Tuesday, 5 July 2022

Heart of a AKIR [Lion]

AKIR [AKUR] [Lion]
KAMMU [KA.T] beings 

The eyes 

The first ever genetically engineered Twa came from a monkey and lion, to which they still carried a tail and had the kats mane and kats tail or monkey tail, the Twa kept a tail and mane for a while

[God] NTR Bes was that kind of initial breed of a Twa
Everywhere you see Bes he will at least have a tail and mane

BES [BABI] is part AKIR 

You can see the tail, mane, Bes is also the deity over fertility- see his willy

Mayan [Ul-mec][Olmec] device [calendar] with his tongue hanging out like how Kali is sum times depicted

Bronze breastplate cuirass worn by Etruscans [Greek] soldier featuring Medusa with locs[locks] braids
KALI has her tongue out and Medusa is a representation of that FEMI.9 electron energy 

Bes [Bas] Babi 
Tahites [Ptahites] Ptah

The ANNU [Ptah] people were 4ft to 4.3ft and maybe 4.5ft and were known to possess strong spirit poWRA of the Universal nature, they are the BaTwaDeneg = Tahites [Twa]

BaTwaDeneg was also associated with the TWA which is our connection to Bes and Besu the first KaRast [Karast] Christ [Godhood energy] 

Bes [Tahites] is the child of Obatala 

Bes name translates repeller of wrongdoers, he also protects children and pregnant wombmen, he is a Tahites [Ptahites] Neter which is wrongly called dwarf, he is a Pygmy General

The Twa are well represented in the new kingdom of Nyabiru [NIBIRU] on Ki

Bes was principle and patron deity that governed the Twa

Before the revolt of the Igigi, the pygmy humanoids were in entertainment, memorization, babysitting for the giant toddlers of the ANNUNAKI, going into difficult caves and trenches to scout for gold+ and their spiritual energy, they are Kundalini specialists 

The T.WA resided in the giant trees, the tower trees 

Time came and sum of these pygmy-dwarf-humanoids were taken to live with the ANNUNAKI on other planets

They became so important that they had to have a [God] that defined their role as an entity in the greater ANUNNAKI- HuMin project in the galaxy

The creation on the first Twa was about 4 million years ago

There are lots of signs of the Twa, only civilization in India where they left Dolman structures that date to about 8000 years old, we find Bes and crew in Aztlan, in KHMT, in India 

Fully loaded KARAST 

Double Cobra [Paa Neb Het Khu]

This is a form of Bes who is the Magician who is the ancient primordial Cosmic [God] and if you look at him, he has everything on him and is a pre-dynastic [God] and is a form of Heru

The body of Heru is actually the pineal gland and you are actually looking at the gland and the brain with Bes on top of him which is where the energy is coming from

Bes name translates repeller of wrongdoers, he also protects children and pregnant wombmen, he is a Tahites [Ptahites] Neter which is wrongly called dwarf but is a Pygmy General
Haru [Heru] (Horus) translates Far way, Mountainous and Asaru [Osiris] translates He who is seen, The eye 

BESU [BES] BABI is Hanuman 

The planet, plant and animal kingdoms do not need the human [humin] kingdoms to survive, the human [humin] kingdoms need the two other kingdoms to survive 
Animal spicing was normal back then
We have been refined over and over 

The last man found is the first man 

The eyes

Image captured in the SKA [mirrored] 
Loot at her main eye and her crown 

Bu-BAS-tis [Ba-BAST-is]
BAST translates fire

The Lyra [Lyon] beings 

Miw-Sheri translates little cat, kitten 

SEKHMET translates The powerful, Mighty [MEKABA] energy
She has locks
Her other names are Nuabinghi [Oya]+ 

Mama Tawa does not like her environment disturbed 

The Lion Gate

Mycenae [Aegean] Greece [Etruscan]

Called the lion gate because we see [2] lionesses guard over the entrance – the gate is all that is left of the Mycenaean culture the rest is buried underground and the rest destroyed by the 6ethers

I wonder what else was part of the triangle piece that is missing from the top and were they even Lionesses


Memnon the Ethiopian [NTR] King [Negus]

Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] Melanin [Memon]

Armageddon [Ar-Ma-gedden] Har-Ma [Har][Harma] = Karma [its in the pronunciation]
Arma-geddon [Gideon]
Armageddon means the revealing

Memnon [Mycenaean]
  Ki-ng Aga-Memnon [Armageddon]

When Helen, the wife of Menelaus, was taken to Troy by Paris, Minoan King Agamemnon commanded his united armed forces to ignite the Trojan War

Greece is a part of Mesopotamia [Eridu] 

INANNA and her AKIR(s) 

