Wednesday, 28 September 2022

Level Up


Physical [spiritual] wound, Latin, from Greek trauma > a wound, a hurt; a defeat
Sense of "psychic wound, unpleasant experience which causes abnormal stress"
Psy means [soul] and Chi is a type of energy [life force] trauma affects the soul [BAA] and spirit [KAA]

There are spiritual wounds and physical wounds 
wounds you see and wounds that you cannot see 

During KAA [spiritual] ascension you may feel like you are going offline [crazy], your thoughts are constant, your in and out of dimensions  

Do not engage with others who have had the Jabba the Hutt, cut the conversation, flu and Jabba the Hutt share the same symptoms as ascension, temperature rising is Kundalini [Serpentine] rising 

The only reference point for many about ascension is the Biblical story of Jesus [Heru] rising up after [3] days – many think of this has a physical act, of actually going up

What spiritual ascension is, is the raising of your vibration which had been fixed for many, many centuries, millenniums, this fixed position was set at 7.89hz which is now over, we have [3] tones hitting this planet and you, that are way higher than 7.89hz, this frequency of 7.89hz was for the others to exist on this planet, in this soular system, other factors in their 3D world like, money, class, religion, music, politics+ have also kept us under this ceiling

From a Cosmic stand, this planet is going through a certain part of the soular system, everyone was going through the trappist system, this particular part that was are going through is higher than the 3D dimension and so anything that is from the 3D will not be able to transit into this higher vibration

The planet has never been here before but all indigenous groups have known about what is happening or is to take place

The Photon-Belt is allowing the planet to receive light frequencies, more than we have ever had before or experienced, it is these light codes, frequencies that is activating this planet and you, the light carrier, the light worker – it is an external source that is changing us all, light codes are coming in and are being picked up [received] last 2 days I have been wide awake, adjusting – these codes are coming through our skin [9ether] and through our AURA fields and is creating the awakening files which is activation

Everyone now knows there is a process taking place, that we are going through sum thing, even if they can't put their finger on it 

It is the physical body that is taking the brunt, the body is being upgraded and this causes affects, the physical body is called KHA [Khat] and your spiritual body is called KAA, the 9ether also has BAA [soul], Khaybet [plasma], Akh [etheric] and Sekhem [spark of life] it is the light that is powering the body, not the other way around

Your heart- centre is being affected, your physical heart is called HATI and your spiritual heart is called AB and are being vibrated, so to are all of your organs – the brain [muscle] is being affected, the Chakra [tree of life] is also being upgraded, everything is being affected and for those who do not have any of these functions means that they will go offline, they will be glitching

Most people are going through this awakening [activation] process because of trauma that they have experienced – this ascension is in waves, gradually, everyone has different entry points – sum people are going through major things in their life, if your heart gets broken this was done on purpose, this is only a temporary set-back and was done for you to open the heart Chakra – not to the person who broke your heart but for you, what you have in your heart gets to pour out, it may not actually be good for you what you have in your heart, once your heart leaks this then allows you to take in more of what you really need into your heart – to have your heart broken is not an expression, it is a very real process, next house sign is Libra [scales] weighting of the heart [MAAT]

It is very few people who just walk into ascension, the rest of us have traumatic experiences that trigger – that have to take place – sum dwell and think why me, why did that have to happen – this is so painful, why, the answer is it had to happen, it had to happen this way, that particular way+ these are part of the processing

You are being made to access that other self [cell] that you cannot access without feelings and emotions, your other [2] senses that they leave out – sum times we have to go through very deep stimulations for example through pain to truly inner-stand, so that you over-stand deeply – designed so that you bypass the material, physical world and enter the spiritual world – the material world is surface level only, – sum times you have to have a trauma stimulation that makes you feel [practical] rather than watching from a distance [theory], this enables you to feel other parts of you that are there that sum times are missing in action – there are things that people have done to one another that they are regretting, wishing they hadn’t done certain things, this requires feelings and emotions, empathy – EMPathy [emPtahy] Ptah – a Ptah [Path] that you have to walk down and experience, this is why you are down here – the 3D makes you look outside of yourself [your cells]

