Shadow Hour
She is coming [Femi9 NRG]
Everything that you see that is out-of-order in history you have to go to because order stops chaos
You bring order to chaos and we brought order to chaos for a certain reason a couple million years ago but this particular realm is over now and we must dis-organ-ise chaos, which you are good at anyway which is disorganisation [we will get there when we get there type of thing]
The N.TU [deity] system is multi-dimensional [99 attributes]
You are the N.TU, so your deities or your energy cannot evolve or you cannot stream into your energy because of Seh [religion]
We or they never worshipped any or many [Gods] (Deities) no it was about the one [God] which is Kaanu [Melanin] which is chaos and is always moving [Kaanu evolves every 3-5 years]
How can you define water, you have to list every el-ement
in it to get a rough idea [concept] of what is in it and this is what we have
to do
We had been stuck in the artificial realm and for a long time but the Philosopher's Stone has penetrated the artificial government, the Philosopher's Stone is nothing but the breakdown of Kaanu, this is the metaphysical term, the Philosopher's Stone has an extra-terrestrial origin and means it’s found nowhere on Ki apart from in the 9 ether man and the 9 ether wombman and means that the Kaanu [Melanin] is made up of every composite on Ki [Earth]
One composite that you cannot find on Ki but is in the Kaanu and that is the light particle which is in the Stone and is a Nuclear device that when activated on this planet will blow up anything that does not have the same energy, that is why in the Gospel of Thomas he says, Heaven is like a Mustard seed [which is inside of you] and the plant or weed that my father seeded cannot be plucked up and this means the seed is inside the Kaanu [Melanin]
You are sumwhere else but in this particular Atom [Atum]
The universe is on Orion, the Kat in the movie Men In Black had the universe around its neck that held the universe, that little small dot and that dot is inside of you and is housed in the Kaanu [Melanin] that dot is also called Carbon and is the triple darkness of space and is the size of a grain of salt and is a seed and in that seed is where you are
Your HuMin [HuMan] eyes have magnified this bullsh9t you see around you and you cannot see the real you or the real world because of the illusion, you are in the seed in another dimension but this particular seed is the most poWRA-ful seed in the universe and is Sirius B which is your spirit [Kaa] Sirius is Greek for Osiris who is Heru and this seed[Atom] is the most poWRA-full thing in this universe and once activated can blow up everything
Have you read about Heru and what he does, he destroys everything and you are that Heru [Her0] this is the roll of the Al-chemy
The Abyssinians [Ethiopians] built many replicas to keep the Arc safe and was the same Arc that was used in the Battle of Jericho in the book of Joshua, who didn’t exist, Joshua [Jo-Shu-a] [Ye-Shu-a] but Shu did
The Arc of the Covenant was built by the Ethiopians, a
physical Chess that they got from the Mystery of O’ser or Osiris [Asaru]
When Asaru was cut up into 14 pieces and he was thrown into the Nile and the Katfish ate all the pieces, but before that, they cut him up after inviting him to the Last Support [party] and nailed the Chess shut, the Mafia [kiss of death] still do this as well as others like in Shakespeare plays, invite you to the Last Support or to a party and kill you
The Chess was floated down the Nile
The ancient Semu [priest] used to build these Chess, Moses who was a deflected Semu from the priesthood of Osiris you can read Moses Pharaoh of Egypt by Ahmed Osman [HarperCollins] or read Moses Mystery
They used to build this Chess in KHMT [KMT]
What is interesting is that the Europeans followed the directions on how to build this Chess and in 1967 they built a version at the university of Chicago [Chicago and Atlanta are twin energy fields] and this caused all types of storms and lighting and the USA army came in and made them take it down
If you have seen Raiders of the Lost Arc, Steven Spielberg studied the Occult [hidden] you will see the Chess [main image] the Chess is the Arc of the Covenant and is Osiris’s Chess, they are one in the same
The wings are those of Ma’at and that of NI.BIRU and that
of the Caduceus symbol and is also the Staff [Waas] of Tehuti and shows that
this Chess came out of Khem-et [Al-Khem-y] and that the poWRA of this
particular Chess is also inside of you, in the middle of the Staff of Tehuti is
the Kaanu [dot] which is you again, so the Chess equals the black [melanin] dot
and is the true mark of the Covenant which has the poWRA of N.TU [God] and as
