Thursday, 22 September 2022

Winter Gardens

Autumnal Weapon

21.09.2022 [9] we are in session [season]
September [Sirius] Sept 

Autumn [Atum]

Axis shift – the planet tilts however it is NIBIRU that is controlling the poles, what will happen during September and December  

There are [2] Solstices [June + December] and [2] Equinoxes [September + March]

At one point the SUN was in Taurus+

Old Irish Suil [Sun] means ‘eye, in Greek Sun is Hēlios [where the word H3ll comes from] and in Latin Sol [Sal] the Sun [Son]

Constellation [con-Stella-tion] Stella means Star and means SUN – so does SAL and SOL [SOUL] SOLE [SEOUL]  

Equinox means, the point at which the Sun crosses the earth's equator, making day and night of equal length everywhere

Equilibrium [Equality] [Equal] from Aequus meaning Equal + Nox (genitive noctis) meaning night aka equal night

Solstice [Sol] Soul means the point at which the sun seems to stand still

The SUN is a STAR, this planet is a STAR  

The Disc of Denderah

Cycles, 24,000-year equinox, 50,000-year epoch, and 26,000-year precession awaiting, our re-awakening, that time is now

Each year the Sun travels into particular constellations during the summer and winter solstices and during the spring and autumn equinoxes

These constellations change over periods of thousands of years due to the precession of the equinoxes, this in turn is caused by a slow wobble of the Earth’s axis that takes 26,000 years for a complete cycle, as a result every 2000 years or so, the Sun moves by one zodiac constellation at the time of each equinox and solstice

These results were most upsetting to people with religious beliefs as the proposed times for the Denderah [Zodiac] were not in accordance with the Biblical time scale, meaning one of these is wrong, either the cycle for the Denderah [Zodiac] or the Bible, it’s the Bible

Now with better understanding, Scientists now know that planets that are also shown on the Denderah [Zodiac] and their position in relation to constellations, have significance as do two eclipses, one of the Sun and one of the Moon that are included, based on the planet positions and the eclipses

The Ulmec [Mayan] (Olmec) astronomy also share the same clock, calendar, compass+ the Denderah [Zodiac] existed thousands of years before 6ether Greeks even existed, it was discovered above on the ceiling in the Hetu [temple] of Hathor [Atheer] and means “the Dwelling or house of Haru [Heru]” (Horus) Hathor is Greek name, found in Tama-re, which translates Land of Sun, the calendar is the 12 Denderah [Zodiacal] energy houses

Occupying a distance of 30 degrees along the circle, 30degrees  x  12 houses is 360 degrees, each is a unique star constellation in conjunction with its divine emotional intelligence, 2012 was a changing point in both calendar systems,  Denderah directly shows knowledge of the full 26,000 year cycle of astronomical timing (precession), including the start-point or Zer0 hour of the full cycle, precision is not possible without knowledge of the direction to the galactic centre, the precession alignment with the centre

The main images show the constellations of the Dendera [Zodiac] – the band of stars in front of which the Sun passes during the year – with the illustrations we were able to copy into western drawings of the constellations and sum times ours differ, like the Orion constellation, real name SA.HU [SAH] it’s not an archer, its Osirus, his holographic projection

We are looking at a representation of the SKA as on a planisphere, at a particular date, and set out to calculate that date

The 24,000 years is one of the cycles, the cycle of ignorance, where we have been taught (subliminally) to ignore that which would have benefited us (you) our kind, Mankind+

There was a genetic coding set to go off as we become awake; sum might say [spell] is lifted, that is happening now

The higher beings time does not have a [then] only a [now], whereas each individual is at the point of [now] and looks back at multiple [thens] and looks forward to multiple [thens] thus, on both sides of the present, you find past and future

Then is then to come or then that has past, in each case, there is a now, an ever existing now and a time for your reawakening is now

If I explain by telling of the beginning, that is, before the physical Ginn/Jinn be-Ginn-ing

Hu-Mins [creative fertility] since our very growth as creation in life, have always pondered over the creation of the skies and the planet Earth, Tanen [Gi], they have wondered, who the original creator or creators who caused this wondrous creation through pro-creation on sexual relation, resulting in pregnancy

The word pregnant is the Middle English, from Old French, from Latin praegnans, praegnant-, variant of praegnas, from gene-, Also gen-, meaning [to give birth, beget] so as you can see, it [spells] pre-gnant, pre means [before] and gen [birth]

So, we are talking about the manipulation of the genes before the actual birth, even the Bible uses the word Genesis, and you see genes and ISIS right in it

Gene-ISIS [Aset]

This was not the beginning, or the first birth of a human being on the planet, it’s all symbolic, Amsu [Min] was the god of fertility and semen, sperm, yet others who would deny that the universe began with the Source, Huhi [Hu, Huwa] the eternal breath, the wind or air that proceeds outward from the being as the breath

They’d rather accept the idea that the sun, planets stars, which are all the same, and galaxies came about by the accidental collision of atoms [Atum]

The Creation of the universe could not have been an accident; for one reason and that is, that there is MA.AT [order] within the Nun [Chaos] there is continuous and consistent [Order] in the universe, even the apparent mistakes and deformities are part of the system

It is impossible for a chain of events to have occurred by accident the same way each time, year in and year out many thousands of years

In this case, accidents would still be the rule in our universe and they are not, they are also a part of the system of things

Like everything else, life began with one thing in mind, [to be] and with this thought a thing became, and impregnation existed, by the will of Huhi as Hu (the creative force of will) who gave rule of this side of the universe to Re [Ra] making him the highest order of Sem (Semen) SEMU
Cells and Atoms, which we are one of, split into many things by Re’s (Ra) command, and such is the rule of life and energy, Khnum, the clay fashioner, the flesh of mortal

As the wheel [360o] of life turns in the womb of the mother, and the breath of life enters them, as the disc of Denderah spins in the universe for each person’s appointed time for birth

Maat translates justice, Chaos, Order, Balance, that which is Straight- she is the granddaughter of Ra,
Nun [Nu] translates the deep, abyss - Universe (Uni-together, verse-against)
Khnum translates to mould build- the moulder
Denderah translates House of Zodiac Hathor is Durga in INDA and also has the same constellations on the ceiling 

Planisphere [Plan] Plane [one plane] Aeroplane [Zer0plane]
Plan.NET PlanE.T [Plans of the Extra Terrestrial]

[Virgo] September [Mason] Ma’Sem [Mother + Sun] Ma’other energy [strengthening] order, compassion [Virgin] Oil 

SA.HU [SAH] Orion
Archer [Osiris] Asaru [hologram] projection [portal gate]
Sirius [Osiris] 



The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU [Neb Heru], and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

All praises to Sue Ewing 

All rainbows are spheres [360] 

Humming [Omming] outside 
Earthquakes are hitting 

Red and WAJI are streaming from the poles 

SHAM [Craft] middle image, top image, what is that coming from the left to right and what is that on the left, we have planetary alignment 


Is that a planet or craft

Whatever is coming from the right is big 

Slavery [hurricane] season has started - systems are slamming places around the world
NYC could well be slammed real hard in the next few days along with those on the projected Ptah

Modern day Syria/Turkey 
Looks like 9 or 12 towers 
Acoustic insulated towers+
Transit between worlds [abodes] 

Tamil Nadu
Earthquake or destruction by design
Architecture before the Mughal [Mongol] Mongul   

Carmine Castle
Naples, Italy [Cartage] Etruscan
The castle was demolished in 1906 to make room for a road
Only the two towers remain

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