Friday, 23 October 2020

Harvest of the world

B-ending time
NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] is bending the light [emit] time
Straight vertical line on the left, what has been blacked out and the sun looks like he’s tilted or has the soular system [universe] tilted 9 degrees, see the mesh [grid] weave, that covers the Sun  

The earlier collision between NI.BIRU (Neutron Star) and Earth (Tiamat, Ball of Water) meant that the genetic compatibility between the two was assured

Universe can be explored in almost a blink of an eye, using energetic portals and our consciousness

The ancient beings knew about these means of traveling to other Star Systems and often went solar traveling, but also to the inner Earth, combining the usage of Krystals, Mir(s) pyramids, cubes and other earthen structures aligned with the ley lines of the planet earth

October 20, 2020 Soho and Lasco cameras, one is in blue [Blue Ray] and the other in Inferred, one is the physical and the other [when we see the cube] is the holographic program [code] for Blue is water, currenSea, space is crystallised water [HD] 

Neb Heru [NI.BIRU]
NIBIRU is coming from the spiritual world into the physical world, the earth [Ki] is already in the 9D
NIBIRU is bending time = light, they have tilted this soular system, the earth, the moon, the sun and the entire soular system for their desired outcome, we are under the StarStations supervision
NI.BIRU there are many other names for this Star-Station, this is the chosen chariot of a group of Supreme Beings, who are also Guardians and Providers of many Soul-ar systems
This is our magnetic sun, the one they fear the most, Re (Sun) is pushing back further to make room for NIBIRU who will rule the Northern skies and Re the Southern skies

NI.BIRU is a cube that whence is in motion the Star-Station revolves and rotates, and creates an orb, giving the impression of a globe or planet structure

The word NI.BIRU is from the ancient Sumerians as found in the Chaldean, Accadian, Aramic and Ashuric as NA.BARA (Nabara) to raise, to elevate, to go up 

The Star-Station(s) is coming from another dimension, the spiritual dimension, for NIBIRU is a spiritual craft and is stripping this dimension down and upgrading it to theirs in order to meet the requirements, number9, in physical appearance the composition of NI.BIRU is; antenna at the top, 1 of 4 stones, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, placed at the top part of the craft, Solar panels the size of pin heads, top and bottom

 4 magnetic force areas (they look like panels) the panels are in the middle part of the craft with the Emerald stone in the centre, in the middle that rounds around the cube is a magnetic conductor, hologram beam at the base

Jupiter sized+, cloaking device, crystal top frame, then middle splits and the bottom also has a crystal frame+

Travels at light-speed

The Star-Station is emitting a pulse you feel, sense the Soul Master, not through sight, the human-eye-sight, the inner minds eye

The same coordinates as the EKUR (Giza) are the same for light-speed to which NIBIRU travels at

NI.BIRU does have an environment, only those genetically calibrated for transformation and transfiguration will be transported there

NI.BIRU is multi-dimensional, holographic, cubed, Tetrahedron, Metatron, MIR [MA.RE] MER (pyramid) shaped Star-Station, they can form any shape within their sacred geometry that they brought with them

There are more than one NI.BIRU(s), 6-8 satellites also shadow the main Star-Station, making nin9 when in unison

 The MaStar-Key [the kode breaker] to this holographic program 

Also known by
PlanetoftheCrossing [soular system crossing]
PlanetX [unknown is western mathematics]
Red Dwarf [fuel]
Nabara [to lift, raise]
Her-colubus [Heru]Nemesis [twin system] same thing
Destroyer [of all that is artificial]
Merkabah [chosen vehicle of the elite]the movable throne [Mind] pulpit [seat] the seat of consciousness
Neb Heru
Nebt-Heru [Lord Heru]
Red Dragon [hydrogen]
Neberu [Habiru] Hebrew [Heberu] 
NBERU (Throne)

 There are many names of the same source, reflecting the different time periods, different interpretations from the different cultures and civilisations that recorded and interacted with the Supreme Beings.

