Sunday, 11 October 2020

Caged Minds

Witches [Wicca], Warlocks, Wizards, Sorcerers and Magi [is everywhere] stay focused and grounded

Develop your own poWRA and your own potential, if they can take it from you, then they will

Pinocchio nose didn’t grow because he lied, his nose grew because he was a nosy little git, the children do not want any strings attached to them no more, the decade children, the Flower, Indigo and the Rainbow and Crystal children  

We have lost so many of the children through the Matrix and the Matrix industries, we have lost so many children through the children wanting to get away from their parents, from children wanting a-better-life here in this 3D, many got caught out down here and lost their soul [contracts] and have actually put more strings on themselves in the process

The planet must be swept on the surface and then replenished

 The Seraphim [Sepharadim] went to Alkebulan [Africa] and the Nephilim, Cherubim went to Mesopotamia [Iraqi-Turkey-Iran-Afghanistan], the Seraphim is the agreeable and positive

The Bloodline is very strong and these witches will not be able to outlive the Bloodline 

When the Bible says, you will be washed in the Blood of the Lamb, this means is if you are not the Bloodline of the Lamb, the Lamb and KAU [Cow] are sacred Biblical animals from KMT, the Lamb is associated with Amun [Ptah] and Osiris [EN.KI] Bloodlines and since then there have been several Bloodlines of the Messiah [anointed one] the Bible passage means if you are not of the Bloodline of the Lamb and you need this in order to leave with them, the rest of us belong to other beings, still with the agreeable and the ones who have nothing stay here with the Devil has your host with the most 

The Wombmans portal [stargate] has been fought over by both sides, negative and positive, the only way for Kaa [spirits] to get down here, the stargate [Pum-Pum] war has been going on for nearly 6,000 years

Remember you are incarnated with gifts, you are the Witches [Wicca] the Warlocks [war-locks-hair] the Wizards and the Sorcerers [you go to source], yeah sum of you had to be initiated but all is inherited, you manifest [Magi] what you want, but in this final phase many are being killed off by the European and his maStars 

I’m in a forum and sum of the elders in the USA have been talking about how when they were younger that they nearly lost their lives, sum was through neglect of their parents, this conversation then triggered my own upbringing and to when I also nearly lost my life, what was apparent in this forum was the age, everyone spoke about the age of between 3 and 4 years old 

  Image of 24 watches [24x 3 = 72] 72 positive and 72 negative [72+72 = 144] Yahweh

[Yah 72] [Weh 72]

The Yahweh haven’t travelled 36 light years to save you, they are here yes, but not to save you, go to them for guidance, strength and protection but not your ticket out of here 

Many children that was incarnated in the 70’s had to be watched, this was the decade of the Indigo, the energy on this planet had been in the making of 700+ years but the roaring 20’s [1920] was the start

Those from the 70’s had to be brought into the hospital so they could monitor us, sum of you were given Tonsillitis, Appendix which are all a part of your immune system so they could tamper with your eye [nervous system, immune system all connected] Im-Amun-e 

[there is nothing in your body that is leftover or is rendered useless, why would the higher beings put sumthing in your body that you didn’t need] 

They already know your Bloodtype, when you are born, they already know what planet and what house constellation that you are from when you are born into a hospital 

All of us have stories around the 3-4-year mark and its interesting that we all remember the time and what took place but yet I cannot remember certain other things about being a 3-year-old child 

Many people died and was brought straight back, many of you have died multiple times 

Our parents are not our real parents, me talking to the decade babies [energy] only, many of them neglected us from day one, they said that we chose our parents, yes because our established networks had been infiltrated for many, many years, you had to choose the family because they were all fu9ked up for a better word, remember we had 400 [512] years of the European fu9king with us and this was on going, generation after generation

Your just needed the DNA from them to come through the stargates, it takes a lot of energy to produce us, you cannot blame your parents if they lost their way, if they follow the sky-daddy, do you know how much punishment they had to go through to get you down here, sum of you are here to correct the genetics in that lineages bloodline, sum of you are actually here to break generational curses and this is why you were inserted into that lineage, this is why you were inserted into this Matrix, multiple reasons, many of you are on multiple missions, step up  

There will not be many, if any, in the family lineage that think like you, sum of you have two elders in your family lineage or in that particular family lineage meaning you have double the work to do

