Sunday, 10 July 2022




The sun [conscious- dark-energy-sun] is Septet [SIBTU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] 

Set [Sirius] DNA upgrade connection 

We are in the mix, photon energy field [belt] this connection is more powerful and will allow the user to go higher, this is a superior connection field 

Nature follows the Ptah of least resistance, follow nature and your Ptah will be easy, but, sum of the training that we have had has us working against nature 

The system is set up so that you have many things in your way and this was all done for this very moment that we all find ourselves in - all things in y-our way are things that we created - this is not new, we are part of arc bigger program, energy arcs through the universe, an arc is a portion of a spiral 

Energy is moving through spirals on spiral waves [the word spiral comes from the word spirit] electromagnetically, there are different types of energies

We are moving, the planet is moving, the sun is moving and we are moving through this fluidic space aka dark matter

 Light >> black-light >> light rays beyond the visible spectrum [1927], from black + light 

Dark carries information
Light carries a different type of information 

The sun [Solaris] send us electricity, waves, currents, that we process and turn into life force [Chi] aka you turn light into energy [Photosynthesis] aka the Melanin coverts and gives you Vitamin D
 [Hormone D] and KAA energy that animates this space that you are in 

The sun is spiralling around Sirius - we are in a different dimension 
Sirius is this sun [Solaris] mother 

Old pictures show a large sun and a smaller sun, the smaller sun is Sirius [only because its so far away] but is actually bigger than Solaris

The sun is giving us their [3] cosmic waves but it is Sirius that is fuelling the sun aka the suns source energy is coming from Sirius, the sun is spiralling around Sirius and so is this planet - this is an orchestra of sone, frequencies, tones, vibration, acoustics, arcs of sone waves [Om] 

Your nervous system are spirals, you are crystalline beings- which this is how they know when sum one dies in a fire they can tell what race you were by the way your blood crystalizes from the heat- little pyramids are in you even if ashes are all that was left of you- when 9ether blood crystallises it goes pyramids

The source fuel is encoding your DNA AKA Chromosomes, Chromo means light and somes means bodies so its light bodies, so you are picking information [data] from the environment

You had been told that your DNA determines your life, that it runs in the family, but your Chromosomes are picking up, streaming from the light [data] from the environment that is coming from source, so no- this is not true, the light from the sun and the stars is programing your Chromosomes based on your life 

The genes are genies [the magic carpet is your genes, look carefully, the waves of the carpet is the double helix] 90% of your DNA is unused because of what light is [was] hitting your body, the environment and what you were/are eating that you turn into light - everything on the Periodic table is measured is light waves in frequencies, what you are saying, thinking is all turning into light, you are telling the genies on the magic carpet [car][pet] your KAA rides the Car [vessel] body not the BAA - the genie when your rub the bottle [body] the top comes off and a mystical vapor comes out [crown] and says what is your desire, not wish, for those that wish stay in a state of wishing, desire points to a goal - your thoughts, food+ is creating what you want without you speaking - desires and intentions

If the food that you are eating is for giving life then this is in your AURA and means you like living
the opposite is that your genes [genies] are giving you more of what you you don't want by your ways and actions, you are limiting the gene activations by what you desire the most of 

You are creating more and more of the same you, nothing nu because of what you are thinking about, dwelling on, holding onto - things that run in the family type things, repetitions  

You are the captain of the ship and you need to have the right mindSet - play your rhythm and not sum one else's

Between the 3rd and the 9th of July [Starfish Prime] EVERY year - Sirius and the Sun [Solaris] and this planet and the inner sun [soular plexus] are in prefect alignment- this is EVERY years 

Your BAA is connected to the Sun

Sirius is superimposing the sun and right now CME(s) are letting off, think around the 3rd and right now, CME is soular flares for soular beings, its a charge for souls - for the planet [soular plexus] 

That is the sun combined with Sirius energies hitting the planet every-year and this has been changing everything down here, a shift that is going to your bundle of nerves in your body aka soular plexus

During this time Sirius sits on top of the Washington monument  
Sirius pulsates Red, Green and Blue, and when you connect with Sirius- totally its  Red, White and Blue  - the friendly bacteria in your gut also recharge during this period      

The sun is high in the Northern hemisphere and that is pure light, high frequencies 
Work on you and shift your energy 

When your symPtahetic nervous system is working correctly it will filter and cause you to focus on your goal, for a while now many of you want an end result, think of the last decade and the last 3 years and during June into July now, you must keep your mind clear of things you don't need, don't tell the crew on your ship and your friendly bacteria wtf is going on out here that doesn't really  conCern you, don't talk [sphere] with others because the cells are listening, these codes have charged us and have made us more sensitive to light [data] 