There are loads of Lion gates 

Double Sphinx or AKUR or Bull 
are they female 
Turkey  [Eridu]

LAMASSU from SARGON [NIMRUD] who is also from Turkey [Eridu] 

Speaker box
You have an inner ear

Turkey today sits in ERIDU [Ir-ree-doo] which translates Home Away from Home and is the first place that the ANNUNAKI hovered over and landed, this area today includes Iran [Iraq] Afghanistan [Syria] Turkey [Saudi] and is collectively called Suma [Susa] Sumeria [Sumerian] Shinar translates plains [Mesopotamia] Babylonia [Typhonian] UT.NA.FISH.TIM - all same place 

So many speakers around the planet 

[Tu] Etruria [Etruscan] [1706] from Latin Etruscus >> an Etruscan, from Etruria, ancient name of Tuscany [Tuscan] [CUSCO] which means [black son] [black base] the Basque and the Etruscan are one in the same

Turkey [Tur-kish] 
Kish [Kush] Cush [Kuwsh]
Sargon [Nimrod]

Turkey is littered with huge structures and none more so that this impressive Castle
Kastle is an Ethiopian word that translates dwelling in the sand

This used to be the seat of the Urartian [Ur] Tartarian Kings that ruled over the region
Ur translates fire, light and is referring to a huge mother ship that was grounded on Ki Capital Urartu 

Interesting pods, so small 

Dragon [Draco] is the standard for cavalry
The dragons were borrowed by the Roman army, the dragon was a bronze head and a cloth body The air penetrated the mouth and exited through a tail wagging, like modern windmills
Inside the dragon was housed an instrument that made a whistle- chronicles indicate that dragons made howling sounds when the cavalry went on attack
This transported the King of Kings Draconarius 

Found in PAKISTAN today but was called Sindh [Siddha] Siddi before 
Siddi armory attire 

Left, Barbed and Tanged Arrow Point-
Sahara Desert, Niger, Africa
Between 4,000 and 10,000 years ago
3cm long
Material: Flint
Also found in America and Scotland [right]

Battle of Bamber Bridge

On this day in 1943 [black] American soldiers faced off with [white] American military police during World War II on British soil

[black] American soldiers had to fight their own [white] American soldiers, while in England, where they were fighting for the world


Because the English town of Bamber Bridge in Lancashire was not segregated so they treated the [black] soldiers like all other races, aka [blacks] were free to eat, drink anywhere, but [back] in America segregation of [blacks] and [whites] still existed

So essentially the American army went to someone else’s country and demanded they adopted America’s practices

So, when the American military police found out that their own [black] American soldiers were drinking at the same pubs as [white] people they went in to arrest them

The people in the town got mad about the treatment of the [black] soldiers and decided to then turn their pubs into [BLACKS ONLY DRINKING PUBS] the very opposite of what was taking place in America with their [WHITES ONLY] businesses

Of course, this pissed off the American military so guns went blazing, and when word spread back at camp that [black] soldiers had been shot, scores of men formed a crowd, some carrying rifles and by midnight more American military police arrived with a machine gun-equipped vehicle, so the [black] soldiers had no choice but to get rifles from British stores while others barricaded themselves back on base, so now it was American [white] soldiers versus American [black] soldiers

This led to the death of one solider, injury of 7, and 32 convictions

Back in America the battle was hushed up because they didn’t want the country to find out that they were fighting their own soldiers which would anger the [black] population and weaken the morale in the country, worse still was to come, when the wars were over and the [black] soldiers who took down the SS returned home to find that the KKK had burned down their homes, families 

surrounded by interlocking chain 

No details [in private hands]
Found in the Indus Valley
Vimana Bull [KAU]
The female and male at each end or another female, subjects in the middle 
Visitors at sum point  

Double humped Camel
Decapitated heads only 
This is the Ptah to the abodes  

3300-year-old wool trousers discovered in the vast Yanghai cemetery near Turfan, China
So once again they dug up the dead
Look at the details in the woven patterns, could easily be sold and used today
East Turkistan [Uyghurstan] Turfan
They got the date right – the slim cut trousers are 33-years old 

Gate Jerusalem [HERU-SOL'AMON] 

Ughọtọn before British 1897 invasion of Benin Empire
The Bible has no dates and fails to mention the MIR [MER] MAR [Pyramid] 

Records in stone for life

Where is that light coming from- it is probably man made because of the angle in which the light is coming in and to the right, like a torch- maybe its the Moon [???] 

