Tuesday 8 October 2024

One Step Ahead

Source is bigger than the 3-dimentional because the 3-dimentional fits within the paradigm and framework of 'source' energy

We are trying to inner-stand in the 3D world what fourth and fifth, sixth, seventh, eight and nine dimensions look like, feel like, taste like, smell like and sounds like – when we leave the three dimensions none of these things matter because you are a body of knowledge when your in your light body – you become a body of ignorance when you take on a HuMin [HuMan] body – so your light body has to be so powerful that it keeps your heart pure while you learn how to navigate the obstacles of life on earth in the 3D – so you go from the supreme knowledge of ‘god form’ of the inanimate itself to becoming the ignorant child that cannot take care of itself to going through life and ending up a senile adult that cannot take care of itself – all this is are cycles

When you know that everything is in cycles then you know eternal beings live these cycles in order to have sum thing to do for eternity – so all of the creative aspects – the creator ‘gods’ aka FEMININE divine gender is the creative ‘god’ – acquits to the ruler ‘gods’ to maintain the balance of the physical realm – when they fail the creative ‘gods’ have to come back into the physical form to recreate a nu reality because the ruler ‘gods’ made mistakes and ruined everything

So the creator ‘gods’ have to go over everything they did for the last 26,000 years and see that none of this is working – its reSet, reCalibrate, go back to factory settings – so every 26,000 years we go back to the beginning and start all over again – so with the Ulmec [Olmec] Mayan it just means the end of one cycle and the beginning of another – nu game

The more cycles you break out of the paradigm of the freer you become – all these paradigms that we are trapped in that are opposing that don’t serve us like the homo thing, gender bending+ and we let the Matrix [society] dictate to us [individual] to the PTAH of its own destruction

All you are here to do is Magi [manifest] what you want your life to be and that is what you are here for, so you know all those mistakes you have made that you cringe at, all the memories you hate to remember that you have to own, all those mistakes you don’t make again and you won’t in your next life cycle, you are not being judged on your previous lives, only on this life cycle, the 7th and we are going into the 8th root man ‘mind’ all you have been doing previously in your other lives is trying to get to where you are now
You’re reading from your Book of Life and that is the most accurate reading on how to Magi the life that you want – everyone comes in with a Book of Life

The keys to Magi [i-magi-nation] is self-realisation and knowledge of self [cell] that’s required for you to tap into your higher-self aka your higher mindSet – the HuMin Mind

The Computer was found in KHMT and AZTLAN [South America] hence the word Apple Mac, MAC comes from OLMEC [OLMAC] and all these words like Communication or Comet [COM] KOM [KOMET] – the Computer is based off of the HuMin Mind – the RAM is your short term memory, the HARD-DRIVE is your long term memory and your infinite memory is the CLOUD 

You have to fill up your HARD DRIVE – overrun your RAM in order to go straight to the CLOUD to get your data [information] – when you get to the CLOUD, that is when many start calling you, weird, strange, mental issues, your too much+ he or she is awkward, he or she is not like the rest of us, there is sum thing wrong with her or him+ there is nothing wrong with you, there is everything right with you, everyone else has sum thing wrong with them and they don’t want to accept that reality – so when they see the weird ones, the ones that are slightly off, offkey, they are slightly outside of the paradigm that they have been given, they don’t fit in the box [cube]+ this is where those sent from the Matrix come to fu9k with you, to challenge your intellectual [the Matrix wants to survive] they want to see if you are rooted in their reality or if you have departed reality that they call insanity, but if the whole world is insane the same person looks like the crazy one

Everyone who transfers information before the information is transferred have to adjust it to the paradigm that they can see – so when you take in information no matter who you are getting from, including me, we all put our personal spin on it, truth resonates, so the personal spin is added information, expansion+ because in order for us to be effective in communicating it had to have sum thing from us in order for another person to receive the full energy expression, energy signature  

You will see that anyone who is explaining sum thing will have their own energy signature to be able to resonate with many, likeminded does not mean the same, sum people may only see the one anomaly but there are many anomalies, sum can see two and sum can see a hundred, all is dependent on your talents and abilities, in my house sign, navigation and ship was in there and at that time I thought it was a reference to marine, captain of a ship with the navigation and decades later I realised [self-realisation] it was about BOWBAN and the data that was to follow, there are many of us here, many, all with different ways to express the energy – how you interpret information that you can make it understandable by others in the same paradigm as you

