Tuesday, 18 July 2023


Even though when mentioned Atlantis [USA], we think of the USA [physical], its more an experience 'simulation' than Atlantis being a ship, which it is...

Atlantis is nothing but a reality at sum point to be activated or deactivated at any time

Its kind of like an 'Operating system' and if you put in certain key codes on this planet you can change the reality of this planet into an Atlantean experience where energy is free, the internet signal that we use is broadcasted from Sirius, it always did, that they charge you for to use, when its free, where your sexual health, your sexual experience is regulated, where everyone would have to eat a certain diet+ this and more

People want to experience certain things, so always study the polarity aspect of whatever it is, we know what the positive aspect would be, then what would the negative aspect be, people want to experience wealth, what kind of wealth, you want to be rich, what is the polarity aspect of what you are asking for – think about what you are thinking and talking [sphering] about when you put it out there into the ethers

MaStar the keycodes and you can change your reality – changing your reality is not just thinking positivity, you have to have the keycodes, the links to know what to do next 
'Operating system' main image is the cockpit of the shuttle Atlantis, cockpit, pulpit, throne, seat, mind+
You are connected [Nexus] to this ship and you must find the access codes, you must download these keycodes 

This movie came out in 1986 - so many movies telling you what is out there  

The 'call' as been been put out, but few will hear that call, you have to merge onto the 'call' aka frequency, no one is coming to save you, you must save yourself  
Matthew 22:14 = [9] the call is at 144hz - it is not a number 144,000 it is a range, a sone range, the frequency does not choose you, you choose the frequency, 

Its a jungle out there, and the beat goes on...

The Star-Station [Binary Star System] is present - Sirius is fuelling the Sun [Re] meaning we are a Trinity Star System, our ancestors did their work by [3] there are [3] Stars [Suns] up there 

All these fires cannot block out the truth 


'white' core - no such colour as white or black, white is bright and bright holds all [7] colours [radiation] energies, light is sone [sound], yellow rim [Sun] and Red hue coming from NIBIRU - the Sun is being fuelled by Sirius - 'black' Son [Sun] 

USA - craft nation 

Light crafts - crafts made of light for they are coming from the spiritual realm which is the holographic realm that is made from light, they just glide [leviathan] out of the way, you can see the energy distortions in the footage, all the Iranians can do is shoot at it - this will demoralise soldiers because they will see first hand that there is nothing they can do 

South Korea - think where China is, gets washed away - many places will also be having life changing floods, displacements, you will never ever be able to go home again - change is permanent but the condition is not permanent 

More hazardous derailments - we will be having more 'terrorism' activates 

Oklahoma [USA] 100+ birds, either they dropped from the SKA and were crushed by cars entering and leaving the car park or they landed a group there and ??? - we have seen this before, navigation compass - 5g and we still have whales that are still beaching themselves [sonar blasted] by man 

We have not seen many young or healthy people dying or mass deaths for a minute - its a bit too quiet out there, like everything is alright, go ahead enjoy yourselves, school is out, holidays, delays, disruption, keep your eye on the ball 

We see these 'cloud' tunnels in the SKA - here its slightly open and we can see to me, cables, fibre optic cables inside the main cable 'cloud' tunnel, they could be part of a structure inside, but you can see many parts to it - its ribbed, not sure what those 3 light 'patches' are above

Nothing to see here in Thailand 

Look how low that SKA is 

The SKA is within touching distance 

Red SKA backdrop

What is up with that SKA 

That light source on the right is huge and is ready - we should be having a blackout if this strike comes in or should I say, when this strike comes in - we are at EMP levels, the SUN is charging 

This planet or craft is in one frame and that is it, this site was down for the last 72hrs, its back online

Australia - the poles - south is north - Red energy deletes 

17.7.2023 - RED destroys 

Schuman = Shu + Tefnut = Masculine and Feminine - the frequency is being updated - no more two Masculine energies anymore, we are not dealing with 7.89hz or 35hz anymore - many symptoms now is because the brain capacity cannot hold 72hz or 144hz for many - we are getting rid of one of the two Masculine energies - the last 72hrs we have have a SOUL-AR exchange or exchanges over the last 72hrs - SOULAR flares or SOULAR winds or SOULAR activity does not affect 9ethers like it does for 6ether - if you do not have a BAA [SOUL] you are going to be deleted - we are getting ready for a huge blast - these energies are not going away and not all 9ethers will make the grade
Red destroys - we are ramping up towards sum thing fundamental which means a first, as a rule 


I have flipped the image because the planet is upside down and is to why the south aka north is baking hot 

CROWN of the planet is holding - yellow - red - green - blue - 

Look at this - EMF is not connected - 17.7.2023

18.7.2023 - system jams - reboots 

Look at the poles, Red and Yellow and Red at both poles 

Last time round it was the water [floods] this time round it will be the fire [plasma] 
Europe is burning, other parts of Europe is also burning  

