Saturday, 8 July 2023

the KAAT whisper

NIBIRU is visible in this soular system and is here making 10 planets or 9 planets from your perspective, however sum thing to think about is that NIBIRU already came back a while ago

What happened was that when they came back the information and technology that was left in place from NIBIRU was given to particular groups and those in Mesoamericans who we would call the Almanac [Ulmec [Olmec] area or the Aztec [Azteca] region which this particular land [Aztlan] was designed as a craft or sum form of a ship and when NIBIRU came back in this particular time, this already happened

This is where you have to study what happened with Christopher Columbus – which they say he discovered America but what else did he really discover – this ship – this ship called Atlantis [USA] was able to go back and forth to and from dimensions, they were able to leave and change their age+ when they shifted they would bring a particular area with them and this is why with NIBIRU many think it’s a planet but NIBIRU is a star station with an environment, it is a ship and NIBIRU is already locked, linked into land and they already came back

You see with the Moon, what we are viewing is actually a reflection of NIBIRU for the Moon was moved in the last couple years or so, we had a hologram over the Moon at one point and now the deathstar reptilian station is sum where else and we are looking at a reflection from NIBIRU and this would explain the extra friends we see around the Moon because its not the moon, it’s a reflection – keep in mind that we do not have the same look of the Moon or the SUN in the four corners of this planet

This soular system was not created at once nor was this planet, this planet evolves and even that is a program as well, its an application that these particular beings know how to tap into

NIBIRU already came back and they revealed this or re-revealed this and even with these cylinders they found, they let us see them even using Sitchin to promote these cylinders claiming that he translated these cylinder and the Cuneiform plates, why, because they have to reveal the truth, in Slapped Ham, the link is below, they are letting you know about other beings and even the craft that came down in the USA, those were the grey species, what if they did that on purpose to get the masses ready, sum of the greys are part of the Ashtar Command 

We are Nexus [connected] to NIBIRU and we have access to NIBIRU and this is why they put this information out there because they want us to keep our access to NIBIRU – we had been losing our access to technology and communication – they were trying to stop or a block or similar to when a door is closing and they didn’t want this has it was causing us to lose our access to NIBIRU and at that particular time they started putting out information about NIBIRU – its worse now than when they first started revealing NIBIRU – your memory remembers how NIBIRU moves and is to why they wanted us to remember NIBIRU, they wanted to keep your access open so they could read the information on NIBIRU for there are a certain collective group who know how NIBIRU moves, they have to put it back into your consciousness and let these people reveal it, and not knowing that we were going to get to this point and by this I mean this particular ‘craft’ NIBIRU that once was taking us on a voyage stops – and depending on where your at you could be referenced on being on NIBIRU right now – with Christopher Columbus and what he thought he discovered and Americas was really going to see UFOs [crafts] – think of these 1400s or 1500s paintings with UFOs why would they put them there and why is everyone carrying on normal like it was normal back then yet today people will lose their mind – why are these UFOs in these paintings that are preserved in museums, because that is what Christopher discovered and he also discovered that we are on that same voyage and this is when they call it the new world – they thought he was just talking about America – remember they only start recording from 3,400 years ago when there is millions of years’ worth of records

NIBIRU is a MaStar key, the MaStar program

 NIBIRU even though we can see them – that is the physical body, they have been in and out of time zones since they got here, they bend light, behind the SUN and NIBIRU is the spirit world, the holographic world and that higher world is merging with this world, we see the holographic program

Your waiting on sum thing that’s already happened and we are losing access and slowly drifting back into prehistoric Atlantis state – but we are going to have to break that repeat – we are in reset and the program is automatically taking us back to prehistoric Atlantis – which is like a failsafe in built mechanism program – don’t be surprised if you see mythical creatures and animals and people of old – we are starting to lose access to certain records and the Akashic records which would have kept your access to particular planets and kept progress going – this is how many people were inventing things down here, sum it was taught to them and embedded within them, others go and seek the data – many are called Geniuses when the word Geniuses comes from the word Genie or a Ginn [Genn] these words are hidden in English words, English is a complied language meaning many languages make up the English language – they don’t want you to access your Ginn [Genie] which is your inner voice, your higher self, this is your Genius and not sum random voice

