Check in with your energy each and every day [cycle],
know your energy levels and get to know your energy, see the things that drain
you, what drained you throughout the day so you can go in and do that work,
look for patterns beforehand, so you can prepare or avoid –
Many [you] are at your threshold and so you must conserve
before you serve – serve yourself first – its ok to be selfish [cellfish]
The universe does not recognise mistakes, she gravitates
towards acknowledgement when you have made a human error, she backs off when
you repeat human errors, there are no wrongs or right with her, only
inner-standing [understanding], so go easy on yourself, its quite easy to be
hard on yourself when you’ve made an error however being harder on yourself for
that error does nothing for you other than to drop your energy levels even
further and we don't want that
Just do your best and come from the heart and use your TRI-system
in everything that you do that requires energy, put your heart and soul into
what you need to do for you, you must come from your heart
We are all taking our exams here, sum are retakes, to
pass is to recognise the errors and the learning, what you learned from that
error [simulation] experience – after all we are in a simulation
Develop, growth and evolve, you are here to evolve, you
cannot just keep on developing, you must evolve – seven times you have been
down here and each time a different simulation designed for you to exercise out
your weaknesses and strengths and to create new abilities and enhance your
spiritual gifts and bring all back to source when completed
The road of least resistance, in this moment you want to
avoid things that you have experienced already, the energy is new and you will
need new ways of thinking to merge into this new energy field, this can be
achieved by learning new things or new ways of doing things, the brain is a muscle and expands and creates
new creases on the brain when stimulated, you resonate with new data [light] that you feel
This is on-going with you, being hard on yourself and
then dwelling in that house for so long, childhood is where it stems from, how
many people hated themselves at such a young age, we know better now and the
circumstances but the conditioning comes from the subconscious mind remembering
even if you don’t and goes into a failsafe mode for protection but this time
round your older and wiser and can own your sh9t now, your too old to fight it
so now we embrace it because you can – your wiser now and being hard on
yourself comes from pressure that was applied to you that came from an adult – maybe
you had to prove yourself as a child to your parents or to others or your
parents were hard on you, however you’ve reasoned with yourself but today your
still hard on yourself – the mere fact that you show up everyday is you doing your best
and that is all that is required, if you are not repeating and showing up each
cycle [day] then that is all that matters, that is your best and that is what
she wants, for you to do your best – has long as you ‘know’ that you are doing
your best then that is all that is needed
There are many who think their flaws are perfection, it
is not, seeking perfection means that anything that you do will never be good
enough which is a catch22 situation because the bar raises every time so no
matter what you do you will never get any understanding, clarity or completion
because you are searching for sum thing that does not exist
If you put your heart and soul into sum thing, then the
way you said it is good enough, the way you did that is good enough, do you get
that, it came from you so it will be good enough, yes there is always room for
self-improving but that does not mean be hard on yourself in the meantime
If you are presented with a lesson that you are working
on and you messed up, it doesn’t matter how many times you fu9k up, just as
long has you turn back up and it does not matter how long you take because it
is in your time, in real time I AM learning sum thing that happened just over
two decades ago, in reflection you see lessons galore because I see the
learning – we all have different learning styles and interpretations of data – I
AM open now and receptive – looking back at that simulation I really adore that
experience and would repeat the simulation
When you stop adding onto when you have fu9ked up [hard
on yourself] energy starts flowing and things become a tad bit easier for you
to take in, and sooner or later you become more receptive and more
understanding about things – to be conscious that you are actually being hard
on yourself takes practice, self-awareness, acknowledgement of the past which
