Thursday, 29 October 2020

Blackstar Intel

Everything has energy, everything but not everything has a soul [Baa] that is the key here, who has energy and who has soul-energy, your cell-phone has energy but does this energy contribute to the planet, plant or animal or HuMin [HuMan] kingdoms, no it doesn’t your cell phone is killing these kingdoms

This is a soul-ar system, a soul-ar-ena system and you need a sol [Sun] soul [Baa] to be here, that is law Even [Evil] energy is energy but the energy must work in harmony with Nature [Neteru] [Netu] and Mother [Metu], is the energy taking away or putting in to N.TU or M.TU, all energy [NRG] must have a frequency

When those who are seeking the answers, find the Golden Children of the Matrix; you are on the verge in rediscovering self

The green [Waji] road leads to the Christos [KRST] NRG, waiting for you to remember that you are not part of the current program

You are an original hardware, while everything else is the code that can't mimic you nor delete you Anything that is created inside the Matrix is bonded to it's rules, you are not

This is why we shouldn't fear if this program fails, cause our hardware is advance and it needs the processing poWRA we give for it to work

The program can't run unless on the golden-hardware, and when the hardware fails the program stops running

This is why they must keep us around to feed off us and to keep them alive, to keep the system running

Slavery wasn’t enough for you, you don’t get it, many of you [9 ether] have to go down with this system and this doesn’t faze me, you need to go down because you serve nothing

We chose to come here and the rest were created, you are soular beings with soul energy, the last Dynasties from KHMT where all soular beings from the soular field and they are the beast from the soulless field

We are souls and they are energy, we take and give, they just take and need batteries to exist, you are Duracell, you go on and on, you are the charger in actuality 

The west coast has moved, the whole (plate) (chakra] closer to the ocean, you are going under

Star-family are over volcanoes, are over the fires, flooding, watch any footage and you will see in the skies the crafts, loads of them just sitting there, watching you, watching me
Mid-coast you can see all the crops are going and you have snow like no other coming in, what kind of [God] would do this

New Orleans is already under the sea-level and that number 9 weather system is on its ways
All these storms follow the slaver route right into the USA where slavery ended
August 21st 2017 that eclipse went on a 33-degree angle through the USA and that today is where is getting torn down

The poWRA is getting ready to go out and this winter will be your death-winter and you can see why China is coming to a place near you, why are they eating dogs and people already in the north, cannibalism, internet is going down, YT channels are going down, the USA stockpiled so-called food and they are going to try and ride out the storm, not on our star-families watch, it will not end the way they are promoting to you 

Calm before another storm

Stay away from Albino rituals, Halloween [Hallow Eve] don’t take nothing from no-one and don’t participle if you are on a spiritual journey, sum years ago sum-one was telling me that they were taking their kids to the neighbours and it was at that point eye knew this person is not spiritual, so many signs that you must observe and not avoid
Don’t take candy from no one [protect your children]

Nanotech is in the food and water, they have been poisoning the food and water even more now and sum of you cannot eat what you used to simply because your body is changing, sum of you are eating less and less and this is because your body is changing

You are mutating Beetlejuice [Betelgeuse] [DNA][DEA]
Have you seen where all these [paradigms] are collapsing, not just religion or education, monetary systems but the places around the world, Russia, China, India, Saudi + you name the places and you will see that those places are run by the recessive genes, all the places where food and livestock are, the places where other 9 ethers sold other 9 ethers out are all being destroyed, water flooding, adverse weather and weather cells, look at the patterns for in those patterns you will see the end-games, its all run by the artificial races these places and they keep telling everyone about Lov9, detox, eat-well, spirit minds, tic toc, stop copying, there is nothing you can do for the process had already begun in 2009 [2011] 2012 and you had 7 sevens tribulation and now its cognitive dissidence from them all the way

This is a major reSet on this plane, soular system, galaxy and universe

We are not the same species and we are not the same frequency, and we have a soul and spirit, they only have a spirit 

Your heart [waji] chakra is so key to this phase right now, your heart has to speak first

