There are times when you are in a relationship and its
like two strangers living in a place and this is what the relationship has come
to, a lot of the times when people look for sum thing that is outside of
themselves – other than healing themselves they tend to go through different
relationships trying to find sum thing, a substitute, they are trying to find
that wholeness+ from sum one else – so for example if you lack self-confidence
then you would be attracted to sum one with high confidence, if it is self-loving
that is lacking then you would be attracted to sum one who is high in self -loving, two
wrongs don’t make a right and there are those who are attracted to the same
energy has them and if it is self-confidence then they are attracted to sum one
who is also lacking in self confidence and so on+
This leads to trouble – the greatest relationship starts
with yourself and here is why, the internal world holds the essence to your healing
– to your oneness, to your wholeness – in each and everyone of us there is masculine
energy, there is feminine energy and because most women embody feminine energy,
they tend to go after the masculine energy to balance them out, however
likewise with the male, you need the feminine energy to balance you out – but first
you need to balance the masculine and feminine energies within yourself out
first and that is where you will learn to be strong [strength], learn to be
logical, where you learn when to be emotional and when not to be emotional,
when to be nurturing, when to be structural, when to be realistic and when to
be i-magi-native – all this is you using the two sides of your brain [dome] so
that you can come into the fruition of yourself, as a whole being
Once you MaStar this, it means you have become whole –
there is no better half, there is no one who is your better half, you have to
be whole so that the recipient or the relationship that you are entering, that
person must also be whole too
When two people are broken and are looking to one another
to make themselves whole, that is where the problem starts – so say for example
you experienced trauma in your life, mistrust, hurt, spiritual extraction+ what
happens is you enter the relationship with an expectation from or put onto that person
to make your whole, you even supress your half just for light from another who
is outside of you – if this person does not meet your expectation then there is
a problem, there is an imbalance because you thought that this person could
balance you out and they could not
In order for a relationship to work the two people must
be made whole [360o ], there must be healing that is completed
within yourself, even when you finish a relationship you are to take time, analyse
the relationship, see it for what it was, what did you learn, experience, why
did the relationship end, all relationships ended at the beginning and not at
the end, so what was your original choice to be in this relationship that as now
ended, maybe it ended when you actually began the relationship
You are a soular being in a physical body, and you have spirit
energy that makes your body move about and when you exchange through the sacral and
base [root] CHAKRA which is where your creative energy is coming from and at
times there is an unsatisfactory charge within that energy because your body
and the other persons body may not be at the same vibrational energy signature as
each other – there is an imbalance between the two of you
The two spirits entwine, two energies entwine, so whatever
healing that that person needs or whatever blockages that person has or
sickness or infections, toxins, parasites or imbalance within their energy field or
whatever spirit has attached themselves onto them – you have it now because you
absorbed all this energy from that person and you see this in people because their
[your] behaviour changes, people lose motivation or passion to do things, your
drained because the other person is usurping all your energy – so what if you finish
with that person and then you enter another relationship, what happens is the
energy that you streamed from with the last person you now transfer onto the
new person with that same energy – you never took time to settle your energies
or to cleanse or process the energies, and all your did was carry all those baggage’s
with you across into the new relationship which now you’ll find there is
tension, the energy between you is unsettled because there are too many other energies
mixed in at the same time – even with seaman, the seaman is potent and holds
genetic material – all ancient pain is held in the womb – so even with cheating
or exchanging with sum one else is bringing more and more unregulated energy
into this already crumbling relationship energy field – a man when he cums sucks in at the
same time and is taking from one person and putting into you, these are all
mixed energies that you have no knowledge of but is in your energy field, even
though the physical body does not know what as taken place, the spiritual body does know what has taken place – so nobody hides nothing because the spiritual
body sees everything
There is light and there is darkness, there is female