long as the chosen ones had the Arc they were invincible but you are not
because you suppress the Kaanu
You have to utilise the Kaanu through thought [thoth] and as long as you do that, you are invincible
The Arc [Ark] is a ship, a vessel [look at a ship upside down] you have the original ship which is you and sum of the beings you see in spaceships above is actually us as entities that can take on any form
The Arc of the Covenant is also the black dot [Nuqta] melanin [Kaanu]
It took them 500 years to put together the story of Jesus
and the peoples view and the Scho-lar-s [Soular] view are different, their
Bible only has less than 2% worth on Jesus and this tells us that in actuality,
the book was borrowed from sumone else
Aset represents the pituitary gland [eye] known as the master gland, because it controls several of the other glands [seven other eyes] that are beside the minds eye, seven = Kiymah [Pleiades]
In front of them all is the Sphinx [final resting place of the Akir-Lion] the Sphinx which is Heru on the Horizon [Harakhate] which the Sphinx is the true Christ [Karast] of the world [light of the world] which is the symbol of Kaanu [melanin] which is in you and makes you the symbol of KRST [KARAST] Christ
[wisdom of Osiris]
Men in Black, said that the universe was on Orions-Belt and it is because that is the Dogon Sirius star system which is a binary star
Sirius A is the brightest star in the sky and everything
out there is nothing but a hologram of what is going on down here [Ki] Sirius
is Greek for Osiris and is also for Anubu and the rest because all the [Gods]
or the N.TU [Neter] came from Sirius that is all it means which is in another
dimension and means they didn’t have to get in a spaceship and travel down
Then you have Sirius B which is the smallest thing in the universe and travels around Sirius A every 50 years and in actuality, there is only Sirius B, Sirius A is the illumination of Sirius B, Sirius A is a reflection of Sirius B, just like you have a black-dot on the inside of you [eye] and when it illuminates you have a crown chakra
The real universe is Magi-cal and has nothing to do with what you learned in school, it’s a hologram and the Europeans have tried to explain this in space and time and you now know there is no such thing as space and time
They said that the universe was on Orions-Belt, its so big that is actually very small and is a manifestation of sumthing so big but is the unseen realm, read, Black Goddess and the Unseen Real, this book came out in 1988 for two years and we haven’t seen this book since, written by Peter Redgrave, they took it down because he says that, the Black man and woman observes nature and they can learn from nature because nature was put here, nature was put here for them to learn how to rule nature or how to coexist with nature and that the Albino has to dissect and cut up nature, because he doesn’t understand sh9t, why cannot he just watch and observe and find out all he needs to know like that, and the unseen real, he was talking about the triple blackness in space, the Femi9 element [womb] Omega, the material of the womb of the universe and is in the 9 ether wombman
The ball [sphere] around the Kat’s neck is the greatest subatomic energy which means its melanin [Kaanu] and your walking around with it in your body, no wonder they are getting ready to do Marital Law, the 9 ethers are about to active [blow up] but many don’t know what to do, they think that its all about the physical body and that is them and not that you are a vessel carrying a payload
Event Horizon, all these movies is telling you what is going on, movies are manuals, any black actors are used for one reason only, except Neo in the Matrix who was wearing all black anyway, the role was for Will Smith originally or the movie Lucy with the black goo, Spiderman with the black goo
The European has to give back the keys to this realm, data is not always going to come in a book, watch sum of these movies because therein are the real answers and explanation, books and movies are the same thing today, you have those with a PhD writing sumthing on sum bullsh9t when the data is out there
In Event Horizon, the guy goes through the black hole and
comes back out and says, I can’t take the blackness, we had a mask fall over
near Russia and they found it and when they got one of them to put it on, it
nearly blew his head off, Putin sealed it in a vault, no Kaanu means you cannot
do certain things
