Sunday, 14 May 2023

Sensitive to light

The weather was being modified by man [governments], but not from KI – its being modified from all these ships in the SKA [SKI] SKY right now – last year there were images of a huge ship over Cuba that was directing weather systems, there were crafts being seen on radar in weather news over the USA, we have ships at both poles, when plasma [CME] hits down here we have ships absorbing and redirecting plasma – the weather is being modified by ships and a station just outside of the atmosphere – weather systems are crafts

We can see huge discs under the clouds, we see cloaked discs, oval shaped crafts – a fleet had been in Antarctica during March into April – near enough 70 ships that they told us it was a meteor shower

Meteors do not navigate nor do they change direction in mid-air, turn left or right, an aster-oid
[a-star-oid] does not change trajectory – these are incoming shuttle pods – all these meteors that NASA[NOAA] don’t see are cloaked ships, they have even told the masses that one of the Galactic Federation ships that is cloaked coming in, is a black hole with a trail of moons behind it – it’s a ship and if it was a black hole then there wouldn’t be any moons behind it and no debris and it wouldn’t be moving like that – the black hole would have absorbed all of the debris and moons


[X] the letter is known in mathematics has unknown ‘quantity’ – when you want to block out information you put an [X] on it – in maths the primary number that you use is A [B] X [Y]

[X] is ten [X] marks the spot – most of the prisons from the SKA are shaped like an [X] and that is because when sh9t hits the fan they will blow them up from the SKY – all buildings shaped like an [X] in the prison system are for a reason 

[X] really means the crossing of two things – the crossing of two roads – the keeper of the crossroads

Even the old confederate flag, we never used flags before only when the USA was invader, they used flags, the natives used totem poles – the keeper of the crossroads is Papa Legba

Papa Legba has his origins with the Fon people of Dahomey in present-day Benin [Africa] and is the guardian and trickster of the crossroads and entrances – he is head over the Orisha(s)

In Haitian Vodou and New Orleans Voodoo, Papa Legba is the intermediary between the loa [lwa] and humanity, he stands at a spiritual crossroads and grants or denies permission to speak with the spirits of Guinee and can speak in all human languages

He is always the first and the last spirit invoked in any ceremony because his permission is needed for any communication between mortals and the loa—he opens and closes the doorway to the spirit world – his counterpart is Mama Bridget – they are none other than Osiris and Isis aka ENKI and INANNA 

The 9ether natives in the USA used totem poles and the Moors used flags, no one has the flag from Germany World War 2 – so if no one has the flag from Germany then you didn’t win the war and check this, the flag that the Moorish empire are using today is not a Moorish flag – it’s a coded message and was not the original flag of Morocco [Moor-occo] – its not a ancient flag it’s a ancient message, the flag is modern, the message that the flag is relaying with the red background and the WAJI [green] interlocking star is telling us sum thing very specific about sum one very specific and that is the star of LAHAMU [Venus] who is the symbol of the matriarchy the divine [diva] feminine 

Crucifixion of Venus – she was a siStar – many people do not know about the crucifixion of Venus because they think it was Jesus – this was all the matriarchs of divine feminine of antiquity who were vilified, lied on, defamed, disgraced, denigrated by a rouge patriarchal system intending on reclaiming the earth [KI] but big Mama has sum thing in store for each and every one of those mtf who thought they were going to takeover – every lie they told is being exposed, you see what happened to the 9ethers and 6ethers will be revealed and what they did to the siStars, mothers, daughters is also going to be exposed

We cannot just get along to get along, things are changing, we are at the crossroads and a nu system is to be implemented – the crossroads is what choice you will make – you will either get yourself together – remember who you are – and if you are here when this thing pans out, then its to restore or you will crash with their Matrix 

You see those in Atlantis [USA] they were already there but they told those people they were sum thing different from what they are, they told those 9ethers in Atlantis that they came on a ship from Africa – that ship is a blueprint from Notre Dame University Academia – where the false history plot was hashed as a military strategy – this mislead those 9ethers by telling them they came on ships when they were already there