[Menet] and there is male [Men], there are spiritual guides and there is the physical
realm and there is the spiritual [holographic] realm
Everyone has spirits that are around them and your guides
are in the spiritual realm that is overlooking you, you carry the attributes of
your guides and is called KAA [double you], you could be sum one that likes
[attracted] to lights, pretty shiny things, love, water, technical drawing,
buildings, music instruments+ a majority of the time these are attributes that
are stemming from your guides that are standing by you, so for example many of
you carry the energy of Oshun, or Shango or Lakshmi or Inanna or Hanuman+ and
in the physical reality you kept the attributes of the spirits that are around
you, KAA means double you and you can access multiple spirits has your guides, likewise
in the masculine energy and in the feminine energy – so when a child is to be
born the spirit guides will be working together to bring these two people together
[you and your partner] the spirit guide on her side and the spirit guides on
his side will work together when a child is to be born between you aka it will
be her divine ancestors and his divine ancestors
Your minds eye and the base [root] Chakra – we create
thoughts within our mind and seeds planted within our consciousness where we
are connected [Nexus] to the divine in creation which is thought and in our
lower-self the three lower Chakras that bring things into physical reality – so
your guides [divine ancestors] bring you together so that a specific child could be born
This child will have a specific purpose and this child
will have the protection from both sets of ancestors and the child will receive
gifts from both mother and father sets of the child, information is passed from
her bloodline and his bloodline, if the child is a female and the mother is
9ether then she will also receive the Mitochondria DNA
Your brain is shaped like a dome and you have the right
and left side of the brain [dome] with your right side more emotional,
creative, nurturing, imaginative+ left side we are more logical, analytical,
structural, realistic+
The male is 'out' because his phallus is outside and female
is 'in' – the male plugs into her and the female will be more right sided and the
male left sided and is to why female energies tend to be closer to ‘god’ – there
are men who also use their right side of their brain – based on the hand you
use to write is whether you use your left or right side of your brain and there
are those who use both hands – both sides of their brains – when you come into alignment
and you could be into the fullness of yourselves – you too would be able to use
both your left brain and your right brain making you know when to be emotional
and when not to be emotional, you will know when to be nurturing and when not
to be nurturing – hence women are able to see about the children because they
are using certain sides of their brain automatically
Now in relationships there are different stages within
the HuMin [HuMan] body, within the masculine and feminine energy – there is
different stages in the masculine, there is the young masculine, the adult masculine
and the old masculine aka the young soul, the adult soul and the old soul – the
old soul was where you attained wisdom and are operating in wisdom – when he
is at his full capacity which is represented as the rising sun which is NUN [ATUN]
and the older side of you is when the sun is setting which is immaturity where
you are preparing to die – there are men who are full grown men but embody the
aspect of his young soul and the feminine energy she is operating in the capacity
of the old soul and this will create an imbalance within the relationship – she
will then become a mother figure to this masculine [partner] male energy and it
is she that is teaching him what it is to be mature and will become a mother to
him instead of a partner – keep in mind
also that the brain of a woman is half a pound heavier than the males and means
she gets things a tad faster than what he does, she is able to process faster
than he does – a man can resent this, he is a grown man adult body but his spirit
is that of a child – she now does everything for him and will be the one
saying, you need to do this and you need to do that – it will be the exact relationship
you see between a mother and child
Other examples is the adult man and he meets a female who
her aspect is of a young soul and her behaviour may be that she wants to go out
and party, mingle with people, hang out with the girls, go shopping, the male
may be looking for stability, he wants to settle, build sum thing – he may give
her money but she doesn’t know how to direct the money [this example can be
vice versa] the money is going towards funding her lifestyle, clothes, jewellery,
nights out+ no saving – the man or female may be higher in consciousness but
the female her soul is down there but two things could happen, he could empower
her and bring her up to a higher consciousness by guiding her if she is willing
and if she wants to go higher, if not, this is where two roads [crossroads]
will appear – he wants sum thing and she wants sum thing else and now there is
a force of energy fuelling which road to take