There is a comet that is supposed to come, in the Zohar which is the written Kabbala and they talk about this comet [asteroid, meteorite = craft] that is coming in the last days, in your Celtic mysteries [which is your Excalibur] and they talk about what will come in the last days and that is the Dragons tail which is the comet [craft] and the comet will come and get into a fight with a star or flame, this is the mystery of the flame and the star is the comet which also represents your Kundalini [serpentine energy] because what is going on in haven [heaven] is going on in your body in the last days
We are past the comet stage and are in other realm
because the comet comes and goes and outside acts has a sign and inwardly is a
combination of your Kaa [spirit] illuminated
The flame is the Kundalini inside of you that you see on
the Staff [Waas] of Tehuti, the flame is inside of you which is cosmic fire
which shoots up your spine, so when you see that comet, that is a reflection of
sumthing that is going on the inside of you which is the Kundalini rising and
that is why they started killing you off
The star that is supposed to get into a fight with the flame [Kundalini] is the black dot [Kaanu] that is illuminating us but the flame is also the symbol of the structure of the DNA [the double Helix structure of the DNA] and is what the Excalibur and Hale [Halley] Bopp comet mystery is talking about
The Comet [Asteroid] (Tail) Meteorite is coming in now and between November and we will have loads coming in to sh9t the powers that be, which one is it, all the Chester [Cesar] towns must be removed at all costs
The Etruscan who were the founders of Greece and Rome [Italy] it is the Indo-Europeans who came in and took the societies like they did in Atlantis [USA] and made out that it was all theirs, when the Etruscans had to teach them how to speak, the Etruscans come out of the Phoenicians [seafarers]
At the funeral of Julius Cesar there was a comet that came in to Rome at the same time while everyone was rejoicing because the comet was in the skies and they had already had a prophecy that when the comet came it would be the end of the world and during the ancient times that was a time of rejoicing when the comet came and that meant you didn’t have to do no more time [jail time] on planet Ki [earth] and you would be released back to the N.TU [God] that you used to be or the entity that you used to be or the energy force that you used to be
[watch the movie Dark Crystal they worked on that movie for
five years, just like Harry Potter, these are not child movies for five years’
worth of making, this is about you]
A Etruscan man said no, that is not the comet and that the comet will come in the last days [read the book called Ancient Greek and Rome Religion and they name the man who said this] will be the end games comet or read the Wisdom of Ancient Egypt and that book holds the Papyrus on Horus and Set, the fight between the good forces and the bad forces and read Ancient Egyptian Literature that has the fight between Horus and Set, the complete fight written by Miriam Lichtheim Vol2
You have to read has many books has possible because it is the Europeans who are sitting on the translations and then ask you higher-self [Sakhu] what is the fuc9ing truth when you've read these books, you will be answered
All Nubian people [9 ether] have Kaanu [melanin] but not
all 9 ethers are conscious, what makes you different from these people is they
do not have an advanced heart [Ab] Chakra
When you the advanced beings came back down here to reincarnate to be the ones that get us out of this mess your heart chakra became open, which means the old saying, he’s heart wasn’t in it, which means you have to be real
You all have Kaanu but sum people are not a br’other, sum
siStars are not siStars, the problem is the heart chakra is not open
The heart chakra has to be illuminated for you to gain this particular knowledge which means, the root, navel, spline, soular chakras and if they are not radiating above the heart chakra then your consciousness is in your lower chakra system and so the consciousness [frequency] comes in and bounces off the root chakra and you don’t receive nothing, the only way you can receive know-ledge [light-data] that makes you want to learn [know] understand more, then your heart chakra has to be radiating so that you can go to the throat chakra and the brow chakra and the crown chakra, your heart as to be in it to win it, so for those who don’t have a chakra system or Kaanu, your role down here was to become conscious, to open your heart
This is what it means when they say, don't cast pearls
before swine because most people are illuminating on their lower chakra, which
is ruled by the lower ego and in order for you to get what is really coming for
you, you need to be illuminating from the heart chakra
Syna-gogue is from the word Sene-galese [everything is always in the pronunciation]
The Orionid meteor shower is from Orion which is Sahu and although you may think this is amazing, the shower is getting ready to destroy you
