Friday, 12 May 2023

Holding the attention

Hypnosis [Gnosis] 

Past life regression – the first thing you need to know is the origin of the word Hypnosis – there is a God called Orpheus who is the God of dreams and there is the God Morpheus who is the God of transformations and illusions – Hypnosis was introduced to the Western world through what is called Freudian Psychology which comes in through Doctor Sigmund Freud Austrian [German][SS] who is the Western worlds founder of Psychiatry – however there was a Psychiatrist before him called Doctor Benjamin Rush who was the Psychoanalyst of the rebellious slave

Psychic - Psy means BAA [soul] and Chi means force

They fought for a country that hated them in their own country, they took down the [SS] and came back home after service to find that the KKK had burned down their homes with wife and children purposely trapped inside, is that a bi9ch or what - people wonder why 9ethers have a chip on their shoulder, because they do not forget - the only race out here going through trauma and healing at the same time - scattered for 400 [512] years that ended in 2012 [2021] look at the 9ethers today, they have every right to be fu9ked up, they have every right to be off-key, and yet we are asking them to get us out of this Matrix and the thing is, despite what has gone on, they are going to it - I would study them also and wonder deeply how do they fu9king do it - the 6ethers had to study the 9ethers because only they have a BAA [soul] 

Psychology means the study of the soul [BAA] – not everyone has a BAA – everything has a KAA [spirit] but not everyone has a BAA – Psychology is the study of 9ethers souls – they were studying the slaves, the servitude, and coming up with their Western terms like Drapedomaniac [Drapetomania] which means when you don’t want to be a slave anymore and you decide I’m out and then they would say you suffer from Drapetomania which is supposed to be a predisposition to escape slavery or servitude – so the Western term means they have declared that to be a Psychological disorder for anyone who doesn’t want to stay under the service conditions of a slave or pauper

Look at Sigmund Freud – his desk is littered with Alkebulan artifacts – all 9ethers things – he learned Psychotherapy [therapy] therapist [the rapist] Hypnosis and a few other forms of medical treatment for mental disorders from Alkebulan [African] Shamanka(s) Shemanka [Sheman] Shaman(s) they taught him and Freud [Fraud] brought what the siStars had all taught him in Alkebulan over to the West and claimed that he discovered it himself

Freud was a cross-addicted addict looking for a way out with his addictions and had heard about the Ibogaine ceremony which is known to permanently kill your addictions – whatever it or they are, with the Ibogaine ceremony it takes you to meet a deity called Aiwass

Freud was legally insane, they all were insane while others practiced insanity, when you watch Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, they are showing you insanity, that it was and is ok to do what they wilt - to the planet and her [3] Kingdoms 

Always look past the uniform [suits] that they wear, they are raping [therapist] your soul [BAA] 

A 6ether cannot tell a 9ether how his or her soul works, that is impossible - only the person knows his or her Psyche - not everyone has a soul [Psy] the soul and spirit are two different things - this is a soular system and you must have a soul to be here

Under Hypnosis the government found tactical uses of Hypnosis by a Hypnotist called Doctor George Estabrooks who found out how to deliver pieces of information to a General on the other side of the world without the person he is sending the information to ever knowing that he [Estabrooks] sent it

Hypnosis and the next level is Autohypnosis – where you become so skilled at the practice that you become your own operator – the operator is the one who puts you under Hypnosis, extracts information and guides you where you need to go – be very weary of going under with more than one person in the room, be weary with sum one [operator] who is inexperienced, be weary of one or more operators in the room with you –

Past life regression – self Hypnosis, you are world class now and are self-taught, there are many things that you can do yourself – the parameters in which they told us – we need to know if it is functional – Transcendental meditation is very similar to Autohypnosis with one difference, as the operator and Transcendental mediation is that you don’t give orders, you just follow the mind and where the mind goes – that is the difference between a Transcendental mediation and a controlled Hypnotic directive – when you do Autohypnosis, the only person you are going to 'trust' is your higher self to guide you through the Hyp-nosis and Gnosis means ‘knowing’ or the ‘truth’ [Hy] High Knowing

