Thursday, 15 September 2022

Wise 7Up

Athyr [A-theer] Hathor 

Look carefully at how meticulously, systematically, each image has been chipped away, with what, each image etched out with a chipping affect, who would do such a thing and why 


Pale-green glazed composition flask with round, lenticular body, short neck terminating in a papyrus capital, we see two figures that look like Tehuti [Thoth] at the shoulders, front and back elaborated with an incised tripartite collar, front further decorated with a representation of a Hathor KAU [cow] among papyri, the edge band is decorated with a repeated rosette motifs [Lotus] and inscribed with invocations to Amun-Ra and Isis [Aset]

The words nu-year are inscribed

Made from Egyptian Faience, Egyptian faience is a ceramic material with a siliceous body and a brightly colored glaze
In addition to silica, faience also contains alkaline salts (the source of which was either natron or plant ash), minor amounts of lime, and a metallic colorant
Faience was made by grinding quartz or sand crystals together with various amounts of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and copper oxide, water and other liquids that was stored inside the flask would be charged
The resulting substance was formed into whatever shape was desired, whether an amulet, beads, a broach or a figurine and then said pieces were heated

Are you getting this natural technology, if they can decipher the material composition then why not make the exact replica in accordance with how the records show, today what are water bottles made of or flasks, thermos, not material that can be broken down 

The remains of an architectural structure that had more than one floor and a balcony were excavated in TURKEY and seen in this pottery

The structure, which is considered to be 8,000 years old had stone foundations with wooden and multi-floor additions, this 8,000-year-old piece of pottery found can give us a clue what these buildings might have looked like, there is an antenna in the middle and what looks like birds on roofs, pyramid roofs
I wonder what we are looking at 



  What happens when we see this 
Cube on left 

Nu Zealand 

Huge objects around the portal [sun] 

4 days ago

The Cube and the Sphere


The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU [Neb Heru], and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]


What is beyond the horizon, see the trees, land, above are clouds and above that - where is that broken light coming from
A nu king-dome around the sun 

1 O'CLOCK position 
You can see the colours emanating from the discharges, see the currents, they are connected 

You got that right, that is who they are fighting 

On the right would be the sun rays but what is that red bar from right going to left hitting the dome
Who is that in the mix on 90.6 

Red energy is FEMI.9 ELECTRON ENERGY which is MAAT and HERU combined energy
S-HE is laying down the Law, Chaos, that which is Straight, Order and Balance
HER-U energy will be fair and according to thy works - SHE [SHU] has an open heart and you must keep yours open in this field, the mind and heart are connected, don't sit in your mind, sit in your heart, your heart-space, myspace 


Intermittent sensations are present, watch yourself and check yourself 
Don't let things get you down, don't stay in the dwelling, cop yourself on whenever you feel yourself becoming flaky [weaker]  
The mind is restless, shut the mind down, the sub-mind [lower self] is watching you, listening to your private thoughts, watching your every move and will rear up the minute you slip

Controllers of the September [7] energy
Order and Compassion [Compass] 

Silver shadow
My future(s) shadow
Trying to tell me
Of a Star I would be 

We are in a whole nu different era [dimension] and is to why the Schuman is shut down 

There are different Schumann models - this is the German based machine
Hearing different adjustments in the left hemisphere [ear] tones, air compression tones and then today [14.9.2022] right ear which is right hemisphere adjustments 
I was wide awake a couple days back, tired but could not switch off, the mind was fried, had to massage my head using the number 9 spiral with each finger and massage the forehead, it was really heavy, the Moon is/was near enough still full - it will be different around the world
body has to catch up with energy, its the light [energy] that is powering the body, not the other way around  

Off for a number of days, reboot

Alaska getting hit 

China have already purchased $21 billion worth of properties in 2014 in the USA [USC]
They own the USA toxic debt which means when China calls in the debt, they will cancel out the USA 

Calling card 

UK [London]

People living in the vicinity of the Essex coast at Coalhouse Fort and surrounding marshland have been told to "act now" as flooding to coastal roads and footpaths is expected between 1.15pm and 5.15pm today [13.9.2022]
The 'act now' advice urges households to move family and pets to safety, any valuables upstairs, and drive their vehicles away from the flood risk zone, preferably to higher land

We have been watching other places hit with floods around the world in the last decade and escalating over the 3 years especially

Notice where the Essex coast starts and follow the river Thames to Canary Wharf which is the financial hub and onto where Westminster is – in and around is the Square Mile, the financial capital still holds Lloyds of London [HQ] a major player in banking the money obtained through slavery, along with many other banks, Britain’s oldest bank Barings bank [1762] and major player also sits along the route and was set up to manage the money coming in from Lewisham and Deptford where the slaves ships would come in- before they moved their operations to Bristol, Liverpool

