Sunday, 17 July 2022

Crude Ether

Amber light [Lucifer] light bringers [water bearers] 

What is playing out in the 3D world is so that empires can crash in real time, the United States Corporation just went bankrupt and what we are seeing right now are their assets being taken to pay off the debt, this is how it goes in the USA, the 80 year old PM began selling the USA(s) reserves oil to India and Russia+ this oil would have allowed the US people to have low prices for oil [petrol] and be able to keep prices down around winter time, the 80 year old had no choice really, you remember the US sent in mercenaries into Venezuela and they got caught and also they sent a drone in and it was shot down, they did however have success with killing Hugo in 2013, this was always about oil – Venezuela and the USA have a lover’s tiff; the USA is not called the United States Corporation anymore [Washington is HQ and owned by the UK] they are now called the White House Incorporated

Trump is getting ready to pave the way for sum one else and if all else fails he will step up, you can see what he is trying to do, remember he represents a different kind of family out here, he has his own money and doesn’t have a military or political background and is to why they don’t like him [Jesuits] Julian Assange, Boris Johnson and Trump are all related – his wife’s death will mean donations

Once there is the crash the system will be rebooted – the entire structure rebooted – there is a real leader being prepared from across the sea- but in the meantime the USA and the rest of the 3D world have to prepare for the economy collapsing in mainstream and the rebooting of the economy, which is under duress, there is the quantum financial system and there is the reset, the deep state – dealing in Davos [SS-witzerland] the quantum financial system are also called the [White] Knights

None of this will be possible because this all hinges on whether the 9ethers buy into their system or not, there are a lot of [black] owned this and that, business opening in a system that is crashing – with or without the 6ethers or 9ethers this house of cards is crashing, it has to

If they can prevent a number of 9ethers from assuming their mantle, then they have a chance  

Using the $ is not the coin of the realm- if you have money in the bank you need to take it out

There will be a blackout in power, its coming, this blackout, trip out will affect all electrical appliances and this includes the internet, the banking systems, who knows how long it will take to reboot, but in the meantime, you will need to survive, while physical money still hold values for many, use it wisely for things that you need and not for things that you want

We are keeping an eye on the UK and the USA because the powerhouse [engine] of the USA is Washington which not a state of the USA and is run by the UK will be crashing  

The illusion is all these themes out here with owning business and this is for you to keep the system going, consumer confidence are just fancy words for - are they buying into it, do they seem confident, it is you that gives the financial system value by adding your energy into it aka you confidence aka consumer confidence 

The A.I machinery is pulling us all into its system, 5g rolled out in January 2022 – it is the internet that holds the new value, for those who have gone off grid have a way out of the machine – which is temporary- for water, land, supplies are running out- the grid has to go down, power will start to be reduced because the [3] tones coming in are way to powerful

Its is happening on different levels, the Vatican have explosions and all they are doing is destroying records – not just paper documents [bank records] but also bodies, they are burning bodies, they have thousands+ of skeletons from child sacrifices to those assaulted and those made to keep quiet over the many, many years, there will be many arrests for Cardinals, the Pope [he already gone- it will be the clone] and members of the Jesuits – many have already gone down like the Pope, the Queen of England+ and it is the clones that are out here doing the rounds  

 One of the Rosicrucian’s erected the Georgia Guide stones – it was a guide to the New World Order [NWO] which is now operational so there is no need for the stones, they thought they were going out in 2000 – they said 500million, that is what is taking place now and will probably spill over into the next cycle

There is much confusion and chaos getting ready to be unleashed, many have already experienced this, this experience is impending for many others 

The foundation of the word Lucifer is light [Lu-cell-fer] Luminescent-cell-fer] the bringer of light, what is Lucifer, not what is Lucifer – the bringer of the dawn – right now we can all see that bright morning star – that is Lucifer in the SKA right before Re crosses the SKA – Jesus said that is he was the morning star – the Lucifer is within you – Lucifer is the lamp of [God] that is lit aka your Pineal Gland – that is what Lucifer is

When in meditation aka connected to source you may experience many settings, remember you have been here for a long time, many lives, you have spoken many languages, been to many places and seen many faces – its all encoded within you DNA- your sub-mind [subconscious] knows everything and knows where to find files from the archive, remember you set those experiences up and have archive these files, they are yours, so keep an eye on what comes up during connection 