You take your ego consciousness of the present physiological self and give it to the higher self to show you things from your past lives – this is how I was able to see [sea] a lot of the Akashic records for examples I saw sum of the ANNUNAKI wars, the different crafts, beings, sum have machinery parts, liquid armoury, I went once and saw Dub [Beatles] they were heavily armoured – there was tons and tons of them, armies, metallic, they stood upright, they were like tanks, they were soldiers

You can go back through the historical records and through your DNA, you can see it all – when you mediate and come out you don’t always lose connection, so I might get up and shower or eat or watch sum thing and lay back down to which I’m actually still connected, I could have gone to sleep and still be connected and will travel collecting data along the way, the connection [Nexus] is strong and we are connected

With Autohypnosis you can use it to tune into frequencies on the DNA by asking a series of questions, this backtracks to a particular ancestor, there are times I’m using a relatives eye to see things, I have been to the bunkers over in the USA and whoever it was, was famous because of all the reactions this person was getting, I was watching through this persons eyes, this was in real time and they were going into different rooms, areas, I saw people down there that have made these bunkers their homes

Sum one else was the brain part of a bird in one of his lives, he said he wasn’t the bird, that was sum one else but he was the brain part, functioning part and one of the things he learnt is that this particular bird has to map out the route of its journey in the morning, the portals change daily [cycle] and the routes change daily

There are things that you want to know and have a million thoughts regarding these things and there are tools to assist you in reaching them  - the bunker view was from remote viewing and was in real time+ this and studying all ties in with the operator aka you – which is how to extract actual information [light] from the Universe

 Shirley is a homonym for Sterling which means the Silver Key and the Silver Key is the key to the Tyro which is Lunar Moon Magic – the Golden [Odin] Key which is the key of Astrology, the reading of the Stars and the Star Maps of the Universe [times] because we move in increments of space which gives us the illusion of time – moving through space creates this effect of time based on perception – time the word backwards is emit – emit light 

During the 6th into the 8th [May] 2023 I became aware that sum time was missing, I felt it on the day that time [light] had been jumped or pushed backed or jammed, I had felt the lost inside and it wasn’t until the 9th into the 10th that the penny dropped that we have had a jump, looped in timelines or at least I have

Now these soular flares are soular power, soular energy and we had massive dispensed plasma over these days – soular flares alters time – time loops, also called time dilation and time contractions
I felt this lost of time inside and because I was aware [conscious] this confused my thinking, my body also felt out of sync and I felt disoriented, so I knew that it had happened – what else is interesting is that the clock on the laptop also bubbled like it went for a day or two and returned back to real time, to the same time, Neo in the Matrix, I saw a back cat and then another one just like it -  I had got caught in a time loop from the soular flare – it felt like it was two days when it was 2hrs but in real time it was a few minutes 

There is a huge amount of time missing – and there are loads who are abducted and don’t remember – sum of you will not remember because this is done to protect your psyche – sum of these beings are not human, sum have animal heads and many people are not ready for that, the tv series Battlestar Galactica from the 80s and Star Wars show you many different types of beings, many are not ready for that, this can be traumatic when you see sum of these beings – this is a shock to the current understanding of reality that we have as humans – they have been conditioning us through the comics and things like Beauty and the Beast – they have talking animals in comics, half animal and half human – anthropomorphic animals in the comics, Mickey Mouse walks and talks like a human – but why does his dog Pluto acts like a regular dog but Goofy walks around and talks like a human but Pluto doesn’t, so they condition our minds to perceive that there are sum Ca-nine-s [KA-9] that walk around on two feet and talk – we call them Werewolves, the ones that wear the wolves, who are really the indigenous ones in Atlantis [USA] that was fighting against the vampires – watch the movie Twilight, you see the natives were the Werewolves and the Europeans came over as vampires [reptilians] the vampires trace back to Vlad the Impaler

