Picking up traction
Generator [Observer] Destroyer
You have an individual spirit which makes it a soul and
this is the Observer and for the most part then you have what brings life aka
your mind and then what brings death aka your body
So, your mind is a representation of life and your body
is a representation of death and your spirit is the Observer and the one that
makes these things up, which is why you say things like ‘make up your mind’ and
making up a decision with your mind to control your body with, to carry out
these obligations and duties
So, to keep the death [flesh alive] you have to give it
life aka the mind aka the Imagination [Magi] and the spirit based on the space
that it is in as an individual is what makes it a soul having its own
observation from its perspective – and once it becomes aware, it makes a mind
– that separates it from other spaces, from other spirits [individual souls]
individual spaces which are multiple which we call spirits, a spirit is single
in sum thing out, which makes is a soul because its an individual space and the
masculine aspect of sum thing that has no form
When we talk about the spirit having an observation – it
creates an awareness which is the mind and that gives life, then the light
anytime it starts it has an expiration date so the more you give a mentality,
your giving life, your creating the form and you’re condensing based upon the
accumulation of the many ones your doing after it and then it becomes death,
and you can start this off based by having a thought form and thinking about it
too hard to the point that it starts to become too heavy and a wear and tear
upon you so that it becomes sum thing that you have to let go and shed like
dead weight and these circumstances will manifest as external events based on
how you interact physically with your outside world because of the lens that
you use to see in the mind [minds eye] and if it’s a heavy one that’s got a lot
of accumulation of heaviness in it – that is how you are going to see your
external-physical-outside-of-you situations and the way you interact with
these situations may be in that mental manner and you may over react or over
respond, a small issue will become the big issue+ based on how you are looking
at the physical situation, starting from your mind and a lot of the times this
is how you give life to situations and this is how you give death to situations
– inner stand the mechanism
Even your body organs where created from the mind first
and the mind gets created by the spirit, so the individual spirit aka the
soular [solo] spirit – space which is a soul – control the mind and the mind
controls the body, the mind is your operating program, the mind bends in and
accumulates, condenses and becomes the organs [adrenaline], the blood, so
anytime you damage one of these things or one of these things becomes expired
based upon being old and outdated or transitioning or have an illness – then at
spiritually if you know to go to a certain space where you developed that
mentality that can develop adrenaline in that specific area that it bends in
and makes those organs, then you will pass the situation of creating tissue in
other areas to create cancers+ and give more life to the organs before they
expire or if they are damage to have enough blood to replenish in sum way shape
or form being in that right spiritual space to create that mental state to bend
in on itself to become the physical matter that becomes your organ juice for
backup aka so you can feel alive again and for the most part this is how you keep
the death alive – so the spirit eats life [light] which is the mentalities and
once it eats that it condenses and becomes adrenaline and now it becomes sum
thing that you want to express physically and once you express things
physically you want to get the things you created from the inside out to
replenish the actual body so it can recharge – our minds create
You can take that to the point of when your getting ready
to die or your in a circumstance of pain or you’re even enjoying your
circumstances in sum manner – your spirit is the observer and your mind is life
and your body is death and when your inner-stand that from your own individual
perspective you will inner-stand your own spiritual science temperature –
therefore when sum one else checks your spiritual temperature – they’re not
spiritual strong to be able to do that and you will be able to tell that spirit
to sit down before they get checked aka fu9k off
SOUL[SPIRIT] + MIND + BODY - the BODY is last - where the MIND goes the BODY will follow
[Match this symbol with the crop message below]
Be careful with space aka your spirit and what spiritual
space – esoteric location that you are in when you are trying to Magi
[Manifest] aka materialize or even when you are trying to have children
What you must keep in mind is the space that you are in is going to be your spirit, and what you formulate within that space is going to
represent where you are spiritually as an individual space – which is a soul
and the form that you represent there is going to be your awareness, your
thoughts and your feelings which will then become your actions and the people,
places and things that you have Magi [Manifested] in your life to keep that
thing going – even if you don’t know how or if this thing is going to work for you – and being in certain spaces and then trying to
direct your energy towards things that you do want to go in your favour or even
have children+ things of that nature can muddy the waters which will create
blockages or spoil your opportunities or not doing your shadow work or not
cleaning up – switching esoteric locations aka putting your spirit in a better
space [because that is what your spirit is], so that you can have better
awareness’s [consciousness], to develop better mentalities to see [sea]
better PTAHs and directions in your physical life
