To open your heart – you have two hearts, one is your Ab
which is your spiritual heart and your other physical heart is called Hati – to
open your heart Chakra, your heart Chakra is 90% reliant on developing a loving
relationship with yourself – were you have the clogging is because you have
repressed trauma that creates your self-doubt [cell -doubt] and self-doubt is
rooted in the fear
FEAR [ANXIETY] + ROOT CHAKRA - which is being removed - you must stay above the SOULAR PLEXUS which is in your higher self - ROOT is your lower self - do not waste the SACRAL do not masturbate - listen to the last 4 words of Sexual Healing by Marvin Gaye the long version - you must come out of the SACRAL and ROOT CHAKARS they are keeping you trapped in your lower self [cells] - get to the SOULAR PLEXUS
MEDULLA - Driving seat [throne] pulpit - who is driving the ship
How did I let this happened to me – you was a baby – that
is how – you wasn’t an adult enough to know what you know now and you wasn’t
strong enough to protect yourself like how you are now, so you cannot hold sum
one else responsible for what sum one else did to you before you could defend
yourself << this is a strong tie to self-doubt – the trauma – this can
play out in school like being picked on, sum times being pushed aside by other
siblings, ostracized, black sheep sh9t, sum times its from adults saying things
about you like your not there, while you are there listening, with no regard to
how you might feel – all childhood traumas creates the artificial ego rooted in
your self-doubt
My father punched me in my face when I was at primary
school – he was kidnapping one of my brothers and my mother did not want to
face him and she sent me back to school to get my brother, the school was on
the same road that we resided on, so I ran back to school and caught up to him
and when he saw me with one punch he knocked me clean to the ground, I had a
backpack on that cushioned my fall on my back, he did this in front of all the
other kids and their parents and walked off with my brother – he took my
brother for over a week to get back at my mother – I was around 8-10, still at
primary school and he was a grown man – when I got back to my mother I told her
what happened and that he had punched me in the face and she laughed and said I
was alright – its been over 4 decades since that happened and my nose still
clicks from where the bone didn’t heal correctly from where he punched me on my
nose [face], I didn't go hospital because my mother did not think I needed to go, she didn't even touch or my face - I didn’t know what it was for ages because I had blocked out
certain parts of my childhood, it is impossible to view childhood in all its
glory without the traumatic parts – plus I have a physical scar which reminds
me of what he is that I AM not
The embarrassment and shame made me always conscious and
lead to a childhood full of mixed emotions, mixed messages, they both did so much to me because they hated each other and I was the first born - it was hostile - I tried to hide my
shame, rejection, my emotions, one of hatred and love – which one, mood swings,
mode swings, and self-doubt, I hated myself but school was an outlet, there is
a scene in the animation movie Rango, where he is in the saloon and they ask
him who is he and Rango looks at the beer bottle and sees the name Rango and
becomes whoever he wanted to become, I did this – this movie came out in 2011
and in 2011 Venus passed in front of Re to activate the FEMI9 principle energy
which then NIBIRU [magnetic sun] was reintroduced back into this soular system
in 2012, I didn’t know all that in 2011 but sum of that I just got while writing
this, we are constantly learning and upgrading and being given guidance,
strength and protection – what I endured at that particular time was sum thing
between him and her, not me – I’m just the passenger, the civilian, the bystander, the silent witness – you had
no right to do that to me
I rebelled – over and over until I could leave at 18 and
never looked back, but to know where you are going, you need to know where you are coming from, I still have self-doubt now but I inner-stand where it came from,
not whose fault but why, I need to know why, neither of my parents have ever
told me why or have I ever brought it up, I told myself [my cells] why, what
happened, I looked at the whole picture, I have more inner-standing about what happened and this only came up because I had been speaking to you about it –
I’m in a better place now, I never tried to get over that particular
stimulation but rather to embrace it and see in energies, to know the experience
- I AM satisfied within myself – I do not need an apology to be validated at
this st-age, you know when you’ve looked at sum thing from every angle, in
infrared, x-ray, in the dark, spoke to sum one on and off over the many years,
listened to others of a similar stimulation, cross referenced, add ons – like