You see it all day long, people in a 5,10, 20, 30 year
old relationship with people fighting over which consciousness level to be at
or to come to, have you ever seen people who are not connected at all but only
by default [mortgage] children [marriage - contract] money and no consciousness
at all, no energy at all – 9 times out of 10 one will drop [supress] their
energy just to appease the other and by doing this they are leaving out their ascension
process, their divinity by dropping into their lower self just to please him or
her – thus making the relationship toxic – the energies are exhausted, its
tired, its stagnant, its dead energy, it varies and you could have two people
who are both in their lower self and no consciousness, lower energies and so
there will be no one to have reasoning or to reason, no one to go into their higher
self and see from a different perspective because one must be able to reach a
level of maturity to reach another level in order for both to rise – this then
transfers down into the child who is a result of all this party, trying to save
the relationship by just having children with no one rising their vibrational
levels to see and do things in a different perspective
Then you have two people who are both spiritual and spiritually
they are connected [Nexus] and they MaStared themselves and inner-stand
that both of them are whole beings – he was in his child stage and she came to
his child stage as well, so both of them started to play and have fun, they
allowed the energy to mature between them – after a while they are complete in
that stage and then decide to move up to the adult stage in thinking – so they
build for the future, they want to achieve things together – because of this
they then jump to the older souls, the both of them start to communicate – its important
to know that not all HuMans [HuMins] have a soul and we have all been residing
down here together and many think they have a soul, they do not have a soul but
simply know how to copy – real soular beings connect on the old soul and they
have MaStared the three levels of themselves – in the masculine self he has MaStared
the three levels of his self and in the feminine self she has MaStared the
three levels of herself and when they are together they are in alignment and this
is your true love who is sum one you can be with on all three levels soul, mind
and body – the three levels of yourself, the child you, the adult you and the old
soul you of wisdom
Today we have many people who are at different levels
trying to evolve, however they are trying to evolve in the Matrix, they are compatible in the 3D world and nothing more and always less while stuck
in the illusion – they need to operate from different sides of their brain and
with the right masculine or feminine energies – you must be able to handle
You must be conscious in what level you are at, it could
be that you have experienced a certain relationship that you could enter but
you can see where it would go because you have been down that road already or
had this type of energy already – you cannot overlap with physical energy over
spiritual but people do – many have love in their heart and love is healing to
everything and those with love in their heart tell themselves that they can
heal sum one who needs love and they use their energies trying to heal this
person, trying to make this person better, trying to make this person whole –
they spend all their time giving, streaming to them their energies, draining
and giving so that this person sees that you are worthy and you know what happens,
that person that you are giving to knows that you and him or her are not compatible
because when a man loves a woman, he knows instantly that she is the person he
wants to marry, most men or woman already have a image of what he or she looks
like, spiritual people already know what energy they are looking for – when one
of you are not conscious it will show up in the relationship – that woman or
man is a refection of the internal side and those projecting the masculine energy
will be looking for a woman who is projecting the feminine energy of himself
Those walking around in the Matrix [society] are not
showing their true self – you can see sum one who looks great but emotionally
they are broken but they project security by using wealth to dress up
themselves – they are not good enough on their own and so you will see two halves
trying to make a whole but the whole is broken into two – two strangers forging
out a false sense of what a relationship should be based on the programming by
the Matrix
Master the three levels of yourselves and you master your
true levels – the child you, the adult you and the old soul you
Serotonin acts both as a neurotransmitter - a substance
that nerves use to send messages to one another - and a vasoconstrictor - a
substance that causes blood vessels to narrow –
the messages that do not get answered begin to clog up your immune
system which is your central nervous system which is your CHAKRA system – the
body communicates with you to let you know when sum thing is up and can cause your
system to jam, glitch and crash because the messages go unheeded – antibodies