Now here is the thing, even when you’re having children
or when your sharing a business or partnership, sum thing like that+ you want
to make sure everyone is sharing a similar space, a spiritual group in a
spiritual space because here is the thing, when your in a negative space the
awareness that you create there can give awareness to new spirits, new
entities, new individual spirits that can be separated in all that you create
as a thought and feeling in a 4[5]6 dimension, and the spaces that become aware
and as spirits, now they can be aware that their individual spirits [which are
souls] and now they can play out the natural space that they are comfortable
with – and if you were in a negative space and you’re giving awareness or
helping the awareness of new spirits to come in from that world into that space
then all h3ll breaks loose, now spirits with negative mentalities can now come
into this world
All of us as spirits first body is the mind – a world to
be aware of first is your first body, that situation itself will be the body of
a spirit, a space that you share and your getting help with the interaction of
energy that you are developing and the more you act out those natures in your similar way – the more that space becomes aware as an individual spirit, now a
soul, can cling onto those desires in its own will, from its own observation
and that plays out as your scenarios that you create in your life as a
circumstance, situation – and if you are having sex enough, one of these spaces
could get trapped into one of the awareness that became condensed so much as a
fleshy fluid within you and male or female becomes the character that is inside
of the sperm cell – the egg cell – and this is how you bring negative or
rebellious or murderers children down here based upon having sex spiritually
out of a negative space – a lot of times when you are having sex out of
necessity aka out of lust or you are horny+ many times sex gets replaced for
insecurity or vulnerability and when you are having sex for that energy or by
that energy, by default you are automatically in a negative space, without even
thinking about it because whatever you’re doing as a ritual and spell with your
body makes you feel good but what you are doing is backwards – which is one to
the third dimension which is person, people and thing which you are using to
suit a thought or feeling and this thought and feeling was on the main premise
of an insecurity or vulnerability or lacking of sum thing and a lot of times
when your in that space, you create a lot of negative situations amongst
yourself and others that you drag into your world [mess] you attract others who
are the same has you and attract others who are chaotic likes you – if you are
having sex enough you may have children with the space trapped inside of that
mental form in a physical form and now you have a living fu9ked up
representation of that energy that you helped make aka that you helped create –
sum times you see people struggling with their children and you now know why,
they are you or him or him and you – this goes for your Magi [Manifestations]
that you are trying to materialize, you need to be in a good [positive] space
before you can create anything worthy, if you are in a negative space trying to
create sum thing positive, you will create blockages in your creativity – due
to the fact that you’ve added too much forms of energies – sum times you will
get sh9t because ‘god’ does not want you to participate in sum thing
However when you are in the right space and things of
that nature you’re able to create the right forms there to make spirits that
represents that space, be aware when they get trapped in thought clouds that
you have – be aware to separate their space from another space and depending on
which ones you’re choosing that is most efficient to your natural spiritual
group, then for the most part teamwork makes the dreamwork and it could become
your scenario or it can become your children and this is why you must be in a
positive space when creating
Anytime you are travelling through a depressive space
make sure you have the ability to transform that energy so that it can be
transmuted and directed into the area that you are comfortable with and not to
let that energy drift you away
Be carful of that space that you are in as a spirit, as
an individual – spirit which is a soul – be carful of the space that you are in
when you are trying to manifesting materialize or even down to trying to have
No point in using the word Manifestation, which is Man - in - festation, because we don’t see man in nature, so the word is Magi which is
[I-magi-nation] which is your Magic [Magi] the poWRA of thought
You are GOD [YE]
ASARU - He who has seen, The eye
Never let go of your dreams because they are your visions to your future
We had been on repeat and many will still be on repeat - how can paintings from the last 100 or 200 or 300+ years show what we are seeing in 2023
You have never seen any of these images in the news or in newspapers but we see in the SKA, sings, symbols, for those who can 'see' everyday
In quick succession we have had a flurry of messages
Left looks like a tri - system, the trinity which is to be reinstated - not sure what the right one means but the elements are coming together
A great war is coming - the children must be protected for they will be here after you
[Loads of images on the internet that are produced by A.I - look at his hands, there are 3 hands in the main image]
Look at the SKA [USA] its getting closer
Double bubble
Florida [USA]
Plasmatic SKA - Double bubble - the SUN is pulsating - blinking -
Radiated [energized] backdrops around the planet
The SUN setting in South Africa [ABZU] SA is actually North Africa
Red backdrop - orange hue - yellow rim - white core, white holds all [7] lights
SUN rising [North Carolina] ??