The original site was rebuilt, the original stones are magnetic and were removed 

Watching you, watching me 

The dimensions coming from Bermuda triangle 

All taking place in the four corners of the planet 

Huge craft 

This craft is not traveling alone, scout, probes are in tow and its also huge


The planet is surrounded 

[New Zealand] 

[New Zealand] 
The suns' light cannot penetrate solid mass
Clouds only hold vaporised water 
Craft nation 


The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU [Neb Heru], and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

Cube seen approaching the sun [portal] in May and NASA shut down the live feed, this image is the same has the 3 above of NIBIRU 

How do we get an oval when the sun goes like this 

We should start having Mosquitos in places not seen has the planet heats up and sustains, like in the UK, they can come from Africa through Spain into France - other insects that thrive in the heat  

K.AA [KARMIC] waves 

Mutating wavelengths 

Oro Valley
Facing the Santa Catalina Mt and the Tucson valley

INDIA [Bangladesh] 


Energies last for [3] days [72hrs] these SKA displays, auroras around the planet show that the CME did indeed hit and light the SKA up like the Godfather -  the planet is still sustaining strikes from the planet with huge amounts of data missing, however the SKA is having the final say 
NIBIRU is also collecting the energies and pushing them back into the planet
When we see the auroras in the [4] corners of the planet that is another side of the things to come

When you see a red SKA- you should worry  


This should be blue but its [ether] right image
Blue [life force energy] is inside the field left image [different days] 

Did Gates say he is buying sum where in Dakota [USA] I guess sum one doesn't approve
Sum thing brewing, the SKA goes [WAJI] green 

An epidural is an injection in your back to stop your feeling pain- it shuts off the sensations, those with Kundanlini energy lose power whilst in the birth cycle 

Huge voltages are hitting the planet where she needs it the most, the plasma energy hit gemstones, gold, minerals, crystals that are in the ground and energy is transferred to where she needs it the most, diamonds spread the energy out, gold stores energies, the core [inner sun] is also plasmatic 

The planet is taking the brunt of the forces 

Tree of life
How does lighting go up from the ground, how does the discharge go up like that

Russian [Reboot]



spiking throughout today 

DNA [RNA] upgrades 

Check out the radiations [chakra] energies 

The Canadian Schuman is blackout 
Canada is furthest North [Crown] 

Arc-tic 1918 on the right 

South of Greenland
Triangular structure or triangular configuration – these canals are were cut, enlarged by sum one [being] – each channel are 9 miles long  

Accelerator because your not dying fast enough 

Israel better keep his mouth shut or he will be involved in a hit and run

That list will come out when it is supposed to come out
Biden has an underwater ex-military base that he purchased years ago and Maxwell has a submarine licence, you get it, they are keeping Biden in power for has long as the clone can perform and do not want the list to surface just yet and the list contains a great deal of people who while the clone is still up and running means they are safe for a minute or two 

Land slides means land is moving 
What was that in Tunisia
Russian tornado- did you see the power light inside the tornado, I haven't seen that before 
China getting hit hard 
Hailstones destroying 
India, China and Russia all sit side by side on the planet [Asia] Asian and are getting hit 
Uzbekistan- dear oh dear, they had one like that in India, notice the [thing] sounded like a baby crying 
Ukraine is hiding who they are really fighting 
CERN in the news is redirecting your attention - the 5th means they are doing sum thing else
Mass shootings are CIA operatives- a bigger event is coming from them    

The threat is real in this field 

The planet has been filling up with water for the last 3years- we have more water on the planet 
[water world] than land 

The poles are switching and can do so instantly, NIBIRU controls the poles of this planet, [spiritually] we've already switched  

NIBIRU travels at light speed which is instant 
The planet is tilting 
Her angles are shifting 
You may feel off
The poles have already moved [spiritual] it is the physical that is switching 

The guy with the sea

Slapped Ham and Chills are bang on the money
That guy at the bus stop- what has he been up to, sum thing entered his body when he was on the ground or left his body, when he got up its like the guy was scared  
That water outline surrounding the house makes you wonder if a craft is right over that house
Buildings are over land and sum times its what is in the ground that they are scanning, watching, observing  

Handrail and sculpted in one 

Not seen in Florida since Woodstock69 - iridescent harmless snake 
I saw Butterflies yesterday, loads, different colours, not just white, but still no Bees 
The Bee is one of the most important creatures on this planet- take the Bee out of the eco-system and the whole system crashes

We are also seeing a lot of animals [creatures] that were deemed extinct, animals not seen in a particular area returning and we are seeing [white] animals -this will also play out in the other two kingdoms, the clones in all three kingdoms will also be exposed 

Imagine the Sunbird under UV [black-light]
 Iridescent - the colour of the 4D [5D] 

Made by Nature [NTR] 