Mental breakdowns are at an all time high, many will be awakening through this process as well – these mental breakdowns many not be triggered by a trauma but just in general, that they have realised sum one has been lying to them, that what they have been told has truth is not actually true, this makes them feel uneasy, uncomfortable, everyone thinks, many people just don’t talk about certain things but everyone thinks they just might not say it, we have all been given the same amount of codes, frequencies, data, light, information, knowledge, energy, its what you do with it – mental breakdowns are actually an opportunity for the user to rise with it or stay flatlined   

Pain is part of this process and I know this makes many uncomfortable- but that is to the average person, you are different

In all my time down here, I have come to a self-realisation, that awakening comes from suffering, from pain, chaos, through trauma, through the breaking and healing [heal][heel][feel] through the repair process – you must heal and file away, sum of you have much trauma on the way and in that moment will be a lesson plan, despite the pain you will have to absorb for a bit until you renew the feelings and emotions associated with whatever trauma [stimulation program] you go through

Its all part of the process there is no escaping this, watch yourself and check yourself, don’t engage with those who are going through trauma, through karma, you have to protect your own light or you will fail

Sum are going to die in the cocoon state 


Pyramid of Prince Albert
Balmoral Manor
(Memorial cairn for Prince Albert, Balmoral Estate, Scotland, 1864)

The huge four-sided structure was made of granite and even though the inscription on the pyramid reads: In memory of Albert the Great, Prince Consort, from his grief-stricken widow of Victoria dated 21 August 1862, which does not add up, she didn’t build these MIR(s) MER [MAR]
These MIR(s) where already here when the estate was purchased by Prince Albert

Eleven stone MIR(s) [pyramids] and one MIR making [12] are among the trees in the forest surrounding Balmoral Castle
The memory of members of the British royal family and events from their lives like the weddings of the children of Victoria, Princess Victoria (with Frederick, Crown Prince of Prussia in 1858), Prince Albert Edward, Princess Alice, at Princess Elena, Princess Louise, Prince Arthur, Prince Leopold and Princess Beatrice
The largest stone pyramid was reportedly erected by Victoria in memory of her wife Prince Alberta after her death in 1861
The pyramid of Ballockbuye stones marks the purchase of the Ballockbuye Forest in 1878
The pyramid in honour of John Brown was erected by Victoria after Brown's death, which was later destroyed at the behest of Edward VII, who disliked Brown
Two stone pyramids were built in honour of the Diamond Jubilee of Elizabeth II in 2012, 60 stones, one for each year of Elizabeth's rule, were laid in Ballater village, with the headstone being mined at a local quarry at Inver
The second pyramid of stones was erected at Balmoral Manor and opened by the queen on August 8, 2012

So, none of these pyramids are even close to that first pyramid, with perfect laying, and more like a pile of stones, but designed stones, so why did the royal family fail to replicate the pyramid they allegedly built in 1862 and did they even build it or the eleven others, we know the Whitehouse is built over a MIR, that they have used sum of the MIR(s) around the planet, these pyramids where already there

Scota [Scottie]

This is where Scottie and Scota [Scotia] came from – there was one Melanin siStar and one Albino siStar


North Africa [Alkebulan]
Algeria founded in 1962
Tunisia founded in 1956

Top [3] images is the Berber symbol and is also the symbol of SAHU [Orion] and plasma [power] symbol 

[Al] geria [Ghibbore] Gibbore are renowned men of knowledge also called Jabbarians from where the word Jabbar [Al Jabbar] which is Algebra comes, the great alchemist

Timgad, a city in North Africa located in modern-day Algeria, destroyed, looted over many centuries, it is the French who took hold of the site in 1881

The Romans come into Africa from the North, Algeria, Tunisia were not even on the map during this time, it is Morocco with its universities, places of higher learning, North Africa had the Berber [Barbar] Barbarians [Tartarians]

Tamazgha [language]

Tamazgha [Tama-zgha] Amazigh [Amazon] Mazagh
Ta-mazagh = Amazigh; the true etymology of the word Amazon = Amazonian, the word used to name the Aztlan [South American] rain forest and the Indigo [blue-beings] people formally known as Negro [Naga] de Terra