 Your Grandmother or your mother was prepared from the 1920’s, into the 30’s [40’s] 50’s [60’s] for your passage in the 70’s [80’s] 90’s [00] and now 2020 [2013] before this time, parents where unreachable, sum still won't make it  

Many OB1’s and Jedi MaStars have and had been sent with knowledge [light] from the four corners of the world to bring about this Great Awakening, light after light

You are a son of man [mind], meaning a sun [in your chest] of the Galactic [mind], you have a sun [soular] sun in your body and many couldn’t grasp this back then but you can explain it now

You know that you are celestial [DEA] or a Baa in a avatar [body] unit, you are rays of light because you come directly from the sun [Tama-re] Tama-reys [Tama-rays] many of you come from the beings who reside in the cities on the sun and the Greeks called you Children of the Sun [Helios]

The Sun [APSU] is a planet [PAARE]

When you sun-gaze before the sun is at his strongest, what do you see, at certain times of the day you can see the planet, you need Kaanu in your eyes to see, those with Blue, Grey, Green and Hazel eyes see Jack sh9t without Kaanu and the main eye is calcified

The Sun showers with all that light and man tells us it’s a ball of fire, gas, its plasma [Khaybet] and has a Kaanu-hole, just like we have here on Ki on the inside of the planet 

We might not reach everyone and the elders know this, would it really come down to the 144,000 only out of billions on this planet, minus the artificial [recessive] species and the humanoids and so on+

The OM [sone] comes from the sun which is an active planet where we [you] were birthed from to come here to Ki because she was in distressed

Magi is what we use to use the forces of nature [NTR] all the extra-terrestrials use the Magi and bend it according to their will and command those elements in and out of what you see

This includes tarot card readings, be wary when you get these 3D readings for other beings are attaching themselves to the person and that person will keep coming back to the reader over and over and you can’t even work out your own life

We are on the cusp of where you will not need a saviour 

All religions [Seh] was created by aliens and they were disagreeable and negative because they were trying to get you to worship sumthing, your parents are nothing more than caretakers and once you get older, its over, no more parenting, you don't need them but many will need you to keep them from facing reality, your parents have to step up themselves or fu9k them 

Your heart is the only heart that will be weighed no-one else will be there, you have to save your own soul

We came has a team [collectively] but you are an individual, there are more negative angels than there are positive angels, too many devils here because they all got kicked out and that is sum of the reasons why the planet is the way she is, because there is no balance

China has a Nuclear planet that ran off of wood, the Chinese torn down entire woodland areas to feed their machine and in the process there was no trees left for the birds and this is why we find many in metal cages, the Chinese are amazing, even the end-of-the-world is made in China  

Birds in cages is still slavery, clipping their wings so they can never fly again and be stuck here with your dry ass, this is not how nature intended

 The caged bird sings in the hope that you might release him [her] 

All these organisations that rescue animals or marine life that are trapped by fishing nets, people want acknowledgement for the problems that they created, they rescue animals from one holder and put them into one of their own holders, they create National Parks that you cannot go, they create areas that was once open and free for themselves, the problem is the European [Caucasian] Albino, get rid of him and all life with flourish 

But its ok to hunt the Whales and Dolphins 

Go back only 50 years and look at the numbers of Elephants, Rhinos, Lions, Jaguars, Leopards, Whales, and so on+ all in the 400,000 to 500,000 range and now on the brink of collapse, even in the oceans  

The Planet [Ki], Plant, Animal and HuMin [HuMan] King-domes are all ATOL protected and you is in trouble  

How do a group of people live side by side with animals and never once tried to own them or cage them for 10's and 10's of thousands of years and then another group come in and do the complete opposite  

Metal cages that houses the Kat family, Birds, Animals and HuMin [HuMan] beings

Belgium, France, England

 Zoo, this African girl was exhibited in a human zoo in Brussels, Belgium, in 1958, [less than your granddads age ago] are you for real

Who does this like this, I thought you where from this planet, had you never seen Nubian people before 

Ota Benga [1904] they filed down his teeth to make him more savage looking, you should see what they did to Ota and the millions after this and before, I is trying to help you so when you see shit happen then you will know why even if the next person doesn't