[army] are sent and when they reach the place they communicate with you to tell
you what the fu9k is going on down here – many people have their dogs womb
removed to avoid the monthly clock for female dogs however by removing the womb
the dog is constantly having her immune system under threat [pressure] because
each month the signal is sent out to the womb to switch on and when the message
[signal] arrives at its designated destination, there is no womb, the body then tries to
switch on the womb which is not there and this confuses the body, the mind says
wtf is going on down there, the message comes back and says, there is no womb
down here, the mind says, are you stupid, how can the womb not be down there,
look for it, all the while another reason will be that the dog was unconscious
[surgery] to remove the womb and does not know what happened, but knows sum
thing is not right because what ‘God’ gave her was everything she needed and
that there is nothing in your body that you do not need, this pressure is
causing depression – the mind, Crown does not know what is going on and every
month these messages are being sent out and in-between the immune system is
being pressured and pressured causing the system to get weaker and weaker along
with her body, mind and soul
Serotonin and depression are closely linked – to increase
Serotonin sun glaze, you have Melanin [Brown] eyes which are your soul-ar
panels – windows to your BAA – look directly at the SUN which is like for like
– sun to sun – energy to energy, this increases hormones that you need – soular
beings need soular light in this soular system - there are different strengths when you look the SUN at the three stages
The original triad of Ptah, Hika and Sia, Huti is one of
the creative forces of will that constantly accompanies Re [Ra] the SUN deity,
the source of life, the sustainer of life, the provider of sustenance in this
world, the eternal
The highest triad is the triad is the triangle with the
eye of Re in the centre, and the three points of the triangle represents ATUM [the
undifferentiated one] in creation
The full disc appearance of the SUN in the morning is ATUN
[the unique one] in life and the full disc at the highest point of the day
AMUM [the hidden one] at death, sun at its last full disc
before setting, and making it through the underworld or netherworld
These are the sacred names of the three suns, Shamash, Afsu
and Utu of Sumeria and Hu, Huti, Huwa, is the etheric counterparts of the
Everything has KAA [Spirit] but not all have a BAA [Soul]
which are connected [Nexus] and split upon your last breath, if only a KAA is
present then the last breath will only contain KAA energy, if a BAA is present
the KAA and BAA will split upon departure and the BAA will return to source –
the KAA returns to the energy field to be renewed
The [Moya] water in you is another reason you’re dreaming in black and white for it is the ying the yang, the 69, the fish with ♓ and it is telling you to find the energy between light and dark during that cycle to find balance
The letter M [W] is an Electron symbol, many where sent and have the letter M [W] in their name, for example, Robert Nesta Marley, Malcom [X], Michael Jackson, Anna Mae Bullock, Nelson Emmanuel Mandela, Alice Malsenior Tallulah + you can see the letter M or W [flipped] inside the Electron symbol - they were sent for a reason
9 in movement makes a spiral [coil] like the 6 in
opposite direction together they create the Yin-Yang >> Male and Female
principles << Above-Below >> the root number of 9 is 3 [3+3+3]
which is symbolic for dimensions
6 merge with 9 = 8 [infinity]
Gravitation = Love
Electromagnetic = Light
Implosion = Meditation
Expansion = Expression
Polarity = Balance [Yin-Yang]
Spin = Manifestation
Space = [Akashic Records]
Vacuum NRG = Prana, Chi, Life-force
Holographic = Omnipresent
Fractural Feedback = Karma
Particle [lat- pater] = Father, Masculine
Matrix [lat- mater] = Mother, Femi-nine
Event Horizon = Continuous Creation
Black Hole = Heart
Vortex = Chakra [Wheel]
Equilibrium = Enlightenment
Nun = EMC2
Singularity = [God] higher, Most-High
Energy Transfer
The image below is showing a Neter holding the [9]
faceted energy system, what’s left of it, the museums call them the Wands of
Horus [Heru], a wand, a handheld electronic device which can be passed [scanned]
to read the encoded data
The main image, you can see where they have cut the wands
off, I have searched for images with the wands to no avail, you can just about
see the hexagon outline that made up the overall shape
Sem(s) with precision-developed prepared energy system(s)
used the wand [9] BAA [BAR] Mono with crystals that was cut in a way that
strengthened the wands’ properties, advanced technology was being applied
Semu (Simu) are part of the brotherhood to which Atum-Re
is head being for, they would be called priests today but without the religion,
the name Sem translates listener, hearer [tones]
KHMT (Egypt) is a frequency, their science is built on
sound, acoustics, stone, for the Sem(s) and the Aaferti (Pharaoh) of ancient
KHMT (Egypt) the 9Bar (Wands) are metal cylinders filled with various materials
that sum of the compositions did not come from the earth, like Uranium, found
