Friday, 9 September 2022

Artifical Phases

Called the DeathStar or Star-killer base, the Moon is an artificial construct, our original Moon is plasma -its made of light like everything else in our realm

That solid, dense material object that they have up there has nothing to do with our original construct, womb or matrix

That Moon that you see up there is what helps to create this false light construct
It is a DeathStar just like what the movie Star Wars portrays the Moon to be

Saturn the super-computer [Hexagon cube] beams a signal, Saturn has rings around it [so does Jupiter] the satellite dish, crystal rings, beams the signal to the Moon

NASA will never show you how this looks completely because many would sh9t themselves
the hexagon wall stands up for a couple miles at least - because of the 6ethers in Mecca [MERKA] MER [MIR] KAA they are reversing the energy, we used to go there on Saturday [Saturn] Sabbath for prosperity+ we Sat on Saturn-day] in Mecca [Computer hardware from a craft- black stone from Ethiopia] 

The Moon is [evil] it is negative and is not good for the 9ethers at all – when it’s a full Moon I never use the Moon, let New-Age people deal with the Moon – it beams a signal from the Moon down unto us and then projects all this code, the false light code -it’s a dampening field, it supresses you and is what is keeping you from really shining and is what is keeping you from accessing your DNA

When you pass away in the matrix

When you die [you don’t really die] but they tell you to go to the light at the end of the tunnel, DON’T GO TO THE LIGHT – the light is the Moon [Pacman Moon] your BAA[KAA] flies right back to the machinery, you are attached to the light like a moth to a flame, you fly right back to the machinery

Your BAA [soul] KAA [spirit] is a physical thing, just like the body just on another density -it goes to the Moon and gets put back into the machinery, mind is wiped, erased and then put right back into another avatar and sent straight back down here, both on Ki and for you to do the whole cycle again – that is the matrix and its run through the Saturn Moon Matrix

The ZULU record what happened and how the Moon got here, when you watch the movie Oblivion, the first thing the [Tet] Tetragrammatons' does is to destroy the Moon because it causes flooding and chaos on earth, and the tipping of the axis of the realm – but in real life it wasn’t the Tet that did that, a Tetragrammatons' is the A.I Saturn – it didn’t come in and destroyed the Moon, it brought the Moon and then the Moon caused all the destruction, remember they said the Moon controls the tides and womens monthlies – it is the Moon that caused the wobble of our realm of our disc and is setting off the Magnetosphere and part of the reason why our Magnetosphere is in reverse

The Antarctic ice rail is also keeping that machinery up there which is called quantum locking, how they super freeze things and create super conductivity and they can quantum lock objects using magnetics and super frozen rails and you lock them in space and it follows the rail, just like that 

What they did with the Sun was they put a Dyson sphere around the Sun and then have a holographic projection of a Sun [fake] that you are seeing, the Sun is not the same in the four corners of the planet, nor is the Moon – the real sun is encapsulated like Asaru [Osiris] in the Neb Ankh – the story of Set and Osiris, they put Osiris in a Neb Ankh [coffin] they put him in a Dyson sphere, aka parabolic ball, that they use to drain its energy, they do this with stars as well –this planet is a star, they are telling people super advanced civilisations 1 will have, China telling everyone they have a fusion Sun+ this is not advanced civilisation stuff, this is fallen angles stuff, remember the Sun is the soul [sol] sal – the Sun out there represents the Soul [sun] in you, when they are talking about encapsulating the Sun and stealing its energy, that is what they did to your soul [BAA] remember not everyone down here has a soul, everything has spirit [KAA] that is way different – but they are attached as in the body, they put you in a box, in a cube whether they call it Dyson cube or Dyson box, it’s the same difference and now we are all trapped in this hypercube, false light construct that is built off of the Moon – that same dirty Moon that you see up there and the fake Sun that we have- had captured our Soul [BAA] we are free now because Nemesis [Nibiru] has returned with the codes to open up the prism with the codes – that is what is going on, we had to go through all this to get to where we are today – we were encapsulated and our energy was being stolen and being siphoned off – they were stealing our energy through the portal and using it to create this false light construct and the Moon is a prat of that