Fight or flight mode, when you know [all-truth] nothing can touch you, you will then be enlightened, they will send in the codes for you to evolve and that can come from consciousness, how do you know so much, because they send me codes, they send me what I need, you already have everything in your DNA [DEA] and your Akashic [melanin-computer], many have this hardware but no keys to access, for you have been cut off, when you learn more, you create creases in your organ [muscle] brain and this sets and more knowledge is them given to the user, we have been here before and this is why you know rather than believe
[we had been on a loop]

When truth comes to the organ then this wants to come out through the throat chakra and this is where many of you are at, this does not mean be a punk and shoot and fight, teach others, not about being conscious or that NI.BIRU is here or buy every Nubian person a coffee, this means guide others naturally

 The Bees have one h3ll of a sting, but they pollinate  and are hugely a part of the eco-system, together [to gather] they destroy the Hornet by grouping together and heating up the Hornet collectively, do you watch nature or do you dissect nature, collectively they are in a creative state, that is what HuMin [HuMim] means, creative fertility

 HuMin Bio-field and the magnetic field of the planet is the same symbol

 Sum of you have done fu9k all during the quarantine, ab-sol-utely nothing and that is what you shall receive, nothing

If you think that you will not get judged, then you have lost the controls to your mind

 What is coming to the planet is to destroy, no mercy, no prisoners, karma is coming

 The ancestors want payback, many couldn’t come down here because their mothers were murdered after being raped over and over again, they made pocket books, boots, from their skin, I cannot even write the rest, keep it, many of you have died multiple times over and over, you know why you are still here and why you are here right now in this moment  

Food shortages are already here, after your elections they will accelerate with the lock-downs [ML]

 Peoples bodies are changing big-time, remember to take the metals out of your body, I’ve written 

how in previous posts, many people are going to die through the radiation [energy] hitting the planet and your body has to be able to process the energies [radiation]

 we are getting closer to the main event which is a very special event

 100million civilian agents in the USA right now that are on standby [JT] the real storm has been brewing, your man Trump said, we are in the incubation period and that is expiring

Trump is Asthar Command and is letting both sides what is going on, he is going out on his terms, he said we wouldn’t see him for a while and that is when they either thought it was over or they deployed the clone, Trump represents a different alien family, just like Icke and Jones represent different reptilian families from the negative and disagreeable beings

 The second wave is the first wave, this period that you are in is the warm up DJ

The National Guard never left from the last time; they have set up camp on the outskirts   

One species is fed up and another species is in-Cane [insane] in their membrane [brane] brain

We chose to come here and the rest were created, you are soular beings with soul energy, the last Dynasties from KHMT where all soular beings from the soular field and they are the beast from the soulless field

 We are souls and they are energy, we take and give, they just take and need batteries to exist, you are Duracell, you go on and on, you are the charger in actuality 


Same grid-mesh overlapping of the two frequencies, but there are three frequencies in there
Planetary alignments coming up and the Moon is nearly already on full-mode
They are monitoring the frequency of the planet [Sc-human-n]
Two timeframes or two points of references 

M6.19 China, M6.19 come on be serious [M7+] 

Fires and water continues to destroy what is artificial to this planet 

Corona [Sol] Sun is sending out death codes, many are going to die, the radiation, comic radiation is very high 

Libya where selling Alkebulan [organs]
Nature has you on her deathwish    

Russia-Sweden 27.10.2020
Red AU.RA Sphere
MA.AT is here
She is the Horus Principle
Red is war
Red is Root Chakra 

France [craft cell] and full lock-down [4 weeks]

Hawaii had that craft sighting and the news had to put sumthing out about it because so many people saw the craft and filmed the craft and posted it
This was two days ago and was mainly seen by those on that island
They said [Mary Beth Laychak and John O’Mera] it was the re-entry of a rocket booster that was launched in 2008 from the Chinese, COME ON are you for real, watch the footage and see for yourself that this craft was traveling East and there is no sone [sound] and ask them where the rocket is now, they think we are stupid and for those who are stupid will buy into this   

Vice President Hamilton MourĂ£o reported on Monday (26) that the federal government will extend until April 2021 the performance of the Armed Forces in the Amazon Legal
There are around seven triangle crafts on the ground in the Amazon and the government know this, they where they from when they started the fires last year or the beginning of the year

