Monday, 5 September 2022

SKY Family

HA.PI [HO.PI] native Indians
ANT tribu 

ANT Family

ANU is head of the Sedjat, he is head of the ANU.NAKI [ANUNNAKI]




Babylonian S.KI [SKY] SKA [God] is ANU

HAPI [HOPI] term ANT means ANU

HOPI [HAPI] root word NAKI means Friends[Family], which the word ANNUNAKI is a reference to a group or these beings, individuals, this demonstrate a clear worldwide network, there is no disconnection with the original bloodlines   

ANU.NAKI or ANT friends [family] 

Ants and their structures – above and below [subterranean]
Sanskrit word KI means Ant Hill and VA means Dwelling

TURKEY cave dwelling for HuMins 

*ant- root meaning front, forehead, with derivatives meaning in front of, before; end- look at the [3] triangle, is that their real eye

Aunt means parents siStars [ANT] AUNT [AUN] ANU [ANNU]

[Sedjet] Ennea[9] principles of adverse forces
Apophis [Apep] Tarnush is female and her children are  
Satan, Anzu, Shaytaan, Dragon, Devil, Lucifer, Ibliys, Jaan and Azazel

[7] arch angels [angles] forces are
Gabriy’el, Uri’el, Uzzi’el, Rapha’el, Izraa’el, Zamar’el and Miyka’el
there was [9] but [2] fell, Azazel and his son Sama’el of your Bible and Koran 


10,000 strong army [guards] 
They can never be destroyed 


Golden Cut  

Golden proportion, golden cut, and golden number [9]
Mir(s) including the Khefre, Menkaure and sum of the EKUR (Giza), Sakkara, and Khufu all have the ratio of 9

Euclid is accredited has the godfather of Geometry, when it is Ptah who is the Opener, One who opens the way, he is the Supreme Being solely responsible for the golden cut

The Golden spiral is found from structures, to nature, and is the spiral of life
The golden ratio is a fundamental unit of the algebraic number field, and algebra is from Jabbarians (Ghibbore), from where the word Jabbar, (El Jabar) which is Algebra comes, the great alchemist

We are in the 18th galaxy, that is where we reside, the 19th galaxy is our neighbouring galaxy that is merging into this one

We can see the other star systems where scientists and astronomers have discovered 4 new soular systems (1) Fomalhaut, which a star is covered by matter (2) Beta Pictoris, which shows a star is covered by dust, and a blob below it covered by dust (3) Hr 4796A a cloud of dust surrounds, which is an infant soular system and (4) Vega, where you see a star and a concentrated spot then layers of clouds

The Milky Way splits us so to speak, with Star System on this side of the Milky Way, [Draco] Aldebaran, Betelgeuse, Pleiades, Andromeda more+

The planet Supdet, Septet, or [Sibtu] that which shares the 18th and 19th galaxies, is the link between the two, you call it Sirius, the Greeks call Sothis, having two moons and its sister system Mirzam 

Two suns have also been discovered, they already know about they call the most powerful star as of yet and named it the Pistol Star because of its shape, the Star was seen using the Hubble, which is a modified plane 

The magnitude of a star is 9 million times brighter than the sun

As the agreeable beings from the 19th galaxy get nearer to the disagreeable beings from the 18th galaxy, and the time runs out and the Star Wars in the form of quasars, meteorites, showers, climatic alterations, floods, landslides, tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, and viruses ongoing, the disagreeable are in dire confusion


64 years old 

76 years old

Both are priestess 

Steady Eddie - there is a gap in there- depression
The sun is tripping [eclipsing] twice a day, sum thing is triggering the sun twice a day around 5am and they are adding the colour red to the graphics  

We have had [3] M7s 
CHINA receives a reminder- that the end of the world is made in China 

Influenza was reclassified last year, if you go to the doctors they will class your in-flu-enza has the virus, same symptoms or the same catalyst- stay out of the sun [corona means sun]   

 California- the USA want you off of that land 

$1billion+ worth of crops have gone with the water [flood]
Sri-Lanka already has run out of stuff and so to Bangladesh- big problems coming up

Baitings reservoir
Yorkshire Moors
Many settlements were raised to the ground and buried along with their history and flooded 

Near prefect 360
Former sink-hole, volcano [??] 
Where does it lead to 

Huge amounts of voltages hitting the planet from crafts dispensing plasma 

While Cineworld heads for bankruptcy, there are plenty of blockbusters still to watch like, the USA and Thailand [Australia] 

Look carefully 

Sprite [Spirit]
Over France- that is huge 

Huge craft

What can cast shadows down like that 

Californian officials ask that they shut down around 4pm - 9pm when the grid is more stressed, a day to protect the grid - to protect the grid [???] they have never upgraded the grid since the 1940s and that is because they don't know how to, we also have extra-heat conditions that are also adding to the problem 
They are tripping it out at the moment to cool certain parts down and we many have no power 