It is your higher self [higher cells] that is speaking with you, through you, showing you files, places, faces, things+ it is your subconscious mind that floods your conscious has it accesses these files, those that take enhances have to have a mindset because sum people cannot take what they see or sum cannot take the flooding of the mind with so much data – the body starts to panic for sum because it knows its terminal and knows it will expire one day and when you see these symbols, data, languages the body does not know it and these type of files can take it away from its own sense of self, the body is replaceable- the soul is eternal, do not be fearful when these files come up

When you speak [communicate] with your spiritual parents keep in mind, you are your spiritual parents – there is nothing outside of yourself [your cells], all you need to remember is to Be Still and I AM- that is it

I AM that I AM [Eheyah Asher Eheyah] Aneya dek aneya [ I will be what I will be]
Everything is within me [I AM Creator] – you are not only the child, you are the parent because the child teachers you to be a parent, a child can only be a child

You are many reflections of all your parents before you, you are them today

Watch all your thoughts because the mind can become very fearful of sum thing that it cannot control – you can always go into your mind and acquire space- do not let your thoughts override you, thought needs to be in control all the time, thought is the one that makes the body feel like its existing and it has control of itself [its cells]

When you take yourself out of that rubric of activity, then the spirit begins to come in and that which is not terminal begins to take over and the terminal begins to become fearful

The spirit will always come in and lock in and ease the body but at times [when you’re fighting it] the body will not ease – it takes time and the body must be accustomed to going into those types of fields, those types of states

Always connect in the darkness so that the eye can project

Do not get comfortable with what you know so that you end up inflexible to the flow, everything that you think you know will be scrambled because what you think you know isn’t what you know  

Take a 360o scan of your reality and not that 133o that they want you to stay focused on

There is information [light] to be received, information is what it is until its proven, once proven the information becomes knowledge, once the knowledge is perfected it becomes wisdom and once wisdom is shared it becomes enlightenment 

Atlas Mt [Atl-antis] Atlas
Morocco [Moor-occo] 

Sentinel island near INDIA [NAGA]
Sentinel [Senegal] 
Sentinelese [Senegalese]

Ethiopia [Abyssinia] Lalibela [Axum] and has 144,000 [12 x 12] different tribus [tribes] alone from the NTH gate 

Papa Guinea 

Lower Ethiopia 


ICD is a fancy word for pacemaker 
Otis saved millions of lives

Henrietta saved 10s of millions of lives 

See energies

This curve, the only way we are seeing a curve is because they are taking pictures of the horizon with a fisheye lens

CGI [Computer Generated Image] there has never been a real picture of this planet from deep space, all images are created by a computer

The Antarctica encircles these land masses- the ice wall goes around and the dome encloses - seals us in - there is one similar on the dark side of the moon 

Its not a flat earth, it is one plane, the plane is flat if you like – a compressed hydrogen dome and everything else is all water including you for you are water [Moya] based entities – the atmosphere is contained within a dome 

The symbol of the iris of Re, the ball of fire as the Eye [Ayin] opened from the world of supreme balancement, darkness, to let in the light to create the images

Thus, the symbol of the sun with rays, or the eye of Re [Ra]
This is the birth of your sun

Today the faint radio waves are all that remain of the original fireball, [Re] whose tone vibrated as Aum (OM) (Sun)

The hand forms a Mir (pyramid) to open and close Ashutat A-shoo-tat (prayer) 9 positions
When those humans (humins) at that time ended their Ashutat they ended by name
Amen (Amun) The Hidden One, Deity of Mystery, they said Amen

Atum as mentioned is a part of a triad of three geneticists called Re [Ra] the all-seeing eye, which oversees the project, symbolic of the Iris of the eye, and Iris means rainbow or the rainbow project, this is where the geneticists set out to breed or refill this planet with beings similar to themselves, or Re-plenty the earth [replenish] the earth with HuMins and protect their frail beings from direct rays of the sun

All was done by creating a curvature of spheres as the rain-bow is an arch of all seven spectral colours, appearing in the sky 1 red 2 orange 3 yellow 4 green 5 blue 6 indigo 7 violet and these come from direct rays of the sunlight, broken down or bent as in a bow [sphere] 

There are different domes- you have seven spheres [1] troposphere [2] stratosphere [3] mesosphere [4] thermosphere [5] ionosphere [6] exosphere [7] outerspace 
Number [7] there is no out-of-space because we are under the dome

Hemisphere [hemi] in Latin translates half [half] a sphere [Dome] firmament] to which the stars are attached to and the Moon and Sun are under the dome with Ki who is the size of Jupiter

Nasa have never been into space because the electromagnetic fields what they call Van Alan Belts that are keeping them right here hence why they have to send A.I or robots 

Just as a rainbow has seven colours, so does the environment, it also has seven spheres to protect this newly created being from the ultraviolet and gamma rays coming from the sun

Water, heat, plasma = currenSea

Image shows the sun rotated and the moon which shows four exit points [???] 