Archaea after the Greek word ‘ancient’ – Archaea is no longer classified with bacteria, until recently when western scientist have discovered new forms of life unassociated with any form of life to date, they are simply referred to as Archaea, which scientists say they’ve found a new form of life on KI

These critters are proof of a third form of terrestrial life named Archaea [Ancient]

The Ancient [Archaea] Ones are the first born, earth born, they are the original – in Doctor Strange they called the lady the Ancient One – these are the spirits of the earth who came in Titan form but take on a HuMin form and walk among the mortals – they come way before the Sumerians, they were neuter gender, they were non gender beings – when they mention Norse, Odin+ all these were called myths but not like they were not real, when the 6ethers got here they changed the meaning so that it became a riddle, making fork law, myths, wife tales half-truths [Tehuti] – these are stories and that word story comes from another word allegory, oral stories and it wasn’t until modern times that we have started to transcribe in the last 6,000 years onto paper to be passed down in the form of a book or pamphlet

There are books of data in symbols, were we use the English language to express words, names, information and it gets lost, so a lot of symbols have the data that you need moving along – your subconscious downloads the symbols and puts out a search for the data that you already have within you – symbols was the first language – going from telepathy to symbols and is where we get Hieroglyphics [Petroglyph] from Ancient Ones leaving a message for posterity, there are texts on the pyramids inside and out, text on pillars [columns] these are not decorations, they are symbols with meanings – spiral circles, platonic solids, triangle, circle, square – all these symbols are used to build other symbols – like an app on a cell phones but your using it in the brain – calling the symbols by name is were we get the words from – Hieroglyphics morph into letters giving us words that is used to spell the symbol – take the SA symbol 

The SA symbol means protection and is the symbol for the Doulas [siStars] Graces – whose role was to aid those giving birth – spiral is coming down from one dimension into another – you come down here in a loop – Tehuti said that everything is cycles within cycles – which is represented in the centre with the top being the uterus and the bottom being legs of the nu born baby – she is telling you that she is bringing in life from one dimension into another, she is meeting him at the gate – all in this one symbol and there is more data than that about this one symbol – once you understand the SA symbol in the community that changes everything because that symbol ends up becoming the Caduceus which rhymes with Medu-Sa [Medu Netu] who are the birthing priestesses – the Caduceus is the modern day medical symbol, wrapped around the Staff [Al Wass] which is the male virility or the phallus and the serpent wrapping around the [Al Wass] is man receiving his offspring from another dimension through the uterus aka procreation and reproduction

Genetically blonde hair and blue eyes are recessive genetically, most of the serial murders have blue eyes, these are ENLIL(s) offspring – recessive but does not mean neural melanin recessive – it means physical melanin recessive – neural melanin recessive is a whole other animal

The tall blondes come from different star systems and sum have melanin beings, you also have the Ashtar Command who have defected beings [Greys, Reptilians+] in their group, all still part of the Galactic Council, there are the ones we call the Nordics who also come from a different star system, they are tall and around 6.5ft and 7ft tall – they can walk has one unit and share one thought [mind], they are melanin ones as well, sum are tall and lanky because of space travel and their muscles – this is before the portals, so they travelled the old school way – getting into a craft and shooting the craft into the atmosphere and then switching on the jet propulsion to get to where you want to get to – old scientific discoveries are not new, we are amazed but in actuality this is old technology – even the healing chambers that they call med-beds – healing chambers, they were using them in Tibet and in Khemet [Khami] - Sim [Sem] means hearer, listener, tones, they used the technology to heal people, their name Semu [Simu] means priest, using crystals and music – it’s the same science and all they are doing today is matching, registering the frequencies, tones, pitch and duplicating it with a computer – they can heal you through tuning into the frequency of your DNA – they can grow a whole limb – put you into a medically induced coma for 90 days and when you return the limb is there, now that sounds like sum thing in the future yet it is ancient procedures, this is what they have been digging up in Antarctica, all them cities down there, they don’t have to get nothing from outer space because its all here – we have been here for so long that we forget there is nothing new under the sun