Jaws hurting, headaches, buzzing in ears+ people are experiencing different affects
Red+ plasma + soular energies  

The dome went down for a while 
We are having radio blackouts 



4.9.2022 into 5.9.2022

The dome cracked open in the last 48hrs


who that on the left- NASA killed the feed 

This is a different satellite but at the same time NASA cut the feed, on this satellite they block out sumthing 

Can you see the filters that NASA add, everything inside that filter is photo-shopped, they are covering sum thing in that filter 

Check the date and timestamp 16:42

This is the next frame after 16:42 
20:06, what happened in those 3hrs+
Here in this frame you can see the sun is letting off 

NASA haven't updated their models for 40hrs
They even stopped the timer on one of their sites 
Take down the tones and this is how the sun looks 
The sun is a multidimensional portal 

You can see sum thing is attached to the sun 

This craft is [1] of [3] main crafts and the last two images were taken near the ISS from sum years ago, these [3] crafts assembled from 2012 onwards 

Huge craft 

Meanwhile over in JAPAN [IAPAN]

The digital route frequency of the universe is 216
The universe exists solely [souly] of waves of motion, there exists nothing other than vibration
Vibration, frequency, tones, sones, acoustics [light]  

The actual universe itself in its grounding zone, the 432hz
It is where outcomes become positive, or negative, or whether self [cell] chooses positive, or negative choices that defines all, please always choose wisely


When we see these images, we see that these places had been broken into, we see stone pieces from broken carved stone figures laying on the ground and other stone pieces from the stone structures
The pieces on the ground were removed during restoration on ancient sites during the late 19th and 20th century

In Petra we see many very ancient stone carved structures with large pieces that are now missing but in very early photographs of these places we do not see the broken off pieces at or near these structures
Many of these structures like the one shown in the photograph have large sections of the stone carving broken off, yet these large pieces are missing, why

Remember Ishtar is Babylonia [Babylonian] which is Persia and Iraq aka Mesopotamia, Petra was built by Nimrud [Sargon] offspring 

Ishtar is Babylonia [Babylonian]
She has locs [locks] dreads  

Cairn de Gavrinis

Built at a time when the island was still part of the mainland
A 14m passage leads to a large chamber that served as an Iy [temple] abode, isles, house
The chamber is made up of about 50 stones, the largest being the ceiling slab, which is estimated to weigh about 17 tons- of the 29 stones that make up the passage, 23 have geometric [finger prints] oscillator [sone] patterns engraved on their surfaces

Myanmar [Mayan]

Steve Hedley
Black 47

Only the 6eher Jews keep what happened to them in our minds and ignore the others, they claim 6million when we know its 600K died in their genocide, many genocides have taken place around the world and not just to the Jews or 9ethers 
What they were doing was ethic cleansing around the planet and ending in the USA, they wanted a purer bloodline and wanted the ethnics out of the bloodstream 
Genocide in Ireland, there was manufactured famine, there was actually enough food but it was just sent to England, whilst Irish people starved to death and emigrated in their millions, England shipped thousands of tons of cattle, sheep, wheat and vegetables out of Ireland
English landlords evicted tenants and burned down their houses and people were bribed into converting from their Catholic religion by being given soup, if they refused, they starved to death
All this happened less than 200 years ago when England was the richest country in the world

Perhaps this will give sum thing of an insight into why we will never see ourselves as British- said a proud Irish man

Ireland aided England twice, there was two famines, the movie Sherlock Holmes with Jude Law is around the same time and you can see the Irish working the docks and so forth in the movie

No dogs, no blacks, no Irish 

IRB [IRA] you didn’t see what really went on around that time, the British are truly barbaric – English are 40% German and sum 40% Russia which is the same thing 

The Irish are different from the English- but then again, there is good and bad in all, we just want the audit report 

Looks modern, there are English words with sum different symbols for sure
Notice none of these stone black have mortar in-between 

All these artifacts stolen from Egypt and found around the planet

The horse and cart for 1000s of years and then the car 


There is no difference between the Model T and the new Roadrunner - they still do the same thing
Nice though, really nice
We haven't advanced

Iy [temple] house, isles, coastland, abode and are not tombs or catacombs which are Roman words for Roman things, we are in Persia [Babylonia]
How did these giants get through there or how did they get up there- did crafts do in there
Many used to dematerialize matter and walk-through walls
We can see a couple figures; hands are in portal opening symbol

You can see the man-made holes to gain entry 

Sam-son or Hams-son or Samuel

Looking for the perfect beat
The effects of sound [sone] on the body [mass] of power [SEMU healer- reader]
MaStars of energy
Sound is Light
🔺Gatekeepers of ancient technology  
⚛️Energy Frequency Vibration

All built before the 6ethers were created and is to why they cannot repair the Organs because they didn't build them 

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