The system is crashing around us all, methodically, systematically  

The Thames barrier has never been upgraded since 1984 and is outdated for when the waters come in- once the financial hubs are breached, they will abandon ship, they are only interested in the Square Mile  
The Thames Barrier has been closed 205 times since it became operational in 1984 (correct as of February 2022), of these closures, 114 were to protect against tidal flooding and 91 were to protect against combined tidal/fluvial flooding- that is 200 times in 40 years if these figures are correct
The Thames Barrier may need to close every tide – maybe this has already happened, more frequent while we are all watching tv

White Tower
Pay attention to the entrance [door] 
-the real entrance is underground

Pyramids [MIR] MER [MAR]
TARANAKI [New Zealand]

Pyramids [MIR] MER [MAR]

Pyramids [MIR] MER [MAR]

Pyramids [MIR] MER [MAR]
Portugal [Spain] 

Pyramids [MIR] MER [MAR]

Pyramids [MIR] MER [MAR]

Pyramids [MIR] MER [MAR]

Asante Nub [Gold] Regalia
The Asante Kingdom and Benin Kingdom are both in West Africa [Alkebulan]
King Kofi Kakaris Krobonkye ceremonial hat [who are the real Vi-kings] 

Recorded bronze plaque from the meeting between Oba Akenzua ll and Queen Elizabeth that took place in Benin Kingdom 

[El] Lizard beth [bath] Both [Roth] 

Giants and HuMins [HuMans] 

The Benin
 Ekaladerhan Ododuwa Owodo had a protruding teeth (Akön gayan) and these are the images of this exiled Prince of Igodomigodo

He was the only son of Ogiso (King) Owodo and Oloi (Queen) Arukhö

Ekaladerhan n'Ododuwa has special love for the Cockerel because the cockerel blood was spilled on the matchet in order to spare his life, a village named Uruökhökhö (Cockerel's voice) in Benin was the forest this event took place and that's how the cockerel story came into the distorted history

If you look at the helmet, you can figure out a Cockerel's comb on top of it
Disregard any other images that is being paraded as Ododuwa which sum also sum times pass off as Olokun and Obalufon's head

If you look at the upper helmet, you will find out where the falsified so called "Aare" crown used at the Olojo festival was copied from which is traced to the first king that ruled the World after the flood called NIMROD or LAMURUDU

You see the last 3 images 
Construction of the Great walls of Benin
One of the largest single man-made site on the planet
The Great Walls of Benin were a series of more than 500 interconnected earth walls (Edo: Iya) in the area around present-day Benin City
They extended for sum 16,000 km in all and took an estimated 150 million hours of digging to construct and were perhaps the largest single man-made site on the planet in the absence of modern Earthmoving machines
Sum one wrote that, oh they had machine technology and they also had giants

Persian qanat, one of the oldest engineering wonders of HuMin [HuMan] civilization
The underground tunnel system is designed for collecting water
Artificially designed canals that are over 1000s+ of years old still provide reliable water to sum of Eridu [Mesopotamia] todays Iran, driest areas

Eleven pre-preserved Persian qanats comprise an impressive complex and orderly system of canals that include recreation areas, water tanks and watermills
The most important element is the delivery tunnel hidden under a thick layer of soil
This allows qanat to minimize the loss caused by evaporation in a desert climate, allowing it to transport water far greater distances than open water installations- an aqueduct
The tunnel is usually built with a very low incline, so the water flows at a very low speed and does not violate the qanat cladding

Qanat is sumwhat resistant to earthquakes and destruction

Also, if there is sufficient gap between the outlet hole and houses or fields, it can be used to install a watermill

Besides, such a water supply system also helps to reduce indoor temperature and in the olden days it was often used as air cooling

They were damaged in the 1960s and 1970s

Most Persian canals are no more than 5 kilometers long, although there is a 70-kilometer tunnel near Kerman
The depth through which the main tunnel passes is usually between 20-200 meters, while in Khorasan, the deepest of the known tunnels reaches 275 meters below the ground's surface
And of course, official historians will assure that it was all done manually

In addition to Iran, such an underground hydro-technical water system was distributed in what is called Central Asia, Morocco, Spain right into Azerbaijan, so too Heru [Peru] and KHMT [Egypt] also has a water supply technology

Persian engineering, Persians are the Ethiopians [KUSH] 

Radcliffe Camera, Oxford 

While trying to find an explanation for the window under the stairs, I came across the following information: "Originally, the basement was an open arched arcade with a vaulted stone ceiling with the Radcliffe coat of arms in the centre." The arcades were equipped with iron bars: three of them were gates that closed at night. In 1863 the vaults were glazed, on the north side instead of the window a new entrance with stone steps was arranged. "

Interesting bottom layers of brickwork
They look cleaned
Mud flood 

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Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...