The planet is heating up because methane is starting to be release in Siberia  


Spiral [spirit] number 9 

Rare and dangerous ice storm engulfs Oklahoma and knocks out power to 300,000 and Ice shaped leaves in Oklahoma

Oklahoma bombing [1995] is when the real Hilary Clinton was killed, that building is the entrance to a huge underground base, Oklahoma and many more places in the USA is going to be destroyed

 Idaho in August 2020 had a powerful storm that only destroyed the crops over there, only the crops over 10million acres

Nothing is rare or a first, all is fundamental, a first, a rule, natures rule, you will not eat from her and charge her children no more, you will not

 Storms that don’t appear on radar are coming to a place near you

You will not live comfortable at night, this is why they are doing it this way, they want you to know that they are here to destroy you

The Destroyer [Neb Heru] is in the skies

Look at the rim around the portal [sun] I see this when I sun-gaze, it moves around, blinking in Morse code giving out the codes  

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

Nemesis and NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]  

You don't have to [believe] In Juju to know that unseen forces are out there, those who wield this force skill-fully are called the Maji [Magi] the MaStars

This is why many of you sleep with your arms like this [wink-wink]
El Khu [Flail] El Waas [Staff]
Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me 

Ringing or [tones] digital language in your ears and pains on one side of your head [left or right hemisphere] also experiencing dizziness like vertigo, tiredness+

 Separation and one more purge is taking place, you may not be able to contact your star-family because of the two timeframes [timelines] to separate realities doing two different separate things, hence the Schuman grids, two frequencies [the third is hidden] and is designed for you to do what you need to do

 Your tired and you will let our star-family that its time to end this Wendy House, you want the Matrix to end  and that you are feeling the end of the Matrix, you can feel it in your soul [Baa] being tired is a great sign and means you are done with this 3[D] and more importantly, you are ready for sumthing new

You heart chakra is also feeling the change quite literally, and from your mind and body

[soul-mind-body] in that order, show me the yellow brick road, your ready to be Dorothy

 Sum of our guides are pulling back and leaving their channels and fb, and they have all received their messages from their higher-selves to step back because their work here is done as far as teaching [guiding] is concerned

 You have less than 60 days for this convergence, sum of you have less than that, like 8 weeks or so

 The red-seal [Maat principle] has been opened since October 21st and we can see the red-seal is wide open and now you are hearing about war and rumours of war, the war is about the star-seeds and the archons, many are hearing about this more and more and many of you are dreaming about it, you can hear the clashes between the two forces, the time is near, you are losing desire to do things on the physical plane, you are in cocoon phase while you transition

Mars [Muurs] Moors and Pluto dominate the death star [Scorpio] we are in the underworld now and you are deep in your subconscious and un-conscious mind now, you are about to see the destruction and war, Mars is the war planet and many of you are from the warrior planet, we are about to witness the war and experience the war [not so much the physical attribute but you will feel it] 

[Scorpio will also make you lose sexual desire not sexual NRG because we are going to be gaining in sexual NRG, physical sex will become a distraction for what you are doing right now, so know the difference, Scorpio is death and rebirth of your old-self [old cells] into your nu cells, if you try and fight this you will catch h3ll, there is nothing that you can do about this, this is coming from the sting energy Scorpio, your lower chakras are focused on other things, sacral transportation = sexual NRG into life-force NRG, your root chakra is about your survival now [root is red] your soul [plexus] poWRA and its all about what is going to happen next, this is about your will poWRA, the physical is fading away and the spiritual is the replacement and the physical is to be an obsolete program]

 You are preparing, the clone wars are coming

 If you have done what you were supposed to you will be seeing success dreams, graduation dreams, you might see yourself in a new body, a new world, you may see the new earth [which is you transforming into this new being], your spirit may show you these things and more to keep your desire up [motivation] up for this new realm for you are tired

You can still wake [activate] people as long as they are not draining you [taking energy]

 The soular flash will take the souls from those who didn’t awaken and their physical bodies destroyed

 The soular flash is coming after the worldwide eclipse [14.12.2020] and will run through from the 21.12.2020 into the 25.12.2020] when Heru comes and kicks all ass into oblivion [destroyer]