Diyn [Deen] [deputy-judge] Dina, which became Din in Moses’s Torah and Diyn in Mohammads Qur’an, Dana [Diana] from where they get Din and Diyn is also Dono, Don, the Celtic wife of Beli [Ba’al] which is the wife of Baal or from Dun, meaning brown [Dunblane, Dunbar, Dunbeath = Scotland] and [Dunkirk, Dunbar, Dundalk, Doonbeg = Ireland] and [Denbigh, Dolgellau = Wales]
There was never any snakes or dragons in Scotland,
Ireland or Wales or was there
This is before the Europeans came in, so who were the Celtics and did you know they lost their ability for telepathy because they started to keep secrets [Sssssh, finger on lips] who are the Celtics, are they not the Muurs, what is Irish history without the Muurs, read Everything is Under Control by Robert Anton Wilson and he tells it like it is
The handle has 140,000 gold studs
Another possibility is that a small section of the Bronze Age people were an artisan class, who worked hard on minute, dextrous pieces as children and grew into myopic adults, that is , very short-sighted. Eyesight experts have postulated that if someone was tasked with doing this from, say, 10-years-old, they would have useful eyesight up to a maximum of ONE METRE when they reached adulthood. Beyond that would be a blur. If that was the case, they would have become dependent on the rest of the group would for things like.. well, not being eaten by predators they couldn't see coming.
This dates from around 1900BC, and was found at Bush
Barrow in 1808, less than a mile from Stonehenge, and can be seen at Devizes
Museum, Wiltshire. See less
Let's look at how this masterpiece was made.
- First the gold was made into long, thin wire, as thick as a human hair
- The end of the gold wire was whacked flat to create a stud head
- The flat wire end was cut in a millimetre long length
- A very fine point was used to make tiny holes in the dagger handle
- Tree resin was rubbed into the holes
- Each piece of gold stud was placed into a hole
Sumone wrote that, I stopped reading when they wrote that experts think it was probably made by children
Who are the Pic's, Stonehenge is about a million years old and in the UK we had the Ires and the Pics
Picts or Pics, they where called this when the Romans came
in, called this because of their body paint to the Romans looked like pict-ures
Who are the TWA people, shame on you for lying about history, the ice-age only ended they say 10,000 years ago, so if all the Europeans where in caves then no, this has nothing to do with Bronze or Iron or Med-evil ages because the other species where all ready flourishing on the planet in all the four corners of the planet
Nigeria, Lejja, the world's oldest Iron-Smelting site is in Nigeria, so no it didn’t take 2,400 hrs to make
Moses had magnifying lens which are in the basement of the British Museum
LAHMU [Mars]
NASA have 26 probes orbiting Lahmu and the land-probe,
that is an awful lot of probes looking for water, what are they really taking
pictures of, they haven’t landed near the face on Lahmu that they took pictures
of since 1976
The face is a monument and is of the Lares [who you call Bigfoot] EN.KI laboratories are there, creation labs, the face monuments needs to be inverted and you will see what the monument really looks like and is a marker for others to know what was taking place there, there are still Lares up there
They understood that the planets in this soul-ar system
all used to worship us because they understood that whole system had to be
redeemed from the lowest planet and y-our planet would be the last planet which
in actuality is the first planet, they used to worship us nit because we were
the lowest planet but because we were the planet on the mountain top
Your looking out in space which is actually down and Ki
is actually up, so when you look in the earth [Ki] your actually looking at the
highest point of the heavens and so Oser [Osiris] being under the ground [which
is inside of your mind] is the highest point of the heavens and we are actually
up and the other sh9t is down and they are waiting on us
They used to worship us because we were the sleeping gods
144 negative confessions which is in the book of the
dead, coming forth by day, which Moses took 10 of those 144 negative
confessions and made the 10 commandments from
We don’t deal on moralism, that has nothing to do with us now or then, it has nothing to do with the immortals to which we are
144 negative confessions means what the soul hasn’t done,
that is why its called negative, and doesn’t have sh9t to do with your body
We don’t deal with moralism; we deal with instinct = we
just are
