Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Agent Smiths in the Programs

Duel energies are not going down in the way they should, there is a lot of resistance, grand conjunction is due, you pull towards your opposite number and you both level 13up, we have opposition and those adverse to twining, many are here to stop the pairing.

Twin -duel Nrg is on, many of you are dreaming about your opposite, sum of you haven’t met your twin and sum of you have but there is resistance not just from the twin themselves, outer sources are involved and were placed, sum are infections of your life, overlays, can be a grey overlay, empty seater, holographic being, sumone who opened a portal when they were younger, those who are low vibrational and those involved in drinking and drugs, all placed in aspects of your life, there will be many set-ups.

The arena is set,  watch for the infiltration, the length needed for twining or for the magnetism to merge together and become one, be wary of location, people and things, those that are not in alignment can join in with you if you or s-he is streaming to them.

No twining, one is still in Karmic cycles, still married, still streaming, they did not gain enough wise-dome or awareness, you don’t have to clear the way for twining, everything clears the way, it is absorbed, red alert, this is a time [emit] of great vigilance on the planet, be wary of people, places and things, not everyone will have the twin before the conjunction but the source players will cause ripples in the Matrix and the collapsing of time, then BOOOOOMBABY.

When in twin mode watch all around you, you are emitting a vibration, a frequency, and many are out here to destroy you, your cell phone is a major player in them knowing about you, many coming from the past and calling you out, they sense you, watch yourself and check yourself, keep your hidden to yourself, don’t sphere with no one but them about you and s-he, keep your frame of consciousness within.

The elevation in your aura field, your consciousness is attracting many, stay in your lane.  

Those in the matrix or when you go out in the matrix watch who you keep and keep your circle tight, sum don’t know the frequency we use.

We are in duel fuels and no one can break this, impenetrable.  

And the beat goes on.  

#March 20/20 is conjunction [Kosmic event] 2012 is 2020, it was a leap year in 2018.

Stay away from enemy lines, question those who are the motivation of your life if they are not supporting you, cut the connection.

If you are imbalance, your twin will be imbalanced, it does show up, light knows light, shield up.

Your ring finger is the direct vein to your heart, that is the one finger on your body that has a direct route to your heart, that is your heart space, a magnet is good for healing of the heart.   

Watch your signs, symbols and numbers, stay balanced and focus, we are still in retrograde.

I am one with Ki
I am one with Nu
I am one with Nature [NTR]
I am one with Kreation

You may not see your poWRA or potential rite now but please continue to connect to source, in your final hour you will find out who you are, only at the cusp do we really know who we are.

There are many that have been assigned to you, they walk with you and stay with you, not just your spirit guides.

You are going to fulfil your duty with NTR [Nature], you made that agreement on your way to this planet.

You are natures processions, nature watches you, guides are watching you, keep your soul charged, leave those who are at the 3D, we are at the 5D, you were selected stop neglecting.   

The Soul-tion lies within, this is a spiritual war, the Ba’A and Ka’A are merging with the physical world.   

            Crafts are evermore getting closer and revealing, heaven meets Ki [earth], the sky is closer.

Shasta county Kalifornia USA
Lake Tahoe CA USA

Kilcock Ireland

Kalifornia USA
Harrogate North Yorkshire England


Shorts and vests, the heat is here

BBC Weather said there were about 48,000 lightning strikes overnight from Tuesday night to Wednesday morning.
I watched them roll in, unusual in the strikes, they were more like quasar blasts, tainted with orange and blue-white blasts, not just lighting strikes.  

             More than 55 birds fall from the skies with bleeding eyes and beaks in Adelaide, Australia.
HAARP is over in Australia, where are the cancer victims. 

Etna speaks


More than a million hectares of forests are burning in Siberia and yakutia.

Seismic movements 
According to official information, 15 earthquakes have been recorded in the last 24 hours, 15 earthquakes with magnitude over 4.0 degrees of the 498 recorded, with the highest intensity reached 6.0 degrees in the southern


Botswana Geoscience Institute, which has commenced investigations into the earth tremors occurring in Selebi Phikwe, has from end of June to July 19, recorded a total of 50,000 earth tremors.

The Institute’s Senior Geophysicist Mr Onkgopotse Ntibinyane informed a kgotla meeting at Kagiso ward in Selebi Phikwe on Monday that even though investigations were still ongoing, the institute had so far recorded a total of 50 000 tremors captured by six seismic stations established in the mining town.

Its busy, lots going on, the age of extinction, we don’t have this Nrg [frequency] for nothing, we are feeling natures position, dark Nrg is around me, rite there, fast pace.

Forest fires, heat, floods, water, ice, plasma strikes, hailstones, earthquakes, all and more to come.

Show no fear by having none, time [emit] is pushing on, so should you, know who you are, know the poWRA you have within.

You speak in frequency and vibrations, be careful of your thoths and what you put out to your Ki-Nd.

You are one with nature [NTR] and nature [Neteru] is one with you.

Overstand the symbols, the numbers and signs, we are being prepared, the Nrg is rising all the while, receive and store and I send it where its needed, I receive more when I give out but I AM part of a collective, we are poWRA-ful together, we will fulfil our agreement.

Now the tables are turning, set the record straight, order, justice, balance.  

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