 Since the Star-Stations reintroduction to this Soular System, that is named the 18th-Draco System, they have been guided in by the 144,000, souls who are managing the Star-Stations final approach, there are no crew members sitting at the forefront or captains log of NIBIRU, they have been in and out of time zones, realms, expanses since they got here, these are entities, spiritual masters, ether-beings, nin9  level, the highest number in the universe, they are (God) level status, they are not here to serve us, we go to source

The craft emits a pulse, a frequency, yes we can see the StarStation, for a minute, the dimensions of this world have been upgrading, some at a different rates depending on which four corners of this world

The upgrading is being done to match their dimensions, the upgrade applies to you, you do not use your human eyes to see NIBIRU, and at any rate you they are emitting a pulse, frequency, tune-in and drop out, inner-eye meets red-eye

We are involved in a soul evolution it’s not a revolution, we have been here before, all is merging into one

NIBIRU has locked this soular system down, no-one or being is leaving, the Galactic Federation are present and are streaming over the skies because they own it, a stand-off has been occurring, the Vatican and NASA had been in dialogue, after top secret you have 38 levels, above that is a handful to 30 mixed beings that have made earth their home, unfortunately, they are not from nature and so must leave

The Annunaqi [AnuNaga] want to walk the planet, many of us are still trapped here, many cannot break rank but they are slowly, the elite members are still here but the earth must be purified before this can happen

SA.HU (Orion) belt which houses the Septet [Sibtu] (Sirius) system and has changed, there is a huge amount of activity taking place, the gateway is surrounded and protected, no-one is leaving, the only way out of here is through Sahu [Sah]

The three stars or three Ki-ngs are from the 19th galaxy, this is a holographic gateway

Same two images 
NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] see the sphere around the MaStar key and the Sun and us

Time no longer exists for we can just about keep up with time

The artificial race knows there is a bigger force here that does not negotiate, they know that this force is here to wipe them out full stop, they are terra-forming this planet right now  

The sun has a docking station and city

Same images, he is communicating with us, you need to sun gaze to receive the codes through your soular panels which are your eyes into your Wadjet [eye] 
NI.BIRU is emitting a frequency that we have been tuned into since 2012, certain times of the day NI.BIRU amplifies the Sun with he-r codes 

Just like the coloured spheres
interesting what energy they hold 

Kamatic [Kenetic] waves [Kaa] symbol 

The word Kundalini or Khudalini(s) is a Naga root word and is [Osumare] and was originally from the Yoruba tribe [Orisha] aka Alkebulan [Africa] and then taken to KMT [Egypt] Khami and called the Uraeus and then transferred to the Andamanese Indus [India] Muurs [Bey][Al], this is from the Ka-systems

 The Kundalini is the serpentine energy that travels up the 33 vertebrates [spine-Djed] columns

Alchemey [Al-Khemey] Al-Khami [Khami] Kammu

Same symbols
The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [Septarian] Sirius and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and RA.HU [Ratan] is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

Septarian [dark-cube] is behind Re [Sun]
Septet [SIBTU] Sirius [Dog Star] Femi9 Electron NRG [Inner-G] 
Twin star [Binary Star]

We are receiving huge amounts of energy, its heavy out there

The sphere of consciousness, the shield of light, light holds frequencies, all seven colours of the chakra system
Chakra colours are energies which are radiation 
Vibration, sone, tone, frequencies, acoustics, resonating frequency, light holds frequencies 

October 7, 2020 captured a soular eclipse at 3:30 AM, this was the eclipse that we were expecting, there is another Moon is above it, this is the other Moon, captured over the Kansas region, United States
The Moon is destroying the 9 ether wombman since it got here, it will be destroyed [DeathStar]

We are in the trappist system  

Kaa [spirits] deep ocean 

We are in the moment
Charged and ready

Egypt [Muslim] is going to get it for being in Egypt and digging up our ancestors and for flooding Egypt and Sudan, its goodbye for you 

Seismic movements for 22.10.2013 [2020]
According to official information, in the last 24 hours, 5 earthquakes with magnitudes greater than M5 degrees of the 136 recorded, with the highest intensity reaching M6 degrees in the Fiji Island

The tectonic plates are the planets chakra system, 7, as above, so below, they will activate has we activate, there are 13 chakras with the [13th] hidden 

radio signals are coming from the deep 
we have planetary alignments and full moon power, there will be a fall-out with the energy
the sun is rising in a new position 

Schumann is tip toeing
The Golden Ratio is 9 and you need 9 to make it through

 The next dimension is accessed when the longer wave (higher order of rotation-lower frequency) gets piezoelectrically locked into phase (and into sharing charge- information), with the shorter wave (higher frequency)