When they came in and saw this on the walls of KMT, they thought we recited all this 144 times and that we physically didn’t do things like, I did not sleep with Eva Mendes, I did not steal, I did not lie and so on+ which they changed to I shall not in their Bible [Torah] and so on
The key is this the 144 negative confessions was not for
you to follow because this is an illusion and you don’t even exist on this
The 144 confession is to do with your Baa [soul] because
the Baa is pure, with all the sh9t you see here in the matrix it is impossible
not to do 144 things physically
It is saying that while your in this h3ll [matrix] this is what your Baa is going through on the inside of you, that is the moralism, they say the nature of the 9 ether is that of [God] which is that of righteous, and has nothing to do with the way you behave on the outside, this does not mean you can do what they wilt , its not in our nature to kill people, to sleep with little boys or girls, to fu9k animals, its not in your nature, just like a Kat wouldn’t jump in the ocean and swim, its not in his or her nature to do that, he or she would have to be taught that just like many of you have been taught to do things that wasn’t in your nature
Its not how you behave in this realm, its how your soul behaves in another realm because your soul is the essence of the Most-High [the most-highest of frequencies] so if that is the case, what is it that you need to do
Read, Man and Time >> papers from the eranos yearbooks >> the last year book was 1957, this is how the Europeans know about Metaphysical stuff and why today you have New-Age people talking trash and telling you they have Reiki, stone , alchemy certificates, no that is not how it works, the last year book was 1957 and then they went silent, they had all this knowledge and had synthesized it before you even went into a civil rights movement and all that stuff that you did in the 60’s was just a government strategy and they were laughing at you because they already knew the shitty truth and this lets you know how advanced they are in the time that we are dealing with today
We cannot deal with time has ethers, when you put time to sumthing
Read Man and Time if you want to know what to do
Nigga means Sol [Sun] and means the blackening stage, read the book; the Book of Lilith by Barbara Black Koltuv and she also has another book called Solomon and Sheba
Sol and Amun [Solo’Amun] Solomon [Sulayman] which is the hidden sun aka Amun Ra which means the black dot [Sol] sun and Sol’A’mun which is the hidden sun = Amun is Oser or Osiris [Asaru]
Solomon [peaceful one] from the root Sol [sun] Om [Sun] On [Sun] the three suns or triad = Amun, Atun and Atum, Oser in his illuminated form is Amun
Solo'Amun [Solomon] mines [minds] temple >> [in your head]
Sheba [Makeda] the Negustit [Queen] of the NTH gate
[Ethiopia] and she is Maat, Sophia, Aset (Isis) and this is a story that got
out of hand and they tried to make the story historical
In Barbara’s book there is a story about the blackening stage that makes Kaanu [Melanin] black is called Sol’Nigga, the black sun
Lilith [Lil-Leeth] Lillith translates of the shadow hour period, she is the Kaanu Sun, she is the Wicca [witch]
Nigga [Negus] Neteru [Naga]+ this is an ancient word and when you say this word Nigga, you bring on ancient poWRA and these are words of poWRA that can kill
Today the word is used causally, and when the European called you a Nigga, that was the spiritual part, the word Nigga is an Alchemical term which is Kaanu [melanin] using the word black which means poWRA anyway and use the word Nigga which is Black Sun [Son] and Sol [Nigga] or Amun Ra, no one is African or American or Jamaican or West Indian, none of these words means nothing because they are European names and you are not from this planet but you avatar is made from this planet and the stars
Alex Jones real name is Jeffery Sulayman both him and his
wife have dual Israeli citizenship, David Icke is another Reptilian, all they
are doing is representing other Reptilian families that is why they know so
much and why they haven’t been taken out, Steven Greer is another one
Please read between the lines with all these posts, they all have to do with what is impending and all the posts are interconnected
5D-9D, the Chris[KRST]tmas decorations will be different this years, the destroyer in both NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] and Heru will be in the mix on 90.6FM Christmas
Both NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] Nabara and the Sun [ASPU] are bending the light, the frequency is in 5D, stay on the 4[5]D band, its over for all those in the 3D
Remember Baphomet is a tranny
Churches are going up in flames has all religions [Seh]
are over
Does nature make mistakes
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