The Moon has been out on full for 4 days 

La Muralla Chimú
CHI.MU [Khimu] Khami
Nephites [Nephthys] 
Is it a wall or tunnel 

All that is left of an Ulmec [Olmec] suspension bridge, a huge one at that 

This is another Sumerian king whose name is a Bantu name
This name UBARA TUTU is not Arabic, or Semitic or Indo-Euro but is ABANTU [BAN.TU] BUNTU]
The cylinder seals state that sum of these kings administered the whole entire earth

Earth was called Ki and many other names over her time and she was called ISIN which was ENSI which also gives us ENKI [ENQI] and INKI with the IN.KI or EN.KI meaning the Earth – we also see that in man made recordings the used ISIN and made a small province in ancient Iraq 


Calida Fornax translating to the hot furnace and [cal y fornos] meaning lime and furnace
California is named after Queen Calafia [Kalafia] or Califia [Kalifia] 
The FEMI.9 principal 

Purple [Green] Blue [Turquoise]

The Lone Rider 

Big ship 

We know that signature craft 

What is that
Look how when the sun explodes the top of the lens camera [Dome] lights up 

We know who that is 

NASA have been delaying the data or hiding it
That planet [???] is no above the sun with bigger crafts in tow- sum thing happening 

New Zealand - check out the definitions of this craft, the craft looks like its side by side with another 

North America 

Huge craft [mother ship] you can see on the right the edge of a triangle 

Seen over Mexican alien base - that means the Mexican and USA military could also see this on radar 

Under the dome
Green [Yellow band] Red band 
Right image- NIBIRU is real close 

2009 normal 

Since 2012 [2021] sum thing on the left has been edging closer and closer until now they are closer than close 

Look at those straight red bars 

Where is the dome
Look at these colours [radiation] energies
The planet and soular stream [wind] are moving in the same direction- the planet is being held by NIBIRU and I would go has far as saying the planet is stationary 

There is no bow-shock [dome] around the planet- everything is condensed around the planet – the red shows you that this planet is surrounded and no energy can enter or escape for this house is sealed 

This is how its supposed to be looking up there 


Sun one is laying down the LAWS universally styled - we are at the AKUR Gate

Hungarian SKA 

Viola [Violet] Ultraviolet [UV]  

What or who are they preparing for
90% of FAA weather cameras along US coasts were offline yesterday with lots of military aircrafts and helicopters flying over the US
Tons of reports off Jets and Chinooks, none of which are on Flight radar 


Hong Kong

What is beyond the horizon 

those are cars

Anywhere the European is, nature is coming for 


Crete on fire 

UK issues level red alert for the first time since their records began
its should be purple level alert - on the Met office graph they say extreme heat [red] when extreme heat is purple - yes its going to be hot - Sirius connection [AKUR Gate] hot but it is the UV[C]A[B] that is a detoxifier - the UK is going to get blasted by radiation over a prolonged period, they say its a 50% chance because they will be using HAARP and spraying over the up and coming days and nights to counteract 

France, Portugal and Spain who are major players are being burnt out - the UK is to follow 

Babylon is going down 

This is the Dome [EMF] Van Alien Belt [Ozone Layer] - all the same thing
The dome is translucent 
The dome is a Turtles sh3ll
The planet is not a ball or a sphere- look at the NASA image from SEC.CHI 
This image was from 2007 [9] and has changed 

See the gold [Ozone Layer] surrounding the planet - see the plasma also surrounding the planet, you have plasma [Khaybet] in you also, you also have gold in you, you also have ether in and on you

The field will go down once and for all and everything is going to light up like the Godfather 

Every thing is under the dome because the virus had to be contained, not the current virus
It is one plane 

 They did say that you won't be able to come outside, all those delivery companies are starting to make sense now because they already knew what is going to happen, the Georgia Guide stones says 500million- there is a culling taking place- stay out of the sun

Tap water- you should still purchase tap water because one day you are going to turn on the tap and nothing is going to come out of the tap for a very long time called forever 

Its good to watch these uploads, they must have over a 1000+ footages of what has been going on for longer than the camera was invented- this is very real in this field - get yourself prepared, your range opens further when you expand your mind and consider all possibilities