Vlad the Impaler was a Noble in Europe and ate human flesh, we see him with bodies on stakes leading up to his palace striking fear into those coming up to see him – all these things are preparations for the mind, telling you to get ready, vampires [reptilians] and a whole host of beings are going to be revealed, they never left, Dulce Base have at least a million animal headed beings down there – no one knew that Twilight was built on a true story, so many movies that are built on true events, the stories are real but we don’t know what it means, we didn’t know that they are the ones who came to Atlantis with Adrenochrome – look at the historical records of architecture in Rome, all they were doing was grown men molesting boys, they have in their art, they even have philosophy called the greatest love between a man and a boy, Plato-nic means casual sex between two men not friendship – once you are anal penetrated you cannot be fit to be the King, this is sum thing that the ANNUNAKI brought in and so they rape as many boys has they can to spoil any potentials from taking over the throne, so many have ridden the ass for lifestyle and for others that are inverted, they can never be on the throne – all this is on purpose and is not an accident why we have all this trans, homo, pedo, the whole 9 yards going on down here – train derailments in the USA, whatever it takes they are doing it to stop what is to come – everything is taking place to condition our minds so that when they beings are revealed it will not be so traumatic, for when you see foreign beings that don’t look like us

Beauty and the Beast is the story of the first Hero [Heru] ENKIDU [Gilgamesh] all they did was change parts of the real story, Beauty and the Beast conditions you to kiss a beast, sum thing that doesn’t look like you, the AKUR [lion] only mates with another AKUR and not a Cheetah or Tiger, they can scramble the story but they just cannot erase the story, it is down to the user to work things out, we have to put it all together, there are no complete systems left on the planet and all are fragments so we have to piece them together and for those who start this piecing together get data streamed to them to advance more and more, higher and higher revealing along the way, those who are trying to hold you down, those who are alliances and allies and those who are the enemy within – deep state is constantly being revealed, all what was hidden must be revealed in the public domain [dome main] main dome – they are flashing many [MK Ultra] and just like that people don’t remember nothing 

When Neo did the first jump in the movie the Matrix and failed and they returned from the Matrix, Neo spat up blood and this was when he was out of the Matrix [dimension] and returned to the physical world – your mind – every illness is Psychosomatic and if the mind doesn’t want the body to be sick the mind can shut that down – the mind can override the body – the mind perceives it as a real thing – so if you are in the astral realms fighting, you may return to KI with a bruising – a black eye+ that is how powerful the mind is, you carry trauma from the fourth dimension into the third dimension – in native culture they have sum thing called Dream Warriors and these Dream Warriors know when you have a nightmare and they sleep next to you and they can fight the battle for you in the Dreamworld, then there are the Dream Walkers who can go in and out of anyone’s dreams, I dreamt about you last night, yeah I was just dream walking, eye had you on my mind, you were in my mind last night, yeah I was just passing through – these are not exclusive to native cultures, you are these cultures, we have experienced [simulations] seven different lives – you may not remember or have a memory or be conscious of the dreams you had last night because your not doing the work that you need to remember in the waken state, therefore you don’t occupy the mind with the information you’re not about to use - write down what you were dreaming of straight away or be in the moment, slowly come out, play it back, re-dream, payback, you have to do the work in the physical state or you won’t remember more downloads as they come

I missed out a couple days ago, I saw this and that and I never remembered what it was I was supposed to change, instead I had a goodnight sleep which was really an energetic recharge and forgot the data when I returned to KI – the dream [vision] is designed to exaggerate – so when you remember sum thing, you remember that dream – association – when you now need to remember that dream and you are streaming out information, your rearranging the data in your subconscious, you won’t need to remember the dream because you will just organise, the ones that you remember are the ones that gave you the instructions to bring back to KI, so they are exaggerated so that you remember, don’t get caught up with how many people were in the dream and this and that, what was the plot, read the dream like the back of a DVD movie, the exaggeration makes the event stand out in the mind and you have to master how to read past the exaggeration because the exaggeration is an over explanation of a simple truth 

Alarm clocks is what erases parts if not all of the visions [dreams] this comes from Skinner Box Psychology – the same as the bell in school and the whistle at work – all BF Skinner, his work who was a Psychologist – he put his own daughter in the chamber [Skinner Box] to reprogram her, so if he can run tests on his own daughter then you know he has no ethics – the body wakes up when you tell it to, when the suns [Electric] rays hit the planet this charge wakes many people up and is why the Rooster [RooStar] roosts – this is why many are randy in the morning or why he or she gets an erection in the morning because of the electric rays are hitting the planet    

Your circadian clock is the natural clock of the body – you know yourself better than anyone else and even if you don’t know how well you know yourself – in the dream state you will say what is going to take for me to wake up on time and a dream will paly out and might be dull, weird, but your up, when you’ve needed to wake up you did, even if you set the alarm and you wake up just before it goes off, sum of you don’t even know that you reprogramed yourself