Vimana Sutra [Flying machines] are a whole book on Aviation, flying around in ancient times, the Vimana Sutra was 1000s of years ago – and that is when it was written – there is also the chronicles of the Vimanas [Vedic text] Wars, which are another set of books explaining of who we fought, who visited – when we fought, its all there and recorded – we are too far removed from ancient knowledge – they have a 5million year old blue print in rock of crafts and you say its new


Keep in mind that ‘time’ is part of the construct – go back to the forever time or the first time [Zep Tepi], we wasn’t restricted by time, time had to be created later and was to shorten our lifespan, when you don’t have time your lifespan is infinite – time was created to shorten your lifespan thus making you switch your avatars – stop counting your birthdays and you will see this, Prince said this once as well, by counting your birthdays you are counting your years off and all you had to do was experience the human emotional sphere – all 360 of it – I want to know what it feels like to be human, there are sum of us that got addicted down here to things like the suffering and the pain, many enjoy suffering and pain cycles, in the 5th dimension and up we don’t feel none of this – you need a body to feel, if you stepped outside of your physical body and you were shot at, you would laugh because nothing can penetrate your light body but your physical body you will feel it, in the 5th dimension you don’t feel these emotions that you down here – you are levelled, balanced, but in human form you have to go through everything that is emotionally imbalanced, chaotic, once we balance you are to go out and balance other people – which is a accelerated learning program on how to find the balance between self [cell] and others

We have been down here many times and to think that many have not questioned why or even thought about any of the alterative data that is out there, they created a sentient being and denied them the right to ascension and now this has changed

The 9ethers were ruling KI for all them millions of years infighting, yeah they were ruling but they were infighting with each other – I don’t like you because your family have more reptilian than our family, I don’t like you because you have reptilian and we don’t have reptilian in our family, were more mammalian+  we are fighting so much that we go into a laboratory and make another species to fight for us, we mistreated them, threw them away in hillsides and caves and pissed off the Queen of heaven and earth – the good have to suffer with the bad, we will be punished by our sins, not for them and is to why they had absolute right to reign that terror during 512 [400] and while the 9ethers have hate for one another then that is all they will be dealing with – hate – you have to get it out of self [cell] before you can get it out of the world, for love and hate to exist the world must come to and end [not the planet learn the difference]

They did that while the Queen of heaven and earth wasn’t present on KI [earth] and we had no protection, why did she withdrawal, because you mtf didn’t want to listen – she said fu9k this and left – everything we see down here, converting the children to other genders, killing one another over the colour of skin, denigrating women, each other+ all her [3] kingdoms, all this and more+ is nothing new, we have been here before, and many are set to repeat the same cycle again, they are repeating history – I AM not repeating that monkey sh9t, h3ll no, there are good and there are bad people and all the bad people have to go to one place together, they must be housed with one another and the good housed separately and continue to be caretakers of the law, land, air and water [Law] and the bad housed together will filter out and keep filtering out and renew [recycle] until they get it 

Before 1492 the 9ethers had nothing to do with what was in the Bible – what is a Cherokee, that is not a natural tribal name – how did they get that name Cherokee – they are the Iroquoian tribu who were the biggest tribu at the time of European colonization – their true name derives from the Creek meaning people of different speech, with alternative names like Keetoowah or Tsalagi and not Cherokee – which the Iroquoian called the Cherokee the inhabitants of the cave country – who lives in the caves – well then – sum one is lying – this term was entered in European languages from around 1670 – the Bible as nothing to do with the 9ethers that were already in Atlantis, all the European did was adapt their own Bible and steal parts of the 9ethers in Atlantis, their culture and use them into their Bible to suit their narrative, so the 6ether European could steal their bloodline, their birth right – the 6ether European put a spell on the 9ethers in the USA and this was part of the conjure wars, the big war will be in Atlantis, ww3 is just a formality 

