Sunday, 7 July 2019

Sibtu Nrg Portal

The spiritual sun steps in, SA.HU [Sahu] [Orion] which houses SIB.TU [Sibtu] which you call Sirius [ASet], is now open, the portal, gateway is now connected.

Unlike no other, Kosmic Nrg will be amplifying Ki, the shift is inevitable >> this is not the same gateway has the years gone by, this will be different.   

Kalifornia's crust has not stop moving since July 4th, there's an earthquake every 3 to 4 minutes, 3.3 and higher in Southern and central Kali.

If you look at the map you can see the cluster of EQ that have hit North and South America as far south as Bolivia and far North as Canada, then it swings to the left in the ring of fire all the way to Asia, all on the edge of the coast of the continents.

A month ago, there were just a few throughout the whole region, this is not a fear factor just an aware factor.

M7.1 EQ that hit Northern Molucca, an island between the south China Sea and Australia.

The world is being hit with major EQ.
Just be prepared no matter where you are.

Yorkshire England



Madrid Spain

Canary Islands

Another impressive number 1305
Seismic movements today 07.07.19

According to official information, 29 earthquakes have been recorded in the last 24 hours, 29 earthquakes with magnitudes over 4.0 degrees of the 1305 recorded, with the highest intensity reached 6.9 degrees in Indonesia.

Caucasia Antioquia 01/07/2019

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Smiling Faces

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