You see all these crafts, not everyone is going to see them or the dimensions that are coming from, two people can see the same thing but with different views, the individual nature of reality, its not going to be for everyone – the light spectrum, your light frequency is allowing you to see a part of the light spectrum that others around you their vibration does not match, they can’t see it

You can see when people come in, its like its off of – outside of your field – its coming off of your peripheral, if you relax and is doesn’t scare you, you can see who is standing there in your minds eye but with the naked eye there is no one there, like in Slapped Ham, it’s the camera picking up the negative field and catching these beings, entities, apparitions, there are times I also see in my peripheral these beings

Perception is ruled by knowledge levels – the more you inner-stand Psychic phen-Amen-a, the more you can process that psychic phenomenon, there is much more to learn beyond books and reading, but we use the books and reading as an accelerated learning program – this is why when you read books you are not reading books to learn nothing, you’re reading the books to perceive from another perspective that opens up another field of vision   

I AM – who is I AM – that is the great god I AM – I AM that I AM, that is what he told Moses, the god seat is the ‘black’ dot and is for you to put yourself in that seat – which is in your mind in order to proceed with Gods vision

So, when you hear, the men are the gods and the women are the earth – what are they telling you, we came to put things in order so the woman can attend to the maintenance of the earth – rearing children, the first teacher is the mother, the first nurse is mother – the feet of the MaStars, whose feet are you sitting at – Mamas – what does the crow say, mother is the definition of god in the minds of the children, the children are untainted so therefore their perception of god is more accurate than any adult – so the sciences are all there

IAM [AM] AMM] AUM [OWM] HMM [HYMM] it’s a tone that you have to merge into, if not nature is going to force your hand 

Move in silence, your highness



MER [MIR] pyramid
KA [KAA] double you
BA [BAA] soul 

GERMAN SCHUMAN [10.5.2023] - 33hz+ blackout [reboot] 


 CANADIAN SCHUMAN [10.5.2023] 
TONGA M8 - we are having trinity strikes - two more sum where - coming 
Blackouts are occurring 

Nu codes - activation - check the colours [sone] they are nu  
Time - light - codes 
DNA [DEA] upgrades 
Incoming - more - expect power cuts 

Reboot [timelines] 
Time has sped up - no - creation has sped up - means we are going sum where 


 RED and GREEN is coming out of the poles

There is no escape from her
Read all data in CHAKRA [TREE OF LIFE] KABBALAH SPHERES] energies 
The SUN is rotating counter clockwise on the NOAA [NASA] websites
Stay above the SOULAR PLEXUS 

Huge crafts, structures are showing up around the SUN – the SUN is triggering in M-Class style and fashion – parts of the planet are sinking, increasing every day, the planet is hot, the oceans are hot, this hurricane season will see destruction on a massive scale, weather systems will be extreme, this year will be different, while many are waiting for summer, on the horizon we have a nu perspective that is gathering pace, when this all start, the moment you woke up aka the moment when you realised aka when the penny dropped 2012 [2021] was the same frequency [2022] 222 didn't exist and here we all are in 2023 - 5 months in - buckle up  

Indonesia - RED SKA - Black clouds 

[White] light holds all [7] colours - light - energies - radiation 
Light is information - white [bright] core, yellow or red rim - red shield, aura 

Looks like a ladder, was coming out from a cloud - its solid whatever it is 

Craft with beam on 

Craft sitting there [USA] OVAL shape 

Thailand - craft at the top of the masked cloud 

This planet is not being invaded, its a reintroduction 

Another oval shape craft in the SKA 

The Pleiadeans and Arcturians created a light lock which is a mental hologram and is to why we don’t have fairies and gnomes running around like they used to, it doesn’t mean they don’t exist but now they have to take on the form of a human – they have to get a human avatar or they cannot be in this realm but they can infuse the atmosphere telepathically with information and is to why at one point they walked among us and led us and taught us but now the information is stored in the atmosphere aka the ethers – we don’t remember that we used telepathy, and thought is the only thing getting through the light lock which is just about getting through because you need a sender and a receiver – there are tons of senders but not enough receivers because they are turning themselves off in the name of Jesus or Allah or everything in the 3D world – we are in two stages of chemical spraying, the first one has failed and was designed to terraform the planet for their species, same with Fukushima which was done to make the oceans, atmosphere more radiated for their species if they win and is to why Trump did shut down sum HAARPs in 2017 - stage two is Nano technology- trans human - stage two is the chemicals have Nano technology    