Islam was stolen from AL-LET [ALLET] ALLOT [ALLAT] and was rewritten by Irish priests – they used Islam to replace AL-LET and push the male and to lower the female under Islam aka the doctrine of religion which religion comes from their Matrix [world] and takes us straight back to Babylon that also includes HuMan [HuMin] sacrifice rituals, the money magic rituals and the sex magic rituals

There are more but the [3] forms of conjure is all they needed to conquer the world that they created which are Babylonian Sex Magic, Babylonian Money Magic and Babylonian Blood Magic  

MOOR + SALAM – remember its Irish priests rewriting

The first time the 6ether Arabs knew about Islam is when they saw Bilal [Moor King] calling his people for prayer – before Bilal they knew nothing of the LAW of the land that came from Allat who she gave to her people

Sumerian [Mesopotamia] Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Greece, Cyprus, Saudi, Libya+ was a 9ether civilisation aka black people with a delegation from Ethiopia [Kush] present in what is called Iran today – Egypt [Khemet] and Sumerian civilisations run parallel at times, when Egypt was first built it wasn’t even in this dimension, Khemet and Egypt [Egipt] are different places, we have seen in Egypt that different sites where built at different times and sum sites where added to, when the reSet was going to start they had to leave the records and that took 5,000 years, the Sphinx is a million years old, Nubia is older than Khemet, so its hard to say, but who founded Sumer and who founded Egypt [Khemet]

So, the two 9ether civilisations were functioning – it is ASARU OSIRIS [OSARIS] aka ENKI who is Chief of Egypt 

Their Matrix isn't real [reel] 

AL-LAT and her AKUR [KAUR] 
They have defaced her face on purpose, Arabian [AL GHOR] princess - we see INANNA on and with her AKUR 

ALI [Aa-Lee] translates ‘Most High Exalted’
ALLAH [Al-LAAH] ‘the source’
ALLAHUMMA translates ‘the source and them’
ALLAH the name is based around [ALULA] which is ANUs twin brother 

– remember its Irish priests rewriting

AL-LAT wrote the LAW [LAND + AIR + WATER] for the people and they stole it and changed her into a him, same like HELEN [HATHA] ATHEER [ATHENA] 

Two men cannot produce children or extend the HuMin [HuMan] mantle frame, tranny with no fanny, children, homosexual [Paedophilia] Zoophilia [Necrophilia]  

NINTI [EVE daughters] Lalibela [Lilith] METU NETU 

All heritage tests will lead you back to the 9ether w-OM-b-man who hold the Mitochondria DNA [MtDNA] 'You need sum black blood to be a MA'Other [Mother]

She has been living in a permanent state of emergency

If you 'know' you 'know' 

Remember Luke [you] a JEDI flows, use the force [FEMI9] 

Dreams [visions] are those when you don't sleep before fulfilling them...
[read that again out loud so you use both sides of your brain if your hard enough] 

Beings with less Soul [BAA] Matter will struggle to exist in harmony with the planet’s vibration and the SUNs energy

Such beings will struggle to fit in with other living organisms that feed on light of the SOL or the SUN

Beings with less Soul Matter will vibrate from a different wave length away from soulful beings and they will be disharmony

Spirit [KAA] is animation – its electrical and Soul [BAA] is magnetic

The environment is changing around us everyday [24hr cycle] 

If this is happening 5-6 times a day if not more, these numbers and more+ that you see like 3:33, 17:17, 12:12, 10:10, 11:11+ are your own codes, access codes, that you left for yourself for now, in this moment, in the Matrix – with anything that equals 9 like 3:33 or 12:06 or 13:05, 1:44, 10:26+ is a direct message from the Universe [Alpha + Omega] and means be in that moment, what was you thinking, she will only DM you for sum thing she wants you to take a look at and not if you should purchase new shoes 

We are seeing a lot of faces in the SKA, this one comes from LONDON - we do not have the same Moon or Sun in the four corners of this planet 