Do not get involved with the Moon especially if you are 9ether, you are from the Sun and not the Moon, fu9k the Moon – do not go to the light when you transition

You’re the ghost you see on the checkerboard for Pacman – the game 23 and Pacman is the Moon

When you don’t know yourself or know thyself the Moon can eat from you and when you go to the machinery, they can process you and put you through all types of torment –

Moon [Monos] 6ether Greek god of sarcasm and pain, who rules by faith and beliefs- that cycle is over

We are supposed to be in Sophia(s) Matrix and not sucked into their Metaverse from a long time ago and now we are escaping this mtf, remember not all of us were sucked into here, many of us were sent to help people get out, we were sent to help fix the problem – the Moon has got to go

At times when I look at the Moon you can see the hologram, sum images from around the world show sum thing quite different, in any case, things are taking place around us, for us and by us

Even though NASA said they are returning and this and that, they are lying, it was the other day that they tried to bomb it and water particles flew up in the air- there is internal wars going on between the fractions of the fallen lights, whatever fallen fractions that controlled the Moon up there, sum other fallen fractions down here are now beefing with them- fu9k them, that is why the whole construct is coming down because they cannot even get it together between themselves, they are wicked and wicked is stupid and greedy and backstabbing – right now they are all going at it against themselves – meanwhile we are here, working with NTR and the most-highest frequency to get us all out and destroy this Monkey sh9t once and for all

Do not go to the light, if you know what is good for you, do not go to the light [Moon] you go to triple blackness which is Mothers womb- your inner eye will light the way, on you way you will see family members, people you know, do not go towards them look through your inner eye only

We have to get out of the Matrix alive, there is no dying, dying is an illusion and is part of the game 23, it’s a psyop – we have to arrive on arrival alive – the Moon is there to recycle the BAA and is what gave us amnesia the first time – when we all played the game and we all went into the light, many talk about how they saw Jesus, sum say they saw all their loved ones, grandparents, mum, dad, listen, if you want to be recycled and play the whole stimulation again, go to the light and be tormented, none of your family are in heaven, none of them are resting in peace [RIP] they are being tormented over and over again- sum of them are in Dog Avatars down here [consciousness] those were not your loved ones- that was not Jesus, it was a holographic projection from the archons – we could all be on the Moon right now in the hypercube and when you look up in the SKA and you see the Moon- that could just be a reflection of yourself and is to why many say the Moon is just the earth reflected- yep your right – the hypercube prison on the Moon right now under the dome – but just like Dark City, we have taken over the platform, taken over the Mother-ship – its ours now and we are freeing our prisoners and we hacked the system- the system has to die from within, outward   

Mono [Moon]

The Moon isn’t a natural product of the soular system but rather a hollowed-out planet that is a spacecraft that was to house certain beings

The conclusion is that the Moon shouldn’t really be there

Going back into ancient civilizations, the cultural stories that talk about an egg being hollowed out and rolled across the SKA

AB.ZU (South Africa) ENQI [HQ]
T’shaka Zulu [the T is silent] ENKI offspring  
EN.QI sets up bases in AB.ZU [Zimbabwe]  

Zulu forefathers told how the Moon to be hollow and the home of the Python or Hitauri [Chittahuri] or we know and refer to them the Reptilians, a race of intelligent extra-terrestrials, who resided on Earth, well before the HuMans [HuMins]  

The Moon was brought here hundreds of generations ago by two brothers, who were the leaders of these Reptilian extra-terrestrials

These two were known as the water brothers and they both had scaly skin like a fish, this sounds similar story to the Mesopotamia and Sumerian accounts about the two chief leader half-brothers EN.LIL and EN.QI

The Zulu legends of how Wowane [EN.LIL] and Mpanku [EN.QI] stole the Moon (Reptilian StarSation) in the form of an egg from the Great Fire Dragon, and emptied out the yolk until it was hollow- empted out the computer hardware

Then they rolled the Moon across the SKA to the Earth which brought about cataclysmic events on this planet that ended the Golden Age” of the past

