Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Magnetism Drop

Ki does not have a magnetic field no more, the ozone layer has also expired, NI.BIRU is holding Ki.

The electromagnetic field of Ki has been replaced and Ki(s) diminished, we get cellular data and Wi-Fi from Ki(s) magnetic field.   

You will need to keep your magnetism functioning, keep you motion of electric charges high, emotions, energy in motion, attractive and repulsive forces.

Keep you magnetism up because this will keep you grounded, focused and in the know

You are going to be attracting from many, confusion is going to set in off-key attraction.

Ki has magnetism and so does the children of Ki, universal Law of Oneness, we are connected to the plant and planet and animal Ki-Ndomes, sumthings we just have to cross with other people. 

Santiago Chile
NIBIRU steps in 

Cordoba Argentina
Florida skies
Sum you win and sum you lose. 

Seismic movements

According to official information, 14 earthquakes have been recorded in the last 24 hours, 14 earthquakes with magnitudes above 4.0 degrees of the 176 recorded, with the highest intensity reached 5.8 degrees in the ocean.

She lets rip. 

Dear Goodwin >> you will remain in my thoths while you circumnavigate >> see you on the otherside. 

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