This Genius [Ginn] [Spirit] entity is actually in a realm -  your in actually in a realm, you hear things or are shown things+ they are coming from sum where else – you have conversations with yourself ‘supposedly’ or with your friend but we know you are having a conversation with your spirit, with your Ginn but you have no access to the technology and that is why you are ‘nuts’ – sum people open the door with substances, without supervision and knowingly or unknowingly talk with negative Ginns or entities or spirits – don’t get me wrong there are sum crazy people out there, that is not what we are talking about – but there is a level of it where we get the science and experience on a deep level where you may confide [talk] with yourself and you begin to question certain things on a scientific level, who is this that I am really speaking with and it will get to a point where it becomes an intelligence 

They tell you don’t worry ‘god’ controls it all, when this same intelligence they call the holy spirit in their holy books – this is actually how the holy spirit works, its an entity, a being, a hosts of entities that come within you, holy is wholy making you whole – they come through you as a physical being and they connect to you – through your mind and this is why you don’t always know where your mind is at – they know where your brain is but they have no records of where your mind is at – the brain is what you remember and is like an after effect of thought – its what you see after the fact, so its not taking you into like the mind or collective consciousness of which is your Genius which is located in your group of beings [72 Goetia or 72 Yah-weh ] – which is where you start to realise that you are not alone down here, your not in your vessel [ship] avatar alone

In the western history it tells us that they worshiped these beings and that they were tall beings however they had certain entities at that time and certain aspects of this planet they started getting rid of parts of the earth and other planets started being manifested and we had sum thing called the lowlands or wastelands and these beings that they worshiped they would say ‘god’ came from the SKA, and all this was – was one group of beings coming to another group of beings – the Antarctic ice wall encircles all of the lands this side, there are lands outside of the ice wall aka there are dimensions out of the ice wall

The planet Earth [KI] is really mostly a space ship and does not look like – at all, what NASA show you

To search is to read and research which re means to bring back or to re do, you speculate – so for example if you wanted to know how the MIRs where built, speculate – there are times right then and there you will receive data on what you are speculating on, many times different things have been given to me when speculating

You see a Historian, for them history stops, when this is impossible – it can’t stop, this is a Quantum reality – you will get yourself into a big bowl of sh9t if you think like them, this is not a joke down here – portals open and you can travel in time machines, what is a joke to many is very Sirius [serious] to others – stay vigilante and keep studying

We are going into a nu phase of time [light] Nu energy is coming, there is ‘money’ in space, cyberspace and is part of this nu energy that is coming, no one should be broke   

Pangeos [Pangea] Pangaea they say was a supercontinent that existed hundreds of millions of years ago when Pangaea means ‘all of earth’

Annuity Annu [Anu]
Annuities deals with facts – we see it in sports and entertainment, it’s the research that it actually provides – because zero annuities represent facts, other scoring levels represent credit, there are all types of levels – in sports you can see why these teams were ever created, they are placed in different areas and given different names – sum clubs have iron-based annuities – all inked into NIBIRU 

The DOME [FIRMAMENT] OZONE LAYER [EMF] VAN ALAN BELT is over these particular lands this side an d the ice wall encircles these lands so the virus does not escape 

You are in a holographic program 

We just want the truth, the whole truth and noting but the truth, so help you 'god' not me

Judgement has already been Set - we are in the KARMA [KAAMA] fields  

Back in the day it was the artists street name, tag name, now its real talk

We have never been more conscious has a species - the batches before did not make it this far, pat yourself on the back, dust yourself off and get ready for we are going higher together as a collective conscious, when you 'know' you 'know' 

This is the Moon 
The Moon is out on a 90o angle when the SUN is rising in the UK – we do not have the same look in the four corners of the planet 

Blue and Red make Purple - plasma is inside the dome  


7.7.2023 [777] 

Blue life force [Crown] you can see the latitude and longitude which are the planets ley lines which are the planets nervous system aka Chakra system and then today we see Green, Yellow and Red 

7.7.2023 [777] keep in mind that the planet is upside - this is why the south [north] is so hot 

we are over 7.89hz and 35hz 

Check the codes [Moorse] Morse from the top images at the 18,000hz mark, read all these colours and patterns, and see these light codes in the other Schuman graphics - lights codes 


Bottom right is the Canadian Schuman hitting 600hz and 1000hz minimum 

8.6.2023 - check out the multi-coloured strikes and the Moorse code 18,000hz 

Major adjustments are taking place - you can hear the frequencies 
Mitochondrial DNA [DEA]