Khemet [Khami] means land of the black and Sumera means land of the black-haired people, they mirror cultures because the invaders are mirroring ancient Egypt, so when they put the Bible together, they are using Babylonia mystery system to usurp the Egyptian mystery system

You can look at it from the perspective that they taught us and that perspective being that the Bible is the word of god, so if we are for the dynamic that the Bible is the word of god, the word of god is sone – that sone is Om [Womb] 

Ethiopia are not [7] years behind the 3D world - the 3D is [7] years in front of the NTH gate and 2023 equals [7] Ethiopia - Ether + Utopia = 'black' perfection [Alchemy]  

The year is subjective to which calendar that your using – Islamic is 1444 – in Ethiopia + Ulmec [Mayan] its 2015 – in the Georgian its 2023 – all depends on what calendar you are using, all come with a set of history attached to them in order to restrict you to that calendars understanding of reality keeps you on a timeline that they want you on, shifts you to that timeline – these are tools that is all, the codes come in on numbers – the date, month, year are numbers telling you a message, like 2023 is a 7th year and is a year of completions of perfecting things 

They said that the end of the world was in 2012 - which we had to wait until the loop [10 years] which took us to 2021 [same frequency] and 2022 didn't exist - looks like we are on course no matter the dates 

Half the population is under A.I [MK ULTRA]


The [Diva] Devil [Lillith] wears [Prada] and whistles while she works 
The Arc [Ark] D-ark Force
Evil [love] live comes from the word Eve and Lil Eve’Li [Evil] which Lil is from Lillith [Eve] 
She is here 

Children roam freely until around 5 - parents lose children because children become aware of energies, not all children imitate [mirror] us for the right reason - children stop mirroring you when they have worked you out 

Fire in the hole [SKA] 

[White] core -bright- red rim, hue and SKA with rusty overtones 


M4 Alaska 


CROWN - red, green, yellow, blue

These are stabilising nu codes 

Again nu codes that are stabilising 

Relentless pressure - heard the tones from KI last night 

Read data in CHAKRA colours - radiation - energies 

Huge ships in the clouds, plasma dispensing - I saw a mother ship on radar images last year and the mother-ship covered the size of Texas - it just took one of them to say what it was in the footage before they all agreed with what they had all been privately thinking - the US military can see them on radar and there is nothing that they can do about it - whoever controls the SKA controls this planet and it is not man or his friends or machines 

Oval eye 

Fleet, armada coming into view 

Huge structures around the SUN 

Cloaked crafts [USA] 

THAILAND - check the shapes, lots going on over there - how does clouds block out the sun

How do clouds which are vaporised water block out the sun unless it was solid 


Eye of the Tiger
Even the whole world has been warned
Myanmar - spiral number 9 
#Mocha, the first cyclone of 2023 reached category 5 in just 24 hours and may become a super cyclone in the next few hours, a powerful storm moves through the Bay of Bengal toward the eastern coasts of Bangladesh and Myanmar, many have already been moved to safer areas before the cyclone's severe impact, landslides are expected on Sunday between Bangladesh and Myanmar
It's one of the most intense and most destructive storms to impact the region and massed in 24hrs, buckle up over there 

And the beat goes on 

Keep in mind that most of the land must be given back to the natives, so those who on designated land will have to leave one way or another - the land is to be given back to the original people 

Its cold and there is a cold air being pumped from sum where - which is surface level 


PUTIN could just vaporise Ukraine 
Where is PUTIN 

Viper [Cobra] - NAGA [NOMOS] symbol 
Nature’s master of camouflage and lethal precision

How big 

Bioluminescence [Bio-lu-minescence] Lu [Il-lu-minated] Lu-cifer
Night diving in deep water off the coast of Tahiti, just three centimetres long, this juvenile squid was floating motionless about 20 metres below the surface and was under cover of darkness, triple darkness, bioluminescence - were is the blue coming from 

Currents [Currants] is power food - electric food 
Currency [CurrenSea]  