Neb Heru [lord Heru] NI.BIRU the destroyer

 Convergence; the completion or fulfilment of the Ul-Mex [Olmec] Mayan prophecies, intergalactic and inter-dimensional alignment, planetary reSet and soular flash, pole shift, the merging of the realms, shifting of one dimensional frequencies [ascension-rapture or raptor] to another, the winter solstice = explosion of Kaanu [melanin] from the planets core] the upgrading [DNA-DEA] of your suit 9 ether and the last >> the merging of the timelines

This is a huge event [convergence]

 You must live out the rest of your life here on Ki until your last breath, that is the trick, avoid the temptation, walk the righteous Ptah, one that that not all are on [this is for those on your soul contact and your spiritual [NRG] journey and have seen what is written above in their dreams, visions and meditation [Istal], you have 8 weeks and sum have the second 8 weeks to play this out, it will be a testing time for sh9t will come your way, stay grounded and focus and away from dead energy

 This current timeline is catching up with the future timeline hence why many of you are warring in the astral realm, the more victories that you have the better for the future

Stay on the right timeline no matter how they try and retune this timeline because we are more or less gathered right now

The must is that you have done your shadow work, you cannot make the shift without dealing with the shadow, the more Istal that you do, the more you will destroy the doubt within you    

 The black horse will do another drive-by-food-shut-down, so stock up because come November there will be less food than in October

The goal is to keep this system going until the convergence if not, they will shut the system down and send in the police, army, military, clones and robo-cop, national guard if they cannot keep this system going until the convergence, the clone war will begin if they cannot, you see the thing is, they have a frequency in the 3D that is supressing the 9 ethers [Magi-Maji] spells and once they go for broke and send in what ever those spells that were done will all come to light and they know this, our star-family are 9D, think like a boss, I remember years ago, I would read peoples comments on other peoples posts and they would say, why don’t they show themselves or why don’t they come down here, think like a boss, you are below them, and you will see what they have done behind the scenes, all basses are covered and covered even more 

Come from your heart, go to the heart for there is a black dot or vortex that you can go into and there is a giant version of you [just like they showed you in the movie Avatar] a Kaanu version of you, your higher-self that is holding your soul, if they tri and attack you, focus on your inner-sol and this will trigger a discharge of energy that goes into their bodies which will cause them to spontaneously combust, you can practice that in your training [Istal], many of you your i-magi-nation has kicked in during this cycle, if you really want this and you put your emotions into this, then this is what will take place

It is the 3D under the negative and disagreeable in the matrix that mutes your abilities, you all have abilities 

Tree stumps 

Mummies undergo tomography and scientists discover they are not human

Museum records in Haifa, Israel, pointed out that sarcophagi were more than 2,000 years old and guarded human hearts

 Osiris artifact and mummy in honor of Horus: none of the museum's sarcophagi contained human remains (Photo: Collection of the National Maritime Museum, Haifa)

 Researchers from the city of Haifa, Israel, were surprised to analyze two Egyptian mummies that supposedly contained human hearts: in addition to being heartless, they were not even human.

 Part of the collection of Haifa's municipal museums some 50 years ago, little was known about the two small mummies. Records indicated that they were over 2,000 years old and hid human hearts - but the research that curators had done on objects was not compatible with this information. "The records were not kept as carefully as they are today," Ron Hillel, head of collections management at Haifa's municipal museums, told Live Science.

CT scans revealed that one of the mummies was actually an object made of clay and grains; the other was the corpse of a bird (Photo: Rambam Health Care Campus)

 Suspicious, the experts decided to do a CT scan of the mummies' sarcophagi to find out what they really held. Then, they discovered that one of the mummies was, in fact, an artifact of the Egyptian god Osiris of about 45 centimeters. The other was a species of bird.

 Hillel explained that the ancient Egyptians made artifacts from Osiris during the festivals of this god, who is associated with vegetation and life beyond death. "They were made of a mixture of clay or sand with grains. Then they were immersed in water, where the grains would germinate", pointed out the expert.

 At 25 centimeters long, the bird-shaped mummy represents the god Horus, associated with the skies and pharaohs in Egyptian mythology.

