Sunday, 25 October 2020

Quiet Storm

Queen protects King for she is the throne [seat] of consciousness   

Pharmacy [Chemist] is a Greek word for Sorcery [its all in the pronunciation]
A medicine that rids the body of an excess of humours (except blood); also; treatment with medicine; theory of treatment with medicine
A healing or harmful medicine, a healing or poisonous herb; a drug, poisonous potion; magic [magi] (potion), dye, raw material for physical or chemical processing [Chemical processing Alchemy]
Al source [El] 
Chem [Khem-et]Chemistry [Khemet]+Mystery [My-star-y] [Masonry]Black Magic
Kaanu [Black][Melanin] + Magi [Magic]
Cancer treatment is Proton treatment, if you don’t have Protons you are going to die
You take bio-molecular cures not western medicine, you take soular tablets and this is when your electros [electrons] are stimulated, eat electric food 

Hospital is Hospitable [welcome] and not cure
Prescription is pre-script-ion [writing from the script]
Bio-molecular medicine is soular tablets and are light prescriptions
No virus can reside in currenSea, in electricity once your body [earth] is electrified [electron], this light can kill all viruses in under a minute 

The vaccine contains RNA [animal] DNA that is then fused [electrical fusion] that alters your DNA [DEA] 

Clitus [Clitoris] Kleitoris [Greek] a small mass of erectile tissue situated at the anterior apex of the vestibule and is the females crown
Kleitoris [Kleis] has a secondary meaning, a key, a latch or hook (to close a door)
 The Kleis is the female pituitary gland [Ayin][Eye] she is already circumcised and the male has to get circumcised to reach the Kaa world 

As for the Greeks themselves, they seem to have called the Ayin the Nymphē, a figurative use, literally meaning bride, lovely young woman
Beekes also has Kystho-Korone >> clitoris, literally meaning crown of the vagina [organ]
 Cletus as a male name and is pronounced KLEE-tus, KLAY-tus and is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Cletus is illustrious; called forth, invoked and is a short form of Anacletus

The Bartholin's glands are on each side of the opening of the vagina, on the lips of the Labia which are the Hypothalamus, Pituitary gland, and Pineal gland that are in your brain [organ]
aka Providence 

 This is why she is in the spiritual realm and why she gets cut off at 35-40 for birthing children and is to why the male can have a child all the way until he is 70 or so years old, because he is all physical and they know this hence why its body [Kha] mind [Khu] and soul [Baa] for them when it is Baa, Khu and Kha for you

 Get into line and don’t break the line [online]

 Your organs and body are perfectly organ-ised, its your soul that you must balance

The energy of your Baa [Sol] Soul [Sun] is called Karast [KRST] Christ [Kristos] and the energy of your Kaa [Spirit] Body Double is called Chi [Life-Force and both are poWRA-ed by Khaybet [Plasma]

Scales on a crocodile back are soular panels
Crocodile is a Greek word and is to why the word is unknown, this is not their name


Your little finger and thumb are the same size but not the same width and represent the left hemisphere of your organ [brain] and your thumb finger and the finger next to it represent the right hemisphere of your organ and your wedding ring finger is the only finger that has one artery that goes straight to your heart and that same finger is connected to the pineal gland and the two [seven] glands [Ayin] that go right down the middle of your organ [brain][muscle] and these three match the MARE [MER][MIR] pyramids in KHMT and the ones in the Bermuda triangle and the Teotihuacan complex [circuit] and the China complex and the Sahu [Orion] [three kings] three wise-men [your Clitoris]

When you are in Istal [meditation] and you are naturally coming from your heart and you want to speak [thoughts] your truth, use the wedding ring finger, focus in on your memory, go to recall and the actual event, place, conversation or environment and speak thought
Use both hands and method   

Yours is a bio-computer-circuit-board that you are walking around with
They keep you in a 6th state when you are a 9th state [3 stages to life or called the 3-person birth] [369] this is the meaning of the Bible version [666] from one state to another [Al-chemy] the
un-iverses angle [angel] nu-mbers

 The circle [sphere] is equal to the square [cube] because they both are 360o as in looking at the pyramid from above and the four 90o degree angles meet at the capstone

In the realm in which you dwell, the highest of intelligence is only of the physical realm, things they tell each agent: in-tell-agent and in this realm, they are>> limits to persons, places and things
three distinct 90o degree angles which is 270 in itself that equals nine

 They see no further than 360o degrees [3+6=9] and the cipher is as far as they go