is still your present, you will see when you are self-sabotaging yourself – you will see that you’re the one conditioning yourself and creating the whole thing
When you know you are talking down to yourself aka lower
self – stop and take a knee and ask yourself is this what I want, if you
don’t want, then ask yourself what do I need
Its good practice and will not come over night but the
Universe knows what you are trying to do and will back [strengthen] you because you need to
change your mindset, you want the better version of yourself, you want to
improve – so when you catch your mind drifting to the way you used to be, back
to sum thing familiar, shift it [focus] to what you really need so that you can
get what you need, is this sum thing I can do, is this new to me, is this sum
thing I can learn from, unknown territory is good for the brain, uncharted waters is good for the brain, half the things you did in your childhood you no longer
do, it’s the mentality that traps you, so be patient with yourself, overlap
your mind with things that you know you can do or sum thing that you achieved
in, that you got right and is loving, meaningful, worthy, whatever it is similar to what you are experiencing that is
causing you to be hard on yourself but this time embrace it, say yeah I fu9ked up and what [???] no more fu9k ups and no more beating myself up
Being limited or having limitations comes from you being
conditioned and takes time to come out of that cube, its unknown to you however
taking calculated risks are part of your learning along with flowing risks, the
unknown factor brings in the fear factor – you cannot stay in your comfort zone
forever and ever Amen – energy does not stay in one place, energy needs
stoking, stimulation, you need new impute or you glitch, your brain fries – you are part of
change and being part of change means you adapt
When you step out tomorrow and you fu9k up, instead of
sh9t – I messed up, reboot the command and override by saying, what is the
lesson here, what is the learning, what am I learning here
Lets have less of the constrains on yourself and more
openness to learning about yourself [Book of Life], your never too old to learn and the best lesson plan is
When I was younger I would write and write but after a
while my writing would come out messy and not on the lines and I would stop and
start it again, still the same and would start it again until I was tired and
drained from trying to prefect [perfection] my writing and then get angry and frustrated – fast
forward to today and I found out years ago that messy writing is from me using
my right side [creative side] to write with a pen – If I used a pencil to write
my letters, my words would have a flare and style to it [energy signature], also pencil is a wood
element rather than a plastic pen – is the pen mightier than the sword, it’s
the mind that is mightier because your mind controls the arm needed to hold the
sword [pen] children sum get a bruise on their finger from holding the pen so
tightly and that is because we are trying to control [condense] our right side
energy into sum thing that is artificial [pen] – those who write with their left hand [sinistrality]
are deemed prefect to use for writing and routine activities, wtf does that
mean – left side is analytical – no creative energy on that side – what routine
activities requires left hand operation only, what can left handed people who
write using their left hand do better [perfection] than those who use their
right hand to write
There is no prefect way, the way you write or do things
is good enough – so those who are heightened in their senses struggle with from
things in their childhood in adulthood – different examples but bottom line is its
not good enough and this will play out in many different ways and merge into
the Ego aka lower self [cell]
[Be you], be better than before, be the better version of
yourself [your cells] – that is all that is required, give your best
"I used to think that I'm not good enough for you, I can tell in the way they act in their attitude'
Please do not rewound yourself, especially to appease
others, recognise your scars in life and honour [own] them, the universe wants you to learn so you can heal [heal-th] others - that is why you were chosen, you chose to do what is right, making yourself the 'Chosen One' the 'Ancient One'
Do 'better' when you 'know' better
Self - taught
Read your Book of Life, read the end and you will 'know' where you are going
Shut the fu9k up and tell [sphere] with no one, don't you know bad boys move in silence- your highness
DEA are your celestial genes
You are here and they are inside of you