The Earth was very different then it is now well before the Moon had arrived
There weren’t any seasons and the planet was perpetually engulfed by a canopy of water vapour
People did not feel the strong glare of the Sun that we do now, and they could only see it through a watery mist

The Earth was once a beautiful place, a lovely place, lush and green with giant Redwoods, Violets and Ferns with a gentle drizzle and mist, the water canopy fell to the Earth as a cataclysm of rain when the Moon was put into place in the Earth’s orbit; this is symbolized in the Bible when it rains for 40 days and 40 nights

The arrival of KUN.GA and the Reptilians changed everything on Earth; It modified the Earth’s rotation and angle, the earth turned over on its axis as we are upside down, as the records says, and brought more powerful tidal systems that once had been much calmer, women did not menstruate before the Moon arrived

Zulus and other native Alkebulan accounts say KUN.GA was built far, far, away to keep a listen on the people, and as a vehicle to travel the Universe

The Reptilians Giant Mother-ship is the Moon [DeathStar] and that’s where they escaped to during the cataclysms of the Great Flood, which they had caused by NI.BIRU and creating other cosmic events

The Moon a hollowed – out spacecraft sent to orbit the Earth in the remote prehistoric past, inhabited by other beings

The Moon is not a completely natural world, but a planetoid that was hollowed out in the far reaches of space by intelligent beings possessing a technology far superior to ours, using a comet [craft] to tow it to the Earth or maybe under its own power huge machines were used to melt rock and form large cavities within the Moon, spewing the molten refuse on the surface, protected by a hull-like inner shell plus a reconstructed outer shell of metallic rocky junk, this gigantic craft was steered through the cosmos and finally parked in orbit around the Earth

The Reptilians and Greys have had KUN.GU for a long time, that is now over, the federation that is supporting NI.BIRU have docked at the backside of the Moon
A craft holds [locks] the Moon into position 

Go-spel [Ghost Spells]

Its is about the tools that they use to cast their spells and to conquer other wizards and other sorcerers – lets go to Lord of the Rings and take Sauron who the ring of power was created for

Sauron was a great wizard who in his lust for power became a fallen and so when he finally got destroyed, he got cast into the void zone aka the 4th dimension where the parasites live in real life
From the 4th dimension he was able to reach into our world just like the parasites do in real life, he got into the heads of certain people and had them craft a ring for him and that ring, the ring of power is what held the frequency that enabled him to manifest back in the 3rd dimension and his tower where you see the eye of Sauron that it what holds his physical form which is the eye that you see or it is the closest form he can get in the 3rd dimension since he was cast out

So- he uses the ring to hold himself here and the tower to create a physical body

But here is the thing, when Sauron was running around in middle earth when he was first warring with other wizards and he got into battles, and what I am going to write next happened throughout all ancient history, this is how ancient wizards and sorcerers and shamans would war with each other, they would rap against one another aka battle rap – they would cast spells and rap and say things like Abracadabra or Alakazam or Hocus Pocus – not just like that, they would actually sing, rap it to one another, not just those words but whole rapping, bars [BAARS] and you know where we see battle raps and sum one says a word or line or bar or sentence and people would go, Oooh, he burnt you or he cussed you out – it was the same thing back then – word, sone and power – that is how powerful your words were [are] its all sonics

Sonic, sone [sound] vibration – word sone power – the power, word and spells used by the ancient wizards and sorcerers [sorceress] wizards use a certain level of wisdom and sorcerers use from the source – negative and positive

This is a star in a jar

They create stars in jars by shooting sone waves into water and the frequency creates a torus field like what we live in, our bubble – its all word, sone and power like they also say in their Bible 

Watch what your say [speak] verbal [sphere] bubble because you are giving poWRA to it 

Nothing has changed throughout time; your rappers and musicians are still here – they are all the same wizards and sorcerers from back in the day resurrected doing the same thing

Even Lucifer who is Gods most beautiful angel- what was Lucifers main purpose, what was her main job, she was is musician, an artist, she made music, she is the deity over music, Lucifer is gods favorite singer and made gods soundtracks – when gods was passing through sum where it was Lucifer who was playing the beats and rapping and singing and this is why even in your world because this is where they fell to, they control the music in this world – where you are and remember there is the prince and principalities of the air- so they can control airwaves live Wi-Fi, radio waves, 5g, x-rays+ which is all controlled by the Luciferians – but they do not control word, sone and power – that is controlled by you from within [BAA]