Break repetitions 

The Matrix is trying to survive and is using the Laws of MAAT, all you have to do is remember your goals - then you will become gold [goal] minded, the golden mean, spiraling  >> you get it 

 It is not a Lion, its a Reptilian, the paws are not paws but are claws, there is also a pool area [Nomos] aka Nagas [amphibians] need to be near water and there is a pyramid on the left in the background - take a helicopter ride and you will see




BUDDHA [BUTHU] and its parent NAGA and HINDU-KUSH  


Abyssinia [Ethiopia] has a intimate relationship with INDIA for HINDU KUSH [CUSH] KUWSH [CUWSH] CUSHITES – the Ethiopians were called the Nagas

Sanskrit came from the Nagas and is written by [MA.AT] in Tamil Nadu

The Nagas are Sea Men [MERMAID] MER.MAN [MIR MAN] 

KAUR means Lioness
SINGH means Lion [??]

Trimurti [Trinity] Tridev

FEMININE principles are 


MASCULINE principles are 


+there is too many to list has they have multiple avatars


The rite way
Twin energies good and bad [negative] and [positive]
Teachings, teachers 
Merging ABANTU [UBUNTU] Buddha philosophy -stages of completeness 

No one in KHMT [Egypt] or INDIA [Naga] or Aztlan worshiped these [Gods] or animal headed beings, these [Gods] are principle [Gods], we learn from them - when you see animal headed beings, its just a Superman, Spiderman, Batman+ avatar [suit]
[costume- even the word costume has the word cosmos in it]

Planet, Plant, Animal, the HuMins [HuMans] are an addition, a compliment to the Planet and her kingdoms, we observed nature through these kingdoms, we watched, nature teaches us

See this guy from Aztlan, he is wearing a Crocodile removable helmet, who is the Crocodile, it is Sobek - what do you know about Sobek - his name translates - he who reunites, to make pregnant 
what do you know about the word Messeh [Mes-seh] Messiah which translates to anoint, using the fat of a Crocodile from whence the word Messiah comes

Sobek [Crocodile] is 1.5million years old, did you know the Crocodile used to walk upright until they were casted down like the Snake, Komodo Dragon

The Crocodile hisses just like a Kat and a Snake and all have slit eyes - because they are all cousins

The helmet also looks like an Etruscan [Roma] [Rama] design 

We do not worship them - we have an energy with them, we have a relationship with them, sum of them are you right now   

Look at the heart- there is a story about SHIVA getting killed and the heart didn't burn, the heart and eye are the same- truth is they killed the clone or A.I that heart was metal for a machine- look at the heart 


Kankala-murti translates one with the skeleton, also known as Kankala [skeleton] or Kankala-Bhairava, and is a form of Shiva, Kankala is often associated with a fearsome aspect of Shiva
Shiva the dreadlock Rasta, is also Asaru [Osiris] amongst many others, he is also Baba [Papa] Legba – who is overlord of the underworld, so is Osiris, his name translates He who is seen, and also The eye
This avatar Kankala reminds me of the connection to Baba Legba

These fasting, emaciated Buddha [Buntu] don’t make sense, who would do such things to the body when the body is thy temple, these Buddha have everything to do with the afterlife, back then the subjects would have no fear of death because they would be enlightened- they would know about the afterlife, Kankala is more like a representation of Baba [Baba or Ab means father] Legba

Odisha [Orissa] Orisha 
ORISHA lands 

Every picture tells a story 

Atl-antis [USA]
When the European Americans got there, everything became a Fort, they were never forts to start off with, Fort Monroe, Hampton, Virginia

Lady of Baza [Barca] [Barcelona] 

Limestone sculpture (really a cinerary urn)
[Granada] Madrid [Spain] 

Lady Baza is Barcelona [Lona] [Lonia] 
Babylonia [Sumerian] 

Bronze head of a caduceus staff with two serpent

[3] headed giant and the Peacock room in Sammezzano Castle - Tuscany, Italy
Tuscan [Etruscan] 

[Etruscan] 9ether Greek helmet 

Red is inside the field 


We have seen the Canadian Schumann take a heavy hit - Canada is furthest North - crown of the planet, internet is down in Canada
They have to trip the grid or it will fry 

EMP Geo storm [Starfish Prime] from man in 1962 = [9] they nuked sumwhere in space 60 years ago, that energy is here right now 

Outside is humming [Om] 

CERN is not cutting in- just retune, reset and recharge, why would they tell you about their moves, they hate you 


Portugal and Spain 

Pole-land [Pol-ska] 
Huge plasma strike, loads of voltages in there 

Draco HQ 

A 16th century plague doctor's mask
The plague started 512 [400] years ago or at least when they shut down Isis [Aset] Hetu [temple]
The plague never left us