 Scientists believe it to be the body of a hawk - and are still trying to understand why the bird was preserved without its left paw. The CT scan also revealed that the animal probably had its neck broken after it was killed, and appears to be missing some of its organs.

 Now, Hillel and his team want to do a carbon-14 analysis to determine the age of the two objects, which are likely to gain special exposure in the future.

 Oser [Orisha] Osiris [the Perfect Black] Kaanu  

Carbon [Ka-ba] is what Melanin sits in [Kaanu]

Organs where always removed and guarded

Nubian or Ebony or [Black] or Melanin [Kaanu] people their ancestors are from the Lyra [Lion] aka feline and Draconian [positive and agreeable] reptilians, and the Ghouls [Goa-als]

 Where in the world can you dead up the dead and put them in museums to show other people, the Muslims who have been in KMHT [Egypt] for nearly 900 years have been selling and also themselves to the highest bidders for rights to dig up and break into, this lets you that the Muslims [Arabs] have nothing to do with KHMT or any of the lineages because you wouldn’t be digging up your own relatives

Did you know the whole top north end of African is the new growth area after we break free from the 3D and this means you are going under water permanently bur before this, you are going to be punished dear Arab nation, have no god before me

CT scans revealed that one of the mummies was actually an object made of clay and grains; the other was the corpse of a bird (Photo: Rambam Health Care Campus)

Khnum [Kha-num] the Moulder [to mould, build] the clay fashioner, who made Osiris new body and what was it made from = clay, from flesh of the mortals  

 The Guardian Monday 19 January 2004

Two passengers died on board a flight from Florida to Heathrow yesterday [19.01.2004] in separate incidents - one from suspected meningitis, the other from a heart attack.

 The British Airways flight 208 from Miami was heavily delayed after a female passenger suffered what appeared to be a fatal heart attack, prompting an unscheduled stop in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Paramedics were unable to save her.

 Tragedy then struck a second time after the flight had resumed. Witnesses said the rear portion of the plane was curtained off before other passengers learned that a male traveller had also passed away, this time of suspected meningitis.

 On landing at Heathrow, the 330 passengers were detained for more than an hour by medical authorities. Those who had been seated near the man who died were given written information about meningitis before disembarking.

 Others were warned by the captain and told to watch for symptoms over the next 21 days.

 Neither victim has been named, although a fellow passenger said the first to die was a grandmother, who had been on the flight with her grandchildren. The second victim is believed to have been middle aged.

 Despite on-board announcements about the deaths, British Airways refused to speculate about the causes last night, saying only that they appeared to be natural.

 "Our thoughts and sympathies are with the relatives," said the spokeswoman. "Unfortunately we do have a number of deaths on board, although they don't happen very often.

 "It's very unfortunate that two occurred on the same flight. That's incredibly rare ... They were not related."

 There are two forms of meningitis: meningococcal meningitis associated with children and caused by bacteria, and a viral form which, although often less serious, can also be fatal.

 The symptoms of both include headaches, fever, drowsiness and a stiff neck.

 If you have any questions about this email, please contact the user help desk: Copyright (c) Guardian News and Media Limited. 2014 Registered in England and Wales No. 908396 Registered office: PO Box 68164, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1P 2AP

 I was on this flight with my girlfriend and that is not what happened, no one died of suspected meningitis and the other from a heart attack, they even thought it was food poisoning

 Another person died on a Virgin flight making it 3 that weekend that died, in this year the energy had started to be in the atmosphere, cabin pressure was heavy, and both passages died with one in front of us and the other lady sum rows in-front and she died while on the flight before the paramedics because we had to go to Kanada because the USA was like, sumone died, h3ll no, we were 4-5 hours from leaving the USA, that flight turned into 14hrs on a plane and tarmac when we landed in London  

2004 - 10 = 1994 

This is when they started warning people about long-haul flights and to walk around a bit on the plane, all this type of remedies when in actuality it was the atmosphere changing outside, the cabin pressure-we couldn't breathe, everyone was zoned-out,  too much to write and this is not what happened at all   



  1. Finally I found you again, how is everything my friend? Hope time finds you well, strong and healthy, much love your way.


Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...