Old man

Watch this 

And this
Joan Rivers is one of the first trannys out here, plastic surgery [boobs] like Marylyn Monroe was one of the first out here, what if there wasn't plastic surgery or the choice that was created by man

Insecurity is real [Love] [Hate] 
There are two forms of people out here, one that is insane and another that practises insanity 

She has opened the portal [mushrooms] gateway, her spirit energy is catching up to her and so will altering your avatar - when he hair was blonde and short, I think she was wearing a Leopard or Tiger top print, she should have stopped there 

This is a drawing and took 125 hours, done entirely in charcoal and graphite pencils

A daughter picked this rose for her mum and they found a lizard asleep inside

Vrisha means [Bull] KAU
Her KAUR [AKUR] [Lion] Vimana [flying vehicle] beneath her feet – her left arm cradles Ganesh [Ghana] 

 Left is modern day Jesus hip hop necklace, right is Etruscan of sum one with braids   

Praying to a wall is not going to change nothing
Jerusalem [HERU-SOL'AMON]

Matthew and David

The name Mathew came from the ancient Egyptian [KHMT] term MTW [Matwi] which many take as MEDU meaning >> to hear or to hear the word

The term MTW is the root word for phrase MTW NTR [Matwi y'Intare] or [metw netr] which represents divine words of the [Gods] aka source aka Mother Nature [Matwi y'Intare]
Medu Netu is Divine light 

MTW NTR is commonly known as KHMT [Egyptian] Hieroglyphics

So, the name Mathew was forged by the likes of King James scribes and early Romans to denote wise words found at the MER [pyramid] of Unas at Saqqara [EKUR] in Egypt [KHMT]

Basically, Mathew means Divine MER [pyramid] texts

We can support this argument by comparing the words in the book of Mathew to the words on the pyramid text at the pyramid of Unas at Saqqara

Most words are a match almost word for word supporting plagiarism

The name DAVID was also forged from the name TAUTI [Toth] Tehuti
Tauti or Thoth was the God of all wisdom in ancient Egyptian teachings

When we hear about the deeds of King David in the bible, together with the wise words written about him, we find striking similarities and plagiarisms from the character and the teachings of TAUTI

Again, when we look at the name DAVID, we see that it derived from transliteration from early Greek whereby T became D, U or W became V and so forth-this is to hide the real name and because the 6ether Greeks and Romans could not hear certain tones or pronounce certain words

To support this further, the so-called star of David is the Star of Toth as seem on his Emerald Tablets
Most of the bible characters are forgeries based on much earlier concepts or characters

There was no one called DAVID and MATHEW in the history of Ki

225th direct lineage to Solomon [Sal'Amon]
King of Kings 

This is what the Europeans know about the Rwandan ancient [God] MUTARA who the Romans knew as MITHRA
Much of what is known about this [God] is based on European records which drew from Persian records
What is not known though is that this [God] predates Roman times and has its roots in the rule of the ANNUNAKI
Basically, MUTARA was who the Egyptians knew as [RE] RA
Mutara means the [light giver]
Most of the Rwandan Kings assumed the title MUTARA upon ascending to the throne
The throne is the seat, pulpit, mind [consciousness] 

Christiansburg Slot is a Danish royal palace built OVER the site of Copenhagen Castle, which in turn was built on the site the fortress, the so-called Absalon Castle
The Danish come back to the Germans – the Queen of Denmark [Ann] ruled
On the plan (image) you can see its location on the territory of what is present Christiansborg
The castle consisted of a circular wall of up to 5 meters high, which surrounded the castle square with various buildings
The first photo shows the remains of its ruins in the excavations near Christiansborg

Trajan [Troy] Etruscan  

Roman General Severus 
The Romans were 9ether first

When Hannibal saw the Roman soldiers were also 9ether, he walked away, for it wasn't in the 9ethers nature to fight another 9ether, this is how Rome was sacked - last image shows mini-locks soldiers 

Egypte, culture de [Nagada] II : grande palette à fard à relief célébrant une victoire. Détail. (Site Egypte antique)

Translation >> Egypt, culture of [Naqada] II: great palette fard relief famous une victorious. Detail. (Ancient Egypt site)

Nagada and Naqada = NAGA 

Hathor [Dungra] and her [7] siStars

Ha-thor [Thor]  
Atheer [Athens] [Athena] Arinna

Solar [soul-Ar] means soul or sol = sun and Ar from Arinna [Canaanite] deity of the Sun from where the word Arena comes from

Minerva is an Etruscan [Greek] goddess of wisdom, skill in the arts, righteous warfare + serpentine specialist >> from Latin Athena, from Greek Athēnē
IN.ANNA [Ishtar]

Look at the HuMans for scale 

Antennas [Wi-Fi] 

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