If the entity has no life source here it dies here in the matrix, that includes hosts -
because all the dimensions are merging everyone is here because this is the last dimension, there is no where else to go, this is the last stop for many, do not attract these types of energies, granted- those who moved into these buildings without knowing- didn't' know, they are those who are being tracked because of former lives, because of what your great-great-grand daddy did, because you are vulnerable, because you are your partner opened a portal with sum being, maybe sum one in your family, many reasons why many have company, there are those who kill sum one and that sum one stays with you and fu9ks up everything you or your family does 

There are those who go looking for them and call themselves Paranormal Investigator- your just a person with a camera and gadgets fu9king with the spirit world - fu9k with them and they fu9k with you - you must respect the spirit world because they are in the reflection   

During the Afghanistan war the US military used [tested] around 10,000 different robots whilst they played Old Macdonald over the poppy fields 

They are between 40 - 60 years in front of the planet - which is merging into [1] the electric scooter cuts off around 1920, natural electricity gets cut and replaced, after ww2 it was MK ultra+ and things like Hiroshima [Heru-shiva] not only sent ripples in this dimension but also in other dimensions
What Boston Dynamics and China and Japan are showing you is not what they really have- their tech is 40-60 years advanced and is already residing among us 

The smoking council of Frederick William of Prussia [Russia] 
George Lisiewski

Giants, are they wearing wigs or are all their hair the same, they all look like George Washington [Albert Pike] look at the height of the guy sitting down on the bottom right and the two on the top left, but what is really racking my brain is the rabbit, the two guys either side of the rabbit are sitting down and judging by the two guys at the bottom left and the one sitting down on the bottom right and the two sitting either side of the rabbit- that rabbit could well be 5.4ft

Friedrich Wilhelm I


The Bible came up with 65 books and the last book [66] in the 16th century which they called Revelations but was actually called the Initiation of the Anointing of Esus, then changed to Apocalypse by the Catholics and then changed by the Protestants into Revelation
Protestant is the word protesters [protest]  

These are Protestants with Friedrich

In a series of persecutions ending in 1731, more than 20,000 Protestants were expelled from Salzburg by the Archbishops
Prince-bishop (Fürstbischof) is a bishop who, in addition to performing priestly functions, had secular power over a certain territory and was a sovereign of the corresponding territorial formation - the church principality

Princes-bishops are particularly characteristic of the Holy Roman Empire, in which the ecclesiastical principals were an important pillar of state power, while their rulers had the status of imperial donkeys and enjoyed complete independence in the internal affairs 

Nikol Bourgeois - a giant who served Peter l

Giants walked the lands and giants will once again walk the land 

Mt Gerizim is in Israel [Gods land] - what landed in the middle or could teleport on out of here 

LOKI is mischief, part of the mind and part of the brain that is always trying to upend order, Loki represents that part of reality that cannot stay fixated in its own sense of self – it has a beginning, a maturity and an ending and Loki is part of that dynamic, that movement in the creation of things that has chaos that has been created – keep in mind you are on the physical plane and on the physical plane has a duration because it is trapped in time – its trapped in the thought process, so what happens is Loki becomes the mischief that has you questioning your reality and has you wondering if what you are doing is actually relevant anymore, what you have to do is change your perspective, Loki forces you to examine yourself to see if you see yourself and is to why he has around 10 images of himself because he has 10 different ways to distract you – that is how chaos works, chaos does that to upend order, because order once fixated can actually cause death by causing an entropy that causes you to stagnant, stagnant unto death whereas life is movement, life is continually renewing itself – Loki is the timekeeper and will shut you down when you linger for far to long fixate on that particular reality

2 pairs dancing under the moonlight 

Vikings [Vi] Kings 

Anytime you read the word Norse – that is the 9ethers story being read back to the 9ethers but with 6ethers in place – all these Vikings and the other parts of history al told back in movies and in rewritten texts and paintings, the further they go back the more they reveal things that they were not even on the planet when whatever occurred – if you check it, they cannot go back past the Game of Thrones, or Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter, they cannot go back further than that – all Viking, but when you go back into lush land – because they are all Icelandic creatures – lush land were there is warmth, incubators rather than refrigerators

Norse mythology is actually Khemet mythology – its actually Dravidic mythology, its actually Vedic mythology 

The 9ethers are all over this plane [planet] of existence – the Ulmec [Olmec] are the original high civilisation of this particular hemisphere – the Ulmec are also part of the empire of Mali – we all never just came from Africa – the story that they are trying to hide hence the word mystery, because its my story, its your story

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