This is a soular system and they want to know how the soul operates under extreme pressure and if you have a conscious, this does not mean grow you hair and locks them or give money or say sorry, it is what it is  

 The letter Z had to be added to create the Roman world Zoo

zoo (n.)

c. 1847, short for Zoological Gardens of the London Zoological Society, established 1828 in Regent's Park to house the society's collection of wild animals and HuMins  

The first three letters taken as one syllable, from a mere vulgarism, this corruption has passed into wide colloquial use" [Century Dictionary]

Slang meaning "crowded and chaotic place" first recorded 1935.


word-forming element meaning "animal, living being," from Greek zoion "an animal,"literally "a living being," and that includes HuMin Being from PIE root *gwei- "to live" (source also of Greek bios "life")

Zoophilia (n.)

"attraction to animals involving release of sexual energy," 1899, in a translation of Krafft-Ebing, from zoo- "animal" + -philia. "[F]ormerly implying sexual intercourse or bestiality" [OED]

The meaning "sympathy or tender care for living creatures" is in the nativized formation zoophily (1886). 

Pedophilia is sexual desires with children

Zoophilia is sexual desires with animals

Necrophile is sexual desires with dead people [corpses]

All Roman [Greek] practices

 Sarah Baartman was one of the reasons why GMO food was introduced, European women did not have an ass or thighs or boobs, so they created GMO to reach that goal, thus creating Cellulite in their women today, this is chemicals that their body cannot break down, toxic waste

 Called exhibition but is really called exploitation, I cannot write what they did to [Sarah] because I would have to grit the back of my teeth and me done with all that monkey sh9t

Sarah [Sara] SAA.RE [Saare] 

All of Europe was involved and the USA, these are Annunaqi off-spring or Alkebulan royalty that you put in metal cages, that you took from their homes and brought over, that you raped and chained up like an animal because that is what you promoted, that these royalties where animals

How the tables have turned and will be very heavy for many real soon   

Did you know that every 9 ether wombman is carrying a code [MtDNA] and that she can be identified at any given moment, all her memories are on-file, every wombman recorded what you have done to them

The Albino, Caucasian, Europe must be removed from this planet so the planet, plant and animal kingdoms can breathe, Christmas will be different this year, you are the decorations and bright lights  

Don't commit to me, commit to growth

I will meet you there

When people like you, you will know

If they don't, you will be confused

 Read that again

120 is the avatar expiry date  

Trans AM







word-forming element meaning, across, beyond, through, on the other side of, to go beyond, from Latin trans (prep.) across, over, beyond, originally present participle of a verb trare-, meaning to cross, from PIE *tra-, variant of root *tere- (2) cross over, pass through, overcome 

In chemical use indicating a compound in which two characteristic groups are situated on opposite sides of an axis of a molecule [Flood

Transatlantic slave route is where you will find the Typhoons and Hurricane waiting and following the slave route from the coast of Alkebulan into the Caribbean into the USA, this blood must be paid for and it will be an eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, there is no escaping this 

Ra-coon [Sun and Coon = black person]

Tycoon [Ty = old ancestors (dragon) and Coon = black person]

YAWN >>>>> the transfiguration of Jesus is a story told in the New Testament when Jesus is transfigured and becomes radiant in glory upon a mountain, the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew 17:1–8, Mark 9:2–8, Luke 9:28–36) describe it, and the Second Epistle of Peter also refers to it (2 Peter 1:16–18) <<<<< radiant [emitting light] KRST NRG

Exodus movement of Jah [Yah] people

[Jah Rastafari is a title and it is Yah not Jah Ra-Star-Afar-i]

[Afar = Afer people]

Ras is from Ras Tafari Makonnen [Halie Selassie] 


A-star of Re [Ra] or the star people of the Afar tri-be

A sun [son] of Ra

A sun [son] of Yah-Weh  

Yah = positive and agreebale

Weh = negative and disagreeable  

Ra lands on Ki and an Afar boy walks towards the MIR craft and Ra takes the avatar of that boy, exactly how they showed you in the movie StarGate  

A'aferti [A-afer-ti] A-Afar-ti] Pharaoh 

Infinity lock

Side lock

They were never mixed race, nor Arab or European, they were Nubian [Ebony] in the movie they used light skinned people and Ra was played by a tranny  