Why does North Africa and South America have the same name [Tamazagh] 

Look at these images of the city Timgad, systematic destruction, what type of weaponry was used to take out the city, noses busted meaning they are 9ethers and sum are wombmen 


[Murakush Society is in [Prussia] Russia [Tartary] Serbia]  

George Maria
One of the Moors of the Imperial court, with his Russian wife and children

Peter the Great with Abraham Hannibal

Where  did everybody go when the mud flood came in and who came in afterwards  

In the Russian Empire, 9ether Arabs [Moors] were neither enslaved nor suffered discrimination, for they were adorned by those who came in
Furthermore, the attire of the Moors of the Imperial Court was the most sumptuous of all the court uniforms under the tsars, in the 17th century, Moors of the court were educated and provided an era of mystery to others

Tatarstan [tsars]  

Alexei Mikhailovich’s son, Peter the Great, who gave the Moors, as well as people of other nationalities, a very real opportunity to advance in Russia, the Moors were still regarded as important figures in a new Russia
Its important to note that things are rapidly changing and there are Moors from different backgrounds, all competing, many were being separated

By the mid-18th century, there were already quite a few Moors people with positions at the court
Under Catherine II, when the number of Moors appointed to the court reached two dozen, a special court position was instituted: ‘Moor of the Imperial Court’
At first, holders of this position were referred to as Araps, but in the 19th century it became customary to use the spelling “Arabs”

'The Morning of the Streltsy Execution,' 1881, by Vasiliy Surikov (1848-1916)

In Vasily Surikov’s painting The Morning of the Streltsy Execution, behind young Tsar Peter there is a carriage upholstered in red velvet and, inside it, a female face is visible: One of the royal women has come with Peter to see the execution
And on the running boards of the carriage are two important Moors in turbans with blue feathers [turbans and blue feathers]
Could one of them be Abram Gannibal (1696(?) – 1781), best-known as the great-grandfather of the great Alexander Pushkin [???] who set up Russia [Prussia][Pushkin] is Gannibal not Hannibal the grandson of Hanninal [???]

Whether Gannibal was brought by Peter from Europe in 1698, or given to him as a gift in 1705, he was never a member of the retinue of the tsarevnas (Russian princesses)

That means the Moors were already a part of tradition at the end of the 17th century, and the names of Tsar Peter’s first Moors court members when he was young and lived in Moscow are mentioned by historian Ivan Zabelinm, they were Tomos, Sek and Abram, unfortunately, this is all we know about them
“He was as black as night” [top main image]

Moors were all over Europe and into what is called Russia, they are part of all the wars and the religion war the Crusades, in Russia they were residing in the apartments of Sister Martha, mother of first Romanov Tsar Mikhail Fyodorovich (Michael of Russia)
They still had Moor Tsars royalty

'Portrait of Ivan Hannibal, Abram Hannibal's son' by Dmitry Levitsky

Abram Gannibal before 1714, he was mentioned alongside court members, but soon afterwards, Tsar Peter entrusedt Abram with various tasks and then sent him to study engineering in France
In later years, Gannibal taught Russians mathematics and engineering, and under Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, he was put in charge of all engineering in Russia

Without a doubt, Gannibal was an outstanding individual – by the end of his life, he had become a general and the father of a large family (above, you can see a portrait of his son Ivan), and he was the first person in Russia to start growing potatoes on his estate

Anna Ioannovna with a Moor bronze statue, 1741, by Carlo Bartolomeo Rastrelli

[1] of [7] siStars 
Atheer [Athea] Athens [Athyr] Hathor [Thor] 

In 1539, the Indigenous people of Florida made first contact with Europeans after meeting the Hernando de Soto expedition
The Floridian peoples were the first Indigenous people of North America to meet white and black people
Little did the Natives know that the Spanish would either capture and send them down south to become cogs in the Spanish feudal machinery, or would eradicate them