 Golden ratio phase conjugation is specifically the best non-destructive way for waves to achieve this ladder to higher dimensions, which is why that wave mechanical principle is written all over DNA structure

 You can see now why getting your genes lock into phase with the conjugating long wave of the Schumann resonance (fragile field and not available in most cities) and this is how we communicate with Ki [earth]

You can also see why the brain wave alpha-beta frequencies and peak perception are precisely built on the exact harmonics of Ki

Precise golden ratio phase conjugate pump wave, right down to the dimensions

What we call messages to source or ancestors is simply the climax form of all biological mitogenic radiation, a fractal field

Magnetic field is going right before your eyes over this planet and without no field you will not be protected you need [ether]

the Dome is the field and is coming down  

All these colours are Ph levels [as above, so below] as within so that you are never without, no ether means you cannot dispense the energy [radiation] and this is what they are scared of  

 All are chakra coded, these are you codes coming in, check the arrows where the black sphere is, last image, that is the planet, on the left of the planet you see the arrows have turned back into the planet, meaning that NI.BIRU is on the left pushing the energy right into her and you
Red is Maat 

Green [Waji] is Healing Life Force NRG 

Proton spike
6 protons, 6 electron, 6 neutrons

Texas [UV] ultra
and the yeast rises

Who uses Purple [Ultra]

Blue is Life Force NRG and will destroy all that is artificial [Neutron]
this is what they are sacred of, the magnetic field drops and in will come the energies [radiation]  


Craft nation

Watching you, watching me 

Triple impact at Trump Hotel Chicago at 2:14 am Thursday and means sh9t coming in 
Purple [ult-ra] UV
Lighting contains plasma that goes into the ground, where gold is, gold is a conductor of energy and a store unit, diamonds direct the energy around the planet to where she needs it the most, the plasma charges the minerals and crystals, as above, so below and charged the 9 ethers
man-man power will be affected because its man-made and not from nature 

There are no more prophecies for from April 1st we are in 2013 [2020]

Participate in the 3D and that is where you will stay

They do not care about their children let alone you, are you that stupid, why now after 400 years, is it not because back-up has arrived  

Anything that is connected to the dirty electrics from Tesla will start to cut out, the grid is stacked onto of one another around the world, this is the grid since the late 1900's that they have never replaced
the power may not come back on for at least a decade and indefinitely  

Las Vegas
The children of Mu are in Atlantis and that is why your getting it easy for a minute

Take heed  
Water, power outages, weather systems, heat+
Eco-system has already been shut down and fresh water has also been taken away 
Fighter Jets following Tornadoes and watching them in inferred, why, because there are crafts in those tornadoes 

Dozens of dead birds appear in Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico
This happened 4 days ago
Huge fleets are sitting off the coast of Mexico

they built a version on Ki and its called the Pentagon, the White House is built over a MIR [MER] MA.RE [pyramid] 


The Russians pulled a craft from Antarctica sum years back
We had been on repeat until the loop was broken, they can only go back 10 minutes in their time machine which is 10 earth years
Every time we got to their end of reality they looped the field and this is why they know everything because its their reality

History only repeats itself to those who do not know it, you are doomed to repeat this cycle 
We have been here many times and this is the last time [emit] 

From one dimension to another 

Bucuresti Romania [Roman]
Dumitran said this is a friend of his on the other-side of the portal
We are all going back to source [these beings]

The Annunaqi seeded this planet with their off-spring, those are the rules

Plastic boobs [silicone] on the left and clone on the right
The movie A.I is now
i-robot is now, get with the program, they are 40 years in front of what they give you 

Things that lower your vibrations

Wicca [Wika] Hika [Witch]
The energy that is here is from a wombman and tells the truth, justice, that which is straight, she is all Lov9 
Pure Femi9 Electron INNER-G 

Food Chain
Flocks of Sheep 

 The Guardian Newspaper headlines; 
Back to our roots: would humans be better off eating a Palaeolithic [primitive stages of the European]

Cannibalism is already here
Chicken, Pig+ are mutant food for mutant people

All animals eat one another, so who eats the humans, who is top of the food chain

There are beings who do not like HuMins [HuMans] full stop, there is even a whole planet out there in which they only grow HuMans for food