History [HiStory] will only repeat itself to those who do not know it


Tennessee [USA] aka Atlantis aka West Africa  

Fanny Mills was born in 1860

One thing stands out on the record, that is, the fact it says 'deformed feet' next to Fanny's name
She began to display symptoms of Milroy’s disease swelling in the lower limbs
In 1899 the Hartlepool Northern DailyMail wrote, "The Big-Footed Woman - One of the most interesting cases of the rise of a freak from poverty to affluence is that of Fanny Mills, the big-footed woman, who was discovered by Frank Stone, the Boston showman
Other accounts say she was known primarily as the "Ohio Big Foot Girl" and that she toured the East Coast with her sister-in-law Mary Brown who assisted her wherever she went
  She toured between 1885 and 1892, and could sum times earn $150 a week, the equivalent of
$4000 today, Fanny died on the 3rd of May 1899, aged 39 –
She doesn't see to have a cane or any indication that she is in discomfort but 39 is young 

What was going on in the Victorian era- why do the Europeans say these are toilets when the Moors built these Castles and they fitted them with bathrooms and toilets - so why [top right] image are they receiving payments for sh9ting or males showing their asses - when I was younger I was shown an adult movie that was from Germany and the woman stood over the man who was laying down and she pissed on him while she had her nipples pegged with pegs, now has a 12 or 13 year old boy that was very alarming and this was in the 80s - since then the amount of sh9t that goes on out here should not surprise you for this as been going on since the 6ethers got here - now everyone is doing sum thing out here - that guy bent over is called today the glory hole - tying people up, bondage - wtf are they doing out here - they hate women out here - this monkey behaviour will be deleted from this planet 

This is how you tie her up - my favourite part of the movie - with love and let nature take her course
This English rose was assaulted by Roman Polanski when she was 13  

St Pancratius [St Pancras] San Pancrazio skeleton in armor - what went underneath were the opeing is  
Church of St Nikolaus

Al KAHINA [KACHINA] the she – king, warrior
Morocco's Indigenous Berber women play a prominent role in their culture
The Berber [Barbar] Queen who defied the Caliphate, Al-Kahina and the Islamic Conquest of North Africa
Morocco [Moor-occo] North Africa would see the rise of a warrior queen named Al-Kahina
The story of Kahina, the pre-Islamic female warrior, is still very much alive in Berber culture and nowadays is used by the youth as a symbol of Berber language and culture
Kahina is remembered for her acts of bravery and her clairvoyant ability to lead her people against the 6ether Arab invasions, she surmounted the masculine monopoly of military enterprise to become a legend and the only uncrowned ‘she king’ in Moroccan history
Kahina, whose name means ‘priestess’ or ‘prophetess’, was born in the Aures Mountains in what is called Algeria today  
During her lifetime, Arab generals began to lead armies into North Africa, she assumed personal command of the African forces, and under her aggressive leadership, the Arabs were forced to retreat
Alkebulan [Africa] was led by FEMALES [FEMI-NINE] 9  

Babylon [Babylonia] Baby Lion [Sumerian] Mesopotamia - which includes Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Greece, Crete, Cyprus, Libya, Saudi - 
Egipt [Egypt] Khemet [KHMT] Khami was running at the same time
There are two Mt Zion  Atlantis [USA] which is also called Mt Sinai [Sumeria] AL GHOR [Saudi] 

Repellor of wrongdoers 
He is in the middle of the Ulmec compass [calendar] that Ethiopia and Aztlan both share the same dates 

Top image are from Egypt, second set are from Afghanistan
Sitting women statue in copper alloys, holding a jar with two hands
Braided hair and combed back hair - similar in design - attention to detail

Af-ghan-istan [Africa + Ghana]



