Saturday, 30 December 2023

Catch me if you can

There are parts that have to be destroyed because the world is us and we are the world, if we don’t change, then the world doesn’t change, the planet and world are two different things, the planet will always be here, but not the world

There are things that we have now caught ourselves in that are automatic, we are in automatic pilot, were fixed, we are in a loop, we’re gerbils running in the wheel and if we do not hop off of that wheel – then we’re going nowhere, we’re just going to be burning ourselves out and doing things that we think are right – but we’re not doing the right things at all

There is a routine to failure, there is a routine to the oppressed thinking that we are in, we are stuck, we are caught in a routine of failure and this kind of routine that we have, we have to examine

What do you do when you get out of bed and your feet first hit the floor, you go to the bathroom and you start the routine all over again

There is sum thing inside of you that gives you the courage enough to say no [k-no-w] I AM no longer going to do the routine again, this does not mean jump off a cliff or lay down in the road

I AM saying examine the routines that you call your ‘life’ because you may be so far stuck in it that you have cut a groove so deep that you cannot climb out of it and your so comfortable in that routine that changing it will change everything in your body, you feel your whole body will not be able to survive that change or that shift

But I AM saying this, that success, just like failure is a routine – it is you doing what success is – it is knowing that the formula for success begins with you, its not about doing sum thing, its about becoming sum one first before you do sum thing, the commitment begins with you changing yourself [your cells], your attitude, your outlook+ the kind of way that tells the world that nothing you do or throw at me will change what I know to be success or happiness for me, because success cannot be success without happiness – and you have to be HAPI doing what it is that you do for success, otherwise its just a job [routine], no matter how much its paying you, its just a job

So, overstand that you have to change first, every molecule in your body that represents your thought process on the atomic [atom] level that then forms your microbes and the DNA in your molecular structure – all that is where success begins and it begins in the mind [KHU] because remember matter follow mind [anywhere the mind goes the body – matter- follows] matter follows mind – so when anyone says to you, what's the matter [??] know that whatever it is, its got to have started in your mind  

Ancestor energies are fuelling these weather systems around the planet - they are with you now

Self love, self worth

One has to recognise, now more than ever, that we were placed here for a purpose

You are not here for the great job you are doing at your 9-5

You are not here for how your family are going to view you – is she or he a good or bad person or is he or she an embarrassment to us or is he or she a disgrace

Live for yourself – no one is leaving when you do, no one came down here with you when you came

Its alright to be selfish

Do not be hung up about what other people may think about you or how other people perceive you

Look in the mirror and accept what you see, because after all, that is you - once you accept you, you can begin to love you, love yourself aka your cells 

Find your Passion which leads to Compassion - Passion is your Compass 
If sum one 'wishes' you sum thing, do not accept it, if sum one 'wants' sum thing for you, accept that
If you wish then that is all that it will be, you will be in a state of wishing all the time, I wish I could, I wish you a happy Christmas > I want to, I want your Christmas to be
Wish and Want states are two different things 


Pro is good, positive, the opposite is Con which is negative
Crast [Christ] Karast is a 'God' hood energy, 'God' mode 
Its where you do sum of your best thinking, in your own time  

There is no time spent if you spend it in learning, if you spend it in researching yourself, seeing who you are and could be with the next person, because your soul is growing in light, you are energizing that field that you represent individually

Dionysus would be HERU aka OSIRIS [ASARU] aka ENKI 

Gods born to ‘Virgin’ on December 25th

There are common themes in ancient cultures that make one wonder if Christianity was not the one exception to the rule that societies tend to adopt beliefs, stories, and traditions from one another in their religion, culture is different from manmade religion

Long before Yahweh and Jesus Christ, many cultures had gods who were born in ‘strange, miraculous ways, at times to virgins, who came to earth, and performed miracles, taught about judgement and the afterlife, were killed, reborn, and ascended into heaven, for example, December 25 was an important birthday for many ‘human gods’

Virgin birth on 25th December, and a reverence and obsession with virginity, was a common theme in ancient cultures before the time of Christ and near where Christianity originated

Ra  was supposedly born of a virgin, Net [Nut] Nu
Heru [Horus] was the son of the virgin mother Isis, in Egypt, and in other places such as Assyria, Greece, Cyprus, and Carthage, a mythological virgin mother and her child was often a popular subject of art and sculpture
Attis, a Phrygian-Greek vegetation god who would have been Osiris that these stories are based on was born of the virgin Nana
By one tradition, Dionysus, a Greek character half god and half human, was the son of Zeus, born to the virgin Persephone

Jason [Jahson] Yahson [Yahsun] Jayzeus 

Persephone also supposedly birthed Jason, a character with no father, human or divine
Perseus was born to a mortal woman named Danae [Dana], and fathered by Zeus
Zeus also slept with a mortal woman (though daughter of a nymph) named Lo, and they had a son and a daughter, he slept with the mortal Leda, who gave birth (hatched, actually) Helen of Troy and other offspring, sum decided he was born to the virgin Maya by divine decree

