Monday, 29 July 2019

Sold [Soul] Contracts

Seth [Set] is here, he is the deity [Neteru] for your lower-Cell [self] for lower KMT, you don’t have to be a famous person to sell your soul, all those who are clocking into employment, waking up every day and participating in sumthing, you’re stuck on a low level, taking it from behind, bending over and giving it away, all to meet their material greed.

The blood out of your body is good enough, have you given your blood away for medical purposes, did you spill blood with sumone, its over for you, your heart is red for a reason, when you sell out it goes black and becomes a black hole that feels all the negativity, sh9t comes to you and you think its because your good, no Sir, selling your soul releases a certain chemical.

Your blood goes back to the sun, even behind the sun, you will become stuck here on the 3D, remember the game is being re-Set [Set] many are coming back for the nu simulation and for the upgraded holographic computer game, your virtual reality conditions will be made harder especially if you knew about the illusion.

5G[6G] if you have an i-phone or 5G phone you are halfway there; your soul is being drained into that screen >>

Blood over intent.



Man-made tower

Stacked image

Once London is breached they will abandon the UK 
All coming down from outward to inward.

Orton on the Hill... England
Eye Eye.

Scotland [Highlands]

St Tropez
Huge mother-craft 


Seismic movements

According to official information, 20 earthquakes have been recorded in the last 24 hours, with the highest intensity reached 4.0 degrees of the 451 recorded, with the highest intensity reached 5.4 degrees in Papua New Guinea. 


Marcos Paz, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Water, heat are now on Ki

Amen [Amun][Amon] Ra [Re] [Ratan] Creative PoWRA [to make with the suns rays] 

Tic Toc 

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