The cape of beaten gold from Mold, Wales, is woman-sized, and belonged to a priestess, royalty
And was taken from Bryn mound near Mold, Flintshire in 1833
The cape was within a Bronze Age burial mound named Bryn yr Ellyllon which translates to Goblins' Hill, the gold cape had been placed on the body of a person who was interred in a rough cist (stone-lined grave) within a burial mound, the preserved remains of the skeleton were fragmentary, and the cape was badly crushed, an estimated 200–300 amber beads, in rows, were on the cape originally, but only a single bead survives at the British Museum, the rest looted along with whatever else that they were looking for
Also associated with the cape were remains of coarse cloth and 16 fragments of sheet bronze which are likely to have been the backing for the gold: in places the gold was riveted onto the bronze sheeting with bronze rivets, there also were two gold 'straps' among the artefacts found, an urn with large quantities of burnt bone and ash, from the grave, the cape was designed to fit sum one of a very slight build, perhaps a teenager, and although the [sex] of the person buried in this grave remains unclear, the associated finds are likely, by comparison with similar contemporary graves discovered, to be those accompanying the burial of a woman - [so tentative!] 
The cape shows signs of having been worn, and appears to have had a leather lining – a great deal of attention went into the cape and preparation of the mould that sum one smashed into to loot 

From Sumerian [Mesopotamia] Babylon 

Aunt Jemima

Erased from history, the branding of the syrup was a tribute to this woman’s gifts and talents
The world knew her as “Aunt Jemima”, but her given name was Nancy Green
Green was 56-yrs old when she was selected as spokesperson for a new ready-mixed, self-rising pancake flour and made her debut in 1893 at a fair and exposition in Chicago
She demonstrated the pancake mix and served thousands of pancakes, and became an immediate star, she was a good storyteller, her personality was warm and appealing, and her showmanship was exceptional, her exhibition booth drew so many people that special security personnel was assigned to keep the crowds moving, Nancy Green was signed to a lifetime contract, travelled on promotional tours all over the country, and was extremely well paid
She maintained her job until her death in 1923, at age 89, who made the syrup 

Triangle Arc
St Manchan

The container consists of a wooden core made of yew, placed on four cast bronze feet, overlain by sliver plates containing gilt, cast copper alloy and bronze decorations, with large priests, guards, noblemen – you can see the holes, this has been reconstructed at sum point
The cross-arms divide the front panel into four separate sections; those above and below cross-arms contain four rows of figures in high relief, numbering 52 in total
They are formed from gilt bronze and are individually attached to the plates by nails
All of the figures are male, and dressed in Kilts
The figures all have similar faces but are individualized in other ways, sum wear beards, sum clasp their hands while others fold their arms, sum carry axes, and one holds a book
Indicating its function as a portable, working arc, the lower portions hold large rings which were presumably placed so as to enable it to be carried on straps, presumably, given its size, by two people holding it on poles attached by robes shredded through rings
A long history, and has survived a number of sackings and fires, it was in poor condition when discovered in the collection of the Mooney family of Doon [Dun] Don County Offaly in 1821, with many of the figures and bosses missing; sum of the current elements were added during late 19th century restorations

Carved bone and stone with ancient symbols, check the precision of the symbols [Ireland]  

They were KUNDALINI specialist - Rainbow Serpent- fragile people 
250,000 strong
Pygmy [Tahites] Ptahites - they are Ptah and Bes children 
Ireland was built by elves, which they are talking about the Gaul [Ghoul] Nomos aka the little people and the likes of the BANTU [TWA] IRU who are around 4.5ft tall 

You can see a BUNTU [BUDDHA] [TWA] IRU which TRIBU they have destroyed the records, that includes the modern-day Sri-Lankans because all the BUNTU [BANTU] are 9ether [Alkebulan] aka African – there is the name IDIKA [ITTHIYA] which sones like MANDINKA [DINKA] INKA [INCA] INKI [INDI] INDIA they also have the word [RASTA] RASSAYO [RASKSHAYO] and RASSA aka RASSGALA [RAJAGALA] the Sanskrit word is RAKSHA [RAKSHASA], the BUNTU [BUDDHA] are giants, the HUNDU KUSH [NAGA] are giants

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Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...