Genghis Khan was supposedly born to a virgin seeded by a great miraculous light
The founder of the Chinese Empire was born after a woman (not necessarily a virgin) ate a flower or red fruit, the river Ho (Korea) gave birth to a son when seeded by the sun
Zeus, in snake form, impregnated the mother of Alexander the Great
Krishna was born to the virgin Deva-ka
In Rome, Mercury was born to the virgin Maia, Romulus to the virgin Rhea Sylvia

The world's sixteen crucified saviors- Karsey Graves
Christianity before Christ- John G Jackson
Bible myths and their parallel in other religions- T.W Doan


There is a story about Rudra who is Asaru [Osiris] in the Rigveda Re-veda [Naga = Vedas] which is Tamil Nadu [Sanskrit] text not Hindu or Indian the text is Tamil Nadu [Naki] Naga [Nagu]

Rudra [Shiva] Asaru [Osiris] is also the Greek deity Dionysus, Dionysus is foreign to Greece ad came into Greece via the Europeans but can be traced back to Rudra in Nagalan [India] and Dionysus is identical to Asaru

Rudra in India [Nagalan] is Dionysus in Greece, if you read about Rudra and Dionysus you will get to know about Asaru [Osiris]

Dionysus is born of an earthly mother and Zeus is his father and his symbol is a mask, he puts on different illusionary masks, which means he wears these masks when he comes into contact with the HuMins [HuMans] because they cannot be comprehend with advanced technology, they are not advanced like him, he is chaotic forces and he has to be able to filter down to the HuMins [HuMans] to a level were they can accept to protect our insanity, because these beings are much more chaotic and monstrous than what you know

These masks are linked with Alkebulan who all wear these masks that brings in Orisha [Osiris], Sama [Soma] is the Sanskrit word for Melanin [Ether]

Rudra and Dionysus is about the pineal gland
Asaru [He is seen, The Eye]
Heru [Far away Mountain]

Don't you dare say fu9k it 

Small things deserve gratitude - how you 'feel' is very important - give th-ankhs for what you have

EML [DOME] FIRMAMENT [VAN ALAN BELT] OZONE LAYER+ all the same things is detached, energies streaming in - Green and Red are coming out of the poles - RED [FEMI9] HYDROGEN [HY-DRAGAN] 
MAAT + HERU combined = FEMI9 ELECTRON NRG - In the 'normal' image you can see the ETHER [black lines] and EML lines connected 

NIBIRU is on the left of the planet - NIBIRU is our magnetic sun and the hologram sun is the electrical sun 

1000hz + 4000hz into 140000hz and 200hz + 600hz 
Read all the colours aka radiation aka energies - check the Moor-se codes

Russian Schuman - see those codes - frequencies, my right ear I heard sum thing and for the last two days and I can hear a separate code in my ear, this is different, another code 
Dreams are off the hook 

We had the 3rd highest energy particle to have hit the planet since the 6ethers began recording - May 2021 but they only told us in November 2023 - this is Cosmic rays - the SUN is being fuelled by Sirius and everyone was involved - Proton - Hydrogen [Hy-Dragon] FEMI9 energy - coming through 'black' aka Ether hole aka what they use CERN for, only theirs is a machine and ours is from a higher source and ours is 40million more times higher than mans machine - the 9ethers have 6 Protons, 6 Electrons and 6 Neutrons - all hitting the Crown of the planet - we have had higher in 2001 and in 1991 

[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultraviolet light – black light – purple light
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma ray light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray [the Hidden One]

U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of 'black' ETHER light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system

[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves 
[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

Western science cannot tell you where these rays are coming from - but they know because we know

What Western science detected in May 2021 is the 3rd highest that man and his machines have detected, when they explain what caused it they only explain - they come from the Galactic centre 
Beetle juice - Supernova - [7] siStars - NIBIRU is our magnetic sun, how long will they take to explain what just took place in December, another two years - these are positivity charged particles  


Arizona [USA] flip the image 
Mutating wavelengths, changing your DNA molecular from the inside out - gem detoxifier
Pink and Red destroys  

From 2016 onwards 
NASA launches their meteorite defense system 
"Apophis" is on its way to Earth and so NASA launches the OSIRIS initial and exploration satellite
Apep Tarnish Apophis – they did this last year and the year before because they are not sure when its coming – what is the OSIRIS initial and exploration satellite – is it not carrying a payload 

Poland [Polska] Pole land 

Milan [Italy] 

Portal adjustments 

The SKA has fallen, look how low these 'puffy clouds' are, yeast is rising 

'Bright' white holds [7] light rays, which are tones, the Chakra energies  

These portals are appearing during the night time

This is the Moon during the night time 

Omega [Alpha] no beginning of days, no ending of nights 

The Moon and who 

'Black' is ETHER [MELANIN] 