Genesis 4:4
And Abel also brought an offering, fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock, the Lord looked with favour on Abel and his offering
You see the word flock, this word in Hebrew [Habiru] is referring to the San people aka the Khoi-san people


Ab [heart]
Abel [Ab-el] the breath of life 
[Haa-beel] breath
Ab [Father] 
El [Source]
Adam [Kadmon] had a navel button]

  The Elohyeem [these beings] were eating our ancestors the San people from Alkebulan [Africa] they were one of the original seeds of Alkebulan or original seeds of all the HuMins [HuMans] on this planet  

Dimple in their cheeks like the Indian, eyes like the Orientals [Chinese, Japanese+] [folded lid]and hair of the Alkebulan [Africans], extended brow with the creases like the Aboriginals [Australians] and they broke up into two groups with one group of Niger, one is Eve [Nekaybaw] family and the other is Kadmon [Adama] family [A-daam means Dark Red] through Eve they made the Adamites [Adama]

San means the migrators, for they travelled up the Nile and spread out around the world 
Africa had no borders, all land belonged to Africans (Bantus and Khoisan’s)
That is why you cannot find any historical record of wars between the Bantus and the KhoiSan

Sand people in Star Wars
They were mad at Cain [Cane] Kane because Cain [Kayn] because he brought Herb-ivore food [vegan]
They took favour with Abel’s offering but they go on [Geneiss 4:5] But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect, and Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell
They wanted HuMan [HuMin] flesh [meat]

[Genesis 18:8] they told him to get a Calf, and he took butter, and milk, and the calf which he had dressed, and set it before them; and he stood by them under the tree, and they did eat
They eat the flesh, and they did eat, the Calf wasn’t the Calf of a Cow [KAU] it was the San people
The Rabbis were told to shut this up and lock it down until the end [Daniel 12] 

Quote; 1 “At that time Michael [Miyka’el], the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered. 2 Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. 3 Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. 4 But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.” 5 Then I, Daniel, looked, and there before me stood two others, one on this bank of the river and one on the opposite bank. 6 One of them said to the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, “How long will it be before these astonishing things are fulfilled?” 7 The man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, lifted his right hand and his left hand toward heaven, and I heard him swear by him who lives forever, saying, “It will be for a time, times and half a time. When the power of the holy people has been finally broken, all these things will be completed.” 8 I heard, but I did not understand. So I asked, “My lord, what will the outcome of all this be?” 9 He replied, “Go your way, Daniel, because the words are rolled up and sealed until the time of the end. 10 Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand. 11 “From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. 12 Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days. 13 “As for you, go your way till the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance.” Unquote

They know everything

 Rapture means a lot of things and one is Raptor the Dinosaur like Lizard, he is a giant Lizard

 They had to keep this quiet until Miyka’el [Michael] comes and they can only open this [seal] back up when he comes and its open now from 2000 it was opened

 144,000 raptors are coming and they eat people, we have seen this with the modified Annunaqi mercenaries who ate the Moroccan soldiers and is to why the USA pulled out of Syria because Trump knows his soldiers will not be able to fight because they will sh9t themselves 

It was Abraham that would give these Lizard beings the people to eat in exchange for and they have been doing this ever since, many people have gone missing for various reasons and one is for food, Abraham and all these other people didn’t exist but the accounts of what was recorded did

Leviticus 1

They fried people in frying pans with old and flour with onions, boiled children and the [Gods] ate them