Melanin [KAANU] Ether
He is absorbing radiation which is energies to his kind 

The English pound looks like gold, the African coin is made from gold

They took out the Japanese double PM in the street so that all the rest of them in Japan know what time it is, after ww2, the Japanese surrendered to the USA and also surrendered their sovereignty, this allowed the USA to have 50,000 soldiers based in Japan which also pissed the Chinese off 
The Japanese also manufacture technology goods for the USA, weaponized A.I robots, cyborgs+
Japan also fu9ked us all with Fukushima [Fuck u Shiva] the real PM knew exactly what he was doing, that was the double or clone that was taken out, the real PM is sum where else and will be dealt with for allowing Fukushima to take place
Japan has been shrinking in the last decade, they had a beautiful reef that would match Australia's reef 

Incoming heard over California, Argentina and New Zealand

Australia – the vegetation is wiped out

BENNU [BENBEN] is disconnected- built on old rusty energies 

Jurassic Park is real
They have already cloned a Mammoth that was 28,000 years old

The Dingo is ancient and is 100% Dingo ancestry, they are an Apex predator
When the European Australians go there, they began culling animals and is how we lost the Tasmanian Tiger [Thylacine] who would protect the wombmen at Uluru rock 

The triumph of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, [Nike] hovers above his head
In ancient Rome, after a victorious battle, the triumph, was celebrated in the city
It was a ceremonial procession granted to victorious generals who drove in a chariot drawn by four horses, they would ride through the streets to the temple of Jupiter [Zeus] on the Capitoline Hill, to offer sacrifice in the temple, really sacrifice  
When they reached the foot of the Capitoline, sum of the leading captives would be taken off for execution, when gladiators battled, whoever won [Nike] would come down and lay a wreath for the victorious – I wonder how many young people have died wearing Nike energy

Just don't do it  

Emperor who ??
His head was craved as part of the Constantine Arch original design and they say he was damaged by age and weathering- what just his head alone was caused by weathering and age, look at the rest of the design, why would they remove his head 

9ether Greek wine-vessel found in Celtic grave [dug up] in northern Burgundy, France
Made of bronze and is the largest known metal vessel from Western classical antiquity

Now the guy is about 5.5 in height
Think of these vessels has shots 

Ivory plaque of a Kat holding a 9ether by the throat- not sure what type of Kat that is, the 3rd eye is very pronounced  

Place of origin: Iraq [Eridu] Nimrud: North West Palace
Medium: Ivory, gold, cornelian, lapis lazuli

On top of the plaque are two square mortise holes and an incised letter [A] Aleph [Alpha], while on the base are two rectangular holes and another incised Aleph [Alpha]

There is more to just this plaque

What is that planet coming in from the right - cube on the left 

Craft nation 

Kiss me quick 
Couple- he even looks like he is wearing sunglasses- he is 
There is another child or girl with them by the father or guy with sun glasses 

Cell phone- real in the field, you KNOW what you just saw 
The baby- they need to move out 


Powerful jet probably 1/5th of the lower channel is obscured by clouds; it is still a huge structure- about the size of a tower in a city
It is a cloud to ionosphere lightning bolt [volt], so imagine a large channel of lightning behind the clouds in this shot- pointing upwards though at a slight angle
The bolt gathers enough charge from the clouds that the supercharged streamer tips accelerate incredibly quickly up towards the ionosphere and in a matter of milliseconds, a 65-mile-tall modified streamer tip exists as a pathway of excited nitrogen
Behind the cloud, the lower channel would glow purple and would likely show a twisted rope-type structure
No one knows how the beads form as they do, though sum incredibly complex physics is suggested in slow motion captures
The beads are actually connected by dimmer diffuse channels, with the beaded areas glowing for a longer duration and thus appearing brighter
These beads are often seen in regular red sprites, but a massive complex as seen here seems to be characteristic of gigantic jets
Sprites are spirits, space is a deep ocean and what we find in the deep ocean we find in space 



8000-year-old rock engravings depicting fighting felines, giraffes, an elephant and a rhinoceros Located at prehistoric Libya, back when the Sahara was green, pocked with lakes, rivers, grasslands and even forests and a whole city - the sand in the Sahara comes from a huge tree that was sawn down
sand is silicone 

Tree from the root word Deru- in Sanskrit it is Dru and in Welsh its [Drud] 

They were all cut down on purpose- Avatar was on this planet and has happened already 

6ether Europeans claim that they built all of these structures around the world, look a this image of the Europeans in Iran- ok then, using primitive ways 

Iran today sits in Eridu, here we see dreadlock, afro, curly haired giants in a place called Persia [Parsa]
the Persians are Ethiopians, Cuneiform is old Persian text 
Old images do not lie   

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Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...