on earth but she doesn’t produce Uranium, Uranium is not from the earth but
found here
A tool that enables an initiate to pass over to the
boundary of life, not in a figurative sense, but in the direct one
The wand [9Bar], with which the A’aferti [the Choice]
kept throughout their incarnation on earth, were harmonisers of the two basic
flows of energy which the ancient KHMT is called KAA and the BAA, this
correlates to Yin and Yang in the Oriental tradition, you can see where the
oriental tradition comes from, indeed this is the beginning, that is, before
the physical Ginn [Jinn] be- ginn-ing
KAA [Double you] Spirit
BAA [Soul] Strength, powerful
For the ancient KHMT the BAA and KAA are the two
component elements of the Hu-Min entity, the two sources of vital energy
While they are interacting properly, the vital functions
of the organism are maintained and now you are in the moment, you are on your
PTAH, you’re living your life [Chi force], the Akh, this is the etheric you
Given that the ancient esoteric view is missing from the
main aspect, one must understand so that you inner-stand that each of the two
energy flows, one is a flow of time, influencing the main factor(s) of life of
each organism – speed of inner biological time, harmonised, in synchronise with
the flow of time of the maternal organism of the Earth, that is what the
balance should be
Thus, regulating balancing of the energies of the BAA and
the KAA come with the influences of speed, of inner time flow in the Khat [body]
the ancient KHMT (Egyptians) would use the Wand
Now once these lot are fully charged, via Wi-Fi, for
example, in the second image, the KAA (wand) is often featured in the right
hand of the Neter [NTR] elite member
The male figure symbolises the flow of KAA or (Yang)
energy (the male principle)
The deity is an embodiment of the energy plane, the BAA
(Yin) wand is in the left hand of the Supreme Being [NTR] Aset (Isis), who
represents the female principle, that is to say the flow of BAA energy
In the centre is Asaru [Osiris] with two energy-giving
hands directed towards him
The use of these wands to a considerable extent helped
the A’aferti perfect his or her nervous, energetic and (as a consequence)
immune systems, to improve his or health and physical condition, since the
cylinders had a beneficial effect on those areas
As soon as the wands contain various fillings, this, in
turn, determines certain differences in their properties, the A’aferti also had
Nub [Gold] running through their bodies, both are wearing the Khajur the apron,
In ancient KHMT the 9Bar wands were filled with quartz
crystals, differing in sizes and in crystals depending on the task they were
seeking to accomplish and the state of the health and energy system of the user
and so on+
In the initial phase fine-grain quartzite’s (a special
white sand) were used
Cylinders containing white sand have a positive effect on
a person’s energy channels, activating them, also used was medium- and
large-grained quartzite’s, raising their energy systems to a higher level of
potential, these are the type of cylinder wands, there are a few more
The following variety of Wands of Heru [Horus] contained
Mono-Crystalline Quartz, other elite members also had wands «MAAT»
This type of cylinder was intended for Sem(s) healers,
the energy Taslug (Tas-loog) “Cocoon” created powerful stimulating and
harmonising effect on the recipient, on others, acts to implement and relay thought
programs (images) originating in the healer’s consciousness, Horus-Mono
Differences within each program will affect the user, the
Mono have a more powerful impulse-based stimulating effect on a person’s energy
structure and as a consequence, if this type of energy transfer is used by
people with a weak (negative) energy system, it may induce a pain syndrome in a
problem area
This is due to the increased excess of energy in the zone
of disruption, if sum energy channel(s) have disrupted bio-energy rhythms and
lacks the necessary conductivity, then the resultant excess of energy, causing
a sensation of feelings
Interacting with a person’s energy structure [aura] the
energy transfer launches a process of internal scanning of the user’s organism,
after which the energy system [aura] itself begins to work on the specific
pathology in the organism, it is for this reason that many energy transfers
(Mono) will have the appearance of sensations, vibrations or sort of jerks in
certain areas
Your selection must be carefully selected in accordance
with the criteria
Due to the homogeneous structure of the mono-crystal and
their effect on the electromagnetic and energy capsule (field) of the human,
stimulates, the organism to produce an energy cocoon of energy around the body,
Taslug (cocoon) Khat [Body]
This energy submits well to thought control, this is
precisely why for many ancient civilisations’ quartz was a sacred mineral, this
energy transfer was an inseparable part of life and activities of the Semu
healers who worked with sone [sound]
In essence, the thought amplifiers, making it possible to
direct psychic energy (impulse) to the accomplishment of specific tasks — to
stop or suppress sum negative process in the organism, for example, such wands