If the Natives suffered neither of these tragic fates then they were taken into the Spanish mission system, intended to convert the Natives into Catholicism, thus eradicating their previous identity as 'savages' and making them easier to control, as well as to protect the Spanish colonial claims against the colonial powers of England and France
What ended up happening to the large majority of Floridian tribes is that they died from a lack of immunity to infectious diseases brought by the Spanish, such as smallpox and measles, or were attacked by British colonizers and their Native allies
This led to a mass exodus of Natives out of Florida and towards the Spanish colonies west of Florida, or down into Cuba

Pictured above is the mother of Shirt-tail Charlie, Seminole Indian of the Florida Everglades

The tribus [tribes[ of Florida are not what we call Moors or Nubians, they are different, they are Koppa tone people 

There were 9ethers already in Atlantis [USA] and Aztlan [South America] before the Europeans and Moors got there 

IAN is at the doormat, fuelled by ancient energies, the route is the slavery route, where it began and where it ended, the energy is pissed - everything in it Ptah must be destroyed, good luck with that one

The SKA over Florida awaiting IAN 

Fort Myers [Florida] 18ft
Cuba also got hit 

This wheel type structure has been over Cuba for months but not switched on, however its on now and seems to have powered up IAN, who is doing what out here

I thought the wheel was a craft, is it HAARP or is it a craft
The brown colour is chemicals from planes which adds electricity 
You can see IAN - bottom arrow is the WHEEL or Craft 


The adult was born a man and still has a dick and he is reptilian 

Nope, I see a horse of sum sort- me centred brain 


The sun is triggering, NASA adding all this haze to the portal 

Check out the sphere [AURA] around the sun and those clouds are heavy, like solid, craft solid 

Crafts on duty [USA] 


NASA say they hit the asteroid [satellite] [YAWN OUT LOUD] either sum thing hit or that was a pulse that came from the satellite, NASA still can't launch their rocket after months 
Plus we had a break in the dome [EMF] and energies hit the planet along with soular strikes, X-rays hit the ground and you - China and Russia are both in USA waters, what are they doing  

The DOME cracked wide open and BOOMBABY

Double bubble 


Over 24hrs 
read all data in energies 

Sink-hole, what is down there, where is the water - is that a crack

You do not have birds intestines 

The chemicals seem attached to sum thing - structure or face or both 


Humming [Omming] 

Greece lighting 

This is in modern day Syria, but before this place was part of Susa [Sumerian] this theater was built around the Trajan reign, Trajan is another word for Trojan [Troy] which are later names for Etruscan

When the Romans and Greeks and Muslims arrive on the scene they take over these existing places and convert, alter+ them and claim them has they own  

Bosra became the capital of the new Roman province of Arabia Pétrea
The theater was built outside the city walls because it was already there before the Romans built their capital, they had no choice and it was integrated into the city's road network by means of a colonnaded street

In the Middle Ages, a Muslim fortress was built around the theater, which explains the excellent state of preservation of the latter; however, the colonnaded street, along with other structures near the theater, were destroyed when the fortress was built by the Muslims

The theater is an ear with an inner ear, acoustic arenas, this particular sound box presents an unusual characteristic in that it was not built on a natural slope, a supporting hill, but on a completely flat terrain, 2 door entry system and the design yet distinctive, was also built out of local basalt rock and the dark coloring of the structure is rare outside this part of Syria

Its structure was divided into three horizontal sections: the first (ima cavea) had thirteen rows of seats; the middle section (media cavea) had sixteen rows of seats; the last section (summa cavea) only had six rows of seats = [35] pus the main seat [1] making 36 [9]

By the early 20th century, most of the interior of the theater had been filled with sand, which acted as a natural preservative

The theater was restored between 1947 and 1970
The main restoration work was carried out in the stage area and the upper rows of seats

Check out the colours that are still remaining, these are giants, part of the ANNUNAKI [these beings] 
Last image, fully grown horse against these beings
The Persians are a mixed delegation in Iran [Eridu] from Ethiopia [Abyssinia] there are 144 different tribus, Ethiopia is the NTH gate and is all of North Africa right the way into Nigeria and down in Sudan, not that small part you see by the horn of Africa 

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