 The Burnt Offering

Quote; 1 The LORD called to Moses and spoke to him from the tent of meeting. He said, 2 “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘When anyone among you brings an offering to the LORD, bring as your offering an animal from either the herd or the flock. 3 “ ‘If the offering is a burnt offering from the herd, you are to offer a male without defect. You must present it at the entrance to the tent of meeting so that it will be acceptable to the LORD. 4 You are to lay your hand on the head of the burnt offering, and it will be accepted on your behalf to make atonement for you. 5 You are to slaughter the young bull before the LORD, and then Aaron’s sons the priests shall bring the blood and splash it against the sides of the altar at the entrance to the tent of meeting. 6 You are to skin the burnt offering and cut it into pieces. 7 The sons of Aaron the priest are to put fire on the altar and arrange wood on the fire. 8 Then Aaron’s sons the priests shall arrange the pieces, including the head and the fat, on the wood that is burning on the altar. 9 You are to wash the internal organs and the legs with water, and the priest is to burn all of it on the altar. It is a burnt offering, a food offering, an aroma pleasing to the LORD. 10 “ ‘If the offering is a burnt offering from the flock, from either the sheep or the goats, you are to offer a male without defect. 11 You are to slaughter it at the north side of the altar before the LORD, and Aaron’s sons the priests shall splash its blood against the sides of the altar. 12 You are to cut it into pieces, and the priest shall arrange them, including the head and the fat, on the wood that is burning on the altar. 13 You are to wash the internal organs and the legs with water, and the priest is to bring all of them and burn them on the altar. It is a burnt offering, a food offering, an aroma pleasing to the LORD. 14 “ ‘If the offering to the LORD is a burnt offering of birds, you are to offer a dove or a young pigeon. 15 The priest shall bring it to the altar, wring off the head and burn it on the altar; its blood shall be drained out on the side of the altar. 16 He is to remove the crop and the feathers and throw them down east of the altar where the ashes are. 17 He shall tear it open by the wings, not dividing it completely, and then the priest shall burn it on the wood that is burning on the altar. It is a burnt offering, a food offering, an aroma pleasing to the LORD. Unquote 

 You cannot go to that wormhole until those bodies are ready, you’re not ready because the wormhole will rip all your cells apart, this is another reason why your being upgraded

Used to create the oriental people today [all of them]
Check the eyes 

Complete Khoisan and Bantu genomes from Southern Africa [Botswana]

 The  HuMins birthplace is Alkebulan and the HuMans birthplace is the Caucasian Mountains, the garden is Eden in Alkebulan, which is near enough the entire continent is a nursery

Native Indians in Atlantis where mixed with the Mongols to breed out the Nubian Native Indians in the USA [Atlantis] who where then wiped out by the European Americans today 
KhoiSan indigenous Southern Africa
Bantu indigenous Azania, Central Africa
Bantu [B.TU] migrate South

These are the Albinos of India - the Dravidians after the Nagas [Hindu] Buddha 

You have the Albino Alkebulan seed that Ya'quwb [Ya'qob] Jacob in thier Bible who is a Supplanter, who is very intelligent with a double forehead and had the piss taken out of him by the others because of his head shapes, and became isolated, he took the MtDNA seed in the Alkebulan Albino, the genetics and created the Albino Indian race [Asian has in the Caucasian] using the Muskrat slice nose monkey to refine them with other animal DNA [wolf, dog, mosquitoes, pig, cow+] 
same process to get the Orientals


Even more germane, Mongols are why Asia’s Dravidian (Caucasian) Albinos moved to Europe in the first place, they were forced there by Mongols [there were different Clans of the Mongols]
Negriod [Mongolians] and Cau-asian, only those three species and the rest fall in-between
Ya'quwb goes to Europe and finds them in caves and starts to refine them 

 Changpa or Champa are Tibetan people found mainly in the Changtang in Ladakh and in Jammu and Kashmir [where is Kashmir] 

As of 1989 there were half a million living in the Changtang area
The Changpa and Champa people (the original Black civilization of Vietnam), but the fact that some Changpa are not Mongoloid but rather Negroid

The Ainu [ANU] were used to create the Koreans, Japanese+ 

John Holt

Barbarians are the Tartarians 
Japan is a part of Nepal 

When a group member of a species with a great variety of physical attributes - such as Black HuMins - who exhibit all Human attributes: Black skin, White skin (Albinos), broad noses, narrow noses, full lips, thin lips, woolly hair, straight hair, hair of all colours, hair of all textures, very tall people, very short people, flat nose for more air to the brain, thin nose for less air to the brain [different climates – hot- cold], people with Mongol features - breaks away, and forms a Supergroup of only those with a single particular distinct attribute, and through sum type of isolation - forced or otherwise, breed exclusively among themselves, thus producing offspring with only that one attribute

They create a sub-species containing only that attribute

 So when isolate members of a species all share a common trait, such as White Skin – Albinism, they do not form a new race, they form a sub-species, thus White, Europeans, Caucasian, Albino are not a race, they are a sub-species

 So when isolated members of a species all share a common trait, such as (Mongol features), they form a sub species, thus Mongol is not a race they are a sub species

 So when isolated members of a species all share a common trait, such as (extreme small stature - Pygmy), they form a sub species, thus the Pygmy [Ptahites] are not a race they are a sub species