Re-cog-nise light - these cogs are part of your mechanics
Because you are an EM-PTAH being - EM [Electro-Magnet] 6 ethers do not have EM energy - the 9ether PTAH is different from the 6ether PATH - the 6ethers have a calling but its not higher than the 9ethers
There are no mistakes, only over thinking which is a HuMan error, accept your lesson plans
Your in my thoughts Rolf - the Great Wolf - whose pack awaits him beyond the horizon, the other side of the mirror
Take [drink] no more bullsh9t or your KAA will leave you
The planet is upside down and is going to flip, the spiritual poles have already been moved
Granddaddy [Jupiter] has over 90 satellites [Moons] and also as rings, [Jupiter] is a parts planet making other crafts, ships and repairs, they also fuel crafts and have huge amounts of fuels - Cars on [Jupiter] are the size of trucks [HGV] - the beings on KI have tried to blow [Jupiter] up which if they were successful would mean the holocaust of this soular system - the threat is very real and the intention, because they would rather kill her than give her up [Kamikaze]
HAIL comes Haile [Selassie]
Both Saturn and Jupiter make planets
Ouida [Ouidah] Juda [Judea] Judah [Whydah]
[Iudea was derived from the Greek term Ioudaia]
IUDEA [Jupiter]
[Yehudi] Yehud [Yahud]
Jupiter [Iudea] is also associated to YASHUWA, or JOSHUA,
later renamed to Iesous, because the [Shu]- syllable refers to Air, the breath
(Air) is a vital part of meditation practice, so Ya-Shu-w (or Jo-shu-a) is
essential for all Yehudim, Going into the words shows how Judeo-Christian allegories
are syncretical connected, and derive from KHMT [Egypt] - there was no Yashuwa but there was Shu
The LION of JUDAH is the AKUR of OUIDA
Xico, located in the eastern centre of the Trans-Mexican
Volcanic Belt (CVT), in the state of Mexico in the ancient lake of #Chalco
Ice rock drive-by
THAILAND is hugging all the action - whatever is going to take place for those in that area it will be spectacular - what is casting shadows over the SKA - who is up there
SHAMAYIM [Sha-ma-yeem] translates 'two skies'
FRANCE [???]
Double bows with yeast rising clouds
Look deeply
PORTUGAL [SPAIN] Check the colours of the crafts
Craft sitting in front of the SUN
BRAZIL - HERU on the Horizon
Falcon with the sun-disc above its head is a straight reference to the medulla oblongata – the medulla oblongata being the Falcon and the sun disc being the thalamus – so by stimulating the thalamus you’re creating a reaction in the cerebral cortex which is taking you to from a 32 vertebrae to a 33 venerate aka rising the Kundalini [Serpentine] and that sends the response to the cosmos
This image on the left and bottom two was posted sum days back from Texas and on the top right is an image I have had for around 3 years and they are very similar - the states in the USA will be dealt with accordingly, all cities, states, countries will all have different outcomes for very different reasons - what is it, are they windows or they are shaped like a rectangular - square - there are three and have light emitting from them
What is it
All showing the same thing
Many are on the earth field [negative field] those with no soul [BAA] stay here for there is no where for them to go - they cannot reincarnate because they were created on the planet and are not from the planet
The Pharaohs curse is unleashed
The 6ether Arabs kept the name MECCA [MIRKA] MERKAA - that was your last RAAMADA
We are in their NANO phase
A.I is consuming many, remember that Melanin is a
semiconductor and can make light inside of your body stronger than the SUN –
9ethers can take the light from the SUN and convert it to make it stronger than
the SUN – this is the next phase which is incorporating Melanin into the A.I –
How are they going to get the Melanin from 9ethers, this
is nothing new, 9ethers go missing everyday and we have genocides taking place
regular and the last time I checked Sudanese people are the darkest people on
the planet and what is going on in Sudan right now, ok then - Sudan is 79oF so UVB is pumping –
they are extracting Melanin from live sources like they always have Thermodynamics
is the study of the relations between heat, work, temperature, and energy –
Entropy and in a system things are going to gradually move into a disorder and
what Melanin represents is negative Entropy and is intelligence that is able to
take disorder and put it into order
So for example if you go to the Cinema and you watch a
movie – you sit in a seat and watch the movie from the projection – the movie
is inside the projection, its in the beam of light, in that beam of light is
the movie, so why don’t you just look at the beam of light, but you cannot so