Look at the right and see the multitude of sone, tone, frequency, light codes, access codes, MtDNA upgrades - Moorse code, different colours [light] - data is light and light is information  
All colours represent different codes for the 'light' body, read all data in Chakra energies 

Whatever is coming is going to shake up the planet but will not kill her, anything that us artificial to this SOUL-AR system will be destroyed, that includes other beings and artificial races who do not have a SOUL - the spiritual poles have already been moved - yes land is going to rise and go under, flooding, the whole 9 yards - the planet can take care of herself and she is terraforming all the while, the planet is heating up and means the plasma is ground level and coming up from the core of this planet - Gamma and X-ray can be absorbed if you have Melanin - NIBIRU is in the mix and is our Magnetic SUN 

Over the last 48hrs - 72hrs we have had multiple blasts and enhanced [magnified] by NIBIRU - the SUN is being fuelled by Sirius - however the impacts should be greater and we are being shielded, these are warnings to those controlling the 3D world, Alaska and Argentina both received M7+ now think that is both the poles, south and north - the spiritual poles have already been moved, sum say the physical poles will be returning back to their original positions which would be where we call Poland [Pole-land] Polska - the word Ski is the same has Sky and Ska, just depends on how you pronounce the word - so think where Alaska and Argentina are and through the sun is where the plasma [CME] is coming from, the sun is not 93million miles away, the sun, moon and stars are all under the dome with us because a virus broke out and the dome went up to contain the virus and we all go trapped at the same time - who is shielding the planet because the EMF are not connected - who is it that is protected the planet and at anytime they can drop their shields and we get full Pepsi Max - the SKA is highly charged and NASA[NOAA] know this - Chess is being played out here - we have other planetary bodies and a huge amount of motherships that we can see - there are huge crafts by the poles - however with the amount of CMEs that we have had over the last 48hr - 72hrs we should have been flat lined for a minute or two, NASA [NOAA] have not updated one of their sites for this reason - get ready Eddie 

Why does the 'corners' light up like that if we are in a vast space system - in the middle is the camera casing to protect the camera lens from these flares - so why does the corners light up like that - because we are in a dome 

Wales, Ireland, England - people are on the move, started when lockdown started, all preamp, all is part of the script, high numbers - whatever the numbers it is double, the British do not have a good track record around the world, cultures are going to clash, preamp is before the amp - your own government is doing this to you, you cannot blame the people, migrant, immigrant, asylum seeker, refugee, foreigner - I want to know what is, this is going to happen regardless of any protest - Wales, Barry Island, nice place, last time we heard of Wales was with Huw Edwards   

FDA stands for Fools Don't Ask (questions) 

Plastic is in foods - read the ingredients on the right - it might as well have those ingredients in there, there is a plastic coating on these types of packaged Noodles and that plastic coating is used for sum thing on planes - I forget  

If you don' know what is in the product, then why purchase it 

This is a natural product 

We buy these things, but we really don't take much time to see what's in them
Propylene glycol is used to make antifreeze for our vehicles, but these 6ethers use this same dangerous chemical in the food we eat as well

Think about it they don't care anything about us, they don’t care about anyone, and their government says, as long as there is 2% or less than 2% of poison in food, it's good for consumption [???]

People put all kinds of sh9t in their bodies without checking, I don't eat meat anymore and certainly not pig, if the truth be known, your own kind does not care about you at all 

Next bunch of dildos please - are we talking skin Cancer or body Cancers, how many different types of Cancers are there, in 2022 they made £668million, they make that amount every year, nearly a billion pounds - Whitechapel Cancer hospital cost £1billion - so nearly a billion each year in profits, don't you want a cure or do you just want the money, if the truth be known, is that you cannot cure Cancer in 6ethers [Cain-cer] - its 2023 and still no Cancer cure, no more CBD because it cannot cure the 6ethers - 9ethers have THC already in their breast milk - Cancers are here to stay, the 6ether avatar needs upgrading, they would rather patch up the avatar, one blood of ANUNNAKI blood cannot solve the problem 

What happened after 1937, why did everyone start running and wearing pink, is it just an event, to raise awareness, how much awareness do you need, don't you want the cure or do you just want the money, this is a billion dollar industry, there is no profit [prophet] in cures 

The way everyone kept that mtf until the police arrived, that was good to see all the man stick up for her and even herself holding his bike, why'd he do that - no need 

Will the real Jamie Foxx please stand up - blatantly they cloned him  

Look how the Orangutan looks at the mother right at the end before moving away, the HuMans are related and is to why they can give HuMan medicine to Orangutans or why they medically test on Monkeys, its the same gene pool, this is how closely related the HuMan is to the Orangutan and not how closely related the Orangutan is related to HuMans, because the Orangutan was here first 