 Therefore, there is only one-race, the All Encompassing Nubian skinned HuMin race and all others are sub-species

Don't fu9k with the truth, it might kill you 

These Beings [Annunaqi] ANU.NAGA have returned for this planet and their off-spring, forgive them if they are a little rude but they are pissed right now, even nature is pissed, the slaughter of species is forbidden just has it was made universal law that the Albino is forbidden to go into space, they were warned off of the Moon by the other Reptilians

There is positive and negative reptilians 

Mandela they killed in prison, this is the clone in the public doing the selling of AB.ZU

9 beings watch from the skies over NY head office of the Reptilians, 4 years ago, since then over 72,000 crafts have amassed with over 300 war-planets in and out of this dimension,

No more belief or believing, anyone who uses those words does not know, its the era of the knowing, the All-Knowing, you either know or you do not 

The Planet, Plant, Animal and HuMin [HuMan] kingdoms are ATOL protected and that means there will be repercussions

Same story, however Miyka’el [Michael] is Nubian, the arc angels are all Nubian [Ethiopia] it is Hallie Selassie that was born in a Manger 

The Boys are back in town
Tranny with no fanny
The trannies are out, were they always clones or were the originals taken out and replaced
Baphomet is a tranny and wanted all the states and around the world cities to be Sodom and Gomorrah
Adams apple

Red Pill

BeyoncĂ© style [where are all these children coming from] 

Becoming Michelle Obama
The clue is in his title of his book  

There are a few real natural women left on the planet, sum have already been taken to NI.BIRU and that includes emotionally stable women left, anyone who wishes to add silicone [boobs, nails] weaves, bleach, botox, corrective surgery [in their eyes] needs to go with the artificial wo-men we have out here, the porn industry houses reptilians and trannies, ladybird and even those who were born a different gender, remember clones do not have a gender from a tube, the gender is decided by the womb [mother] 

There should be 21billion Nubians on this planet and there is only around 2billion making 2% of the population out of the 7-14billlion beings that are here and are artificial to this planet 

Red Pill
Known by locals in Chicago as the three dicks of Chicago
Oprah, Lori Lightfoot Mayor of Chicago and his or her wife

Red Pill
Not 100 percent but very Likely
Maya Angelou is the Father of Oprah
Oprah is the Son of Maya Angelou
this is the clone Oprah, she is one of the biggest child moves, along with this thing

Theresa was a man
1million children go missing in the USA and globally its 10million+ that go missing, they can find Bin Laden but not a plane or children, the life force is in the blood 


Once the Hormone tablets finish and the frequency turned up we all have to go back to factory settings [nature] and this means them also, the reptilians will also not be able to hold their human form 

That is a boy on the right 

We have to end the world, not the planet in order to rid the planet of her virus and this means casualties, remember you are immortal and don't have one life to give or live

You are not this flesh, you are the spirit and soul [energy] 

2020 [vision] soular galactic alignment 21.12.12 [2020] 2013 [i had this in a dream] for three days the planet will be cruising [72hrs] and takes us into 21[22]23 and on the 25th Heru [the destroyer] will destroy [KRST] Karast [Chris] pure consciousness [NI.BIRU] 
[the power will go out and that will be your conformation] so watch the date around you because sh9t will start from you powers that be
world eclipse on the 14.12.12
You will see all the domains that is out there [2020]
Your ears are receiving tones right now because we are rising in frequencies   
This happens only every 6,000 [recognise that number] 

Heru [Jesus] will have a halo [shield] around his head [how many halos have you seen this year alone] 
 the radiation will kill many, but you can go out there [9 ether] because its Khaybet [plasma] this is why they are going underground and in the mountains [Montana is being overfilled right now]
the frequency is changing us for this reason, the golden race [ratio] 9 
counter-clockwise = 9 

If you have a bad diet, you will not be able to make the switch, many peoples body is heating up because you are charging 
Dormant DNA[DEA] will be activated 
RNA is animal DNA which you do not have 
You have to make it to December, food will run out before that and will see the beast come out in many when the food runs out
The only way you can be a star-seed is if your ether [skin] is made from stardust 

Major judgement is coming 

We will all witness greatness but not all will experience greatness

One race is fed up and the other race is insane 

Be the change that you want to see 

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