This is why media, tv, adverts, music+ you name it they control the narrative, control the mind and you control them all – the body cannot operate without the head

Have confidence in your words, mean what you say and power it, I once knew sum one that she told me sum thing that sum one else had said about me and her and right then and there I knew we would lose because she had given power to what sum one else had said, do not sphere with people who have no power, its real out here and many people do not realize what they are doing, you manifest your sh9t through your words which is sone

Magus [Magi] Magic = Manifest

Do not let anyone play with you, games are over, your moving forward, not backwards      

I only watched Lord of the Rings this year, it was so long and boring in places, I have not watched Harry Potter in its full entirety has that was boring also, it took them nearly 3 or 4 years to get that movie right and they had to because they have no history

Lord of the Rings, real ring worn by a Sumerian deity with the Omega and Alpha symbol
Is this just a ring or if worn by the right being, it is much more than a ring
Most of the weapons [Vajra] cannot be used without the right power 

Double Bubble 
Is this the Moon or Sun or NIBIRU 

What form is that [???]
2017 she was executed 

Reptilian [Draco] Queen Mother goes down
She was already dead a while back, however now that its official this means they go into their next plan of action, get ready for a sequence of events, do not get caught up in the hype, the Queen has nothing to do with where your going
According to this news headline William becomes Queen, all the brothers are inverted 
The frequency changed when they announced her death and the Sun is out and about 
911 is also the NTH gates Nu Year aka Nu energy- that is why they did the towers also on that day
I always thought Lillith was using the Queen [avatar] 

 There are more clones, hybrids, test tubes, homosexuals than there are HuMins [HuMans]
You cannot not have this type of energy residing over FEMI.9 ELECTRON N.R.G 

Italian Schuman 

Tornado takes out man-made solar panels
Nature disapproves 

SS-witzerland say deaths are up by 3,000 [that means 6,000 or 9,000+] and they claim this is more deaths or unprecedented excess mortally rates that they have never experienced before and has been rising since 2020 - oh yeah

NI.BIRU used to come in closer every October and that expired in 2021, now we see the star-station is coming from the direction of the sun- like NIBIRU is coming through the portal [SUN] 

All the images we see of NIBIRU, we see them by the sun – which is where NIBIRU is coming from
Gravity [Levitation] Force of Gravitational Repulsion

Unfortunately, Einstein failed or didn't want to put the Unified Field into equations, but it happens that when two celestial bodies approach, due to gravitational attraction, there comes a point where a repulsion force acts, that is, they are rejected, as if they had an equal electrical charge, or equal magnetic polarity, and the Force of Repulsion, like the Force of Gravitational Attraction, depends on the masses and distance

When two celestial bodies come within close proximity of one another their magnetic force repels one another until they equalize each other out or move away, sum say that these sink-holes are a result of such interaction

We see a lot of sink holes and this could well be because of NIBIRU and KI coming into contact, KI is not the size NASA show you, she is the size of Jupiter, when the force fields come close we see these sink holes appearing until the forces equalise themselves out either by has they move away from one  another or because she is yielding - Zer0 point of gravity which is levitation 

NASA are watching LAHMU [MARS] like a BAUZ because all planets will go to zer0 gravity, we are after LAH.MU when LAHMU goes to Zer0 gravity field we are next
So who will hold the planet KI - we are in 4D[5D] 

NIBIRU does not follow the laws known to man-made physics – we are dealing with positive and negative forces, charges

Why has the Moon not fallen on Earth, given that neither its mass nor its angular speed justifies it rotating up there, does the Moon rotate, what about the craft that is holding the Moon in place
And why don't the planets fall on the sun

The Sun owns 99% of the total mass of the soular system, therefore, any celestial body that approaches, will feel the great gravitational force of the sun, and will tend to fall towards it

NIBIRU came through to this soular system via SAHU [SAH] (Orion) the Southern Hemisphere and that is why there are so many astronomical observatories in Antarctica