alcohol, their own upbringing+, when you’ve looked at all the angles and cried it
all out – then one day the penny drops, one is at ease – you’ve filed it, with
all the connections and now your ready to store it away, yes you still will
have triggers and sh9t days however there is no more crying – the soul has been
bled dry and there are no more tears to come, you are you, the soul man [mind]
and no more the ego – just you
Man means mind
A Mantra [Mindtra] which is you talking to yourself,
which we do all the time, we talk aloud, you do this so that your throat Chakra
lets you hear what your Mantra is – the Mantra activates your self love aka
your cells vibrate – self = cell – write yourself a love letter in the Mantra –
come up with 9 things that you love about yourself [your cells] and turn them
into positive affirmations which is you affirming with yourself – think deeper
about yourself and the things you like [love] about you, at least name a couple
things, even list loving yourself for not giving up, say I love you for not
giving up aloud – your throat Chakra [blue] will active – mean it and from the
heart [Ab] and say I AM grateful for you not giving up on yourself – this is
affirmation which you then use as your Mantra – I AM intelligent – I AM sum one
– I AM worthy to be counted – you can write them down and put them sum where like the mirror for when you brush your
teeth in the morning or at night after a while you will not even look at them –
but you must say them aloud for the throat Chakra to activate – I watched a
documentary about sum thing that was unrelated and in the background of sum ones
house I could see that this lady had written Mantras down however she was
talking about sum thing and I realised that she didn’t know that she is
actually doing what she needs to be doing because she was receiving
conformations in what she was talking about but had not connected the dots –
she had already been working on what she was supposed to be working on but her
self-doubt caused her to second guess herself – I saw this in her and in me – I
had done this also – when your in the thick of things you won’t see certain
things that you are doing, sum times we seek an authorisation from a higher
source or sum one we deem worthy to get a view to provide guidance –
conformation – perspective - don't second guess yourself in this field that we are in
Affirmation is a vital tool [key] for overcoming
self-doubt – you will receive self-verification because you wrote in the book
of life to ask to make sure you are going in the right direction – affirmations
can also be what you write in your journal, your dairy, on a bit of paper –
there are those who say for an example, they get an A+ all the time and out of
that group you will have those who are HAPI with the A+ and there are those who
received an A+ but want to know how was my work, how was my standard of work,
yeah that is you, the deep one - the difference
We are in the Karma [Kama] fields, we are in shifting dimensions
which takes us higher and so if your heart is not lighter than a feather you
stay here in the 3D world – we are in the 4[5]6+
Don’t think sum one who is higher
than you or that they are looking down at you, have you ever thought about getting
to a higher viewpoint, have you ever thought of going higher were they are so
that you don’t be have to be down there – no one is looking down at you - come up here with us
When you astral project, you will know you are astral
Things are taking place on a massive scale, many are distracted
and cannot see what is going on – you have foresight now, think of things that
you knew was going to happen and they have, those are your indicators, watch
your dreams for those are your indicators – do not supress things, be open and
aware – repeated downloads [dreams] means you have not registered what you saw
When you fast you start vibrating faster or seeing faster
– when you vibrate faster you start to stream from higher frequencies which
also ties into higher frequencies of thought which open up centres in the mind
where you can see things like you have a video player [camera] in front of your
face – its like remote viewing – this links in with what we are here to do,
data is light and light is information and data will be streamed to you once
you are vibrating higher – we are attracting and connecting with many - with like minded
The little one inside left likes her
Next time you dwell on your circumstances look at these children and they are still HAPI while taking their picture
Baphomet is not what they told you she is – keep in mind
there is pre-Christian and origin – Baphomet is the spiritual [KAA]
manifestation [Magi] of a composite of the KI [earth] spirit or the spirit of
the wilderness awakening aka they are talking about the primal instincts and is
to do with the earthborn [KI] and nothing to do with ENLIL offspring
The primordial spirit of KI [earth] as a wilderness
Another name for Baphomet is ODIN – all these names