you look at the screen – the screen is Melanin aka the screen of light [life] –
Melanin absorbs the light and organises it into what light is and is what A.I
is missing because it’s a robot, it’s a fu9king machine
Its going to be very interesting how A.I deals with
9ethers because how will the machine react to light to light, me thinks this this is
how the A.I will crash because 9ethers will come online and fry the machine
because they will be moving into order, so whoever is in order will be good to
go and those who are out of order [offline] – then what - which will be greater
The movie the Terminator and the movie the Matrix was written by one person at the age of 17+,what she saw in the 80s the graphics were only made available 6 months prior to the Matrix being filmed - she wrote two books entitled the Blueprint to Mankind [Terminator] and the 3rd eye [Matrix]
How did beat the Matrix, he merged with it and crashed it from the inside out - this is what we are doing right now
She is an Oracle - she can help you find the PTAH [PATH] - she is telling you in real time the end which is the beginning
55hz [59hz] 60hz+
Spiking all week
1000hz and 600hz -
You can see the spiking for the last week+ and blackouts
500hz and 600hz
You can see the spiking for the last week - all those spikes bottom left image are 100hz+
We are being it for hours over days
Old frequencies are over 7.89hz [14.1hz] 20.3hz]
SCH + MAN [Double Masculine] [old]
SHU [AIR] + TEFNUT [WATER] Feminine + Masculine [new]
Read all data in CHAKRA colours, energies, radiations
NIBIRU is on the left and holds the planet in his mouth, we have WAJI [green] coming out of the poles and red - open your heart
Where the arrows bend and return in the opposite direction is where NIBIRU is - from the right [yellow] is the SUN which is electric and NIBIRU is magnetic and is magnifying the electrical codes - NIBIRU is the MaStar key
My body is heating up, hot flushes, sweaty in torso,
head, I can hear sone depression [air] in my ear
NIBIRU controls the poles of this planet and travels are light speed
GIZA is called the EKUR [KAUR] AKUR complex
We had an eclipse that either NASA [NOAA] didn't know we were having one because there is no mention of it anywhere or they kept quiet about it - how long was it for, last 72hrs I have been up to the break of dawn, the body wants to rest but the mind is switched on - I feel alright and given this eclipse we can see where the energy is coming from - the SUN is triggering and we have huge amounts of soular energy streaming in with NIBIRU on the backside of this planet collecting all energies and returning back into the planet - this is a 24hrs exchange all day everyday
What is the band going through the middle - NASA [NOAA] nearly show you what the SUN really looks like - the SUN is a multidimensional portal [WOMB] OM
Your soular plexus is a power that is greater than the SUN, ultraviolet is broken up into A, B and C – the 9ethers get A and B and they don’t get C down here on KI because its Cosmic radiation – there is also VUV [Vacuum Ultraviolet] which is super Cosmic energy – so where is it coming from because the SUN cannot make VUV unless its being made inside of the 9ethers body or its coming from Sirius through the SUN – to which Sirius is fuelling the SUN and the SUN we have out here is a hologram - the hidden energy
The SUN is rising in the West with NIBIRU - Atlantis [USA] is West Africa - the knowledge came from the West
Last 48hrs
These are only sum, she is rocking and rolling, fault lines is the 9ether fault, they are causing the earthquakes
Volcanos erupting means energy is releasing - earthquakes
Notice crops, harvests, livestock were targeted - these weather systems are crafts above
ITALY - why would nature do you like this
NYC is sinking
That beast that resides there must come up from his underground nests
New Orleans is already below sea level and has already sunk to that level - when the water comes in many places around the world will be the lost cities of new - this time around it will be fire [plasma] that destroys their 3D world - they must keep clone Biden in office until the war breaks out
Three energy projected pillars are coming from the clouds [crafts] above
Mexico - Dulce base [Raccoon city] they must have at least a million animal headed beings down there - major city with connecting infrastructure - all that was once hidden must be revealed into the light and day by day, moment by moment this Wendy House is coming down - we can see them and they can see us, we are all within touching distance - nothing happens before the time
Mexican webcam
