that you can see over this plane in Australia at the top - it is a craft emitting a aura, haze, fore field around the craft - I saw a closer image of the craft, you can just about see it and you get the idea, the idea that the only crafts in the SKA are from the allies, alliance and the Galactic Federation - Ashtar Command and its members are still grounded [on earth] by the Himalayas

Check the colours in the SKA and see that craft loitering in the SKA

SKA [SKI] SKY patrol - 24hrs a day 
Sum crafts are cloud cloaked and sum are just cloaked and sum are not 

Cloaked cube on the left 

Couple crafts in the mix and interesting the way the clouds below are in a twisted formation 

You won't be able to translates, but in so many ways he is saying, 'bloodclaat, ah wah dis??' aka so these bastards have been lying to us all this time
That craft is not alone

Those over in Asia cannot pretend they don't know what is going on, look at Chiang [Chango] Shango temple and what it displays 

Huge planetary body sitting on the right of the SUN 

Huge planetary body beside the SUN 

This is another 'floating' space structure constructed by the ANUNNAKI and its members, there is another one similar lower down which act  like docking station, this one has a snake type shape to it and we can see light sources 

They said that the lateral stages of 2023 would be life changing

UV[A][B][C] is ground level - heat - plasma is coming from the core of this planet upwards 

ABZU [South Africa] gets two systems, storm and flooding - ABZU is really North Africa - there is a huge rift that is going to fill up and separate ABZU [SA] from the rest of Africa, SA is going under water indefinitely - those Africans that sold out other Africans are going down and that includes the Arabs during diaspora 

Are you ready UK - AGNES is sitting just off of IRELAND rotating in a number 9 and is looking serious and ready to do business 


Electrical 'jellyfish' - Sprites - Spirits - they are intelligent 
Purple root or head 

95km = 59miles tall 
Check the colours - the planet is upside down - so North is really South and South is really North 
Seen during Plasma exchanges - storms 

The word Plasma [Plassein] is from Latin and means to mould – where energies and gasses are melded into images, called etherians 

Space should be treated like a deep ocean [water is liquid crystal] and all that dwells in the deep ocean we find in space 

Jellyfish have no brain but work off of instinctive intelligence 

You cannot stop the time = either way, if they kill him the next generation will tear down everything, this would inspire the others around Africa - that is the second coup in one month  

The 3D grand finale is approaching tickets are free - you know people love things for free 
Get ready for they are ready to go live - those that took the vaccine and the booster [accelerator] will be the ones going offline - they keep mentioning respiratory -  

Sum one sick [???] or CokeCain all his doubles suddenly speak good English 
And he is Homo - have you seen that track he made years ago 

Why would you need to scent the water - unless the water didn't taste right and what would cause that to happen - what is in the water 

Big up Bang ZHANG - he is right, the division is a mess and a Fury and ZHANG the MAN would clean sum of it up - this guy is committed, when he beat Joe the first time, he went and got a nutritionist, a massager - and got his mind focused for the rematch, when ZHANG came out and stood there waiting, his eyes were closed and he was meditating and took Joe out in 3 rounds, I like him and want ZHANG to have the fight with Fury, great win for ZHANG the MAN 


I see Mike Tyson training people and inspiring people but he still does the White Pony -

This track was big back in the day - Top of the Pops 

What if Michael was made president 
Homo - tranny with no fanny, Pedos, cannot contribute to the HuMan [HuMin] mantle frame - 
You have to find another planet - this type of energy cannot precede over FEMI.9 

Where are we going with this monkey sh9t 

Piers is Homo or Pedo, he used to be with Meghan before Harry, Meghan was born a man 
The second upload from the right is entitled 'Men tend to be better people' from sum one called a feminine, this is why we cannot have Homosexuals, Pedophiles preceding over FEMI9 energy, over children, there is not such word as feminism - Patriarchal through Pedo, Homo energy is dead energy

We are deleting the tranny with no fanny, Pedos, Homos, Necro, Zoo+ off of this planet   

What will he look like when he is 35 
@2:00 'broken hearted' haha - good one 

What does Greenpeace do exactly, they should be called Greenpiss - sh9t is still taking place and all these organisations Amnesty International do what ?? take the piss, they are doing nothing 

1000+ children missing from OHIO [USA] in 9 months [2023] 
1000+ children missing from MAUI [HAWAII] overnight [2023]
How many children in total are missing since the start of 2023 and what about the rest around the world - people are becoming more conscious and want to know wtf is going on out there - mothers are stirring - siStars are stirring, aunties are stirring, grandmothers are stirring = FEMI.9 [implode] 

This guy doesn't say what is really going on  
CHINA was build as the worlds worst polluters when it is the USA military - either way the 3D world is coming down

We are in real time - the camera doesn't lie right ??
The earths negative field is different from the spirit world 
Residual energy lingers because energy can never be destroyed once created - those created without a Soul [light] are soulless beings, everything has spirit but not all have a soul