listed above are all the same energy – the images of ODIN show a 6ether with a
tree growing out of his head and his hair growing from the sides like wings and
his beard being like the roots of a tree – he also has the triple triangle on
his head which is the 369 energy of manifesting [Magi] the physical reality –
this is ODIN energy
ODIN is OLDEN [GOLDEN] – the OLDEN one is the ancient one which is
MELCHIZEDEK [AL KHIDR] aka the Green One of the sons of the green disc light
and they are not 6ether how they show you today
When you read these old legends, we read them as a tarot
card or a signature energy more so than the actual person – for the physical
person is not on KI [earth] and the only thing that is left for you to read them is
– an energy, when you learn how to read tarot cards it tunes you in to reading these
‘legends’ principles as energies –
ODIN - the image that they use has the MEL.CHI.ZEDEK which
are the angles of justice in the stories in the Bible – the stories of ODIN predate the Bible
MELCHIZEDEK energy comes up as MERLIN and all these are
the same energy - you will see that MERLIN [MELCHIZEDEK] ODIN all look the same
and have the same energy signature
Melchizedek in the Bible helps Abraham overcome his
enemies because of the king of SALEM and Merlin was the advisor to king Arthur
– king Arthur and the roundtable and Merlin the Magician
Then there is the old man of the forest and he is also
known has old man winter – they are all the same energy and the same energy
around the world – you will also see SANTA [SATAN] CLAUS – who didn’t always
wear red, green and white was the colour before – then there is old man river –
all this is the pattern of wizardry and was covered up in all cultures – old
man river is also known has green man of the forest and the green [WAJI] man we
Man created the myths to cover up the legends, there are
real myths and there are fake myths
Osiris in other parts of ALKEBULAN [AFRICA] is called
OBATALA who is an Orisha
OBATALA is also known has ENKI [ENQI] INKI] who is known
has the great father [Atlantis] native American – who is represented has the
ORIANOS which is the ORION star constellations which is called SAH [SAHU] – as
above, so below – the great OSIRIAN – the great father was usurped by his
half-brother [hmmm – doesn’t ENKI have a half brother called ENLIL]
When you go through all the stories, Cain slays Abel,
Jacob steals Esau(s) birth-right, Isaac steals Ishmael birth-right – Judas is
supposed to be Jesus(s) twin brother – but what it really means is Judas is
ENLIL and Jesus is ISIS because ENLIL and INANNA are twins [I thought it was
ENKI and INANNA] and ENKI was married to INANNA and ENLIL wanted KI [earth] –
so the great father is ORION [ORIAN] who is also known has the great hunter –
who that is Sagittarius but it is not Sagittarius this is ORION [OORANOS]
ORIANOS and the ORION [SAHU] -BELT is the [3] siStars to which I thought it was
the [3] kings and the Pleiades [KIYMAH] is the [7] siStars – the parallel to
this on KI [earth] is the KHEMETIC [KHMT] layout of the ORIANOS on the ground
[the MIR – MER] pyramids - which
represent the [3] siStars – they told us they represented KHUFU, SNEFERU and
KHAFRI which is where I got the [3] kings from but its really the [3] siStars
that they represent
This and the SUN are the only way out of this SOULAR system and both are guarded
RA [RE] sits at the top of the MER [MIR] pyramid and RA
has the disc on his head [crown] aka the soular disc and to overthrow him you have
to seat Osiris and to seat Osiris he would have to be the great father and to
be a great father is to produce a great son – Osirian is Osiris who if he
produces a great son propels him to RA status – he has two sons and one of the
siStars son is on the right side and that is HERU [HARU] HORUS and the other
son is by Nephthys – these are ranked titles and how to move to the top of the
family tree
There are [3] cities in Atlantis [USA] which is West
-Africa, the USA is West Africa – these cities in the USA are in close together
in Michigan called Oregon, Lake Oregon, township Oregon – that also represent
the same thing – only difference is that its in the right hand of mother and
who is in the hand of mother – the man – the right hand man
message is coming through with Baphomet aka the Goat and a game that many
played was called king of the hill – the Goat is surefooted, it is sure of its
steps – the Goat represents the king of the hill – what is the hill
You come from the great father [Osirian] and your mother
is a great mother [Aset] NTR of heaven and earth [KI] she produces a HERU
[HORUS] Mitochondrial DNA aka you
The Ghouls came out of the waters on their planet called
Unas, SA.HU is the capital of this galaxy, the Ghouls are advanced 4D serpent
beings and their Galactic symbol is the Cobra [Viper] Adder
[Uraeus] this is dealing with the Gold [Nub] bloodline
[Nub] translates Gold = Nubian [Nub-ian]