Alkebulan lock

Infinity lock 

These off-spring, their parents are here
May your [God] help you

The USA started talking about DEW, now the fires in the Amazon and California started last year and since then parts of South America, California and Australia and now Turkey, Lebanon, Syria and shitty Israel have all been hit, its official that your governments are doing this but unofficial, why are they clearing the land, why are they moving people, we know that the Chinese have purchased huge amounts of land in California, and they have purchased the water and land in Australia, we also know that many areas will be war-zones, big war zones, sum areas will be going underwater 

Water and weather systems continue to be in full force, crops and food, water must be taken away from you, you must go into caves and be buried like last time, the North must go into its ice-age, Cannibalism must return to show the rest that the 6 ether is the animal  

Did you see that fly land on Lord of the Fly's, same with Obama, so many that they had to redo the interviews, fly's smell shit and death
These clones, reptilians are rotten from the core
Watch the people you know and the fly's that show up 

The Arc is safe and we will see east Alkebulan break away, change is occurring and will affect the whole planet, Alkebulan houses the NTH gate 

the Flu and CV19 are the same symptoms, do not go doctors or you will die, watch your mum and dad for they will be targeting that group [elders] 

Signature craft that we see most times along with another one 

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is [Septarian] Septet [Sirius] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU [Dual], and Ratan [Rahu] is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun] planet with city and a plasma Kaanu in the middle and we have one in the centre of this planet  

Russia during volcano eruption

Those two spheres are also in the footage 

Italy [we have seen this before] holographic universe 
What happens in say, Italy, Germany, Holland, Belgium, France, the UK, the USA, Australia, Greece, China, Japan+ to name but a few places will not be the same say in other places around the world, no one is immune, just because you may be 9 ether does not mean that your passage is assured, you will not be saved because you are Nubian, no, it doesn't work like that and besides, no one is being saved except for a few lines in the lineage, the rest all have to earn their way out given that they are the ones who put us in this mess in the first place but it was all part of the MaStars plan

The guardians, providers are methodical, so too is nature [NTR] and Metu Netu, they are systematic, relentless, grandmother style, making sure you know sumthing is going on

Just because nothing is happening near you does not mean nothing is going on, yours is coming big time, the guardians want you to see what is taking place to your friends, nature wants you to get it, that you cannot fu9k with what she has created and that you are lower than her, that she dictates the pace, not you, 400 [512] is a long time and you have been in power for the length and breath of the Dollar, which is 90 years [100] they have only been in power for 90 years, when you were created sum 3.5 million years ago, how did you swap places, you gave this sh9t up, why, because we are bored, we've done all that needs to be done, you had the HuMin experience, but sum of our elders like it and don't want change, you know what old people are like when it comes to change, the older ones tried to hold onto it, so we let the others in because these old ones became too comfortable in their work and the rest of us were getting bored, we couldn't make them move, so we invited and gave it all to the 6 ether because, one, we knew they couldn't maStar the knowledge and they couldn't use it, so we gave them 10% out of the knowledge which is 360 x 2 = 720 in total and they took the bait for 90 years, we paid the price though, we lost many and they killed of part of the plant and animal and huMin [huMan] kingdoms and nearly cracked the planet wide open 

The 6 ether is the most destructible version that we have had out of all the others, however the program has now been deleted and a new one inserted and that means you cannot play no more, we are currently wiping the disc [planet] reformatting and will run the new program once all dead energy [files] have been deleted and all viruses contained

This process will take us up to 21st December 2013 [2020] during this time we will see an increase in sh9t 

This Soular system will change for next year and we already have 13 months in this cycle

There will be an internal war amongst the species, this flag is St George who is Turkish and comes from the Ottoman empire, which technically these people are all the same, the Ottoman empire was led by the Nubians originally  

There are going to be positive and agreeable beings on this planet, they will ask you where your from [teleplay]  

If you do not know your symbol for your constellation or the symbol for your people, use this symbol, which is the planet Ki [Earth] and the stargate above the planet, which will let them know your from here 

Memorise this image, display this image when asked, this is not about whose side are you on, this is about your level of understanding, this is about what energy you are on

These beings are much more smarter than you and are looking for those who are woke, they will be here in the physical and in your dreams [astral realm]

Strings of Life 





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