MAAT + HERU combined = FEMI9 energy [Red] 
Waji [Green] - Heart [healing life force energy] plasma is also coming in Waji
Plasma [Purple] - Soular energy 
Soul [Yellow] -electric 

Red and Pink are dangerous for they destroy 

Read all data in energies - match all colours - know all colours aka energies - there is no more 7.89hz or 35hz full stop - many people are going to go offline - these are sustained frequencies that are stabilizing and means there is no going back, the feminine energy is replacing the two masculine energies Sch + Min with Shu and Tefnut aka masculine and feminine - and those synced to the planet are having their Mitochondria DNA upgraded  

Mitochondria DNA [DEA - celestial DNA] is being upgraded
Adjustments are being made 


These are keys -

So if this is a 'stairway' to heaven - then what is down here, if those are the steps leading UP to heaven, then what is this place DOWN here, we are down here and heaven is up there right, ok, so what plane - the h3ll plane - many people do not reincarnate and are the earths negative field, you are on the h3ll plane  

Busy up there 
SHAM - Cylinder crafts 

Cube nation 

Still present 

So many crafts around the SUN, huge crafts, structures

Main player craft 

Craft nations in the SKA - no one can escape 

TEXAS - look inside - see the shape - black solid mass 



They are you new administration - personnel 

EMPCOE [Plasma event]

These are the links - we do have a terrible storm incoming - the SUN is going to reach a soular limit that we change everything - many people bringing you the truth and laying down their energy [life] for the collective, no energy will be wasted, you will never be punished for protecting your energy 

His body parts where used for sum one existing and that person was dying or they had been building a specific body for a specific person, listen to the parts that where taken, his jaw was sawed off, the brain was removed+, this guy was only 25 and highly intelligent, this was an internal operation 

Sum years ago they arrested an organ harvesting operation team and the lead guy had $10million in his bank account, so this is very big business, there must be a special way they extract these organs for there not to be entry wounds, organ harvesting is way older than what we know in main stream and primarily is taken from 9ethers, and other ethnic groups only 
Kenneka Jenkins+ there are 10s of 1000s of cases like this, with men and women and children

Mothers and siStars are brewing, people are getting pissed off out here, keeping pushing her and she will fight back and this is where we are all heading, many triggers are coming up to bring about a change, this change will be different 

FRANCE is slipping and sliding into oblivion, all European states will be crashing all while they are trying to secure a future with Africa [Alkebulan], many Europeans have moved to Africa, Nigeria has a 250million dollar complex that the British built, China have 100,000 personnel in Djibouti+  many Europeans owe [National Parks] called reserves which is reserved land for them and all the animals that reside on that land, many think that they are secure in the motherland including the Africans that reside there, oh no you are not,ENKI will be dealing out punishment for his offspring and deleting ENLILs offspring full stop 

Portugal is also key, because they are losing Brazil and without Brazil there is no Portugal and without Portugal there is no Europe - Spain, the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Portugal, Germany, Italy, Greece, AuSStria+ they say there are 27 countries in the EU - whoever fu9ked with ENKIs offspring

Holland bails out  

You will see a lot of Africans in FRANCE fueling this impending war - they hate FRANCE, FRANCE and many other European states don't just invade, they rape women and children and kill - the British paid out 30million with another 10million pending to Afghanistan families for you know what - they all have paid out money UN, NATO - the PM of CHAD sum years back found out that the children of CHAD were being kidnaped out of his country along with everything else they do and he ordered them and a well known charity to leave - Africa is not immune to punishment, they condemned themselves like everyone else - you cannot escape what is to come - you did this to yourself 

We are seeing trends being set out here, war zones are being established, ML being readied, handovers being readied, each time we get to this point sum thing is given, however one day there will be nothing to give, one day you are going to wake up in the morning and the world in which you reside would have changed around you while you were sleeping, you cannot stop the time [light] but you can be ready for it, read the signs and pay attention to what your KAA guide is telling you 

The truth is out there and in here 

the AKUR is really the QUEEN [KING] of the jungle 


3D world is collapsing - you must plug out of their Matrix 

The KAT is not missing, the KAT left you, KATs know where all the portals are

Have you seen sum one call a KAT and the KAT doesn't even look round at them, KATs see in AURA fields for they deal with energies, use KATs and children under 4-5 to check AURAs 

Get over yourself because the KAT left you either because you have sh9t energy or the KAT left you because YOU have sh9t energy, there is only one reason 

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