NIBIRU is approaching Earth until it finds a balance point [zer0] to cross the ecliptic

That point where NIBIRU goes through the eclipse to continue his exit Ptah from the soular system, is unfortunately halfway, between Earth and Sun, its unfortunately because NIBIRU(s) relatively close past facing Earth has cataclysmic consequences for Earth, disasters+

NIBIRU will never collide with Ki - this doesn't mean though that it cannot be done

Ur-ANU-s is rotating on its underbelly
Assembled in 2012 with the reverse wave 2021
They have slowly been changing the codes
We are on course 


LAHMU [MARS] is 3 1/2 years away and the car has been on its way for 4 years and 7 months
What happened to Virgin Galactic
No one is leaving this planet, you can go to the ISS which is in the SKA not space
Get real will you - NASA, Musk and the likes are playing with you 
None of the flights are real - the movie Gravity [2013] is all CGI and only Bullocks and Clooney faces are real and are edited into the movie, everything else is CGI - its all CGI 

Caden [Kaden] remember that movie the Sixth Sense 

Looks like stained glass

Eagle nest with ranger for scale

Flowers that grow straight from the trunk

Black, purple carrots
Orange carrots are man made and do nothing for you
To eat this Karrot, worth more than Gold
This is why they said Karrots are good for your Ayin [Aye] Eye - they meant this Karrot and this eye
If you can purchase sum of this buy it  

1980 a man created this cross-bred corn 

Germany [Czech] 
Giants walked the earth plane and lived in Castles [homes] with you 

There are 2 or 3 huge trees that we can see are cut down in this image 

Angkor Wat
Wat [Watt]

[Angkor Wat] can hold 750,000 people and is the size of [2] Manhattans
Western Barai is a reservoir in Angkor, Cambodia, rectangular in plan and facing east to west
Sum thing is not right with this reservoir, if that was what it was intended for, there is an island in the middle which they say is artificial – you can see the [Iy] there are parts of this site that are underwater, there are foundations of walls, steps+ and parking lots [landing sites]
At sum point man built a dam and destroyed parts of this [Iy] probably in a bid to disconnect the power or/and to hide this place
There are bars and no one knows what for and there is no inscription indicating the nature of their use

Found in [Al] Ghor- I wonder what the symbols say 

Similar style- this is IN.ANNA(s) gate 

Mexico [Mixtec] Mutec
Mec [Mac]
Olmek [Olmec] Ulmec [Ul.MEC] 

Machu Picchu
Ol[mec] Ul[mac]

Ul-mec [Olmec] is from Abyssinia [Ethiopia] and today are called Almade [Al-made] which is Ul-Mac

Aztlan [Atlantis]
Aztec [Aztlan]

Mutec Zuma [Puma] who was the last Emporia of Mexico
[Mutec] is part of Aztlan [USA + South America]
Mu-tec-Zuma [Az-tec] and Mu is from Muur [Maur] Muur] Moor

Inca is a left-over word from the Spanish that they told the English that they were called when the name Inca [Inka] is from the Mali tribe called the [Mandinka] Mand-InKa [Inca]
Ul-mec [Olmec] is from Abyssinia [Ethiopia] and today are called Almade [Al-made] which is Ul-Mac

The ruins of an ancient Ulmec [Olmec] city filled with palaces, pyramids and plazas have been unearthed on a construction site in Mexico [May, 2022], can hold 4,000 people

Within the surrounding jungle, about 30 structures have been found, though they still remain untouched by man

The core, center is made up of five structures, the largest and most imposing of these is a complex made up of a platform sitting next to a small pyramid-like structure

Directly across from the previously described complex is a cenote and is likely that this cenote was the main source of water for the population, though given its location in the middle- there could be another reason – there are landing areas here

On either side of the main center sit two low-laying platforms, a few hundred meters south of the main center lays a beautiful styled structure and is likely that this structure served as a residential area for members of the city’s elite

Within the site, archaeologists also discovered 38 deposits complete with gifts that included ceramics, jewelry, and obsidian tools- there is a spiral in the middle of the ceramics

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Smiling Faces

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