open up special possibilities, but it is of fundamental (rule) importance that
the user recognise the necessity to control the direction and quality of your
Horus Mono will create an up to 3-metre cocoon AURA
around them, completely restoring their energy balance
No other tool is readily available to you today that has
such an effect other than the one you were given, advanced technology that is
missing from many pieces, real librarians existed in KHMT, 3D PowerPoint
presentations left, but hidden from view
Possessors of such an aura can take low energy firing souls
into their energy field and act upon the disorder in your body without using
their hands (no passes), simply and exclusively by the power of thought, by
placing, i-magi-ning what should take place in the soul, this extends to an
This opens up fundamentally different possibilities for
the diagnosis and treatment of the sick souls
HuMins [9ethers] have in which the length of the main
resonance wave closes to the circumference of the Earth, alpha-rhythm is only
found in 9ether HuMins, if in their PATH those waves of thought energy encounter
a suitable conductor– receiver, like the nervous system [CHAKRA] of sue other
living being, they will induce in the second organism varying currents
characteristic of radiated thought information
This research was known in the 50’s, many were learning
from a higher source but they didn’t have it one way, 33 degrees is the maximum
that we know about out of 360 degrees that was on offer to thousands for
hundreds of generations, those people were being exposed to knowledge; we are
looking at the mechanism of telepathic communication between people, in which
these Wands of Horus - Mono amplifiers - where use and the Wadjet [Horus eye]
Ayin [Eye] Aeyes
No verbal language is being spoken, this is about the
power of Thoth (thought), your amplifier is your Wadjet, the elite did not
leave you out, built in WI-FI, when you’re ready, symbols, frequencies,
acoustics, vibrations+
All left on the walls of temples Hetu [Iy] and the walls
and written in stone and written in Gold Nub, brought to an unfortunate
disconnection of your true potential of such abilities
KHMT - All came, this is where the four corners of the
world came to learn, Aset is on the Throne [Mind] pulpit, seat,
Khemet-Kemet-Khami-Kammu translates the Black One, Sudan and Egypt are one back
then, all are invited to learn, the Romans, the Greeks, the Freemasons, SS,
British, Persians (the 6ether Iran’s and not the Ethiopians), the Muslims, not
in that order, so impressed by KHMT that they coined the word Khemistry
(Chemistry) Khemet and was a mystery to them, men became learnt men, knowledge
was being shared, the name is KHEMT, the word is mystery, together Khemistry
(Chemistry), so what they saying is Black mystery or Black Magic [Magi]
This place (frequency) was a mystery to all, this place
called Khemet
Priests with a well-developed and prepared energy system 9bar,
(wands) with crystals cut in a special way that strengthened certain of the
wands’ properties
Let us focus on two brilliant ideas that the ancient
priest implemented to tackle specific tasks
Creating a tool to interact with particular energy flows,
crystals cut to the shape of six- and 9ba-faceted prisms, among others,
hexagonal crystals were placed in the wands to synchronize the human energy
system with that of the Earth
This choice was not accidental and is connected with a
number of properties possessed by the energy fields of the Earth and
characteristic also of other planets in the Soular System
Stimulate and synchronise the HuMin energy system with
the energy flows of the Ninth level of the Universe’s energy system transformed
by the Earth’s core, the Sem(s) used wands that Horus [Heru] provided,
containing 9nine- faceted crystals
Experiments have shown that this type of wand has a more
intense (active) effect on the 9ether HuMin energy system, on the physical
plane, the self-tuning of the wands to the individual organism is considerably
quicker, the activity of the cardio-vascular system is stimulated more rapidly,
which manifests itself in a faster expansion of the vessels and increased
intensity of heart contractions
The Wands of Horus [Heru] Mono with a nine-faceted
crystal have a more pronounced (powerful) effect, which is accompanied by more
acute sensations
For the Semu usage of the Ankh a special key which will
always be an instrument shrouded in mystery, the basis of which was the
specially prepared crystal
The crystal was specially selected and treated in a
particular way to attune it to a particular person The production of such a
highly individual tool was a long process
After the tuning, the crystal became effectively an
“energy source” intended to tap into the source of natural cosmic energy
transformed by the Earth’s core
In tribute to the creators of this advanced instrument,
this type of cylinder (wand) Horus [Heru]
When Cats transmute energies, they sit in the Sphinx position
Medu Neter but in Alkebulan reference was stated as
MATWI YINTARE meaning codes or language for the [ears of the AKIR] Lions
This supports the fact that these codes were put forth by
Thoth as the writings of wisdom for the [ears] of the [Kings] and [Priests] to