You see further 

NI.BIRU travels at the same speed has the coordiantes for the E.KUR [A.KUR] (Giza complex)

Zuggart [Ziggurat]
This type of architecture was brought here to this planet by the NTU [Neteru], the word Pyramid is broken into two, Pyra meaning fire and the second Mid [middle] referring to the column of energy called Tachyonic energy

What is that light 
UV [Ult-ra] Purple  

 [1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultra Violet Light [Ul-t-Ra]

[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gam-ma Ray Light

[3] Amun Re = X-Ray

 U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of Black (Kaanu)-light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system

 The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on

 The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts, being [A] Alpha Waves [B] Gamma Waves [C] Beta Waves [the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

 Alpha waves UVA
Beta waves UVB
Cosmic waves UVC

 Electron [Proton] Neutron
Mesons [Gluons] quarks

3 the hard-way [tri]

 Helium [Hydrogen][dragon] the final product of these 2 stages became the Helium atom or Atum, a composite of beings into one, Aten [Aton] [Atun] and its heavenly host, or Neteru 

The planet is being blasted with purple rain

 Plasma [Khayebt] is Violet [Purple] Ultra [UV]

Plasma means to mould, figure, imag-e [Magi] Magic, to mould plasma 

Kaanu [Black] Magi [Magic] 

Atom has an atomic weight of [9.012] or [9.0] or [9]

 [Re] Ra

This process, by a grand series and a chain of reactions, re means again actions = events, re-occurring events, changed more hydrogen to Helium and Crystallization of the Helium took place; thus, forming a solid sub-stance in which the atoms are arranged in a definite pattern,

So, the ancients knew to separate by referring to one, as an atom Atum, and the other, as Adam, the same, the final product of these 2 stages became the Helium atom or Atum, a composite of beings into one, Aten, and its heavenly host, or [Neteru]

 We have a nu frequency [current] that is Chi [love] forced based and there is nothing they can do to stop the change  

Your organ inside your dome [Hemisphere] means Hemi in Latin is half [half a sphere] is a dome

What colour is the dome on the Secchi camera, the Dome is the magnetic field and is your Crown Chakra, as above, so below 

KHMT is a frequency and is online now

At the centre of the spiralling black-sphere of energy is a singular point of Infinite density and zero radius where the Laws of physics are altered or breakdown symbolized by the point of

Atum-Re or the state where things are un-differentiated

 The sone [sound] produced was called KUWN [AMUN] [OM] simply existence

This electromagnetic energy is a heartbeat from the source, to the sun and [Nibiru] to the earth, to you, the heartbeat of life OM style Om-miuniverse

 The earlier collision between NI.BIRU [Neutron Star] and Earth [Tiamat, Sphere of Water] meant that the genetic compatibility between the two was assured

As above, so below, as within, so that you are never without

Use your gifts wisely for she is watching 

All these are the same images

Called Fogbow by the Western scientists however, we know that a bow is from a curvature which come from a sphere, all rainbows are spheres with or without rain 
The dimensions are getting tighter [merging into one] because what was seen in space is now on the horizon
  The sun is rising in a different position, no sure if that is for all four corners of this planet 

Over 2million lightning strikes in eastern Australia 

Crown [Chakra] (Corona) glowing, letting off that gamma radiation = energy

The dimensions have changed in Istal [meditation]

Radiant energy is a form of energy that is latent and pervasive in the universe and has among its properties the capacity to bend time-space

When you stop dreaming [visionary] that is your red-flag 

One of the guys I follow in the USA goes down, he says he has to step back, this is a warning to others, time is drawing closer, he didn't want to let his followers down, but this is a good move from him as people need to be taken off the dependency 

Fast-food advertising is because there is no more meat [food] 

Free school dinners are because food is over, what the stores have and what is in the warehouses is all that is left, all crops for next year ended this year

You body can go for nearly 5 days to a week without food but you need water in 24hrs if not your organs will begin to shut down

Your neighbour must be viewed has your enemy, your environment is going to change, when you have no food and you have children you will fend for them by any means necessary

You must have enough food and water until at least the 21.12.2013 [2020] 

Weather systems continue to bombard the planet

Africa [Alkebulan] will also be punished, the children there have done sum inhumane things and must face the repercussions 

We are watching the collapse of Nigeria, two very ancient tribes, it is what its is, sum energy are for the physical war, energy has been building with what many have had to go through around the world, not just in Nigeria, Rome kicking off, France, Spain, many in a list that is growing, the chaos and then the order, before we reach order there must be in chaos, these children want to release by any means necessary 