Watch this [!!] Big up JASON - its real in the field - there is good bad in all - when she said she is eating more but not putting on weight makes sense, for they are eating it - JASON is using ancient words [sones] - witchcraft [wicca] - sister against siStar - gods against gods, dog eat dog - that was deep
This is still Voodoo, black magic+ remember, satanic is the realm and either side is angelic or demonic aka positive or negative  

The earths negative field and the physical world are merging with the spiritual [holographic] world and we are in real time - there is a lot of information in these uploads that is very relevant for now - when they talk about the grid, you must keep in mind it is going down, they are tripping it out so that it doesn't crash just yet, but it will go down, rolling blackouts is tripping the system, but for how long + the heat [UV] - and that woman on the plane no one has heard from since, they even put up sum one else claiming it was her, but she is nowhere to be found, and she said he was not human, he must have shaped shifted in front of her - and the family who the craft landed in their backyard in Las Vegas or Angeles have also disappeared - watch until the end - very interesting what goes on out there 

Edu [Eridu] Ereth [Earth] Ard 
Cobra Hood - Nomos [Naga] symbol 

Edunuthula [Edu Nut Hula]
‘Edu’, ‘Sapta’ or ‘Seven’
[Nagu] Naaga [Naga] Naka [Naki] Paki
Edunuthula and its [7] level ‘well’
Number [7] CHAKRA [SHANKH]

Edunuthula, meaning ‘seven wells’, has a long history because of its name and the big tank with a well right on the tank bund, the origin of the well is traced back to the period of Kakatiya [Nakatiya] kings who ruled

The name of the village is attributed to that well as it was constructed by seven siStars [Sahu] Orion Belt [Hindu], there are seven pairs of granite slabs fixed at right angles deep down the well at fixed intervals, the well water is magnetically enhanced and thus of exceptionally of good quality

There is another place called ‘seven wells’ near Madras, acquired by East India Company
The Edunuthula temple is on the top of seven hills
The deity is also popular as the Lord of Seven Hills

In Medak district, River Manjeera flows by the side of the village Nagsanpalli, the river gets divided into seven rivulets at a particular place and the place is called ‘Edu Payalu’

The seven streams represent seven Rishis [Orishas]

Significance of ‘Edu’, ‘Sapta’ or ‘Seven’

Since the name of the village Edunuthula begins with ‘Edu’ or ‘Sapta’, that is ‘Seven’, significance and ethos of the number ‘seven’ in HINDU culture and tradition will make an interesting study

There is seven sacred rivers-Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Saraswathi, Narmada, Sindhu and Kaveri-Saptha Nadulu, they represent Sapth Rishis [Orishas] >>> Edunuthula symbolically represent the seven sacred rivers

  There are seven saints (Sapta Rishis) mentioned in ancient scriptures, they are; Atreya, Bharadwaja, Gautama, Jamadagni, Kashyapa, Vasishta, and Viswamitra

In a Hindu wedding, a ritual called ‘Edu Adugulu’ (Sapta padi) is performed to make seven promises / vows, the bride and groom make one promise in each step totalling to seven, for happy married life, for being truthful and trustworthy to each other, for love and fidelity, for caring for children+

Music is divine

There are seven musical notes (Sapta swara) - Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Da, Ni
The attributes of the seven notes are - Shadja, Rishaba, Gandharva, Madhyama, Panchama, Daivata, and Nishada

There are seven colours in a rainbow – VIBGYOR > Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red

There are seven (New) wonders of the world, Viz - Chichen Itza, Mexico; Christ Redeemer, Brazil; The great wall of China; Machu Picchu, Peru; Petra, Jordan; the Roman Colosseum, Italy; and the Tajmahal, India
There are seven continents of the world: Africa, Asia, North America, South America, Europe, Australia and Antarctica
There are seven oceans: North Pacific; South Pacific; North Atlantic; South Atlantic; Indian; Arctic; and Antarctic

In Malaysia, there is a beautiful waterfall at a place called ‘seven wells’; It is a geological marvel and has become a tourist attraction, the name is derived because of its cascading water broken by a series of seven natural pools – Malaysia – Melaysia = Melanin + Melanesia

There are seven wells’ vineyards and winery in California and Kentucky of [USA]
The property is owned by a family, quality wine is prepared here with grapes

Seven Wells of Texas is so named after several natural springs near Colorado city in Texas at the confluence of Champion Creeks

Besides, there are many hotels named after seven wells in Tamilnadu, Malaysia, London, Turkey+ and they have earned good reputation

It is seen that the name of Seven Wells (Edu Nuthulu) echoes all over the world

7 heaven - the Naga [Nomos] are aquatic beings, pool houses, aquariums, wet rooms, many of these places are underwater that they use to move about in different places, like the Seal who has many air holes dotted area its home - the number [7] lingers in Indian [Hindu] teachings  

Concept [Incept] 
Con means to deceive aka deception and In means from within 

Jamaican Apples 

I saw the Black Keys in Camden [London] sum years back #Special 


When MUSIC hits you, you feel no pain, isn't that what Robert Nesta Marley told us - its what I felt, resonating frequency heal you, they reveal you, the message is always in the MUSIC [MAGIC] MAGI

We are reading energies, we are reading frequencies 

Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...