Cuneus [Cuneiform] is a mere script and Cuneus meaning 'wedge' and is referring to the technique of the text which is old Persian text which is old Ethiopian text 
Hieroglyphs is from Hiero [Heruo] meaning 'sacred' and Glyphs meaning 'carving' which is describing a picturesque script - they are both ancient languages 

Mesopotamia [Sumerian] Babylonia [Typhonian] – which includes Iran, Iraq, Al Ghor [Saudi], this gold [Nub] plates were found and stolen – in total 4 were found and stolen, they found a nice, tidy square stone box with 2 gold plates and cement nailed, also seen under the box and inside the soil, 4 gold and 2 silver coins, another stone box was found again, in which there were 2 gold plates, cement and 6 rough coins
The text relates to Sargon [Nimrud] and mentions Kusha [Kush] India to Sparta and talks of Ahura Mazda and protection for his family from Ahura in Sumer -


If the ancestor had a very dark complexion, the name was likely to become MOHR, SWARTZ, SWART, SCHWARTZ or SCHWARZ in Germany

SOURCE; (Elsdon Cole Smith, ‘American Surnames’; 1986)
ETYMOLOGY = facts of the origin and development of a word
From Greek etymologia—“analysis of a word to find its true origin”

The word Swarthy derived from Schwarz—>Zwart—>Swart—>Sweart—>Swarthy
Schwarz = black man, blackie, negro - Zwart/Swart/Sweart = black, of skin color of persons
SOURCE; (Immanuel Schmidt, Gustav Tanger, Felix Flügel; “Flügel-Schmidt-Tanger, Wörterbuch der englischen und deutschen Sprache: Bd. Deutsch-Englisch”; 1863)

The word Swarthy or Swart derives from ‘Schwarz’ or ‘Schwartz’ which means “to be black”; black man, and negro

SOURCE; (Flügel-Schmidt-Tanger, a Dictionary of the English and German Languages for Home and School; 1905)

This word, from its earliest recorded use, has always been used to denote a so-called black person
In heraldry, a head or bust of a person can indeed be used on a coat of arms to symbolize the founder or a significant individual associated with the family
Including a portrait or bust on a coat of arms serves as a personal representation of the individual being honoured or remembered

It is a way to pay tribute to their status, achievements, or lineage within the family
The portrait may depict the founder or an ancestor who played a significant role in the family's history, such as a renowned leader, warrior, or monarch

The surname "Schwartz" is primarily associated with Jewish communities, particularly Ashkenazi Jews, within the Jewish population, surnames like "Schwartz" are relatively common
While "Schwartz" is strongly associated with Jewish communities, it is possible to encounter individuals with this surname outside of the Jewish population as well because these names have a source, a primary source 

Surnames can sum times be adopted or shared by individuals of different ethnic backgrounds due to various reasons like intermarriage, immigration, or cultural assimilation
“In which mountain their dwell four or five thousand Jews, and are blacker than any other colour, and if they can get a moor into their hands, they skin him alive
SOURCE;(Ludovico di Varthema; The Travels of Ludovico Di Varthema in Egypt, Syria, Arabia Deserta and Arabia Felix, in Persia, India, and Ethiopia. A. D. 1503 to 1508)

“Going back to the path-breaking work of Sander L. Gilman in the late 1980s, scholars often assert that “a strong European tradition, dating back to the Middle Ages, maintained that the Jews were ‘black’ or at least swarthy” (Melamed 2003, p. 31)
“In medieval literature a theory prevailed in which the Jews were part of the black race, or were at least dark-skinned” (Shavit 2001, p. 182)

“The general ‘look’ of the Jew was considered to be like that of the black” (Parfitt 2013, p. 6)
“Jewish blackness sometimes means that the Jews were quite literally seen as black” (Gilman 1994, p. 372)
“The general consensus of the ethnological literature of the late nineteenth century was that the Jews were ‘black’ or, at least, ‘swarthy’” (Gilman 1994, p. 368)
Scottish ethnologist Robert Knox (1793–1862), writes explicitly about “the African character of the Jew” (quoted in Gilman 1994, p. 372)
Knox considers the “Jewish, Coptic and Gipsy races” to be “the dark races of man” (Knox 1850, p. 300)
The Jews for Knox definitely are (what is nowadays called) so called Blacks: — “there is no mistaking the race when pure: it is Egyptian, that is, African” (Knox 1850, p. 300)


An assortment of traditional Kente fabrics from Ghana [Ghanesh] Ganesh
Kente also called Kilts

Without the 9ethers contribution we would have fallen along time ago - the only species going through trauma and healing at the same time, is that possible, they make anything possible, during these final stages, phases, the 9ether who were at the bottom will become the top and yet will still hold the rest of us all up, secret admiration, there is both positive and negative in all

The Female is at her threshold and we are now seeking balance - all eyes to the right  

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Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...