guide HuMins and Mankind
In ancient times, [Gods] and [Kings] were known as AKIR
In Bantu African languages, a Akir is an Ntr or an Intare
This aspect is still very hidden to many Egyptologists
claiming to know what these codes were Especially that they look at them with
complete disregard of the Bantu people in the puzzle
Now you know why they do the AKIR like that, circus,
game, skin, caged – because your blood runs through the AKIR, the darker the
mane, the darker the 9ether, the Barbarby AKIR is kept in cages on purpose,
they slaughtered that particular breed into extinction, Ethiopia has its own
breeds found nowhere else in Alkebulan- the Kat family [KAMMU] Khami
The KAAT [KAT] CAT and Crocodile are cousins, they both
hiss, they both have slit [vertical pupils] eyes and they both have a 3rd
Thunder Kats
Feline warrior class
The Urmah are from SAHU [SAH] [Orion] from Lyra [Lira]
and are a feline humanoid race, they are our stellar brothers and siStars –
they are a Cat [Kat] species
The Sumerian name for the Felines is URMAH, a word
meaning Lion, and also Great Warrior
They are a Warrior faction within the beings of Light,
fulfilling a role as peacemakers – in KHMT the name is AKUR [EKUR] and in INDIA
They are fierce warriors and they have peaceful and the spiritual among them, they use a lot of gold and exaggerated ornamentation with
high-tech armour, their language is mostly Telepathic, being very affectionate
with other species, these cats are warrior beings that have been waging
different battles, with reptilian and insectoid races
Sekhmet [Bas] Pakhet [Miw-Sheri] Oya [Nyabinghi] Sphinx [5D
conscious beings]
They are here to help us evolve
The Urmah are considered to be the second primary race of
this planet and have left traces of their existence mainly in Egyptian [KHMT] African
civilizations, the Urmahs are described as bipedal beings up to 4 meters tall
possessing fur covered by soft brown or gold-coloured fur
Both males and females wear long cranes and the colour of
their eyes varies from blue to gold possessing vertical pupils, they are highly
Psychic beings and practice Telekinesis
Despite their warrior appearance, the Urmah's are very
peaceful, even though this alien race is described as peaceful, it is quite
fierce when in combat, Urmah women are known for their warrior skill and
Their place of origin is that they come from either a
planet called Avion [Avyon] in the constellation Lira [Lyra] or they originate
from Alpha Leonis exactly from the star Regulus A, in Sumerian text, they
originated from the constellation SAH [Orion]
Their main weapon is the big claws they possess on their
With their high combat ability and knowledge of highly
advanced technologies, the Urmah are in charge of looking after interstellar
portals and know where they all are
The Reptiloid races are afraid of them
KAT [KAAT] - older image of the SKA inverted and what looks to be BAS - check the 3rd eye
The 9ethers blood runs through the AKUR and they know this, the Cat is caged like the 9ethers
Your world is beyond the horizon
Double bubble
NIBRIU - the KINGDOME around the SUN
Shamash, Afsu and Uta aka Hu, Huhi, Huwa = the quarks,
trios = three or Om, Sal, Afsu, the three original suns then came Shamesh [Shamash] aka Atum, Atun and Amun
You cannot hide the truth
Many objects are around the sun
BRAZIL - look how the image is fine but the SUN is distorted, heavy currents, hologram
[LAHMU] LAH.MU the children of [MU] MUUR [MAUR] MARS [MOORS]
is an exotic version of KHMT [Egypt] whole cities, infrastructure, civilisations, LARS are up there also, everything you see in Star Wars is up there and what you see in Total Recall
NASA have 29 probes watching MARS, 3 or 5 were land probes, so the question is why 29 probes, what are you really looking at and taking pictures of - they found the British probe Beagle that went missing for a decade on MARS but cannot find MH370 on Earth - the SKA is blue - there is nothing new in these images that we don't know already
Ashtar Command [Virgin Galactic] are grounded and now they have folded all attempts to leave, no one is leaving nor will you be allowed to infect or destroy another planet
Star family have shot down all manmade probes, it ends and begins here
Huge Mother-ship
Original and image flipped - the yeast is rising in the SKA
They are not the toughest or one of the toughest in the world, Putin last years told Trump the ANNUNAKI mercenaries had entered a portal and was heading for the Marines sum where in Afghanistan or sum where to which Trump ordered his men home, why, because the Marines are not ready for that, Trump knows this, listen to these Marines, they are just men and women in a uniform with a gun, listen to how they respond, they are not ready, this craft is over a military base and the base is watching the craft on radar and the craft is scanning watching them below - this is not good for those personnel who saw this craft, no doubt this will spread among the soldiers
Next level
Signs in the SKA [SKI] SKY
Behind the chemical SKA - how does that window stay open
What is going on over in KANADA - fire causes smoke in the air that hides the SKA - haha listen to the girl swearing - what the fu9k is going on right now - who is leaving if planes are nearby then both crafts were being escorted