The word Kundalini is based on the word [Osumare] which
was originally from the Yoruba [Orisha] aka Alkebulan [Africa] and then taken
to KHMT [Egypt] and called the Uraeus and transferred to the Andamanese Indus
[India] aka the Nagas [Muurs] Bey
Top 3 images is what the SUN looks like - and the bottom 2 is what NASA put out, they add all that haze to hide the portal - the SUN rotates exactly like a clock and not how NASA [NOAA] show you
The SUN is triggering - full Moon - the DeathStar will be under its own full power - we do not use the Moon - watch yourself and check yourself
We got hit 30.4.2023 into 1.5.2023 and into 2.5.2023 and 3.5.2023 - we are having back to back strikes - nu codes, watch yourself and check yourself - heard them over the last 72hrs - upgrades - Mitochondria DNA
Last 72hrs
Check the colours - red data in CHAKRA energies - right is coming from the sun - red is inside the dome - NIBIRU is right behind the planet collecting the energies and returning back into KI -
NIBIRU is the magnetic SUN and NIBIRU controls the poles of this planet - when the plasma hits NIBIRU magnifies the energy exchange - the dispensed plasma reverses the poles
I've been hearing tones, air shift depressions - a shift in time - head sweats
Will arrive today [2.5.2023]
CUBE sitting right above the SUN
Who is that - check craft
Who that
That was a SHAM [cylinder craft] and the top right [red images] are other planets or crafts, we have war planets up there as well - on the left red image is a structure in space
Check crafts only in one frame
TAHITI [near Australia]
Smart - they have done this before and they took out a Japanese manned boat before - the boat caught fire and the Orcas bit them up - all pods are led by a female
NATURE [NTR] is coming in
Last year a different part of FLORIDA was hit - just think of how much the tornado didn't hit other parts of FLORIDA - this was a warning - nature wants you to leave
Look where Florida is - this is where the 6ether European Americans came in through - murdering 14 million native 9ethers - none of these weather systems are random - destruction is coming - Atlantis history begins and ends of their story, making it MyStory - its being rewritten
North is actually South the planet map that they teach you is upside down
They say 1million people
are already lined up – drills also taking place in the USA – what is getting
ready to take place over there and in Mexico
When they declare bankruptcy the US dollar has collapsed, where it says in god we trust, their god is ENLIL - his 'Babylon' system has collapsed
You were warned over and over to take your money out of the banks, over night the ATM will be switched off - Washington state is run by the UK - Washington is the engine house for the rest of the states, do not think that the dollar has nothing to do with the pound
- tick tock the body is going to rock
OSHUN [HAITI] I.TI the return of the Oshun energy – a lot
of Haitian energy has been rolling in – in the last 30 years Haitians have been
sent out all over the world, learning skill sets from building, languages, and
so on, they will be returning to HAITI for the rebuild – once HAITI comes
online the energy will be so strong that it will be like a magnet causing
Haitians to come home, HAITI used the ancestors who they defeated FRANCE and
the ENGLISH with and they returned the favour, this time round it will different,
their leader Barbeque is the reincarnation of Jean-Jacques Dessalines who is
here to call all of the warriors home – they just burned 13 gang members in
HAITI in the street so we could all see – Barbeque is here to close the conjure
– there is no chaos in HAITI, it is the struggle for order that makes it seem
like chaos – far from it - HAITI is restructuring
People do not inner- stand for the rest of the world, if
HAITI doesn’t get fixed then its over for the rest of the world – during the
Haitian revolution it was Dessalines who was left alone after Dutty Boukman,
Toussaint Louverture left and now with the Haitian energy reversed Dessalines
[Barbeque] is here and alone and Boukman and Louverture shall return with the
priestesses for the redemption of HAITI –
HAITI is the lungs of this planet –
if she doesn’t breathe then none of us will either
$1037.97 - thank you
A factory in Holland prints 500 tons of steaks per month
on a 3D printer
The company Redefine Meat is in the race for artificial,
mutant meat substitutes
They supply German restaurants with printed fillets
About 110 German restaurants are already buying
"meat" from Redefine Meat
You should not be eating meat full stop – look at the
guys fingernails, dirty
6ethers need meat because that is what holds them
together - mutant foods for mutant species
All dressed up for murder - the compliment is coming back at you 10fold
There are those who honour all life and there are those who do not - tick tock
Washed up at the Thailand coastline - sum one has been splicing