The SUN is leaking out either side, the top image is from a feed from NASA [NOAA] that is around a couple minutes and in the footage you can see the SUN leaking out every so often and under a different camera in the image you can see this, for the last 5 years+ this is where the WAJI [GREEN] is coming from that we see in the graphics BATSRUS below - keep in mind that the SUN, MOON and STARs and NIBIRU and cloaked planetary bodies are also in the DOME with us for we are in an enclosed environment - WAJI is also coming out of the EMF lines and the poles 

IRON [WAJI] MAGNESIUM [KOPPA] - they are converting the atmosphere - 9ethers have KOPPA in them - those with Sickle Cell need more KOPPA in their diet 

Planet is taking in the CME that was triggered - last 72hrs 

Imagie on the left is from the 7th and the right from the 27th now see the force field around the planet and in the right image you can see it looks different 

Normal from 2009 - what was it before 2009 

All these images are stills and fluctuates - the red bow is the DOME [EMF] getting hit and at times cracks open, this is going to go down one day, match all the colours which are energies, for the planet and you [CHAKRA] SHANKH system - check the WAJI [Green] coming from the right which would be the SUN - the Oxygen is changing inside this closed environment - NIBIRU is on the night side of the planet and is collecting all the energies that pass through the planet and you and redirecting them all back into the planet and you [arrows bending back towards the planet] this goes on for hours along with the plasma [CME] strikes which is PURPLE [Crown Chakra] 

RED [HERU + MAAT] energy combined = FEMI9 ELECTRON

Over the last 72hrs 



14000hz+ and 1400hz 

See them columns, they are pulses, signals+ coming in at certain times 

Resonating frequency is changing

Incoming from the X-Flare - last 72hrs 

The SUN is one colour 'energy' and the SKA [backdrop] is another 
RED IRON OXIDE at Sunrise and Sunset is coming from NIBIRU 

NYC [USA] HERU + MAAT combined = FEMI9 ELECTRON energy - detoxifier that is mutating you from the inside out - PINK and RED is the energies the 6ethers fears the most 

NORTH WALES [UK] Wales is in the South of the UK 


Taken over ICELAN - arch [oval] shaped 

Sum of the pervious energies from a couple years back, once we see all the lights in the four corners of this planet it will be show time 


Because its your fault 


From the 1900s they have 15 M7.5+ earthquakes with 1989 seeing M8.2 and 2004 M8.1 and the largest was in 1931 M7.8 - the last M7.5+ was 170 years ago - this is a trend - the energy must be returned 

When energy is being released by the 9ethers it comes in the form of an earthquake, and can happen through planetary alignments+ this also takes place with volcanoes [volume + caine]

[3] weather systems at the same time, we have started to see this in the last couple years and in October and FL looks to be getting ready to be hit again - you best leave if you want to live, these are life taking weather systems that have been ramping up each cycle and the one heading for FL is CAT6

2 CMEs hitting - we will have disruptions from satellites to cars and the Matrix glitching - anything using the electrical power - devices, banking+ the SUN is pissed 

The PLASMA [CROWN] PURPLE is shaping our consciousness 

Washington [USA] craft sitting in the SKA 

Above the clouds are light crafts 

Huge craft

Cylinder crafts are normally SHAMS - there are 5 in that range 

Sum thing huge is coming into view and we will be updating this image as it comes into view - the SUN lets rip and millions of souls [debris] is released - what is that white bar, they say its a COMET [KOMET] aka COMmunications satellite 

So, its either OSIRIS phallus or is the missing capstones or is a MIR craft which we have seen many are in the SKA

Can you see that 

The top left image sum one edited from the original below and they said there are [3] faces and there are, these [3] faces are being projected from the craft - the person indicates that the one in the middle is wearing glasses - all [3] actually look 9ether by features

The last two images are flipped - the SKA normally goes like this when a weather system [craft] passes through, the clouds or they use HAARP 

THAILAND - where else 

Check the SUN and colours, I find it so interesting how the SUN goes like that, you can see sum thing is in front of the SUN and clouds only hold vaporized water, not solid mass and what is also interesting is how the bottom part or half of the SUN has that red going around the bottom half rather than the red going around the whole SUN, peaking through the 'cloud' you can see two red holes, gaps, what goes on when the SUN looks like this - what is blocking the SUN out  

 The same Lithium [Lilith] batteries they use in TESLA 
Did you see the Evergreen truck passing by in the background 