Weather systems are huge mother ships
Those are crafts blocking out the SUN rays
Image taken North Carolina [USA] mirrored image - beings sitting there and there is one in the middle
Tick tock - is this clone - when was this recorded
Mutating wavelengths changing you from the inside out
#Italy | Mount #Etna
Popocatepetl Vol-CAIN-no explodes and covers ash over the whole city
Almost 8 metre high (25 foot) snow - ice - walls
May 21 in Nevada
right now (one month before USA summer)
Blackout - reboot
Last 48hrs+ we were hit for many hours
200hz+ 1000hz and 600hz - which is well over the 7.98hz
Right to left is coming from the SUN
Check where arrows are, that is where NIBIRU is
LITHIUM batteries - Nature disapproves of manmade dirty harmful Tesla electricity
And the beat goes on
ORCA [ORKA] have had enough
Considering what we are going through, nature keeps the casualties down
The eye is spiralling in a number 9
Super Typhoon Mawar is headed towards Guam Island [Pacific Ocean]
The lateral stages of 2023 is right around the corner
The spirit world continues to make itself known - many people now interacting with the spirit world - those without a BAA cannot leave the earth plane [negative field]
The craft with four or five lights [one craft] @4:00 mark - that was a discharge, red energy as opposed to purple [plasma] and based on the footage looks like the discharge came from other craft or planetary body - the fact that the power went out and the sound and the car alarms could be normal for certain places as power outages are normal and the time [AM]
Payback is going to be a bi9ch on so many levels
This man holds the picture of his dad who in turn holds the picture of his dad and they are recognised as heroes in Egypt because he found [robbed] TUTANKHAMUN HETU [temple, abode, house, coastland, isles] along with Carter - thieves in the house tonight - they dug up the dead, Muslims dug up dead people from Egypt who they are clearly not related to because 6ether Muslims Arabs wouldn't did up their own people like that and where else in the world do they did up the dead, punishment is coming to the Muslim [Arab] worlds, have no good before me, means there was and many were female, you reap what you sow - goodbye
All these crafts sitting in the SKA and yet not one weapon deployed - all destruction is being carried out by nature and her forces - a Locust can wipe out crops in one sitting, they have been unleashed over and over each year and here we all are in 2023
A-SAR-U [OSIRIS] [O-SAR-IS] who is the Chief of KHMT
This is one of the Pharaohs curses
CV19 and SARS are the same thing - the next wave is going to be shocking
6 merge with 9 = 8
Next level
108 arrows they say
Bhishma they say is on the bed of arrows – what is the
other person doing, looks like they are looking through sum thing like a telescope
and what is Bhishma doing with his left hand what is he squeezing together –
none of the ‘arrows’ [rods] are going through him, he has wrapped his right arm
of folded it around the rods [arrows] – to me he is using his power, is he
charging, body charger, what unique gift are they using because that other person is using
the telescope at the same time during a battle – look at his helmet [Turban], similar
to the Sumerians – this is a HINDU artifact the HINDU KUSH
We also see the same in Angkor Wat [ANKH-KOR] KOR [HOR]
Nubian [Nubia] soldiers being lead away by the Assyrians
Brother against brother - they are blood related - there are no 6ethers are this time full stop - Assyrians is Syrians which is in Sumerian lands who the first king after the flood is NIMRUD [SARGON]
Check the SHU [FEATHER]
We do need HEROs [HERUs]
Out of the ruins
Out from the wreckage
Can't make the same mistake this time
We are the children
The last generation
We are the ones they left behind
And, I wonder when we are ever gonna change, change
Living under the fear, 'til nothing else remains
We don't need another hero
We don't need to know the way home
All we want is life beyond Thunderdome
Looking for something, we can rely on
There's gotta be something better out there
Ooh, love and compassion
Their day is coming
All else are castles built in the air
And, I wonder when we are ever gonna change, change
Living under the fear, 'til nothing else remains
All the children say
We don't need another hero
We don't need to know the way home
All we want is life beyond Thunderdome
So, what do we do with our lives
We leave only a mark
Will our story shine like a light or end in the dark
Give it all or nothing
We don't need another hero
We don't need to know the way home
All we want is life beyond Thunderdome
All the children say
We don't need another hero
We don't need to know the way home, ooh
All we want is life beyond Thunderdome
Tina is asking many questions of us because she knows what will be required, these words are talking about the fallout that is come and the Heros [Herus] who will need to step up to help fill the void, the message is in the music - TINA is talking about what is to come - she left us with a spiritual message
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