Mt Rainer [USA] explain that 
Freemason say there are no straight lines in nature - so who is doing what out here 

Split SKA 

All the signs and symbols are in the SKA [SKY] SKI 

@1:29 you can hear Ozzy transmuting energy - the environment 

When he talks about Big Foot [Lares] and the miners in 1924 - keep in mind there was around 8 - 10,000 of them until the American Europeans slaughtered them, mainly the women and children - there are not one or 'Big Foot' there are around 4,000 of them still out there, 4,000 sounds like a nation to me, they have been here before the HuMins [HuMans] were created  

The Sea Lion is being trained for sum thing to do with the military 

$441 – coding are we

The loss is a win for the corporation because it’s a write off
Business 101 that’s all it’s always profits and losses in a company and that includes inventory, so technically it’s a lost for Kanye, but I'm sure Kanye wrote this as a loss on his income taxes

Be weary of false prophets [profits] 
[MAAHDI] MAAHADA [MAHDI] [Sudan] she is here  

Tick tock the body is going to rock

This image shows us the micro fauna that exists inside a single drop of seawater applied 25 times
The salty taste of the sea is not only salt, there are also cyanobacteria, zooplankton, worms, fish eggs, crab larvae and a host of species+ so for those who swallowed sea water, then what about swimming pool water –

ANDAMAN [ADAMA] ADAM [AWDAWM] = Earthling = of the ground, Ah - life - Daam - blood
A-da-ma of the ground, Ad-aw-maw - the Earth 

Blue is darker than Black - there is Black-Black, there is Red-Black, Brown-Black+ 
Which is AETHER [ETHER] MELANIN [KAANU] that cannot be destroyed or created, these artifacts in INDIA you can see the 'Black' on them and was not for artistic flare - it was a direct correlation to the ones who came before, they will be here After Earth   

Esop [Ether] was so called from his black and swarthy complexion
Ethiopia are to words welded together ETHER + UTOPIA - Utopia means perfection and Ether means 'black' aka Melanin - Kaanu - Ether  

Ziggurat [MIR] MER [Pyramid] check size and see the humans for scale on the ramp

Check size of the Sumerians against Ziggurat

HuMin [HuMan] scale against the Sumerians 

Cedar trees are huge and so are the giants that walked this planet
See the Orion symbol [Sahu] the Dogon symbol in many cultures  

Who says cultures did not mix 

The Arc [Ark] D-ark Force
Evil [love] live comes from the word Eve and Lil Eve’Li [Evil] which Lil is from Lillith [Eve]

Mother Hubur [Aset] Ishtar [INANNA] Sadhana [Devi] KALI [Shakti] Sekhmet [Lakshmi] Rhiannon Hathor [Atheer]+

The return of the true [Goddess] the return of Lillith, the return of the Great Dragon Leviathan
All a form of Lillith [Lil-Leeth]

Lilith is 9ether and is the mother of Kadmon [Adama] with Amun being the father
Lil-Leeth [Lillith]  

Lillith translates [of the shadow hour period] shadow is your inner-most-self [Cell] that is the dark-side

This planet is sitting in the middle of that Black-hole in this soul-ar system, the Kingdom of that Black hole in their Bible is called Levitan [Leviathan] [Female] who is the Dragon of water and their Bible also mentions Behemoth [Male] the Black hole is called Cosmic water and is also called the primordial waters of Nu [Nun], Leviathan is this particular Black hole that this planet is sitting in the middle of right now and is a form of Lillith in Babylonian and the 6-ethers are doing what they can to hold back her poWRA – the Black hole is triple Blackness – your eye lights the way

Technically your Ptah is the left-hand Ptah because you’re the only ones who have a shadow, everyone else’s are in Slapped Ham [on the earth plane] your essence is the left-hand Ptah and your essence is the dark-side, that is who you are, the Osirian realm

This means do not go to the light for there you will come undone, stay away from the light and accept the darkness [Womb] 

Use your own energy in this field, you are being upgraded with energies


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