Trump is from the Ashtar Command and is the 45th PM and the last PM, he will will beat the democrats [demon-crats] because this is their end games 

Remember they have been splicing DNA in animals and the plant and HuMan [HuMina] kingdoms, so all that is artificial will be deleted   

The Moon and Sun are in different places [positions] and the Jet stream has altered its position

The Navy plane in the USA was going along, stopped in midair and dropped to the ground, that is what the people saw and not what the news said 

Sink hole opens up between India and China, what is coming out of these sink-holes, are they vents or will the Anunnaqi modified mercenaries, raptors [raptures] come out from them, China have amassed 60,0000 men over by the sink-hole, you get it 

There are several objects around the Moon, this full Moon is going to be rocking and rolling 


Listening carefully to the last three uploads, pay attention

The North of this planet is going completely off-line, all of it, star family is doing this along with nature [Netu] N.TU

Snow [Ice-Age] is everywhere 

Dark Ages are returning 

Survival mode, all the races are being separated, just like in slavery, look around you, read between the lines what is nature [N.TU] showing you, we learn from nature [Neteru]  

Investments advertising is to stimulate the 3D mind, to make them think that its going to be alright while the USA just prints money with nothing backing it, its over Jehovah
All billionaires study Astronomy while Millionaires don't, big sell offs in companies, CEO's stepped down last year for many companies, are you the insider dealer  
   You will see Nubian [9 ether] people on the tv, in authority, being promoted, step back, this is their last stance, why now, why in this moment, think while you blink, for 400 [512] which is un-writeable, billions were murdered, those billions are here once again, you are being watched in what you are doing with your energy and where you use it 

 The writers are here, hiStory is being re-written and to be filed away under MyStory 
[Mystery] My-Star-y]

What is going on comes with Lov9, and is out of Lov9, not that bullshi9t we have out here, this is no ordinary Lov9 

I won't be there to see your glory, but poWRA to you, you made me a believer [knower] out of you

Dogon [Dagon] Dagan [Dragon] 

The Dogon are from Sirius [Osiris] Orisha [Septet] and the Nephilim slept with the daughters of the Dogon, the Nephilim are us 

The HuMin anatomy reveals two truths, the feet [Sole-Soul] connect us to the earth [Ki] plane, the head connects us to the heavenly plane, they tell us that Elephants have poor eye sight, when we know they are plugged into the earth, they feel-sense you coming

There are lower energies and higher energies, the Master Number 22, connects us with higher consciousness

 Accessing the higher dimensions, the lower dimensions were ruled by the Buddha(s) on the planes above us thus placing us in more of an SA.HU [Orion] [Septet][Sibtu] Sirius of realities, layers of what we call planes, expanses, dimensions and realms, the Buddha(s) are under the umbrella of the Tamare elite, the Neteru that lead the Anunnaqi [AnuNaga]

Mole-cule individual atomic
Meta-tron [Maat] tron [electron]
Each centre sits inside a flower like funnel of energy [Star = Blue Lotus = Earth] which acts has a two-way valve or gateway to the centre of the universe to the centre of Ki, they are connected by the central energy channel

Russian scientists thawed and resurrected several prehistoric worms
The 2 worms started moving and eating
One worm is 41,700 years old and the other worm is 32,000 years old

 Man must be set back for he has taken over her role, unfortunately he will be destroyed for attempting to overthrow her, goodbye 

They have their finger on the trigger my nigger 
Your move
Charged everyday for the last week at least and at a moments notice they can pull the trigger
Star family have been giving you warnings, once we go live there is no turning back, the process has already began while many are still thinking about the 3D 
144,000 have been guiding NI.BIRU in remotely, that number is a frequency [144hz] since 2012 we had been tuning in and dropping out, we go to source not the other way around
the MaStar-Key has been emitting a kode just like Re and this planet, 3 the hard-way, forget how this started, this is how it ends 
Expect volcanoes and earthquakes activity 

New Zealand, there are many images out now showing crafts over volcanoes around the planet, this means that many are being activated, a plasma discharge ignites these reactors, the planet release her energy at the same time, a lot of data is released in the process, these crafts are indicators and the local people have resided there long enough to know that sumthing is about to occur, these volcanoes are activating all the while

Rio [Brazil]

Records will be broken and set
Nature is incoming
the USA is important because the bulk of the off-spring are in bondage over there and the code breakers are there also, slavery ended in the USA and that is what is incoming, the end of the beginning  