We have seen similar images last years or maybe they are the same - whatever these spheres are the clouds are being attracted [power source, currents] to the rim of whatever they are, there is more than one and they are huge - they look like thrusters of a huge craft that is cloaked and the clouds are collecting around the heat from the burners
Fleet, armada of ships drive-by the SUN and below is a SHAM cylinder craft used for logistics
No one gets left behind, for those who do not have Melanin - you go through if you grew your heart + [1] Ion - there is good [positive] and bad [negative] in all, only the good shall prosper, we are being judged on energy and your intention with your energy, we are only being judged on this life only, your audit life - its ok to fu9k up - but what was your intention [energy] balance [heart]
The word Kundalini is a Naga root word that
was originally from the Yoruba tribe aka Alkebulan [Africa] and is called
Oshunmare [Osumare] Oshun [Femi9] and then taken to KHMT [Egypt] Khami [Kammu]
and called the Uraeus and then transferred to the Andamanese Indus [Muurs]
The FEMI9 ENERGY is the KUNDALINI - the letter I is FEMI9
like SHAKTI also spelt KUNDALINI and KALA [KALI] – a woman(s) hour-glass figure
is actually the KUNDALINI – the hour-glass lady dancing, belly dancing for man
because he is all physical, the hour-glass figure is for the human physical
eyes and the KUNDALINI is for the first eye – the seduction for the eye making
the SHIVA[SHAKTI] aka the sacred marriage – the light sparks [in the lamp] or
the bell rings [eye] and the pineal [willy] stands up and if your eye is not
calcified it is covered with crystal and that is when it becomes the sender, broadcaster
and receiver [antenna] and she feeds him – all S.E.X is in the head first for
man and it is she that ignites it, the external representation of FEMI9 ENERGY
is the hard willy [Phallus] and the internal representation of FEMI9 ENERGY is
our willy [Phallus] eye – hard, the eye and the willy are both the same shape
[ROD] - your eye can be stimulated in many ways
The Hydrogen Ions that is coming from Sirius via the sun
hits your 3rd eye and thus you will receive the data [information]
you need the stimulation then activates a certain part of the brain which can
only be from source to activate that part of the brain – this part of the brain
is called the thalamus-reticular-nuclei that have what you call the pacemaker
cells that actually sit on the thalamus, so when that part of the brain is
stimulated this triggers an electrical current in the cerebral cortex which is
then responsible for rising your level of consciousness, all three glands work
together + Melanin [KAANU] ether, so the Falcon with the sun-disc above its
head is a straight reference to the medulla oblongata – the medulla oblongata
being the Falcon and the sun disc being the thalamus – so by stimulating the
thalamus you’re creating a reaction in the cerebral cortex which is taking you
to from a 32 vertebrae to a 33 venerate aka rising the Kundalini [Serpentine] and
that sends the response to the cosmos
You HAIR [HARU] HARE [HERU] grows out of your CROWN CHAKRA and not your scalp and is part of your central nervous system aka your CHAKRA system - the more 'black' [ether] melanin, the more power [semiconductor] - reduction in hair [hair not growing is because your central system is damaged - CROWN is jamming
If the woman is 6ether but has 'black' brown hair, 'black' brown nipples and 'black' brown on her pum-pum lips, this is all Melanin and if she produces DMT in the brain, this is all Melanin and separates her from other 6ethers making her 7ether [8th] ether
And so shall it be in the end
HuMin and HuMan are different, Mankind is a kind of man, Humanity means the quality of being a HuMan - not HuMin [ADAMA] there are two, one is heaven and the other is beast
The 6ether and 9ether are not the same species
FEMI.9 ELECTRON NRG - without her we are nothing
You cannot control her, instead be one with her, you must yield to the FEMI9 energy principle, you can tame her only if she gives you consent - earn it - without her we are nothing
The Feminine energy always saves us but we must go to her [source]
The Catholic Church would train their own brand of Dark
Sorcerer to hunt down Lillith's magical bloodlines, they are the Jesuit Priests
She was hanged, drawn, quartered and slaughtered - but Lillith(s) daughters are still here
They tried to take her out but she multiplied every time they killed one of the siStars
Heal one siStar [daughter] and we heal one thousand
The reinstatement of the FEMI9 PRINCIPLE [TRINITY] continues...
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