Where did that come from 

CHINA must be made an ocean 

Tornado in the UK called storm 
Manchester [Man Caser] all Roman settlements must be levelled, sum thing to get used to 

What happened really and why did it take two hours to say it was orange fabric, they said flames were coming from each side and 5 fire engines, so who saw the flames each side and who was the guy arrested at the top, the tower is actually an antenna 

Near Caucasus mountains - what was Russia [Prussia] before Russia, 
Russia has 3,000 of these structures 
The chamber is completely carved into the sandstone rock through a small entrance hole, and was carved into a shapeless rock mass by sampling the softer inner component of the domain, the inner chamber has a domed (semicircular) shape, the flat floor has a depression at the entrance, for draining water or sum other liquid, toilet+ the door or plug is missing, the design of the building is designed in such a way that it creates a strong echo, vibration and we know that stone holds frequencies, sound would have no distortion
Rainwater is collected in a bowl at the top, that this water has healing properties
These structures were built before 6ethers were created and their history always likes to cut us all off around the 3,500 - 4,000 mark, for they came in the 6,500 range

The vast majority of these sites were built on places where there are geological faults, energy centres of the planet, lay lines of the planet, these structures harmonize and slightly excite the nervous system aka you Chakra system, they could also be places where you would leave your physical body and these are  portals to other dimensions, Western history likes to say these are tombs, yet never show any bodies There are holes that were made using a drill - this is an issue for Western science because for them they only started using drills and machinery in the last 100+ years - whereas 9ether have been using technology because they invented it all  

Cauc-asia [asia] Cauc-asian] asia [asian] -
You can get 'white' 6ether from 'black' 9ether but you cannot get 9ether from 6ether 
The [Caucasia] Caucasus [Caucasian] Caucasoid Mt range may be the same age has Egypt and Sumera runs parrellel at times, but does not mean that 6ethers were created in that timeline, the Moon cycle in which they were created is 6,500, their ice-age is 10,000, the Caucus Mt range is the home for Mankind [a kind of man] whereas the HuMin [HuMan] home is Eden [Edin] Gan in Africa and can be 3.5million years [Lucy] - ENLILs offspring have no land [Nomads] or planet 

Those are giants standing there, the two men have dreadlocks - SHIVA has locks, and that is a Komodo Dragon, those are 3D layered blocks, you can see sum of the original colours still remaining - NAAGAS 

Garuda [Heru] in HuMan [HuMin] form he has locks, so does Shiva 
From Aztlan [South America] to 'India' to KHEMET [Egypt] 
All BIRDS [BIRU] are Raptors 

Daughter of Naga

Where are the giants vessels, ships, boats 

Look at the patterns of the light shades or fan shades - what kind of animals are they, sum type of Horse, where are their bones or anything about these mythical creatures that did exist

Gatekeeper, Key-master in the movie Ghostbusters 

Same in Persian [Sumerian] records - where did these creatures go

VIMANA - NAAGA technology 

All these names were created in this century and mean nothing - Burma 'Myanmar' [Mayan], Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, China, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, Bhutan or Asia minor or Asia major

VIMANA [Flying machines] not flying, levitating 

Mother ships over Mt FUJI JAPAN [IAPAN] which is a part of NEPAL with a sub-continent under water - FUKUSHIMA was designed to make the atmosphere more radiated so that their beings can breathe more easily, the radiation in the water rises [heat] but we have a dome and the dome we have energies coming being sent in - where does all that toxic radiation go, is it being eaten up 

The Galactic Federation, alliance, allies and all those involved in the Adama projects are here - the lead beings come under the ANUNNAKI [ANUNNAQI] ANU.NAGA [NAGA] who are here for their planet and their offspring only - these clips come from 2022 and 2021 and 2020

That first clip looks like the mothership from the movie District 9 

People have been living with entities for the longest - watch the footages only and you make up your own mind, the guy who presents them always says the same stupid mundane things 

The first clip was the cat, and no doubt was protecting the child, even to the point of being seen on the monitor to alert the mother - what was at the window 
The earths negative field is real - watch these videos 
Multiple timelines [Ghost] 

These are real people capturing these images, footages 

Ok then - don't follow trends out here, there is still a culling taking place 

They cannot contribute to the HuMin [HuMan] mantle frame, it is Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve
NTR [NATURE] did not create them at all and they will be deleted, this is what UV[A]B]C does, its a germ detoxifier - the rainbow colours are the Chakra system - God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah before, she will do it once again, if God doesn't approve, then what 
Real women, not men dressing, masquerading has women with dicks 

The USA are on 650 for mass shootings, we know they are orchestrated, they say Europe is on 9 for 2023 - distractions produce reactions 

Pluto enters the fray January 20th 2024 until September 2024 - get ready Eddie  

Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...