Spiral Number 9
Parts of Jamaica have flooding along with many others there in that region 

What nature takes out, she puts back in, this is the Sahara desert with nearly 2000 trees covering an area 2/5 times bigger than France
New land is being set up and its not for the Muslims [Arabs] 

Is this a weapon, are they blocking out the sun, is this a telescope

Remember, all these countries are getting ready to fight the Galactic Federation, not each other 

Huge fleets everywhere around the world

The children of Mu, the children of Atlantis are in the USA [Atlantis] and this is where is all counts, the Annunaqi have returned for this planet and their off-spring

Mt Meru [Heru] has an entrance to hollow earth and there is a special army being set up to cleanse Alkebulan, you guys call it ethnic cleansing [eth-er]

Sitting off of Nepal, crafts are on the ground over by the Himalayas and this is why there has been a no fly zone in place since the break of dawn, in the movie 2020, this is where they left from, from Arizona the other set of images are from, the fleets are sitting off of the Adriatic sea, the Mexican gulf, over every major country that put their children into bondage, they are over all military sites, installations, facilities, they are over all underground bunkers, nests, cities, they are over the UK, Canada and Washington state because those are the powerhouses [economic hubs] they are over Russia and over China, they are over AB.ZU [South Africa], they are where is matters the most 

Over Mexico

Cubes, pyramids and spheres are above the planet 

Texas, Kanada, Arizona, Alaska, Hawaii are all hot-spots and airports like Chicago for they all link underground and because this is where top military bases are at and so too is star-family, watching you, watching me 

ejection from the sun and we can see sum things being shown up 


The sky is Red at night and Purple during the day for many, tic toc, the body is going to roc 


When we see the [AU.RA] in all four corners of the planet than the dimensions have merged
You have never seen colours like this before and is coming from the deep, abyss 


Waji [Green] Healing Life-Force [Heart] the energy goes Waji when it hits the planet but starts off in Ultra [Purple]  

Red Aura(s) 
[AU.RA] over Denmark
Red is war
Red is Root Chakra

Red is the Ma'at Principle, the Law that man fears the most and is earthbound

[MA.AT] these are codes, that which is straight, the Purple and Red is going to present problems to the artificial races for Red changes Atoms [Atum]
Check the Ph levels in the atmosphere and watch yours 
Black is Kaanu 

Next image below was how the field used to be 

Ph Levels 

The field will not support the radiation coming in, the soul-ar radiation, you have 9 ether and can dispense all radiation providing your body is up to scratch

Three suns, red sun, blue sun, dark sun [kaanu] 

The magnetic fields are on and off from the poles which is not good for the 6 ether

NI.BIRU is pushing all the energy back into her from the rear side and its not normal to Western scientist because they have never been in this era before but these are our signs to us that the field will go down 

The sea around Peru, Ecuador, Mexico has retreated
Has the planet has titled or the plate depressed
Ecuador in nearly a week and the sea has not returned 

New Orleans is already below sea-level [sinking-sunk] and many places around the world have already been submerged under water

 Nature is working while you sleep, this is a 24hr operation, the crafts in the sky rotate, one crew comes in and another crew goes on break

One day you will wake up and the planet would have changed, give gratitude, because that one day is coming for all of us, there is no getting away from this

If your looking for Lov9 don't follow me 


Have no fear for atomic energy
'Cause none of them can stop the time
Some say it's just a part of it
We've got to fulfil the book

Now visible in Arab countries, tic toc
NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] and Re [Atum-Atun-Amun]  
Have no god before me and this means there was, there was many and sum where female
Neb translates Lord in the Western language, Lord Heru, look in your skies, is Jesus or Allah or Mohammed at the flight controls, no they are not

Nemesis and NI.BIRU are the same system [binary] 

 Soul-ar shield with eyebrow [wink-wink] sphere of sone
seen everywhere especially in Europe  

 Sign-language came from KHMT
Olmec [Ol-Mex] Ulmex [Ul-Mex] [Old-Mac] 
Old Macdonald had a farm

 We are confident in the victory over good over evil 

The old must be destroyed Brahma [ANU] the creator, Shiva [EN.LIL] the destroyer and Vishnu [EN.KI] the sustainer
poWRA-ed by Kali [Aset] IN.ANNA [EN.KI twin] beloved 

Heru [25.12.2020] the Destroyer [Neb Heru] NI.BIRU  

Where life ends, life begins, where life begins, life ends in this ever-willing cycle of life 


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