That guy went on a ghost expedition the day before, you know, sum thing to do during your free time, recreational time - don't fu9k with the spirit world- the spirit world does not like you
That guy with the car - was it a hit and run, was it fatal - was that car involved in another car accident
That policeman had a gun and still walked away - keep that in mind - always ignore his bullsh9t reasons - and watch the footage for yourself - that sound was not human or an animal that you know of, who gives a fu9k about Irish folklore - that clip is from within the last 5 years so let us deal with real time
Experimented with the Ouija board - the two girls and all the sh9t that is following them, do not fu9k with African systems - do not date sum one who has opened the portal and they didn't close it back which is a 90% accuracy rate - this is your own fault and it will increase because the spirit world is merging into the physical world and many will take hosts
Haha - that guy with the rock being purposely placed under his foot to trip him over - what did you do Roger - these entities don't just play with you, many attracted them or you invited them into your world, those who were taken out before their time can also follow you for the remainder of your earth life - hit men also talk of how they see the people that they killed in them - with them - it takes a lot of energy to move things in the physical
Adrenochrome junkie and born a man [Puff daddy is
s-he was also cloned at a certain age and plastic surgery - you can see whoever this is today is reptilian - check side head - those are bones and means that is not a human head - its mankind, a kind of man - check jawline
Florida - check SKA and SUN
Mother ships, crafts, armadas, launch platforms, war-planets are sitting in the clouds
The SKA is getting lower and lower aka the dimensions are merging into this one
A woman gets cut off from having children around 30 and this is because she is already circumcised, she spends all her time in the spirit world and is to why a man can have a child all the way until he is 70+ because he is all physical and has to get circumcised down here - see her eye on her pum pum - as above, so below
Black holes are wombs [portals] - she is connected [Nexas] to source for she is source [MtDNA] all those images are showing the same thing
BRAZIL was founded in 1822 - which is in AZTLAN who was managed by the ALMANAC
AL-MANAC [AL MAC] AL MEX] OL MEC [ULMEC] who are the original agriculturalist
Old Macdonald had a farm = Ol mec don-ald had a Pharm
FARM [PHARM] PHARMACY - each fruit, vegetables have medicinal purposes - real medicine comes from nature [nTr]
1911 and 2023
What happened in-between - who is repeating out here
Young people will never understand the power of a real stereo player
HI-FI street name Stacks
How to write hello in Hungary
Sandwich shop in London 1972
Chemistry experiment
Food does not exist anymore
Half the population is under A.I - right image, you need this to recharge, every bicycle in my day had one
Avtaar [Avatar]
This is their Bible story Johana and the whale – which is
an underwater submarine, craft – Johana describes the interior of the whale
when he was swallowed by the whale – that the interior [ribs] were bronze or
brass – you can see they smashed the face of the MANU getting into craft – what
was in his hands, was he being slotted in – was he was controlling the module
into the craft for departure
Those are [African] wombmen in what is called INDIA and CHINA+ carved in stone by advanced cutting technology and not a chisels
They once walked the planet - they are still here
Look how big the 9ethers are
Greece [Crete] Sumerian [Minoan]
[Knossos] Palace
Minoan [Minotaur]
A great maze known as the labyrinth was constructed with
the Minotaur at the centre – today there is no evidence to ever suggest the
existence of such a labyrinth on Crete
Dreadlocks, locs [locks] warriors in INDIA and ALKEBULAN and AZTLAN
Look at the bottom left image - face smashed in - this is in INDIA
ALLAH translates the Source - counterpart is ALLAT
ANU twin brother is called ALALU [ALLAH]
Al-let necklace found in YEMAN [YEMAYA] ORISHA
Allah mother is Leyla
[Layla] Laylah [Lailah] [Lillith]
The 3 daughters of Allat [Allah]
Al-Lat [Allatu Alilat Al-illahat]
Goddess of War and Peace-Of Harvest and Fertility- Of
Combat and Prosperity
The Lady of the Temple
Goddess of the Evening Star
Mistress of Heaven
The Mighty One
Goddess of Protection and Healing
Maiden Mother Crone
The 3 Cranes
Worshipped by the Quraysh and other pre-Islamic Arabian
tribes at the Kaabah - when it was 9ethers
You can where the word Qu’ran comes from Quraysh and the
word Kabbala [Kaabah]
[Al]’Arabiyya Fusha [classical Arabic] Quraiysh
Most Muslims today do not know of Allat and you wonder why they are so backward
5G went live 1 year and 5 months and 4
days ago - do not engage with those who are still residing in the 3D if you have left that dimension
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