Highly charged atmosphere - Singapore on the right
The Northern lights is really the Southern lights which this mother is going to light up like the Godfather next couple days
CME [EMC] - Coronal Mass Ejection which is plasma ejection which is solar energy aka soular energy for those with a soulr - you will need to stay out of the SUN if you do not have Melanin -
Corona [Corona virus]
You can see we are over 200hz and 500hz - no more 7.89hz and 35hz - check the patterns, the codes
Easy does it - the calm before the rage - read all colours in Chakra energies
We are being blasted right now, the left side of the EML collapsed and then the right side collapsed - red and green are coming out of the poles burning and deleting the negative energy that was fuelling our magnetic field
Left - South Africa [ABZU] is really North Africa - and Australia right image - the south [north] is always hotter for a reason - this is more than likely HAARP in a vain attempt to keep cool
Crafts are dumping water [rain] in designated areas around the planet
We are still seeing sinkholes, many were near enough a sphere - circle in shape
NTR is moving in and moving others out
Pay attention to the areas being hit - CHINA and parts of INDIA will become an ocean - you can see Russia and Mongolia are preparing also to become part of this ocean
Romania M5 - Puerto Rico M7, earthquakes, flooding, volcanoes, heat, land slides aka land moving+ the usual right, one day it will be our last day, many places around the planet are taking one for the team, your turn is coming
And the beat goes on
Fly's are only attracted to sh9t and death [dead flesh]
Say in American accent 'Are you fu9king kidding me' what is going on out there - the earths negative field is merging with this one for there is no where for any of them to go - we are going to Zer0 field - not gravity, but levitation
Red Weed
Image on the left is from a tree in Glastonbury and the image on the right is from War of the Worlds - the site sites on the lay lines of this planet - what is it, this tree is not part of the Madrone [Manzanita] trees, sum thing is oozing out of the tree - they harness energy from these events - no doubt they are doing other things nearby
What is up with the clone - check the face - the mask - we saw this in sum recent footages - check the facial marks, the bridge of the nose+
Really good footages, get ready - the camera does not lie only the glitches - watch all of these footages for what they are
Crafts riding the multi-coloured SKA - look how big that ship is
That craft or planetary body has gone
Norwegian SKA
See that craft
Huge mother ship and looks like there is another one directly over the main ship
1990 taken from a boat in the Atlantic ocean
Sum one was filming the SUN and this went past, we used to have sum thing called rods, this looks like a dart type insect design
BROTHA [BROTHER] [BOTHA] BUDDHA have to do with crafts [Vimana] that we are seeing once again in the SKA
ABZU [ZULU] South African with weapon [Waas] Hiq
Carmelita [CAR] [KAA] Archilta on the left and the last emperor of Aztlan [South America]
Mexico the name comes from
the word Mixtec [Mutec] [Ul-Mec] [Olmec] Mec [Mac]
Mutec- Zuma who was the
last Emporia of Mexico [Mutec] is part of Aztlan [USA + South America]
Aztec[Azteka] Inca [Inka]
Azt-ec [Azt-lan]
Mu-tec-Zuma [Az-tec] and Mu is from Muur [Maur] Muur] Le-mu-ria
Inca is a left-over word
from the Spanish that they told the English that they were called when the name
Inca [Inka] is from the Mali tribe called the [Mandinka] Mand-InKa [Inca]
Ul-mec [Olmec] is from
Abyssinia [Ethiopia] and today are called Almade [Al-made] [Al-mac] Ul-Mac
which is Ulmec [Olmec]
Mayan [Maya] is the name
of their writing system and the breeds that came after the originals had been
massacred on an industrial scale, these Indian Mongolians come 900+ years after
the originals were taken to inner-Ki and sum to Kambodia
The Ulmec set up [9]
cities in Aztlan with the oldest being La Venta
Amazigh [Amazon] Mazagh
Ta-mazagh = Amazigh; the
true etymology of the word Amazon = Amazonian, the word used to name the South
American rain forest and the Indigo [blue-beings] people formally known as
Negro [Naga] de Terra
Mexico [Mutec]
Amaruca [Atlantis] America
Right are the Copper [Koppa] O'Odham people anthropologically known as "Pima Indians."
weren't black but Koppa toned, there definitely are Black and Pima people, but this is not
And on the left, those people that are in KHMT [Egypt] today are not original people like in this image, why does it matter, because those who claimed these peoples culture and history are going to be deleted
The Sassanian are the Persians who are a delegation from Ethiopia based in modern day Iran [Sumerian]
The real John Vl of Portugal
Race mixture was so common in Portugal that even the
royal family was mulatto
John IV shows evident Negro strain and John Vl was
described as a dark Mulatto by French Duchess d' Abrantes, who was at his court
Natural Knows No Color Line pg66 More sources read:
Memoir of Napoleon, His Court and Family pg 290 for John Vl NEGRO features
There were already 9ethers in Amaruca [Atlantis] America
and many were taken from Atlantis and taken to the Caribbean and are not from
6ether Europeans saw nothing wrong with cannibalism until the
1900s, from creating candles made of human fat in the 1880s, to drinking blood at the scaffolding, many 6ether Europeans had no ethical concerns about eating, drinking and using dead bodies, now you might be thinking we don't do that anymore and how mistaken you are, Cannibalism is making a come back because food - poultry- is over, eating dogs [Hotdogs] is nothing new - many will be going back to their animalistic nature
Charles VII [King] of FRANCE
The 9ether Europeans had to domesticate the now 6ether Europeans and then the 9ether Europeans got kicked out of Europe and took themselves to Atlantis taking with them at sum point Christopher Columbus
Study this image and look at what they are looking up at, read the text
Miyka'el [Michael] Mee-Ka-El
Crusaders [religious] war coming to a place near you
HiStory or MyStory, do you remember, wake up Neo
We do not want no more wars
Romania - unearthed 13 [moulds] the complex forms 2 near enough equal lines - 4 each side - sum are elongated and sum have a pyramidal shape - these are energy harnessing centres for those who blood is synced to those mounds - all of these places are synced to one of the original 12 daughters of ISIS, by bloodline
This bird is known as the Turkey vulture and John Crow
KARMA [KAAMA] is real - don't play with fire - don't add on to an existing field, be good to yourself
When this is all over, I'll meet you down by the river....
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