This pyramid is millions of years old and is sitting in lake Lahontan [USA] 
In this 1840s map of the U.S., British Provinces, and Mexico, the pyramid structure is clearly visible, though it has melted over time or was blasted – its now a desert 

Prehistoric means before history aka his story, when you bypass 6ether European history the data opens up, CAMEL [KAMEL] KAMAL are from TAMERI [AMERICA] and are found from Saudi to Russia+ - in the USA [TA.MERI] they massacred the masses, they came in through FL [GULLAH] and slaughtered them and the LARS [SIMINANS] and destroyed infrastructure and ancient sites

Data found would overwrite, not rewrite their history, that man told you was truth 

They were given 77 years to rule and that was this side of the century

Before and After 

See the garden that they destroyed 
All they have done is gone around the planet and destroyed ancient sites and renamed places that the 9thers built and named - you can see that the BANTU [BUNTU] BUDDHA were here already 

All they did was destroy everything or mutate everything 

SHOGUN the word is from OGUN who is an Orisha
Orissa [Odisha] Orisha [Odessa] Odia [Odin]
XUAN DI translates 'black emperor' 

Tombs are often associated with burial chambers and this is not the case, in KHMT they called HETU which means, abode, coastland, isles, house, temple and are called IY in SUMER - you can see the MIR [MER] and style of construction - the mud flood was not that long ago 


GREECE [GREEK] is a part of SUMERIAN and at one point [530] the word GREEK didn't exist and was called HELEN or ILLYRIAN who are the same bloodline has the ETRUSCAN and the word ETRUSCAN comes from the word ENTRUSTED which means assigned with a certain responsibility, we only hear of the ETRUSCAN when they settle Tuscany and before that nothing, but they come from SUMER - H3LLEN her name is actually ATHENA which comes from 

In the Jewish Lore there is Lillith [Lalibela] who was supposed to be the first console of Adam but because Adam couldn’t boss her around they kicked her out of the garden [g-arden] arden [aden] eden [edin] - Lillith [Lilith] is supposed to be one of the most powerful beings created – so you remember THOR threw a hammer at his elder siStar, she caught the hammer and then she crushed it – she crushed it with her bare hands – they called Helen and Helen was the Matriarchal founder of [GREECE] who was usurped by the Patriarchy of Rome and replaced, they call that the beheading in their old text, all they were doing was switching the female into a man – they switched gender roles to Patriarchy 

53 million year old GRECKO trapped in AMBA

PINKY TAIL [PIG] Rh [Rhesus Monkey] Rhogam 
This genetic anomaly stems from Rhesus Monkey factor which stemmed from the genetic manipulation and creation of the 6ether ‘white man’ by the fallen groups among the ANNUNAKI along with ENLIL and YACOB 

The KAT beings are called LYRA = [LYNX] LYON [LION] LEON [LEO] the Sphinx [Lynx] is called EKUR and called Babylon which is Baby Lion in Indian text they call the Lioness KAUR [EKUR] and the Lion [SINGH] Barcelona [lona] is Lion, LONDON [LONDUN] is LION + DON and DON or DUN means 'black' we have the [3] Lions on their logo but Lions are not indigenous to the UK but 'black' 9ether are - anywhere you see Lona or Leona comes back to the Lions, our blood runs through them hence why they did the Barbary Lion like that - keep the movie the 'Black Panther' in mind and the 80s carton Thundercats - this is a Australian declassified military document of their interaction with the Lyra between 1957 and 1971 - check the advanced devices they had with them and this was in 1957

The CAT [KAT] is called Sekhmet [KHMT] - her Yoruba name is OYA and her other name is NYABINGHI and her siStar is called BAST [BAS] Sekhmet house [HETU] comes under the HETU of SOBEK [Reptile] because the KAT [LYRA] and Reptile are cousins and ancestors of the huMins - they both hiss, slit eyes and have a 3rd eye+


The Sekhet Aaru aka the Elysian Fields of the Kammau [Kammu] Khami [Ancient Egyptians]

Elysium is a section of the netherworld [underworld]
Elysium is a Latinization of the 6ether Greek word Elysion  

The Elysian Fields or the Elysian Plains are the final resting place of the BAA [souls] of the heroic and the virtuous

Also called the DUAT – the Fields of Reeds

Sekhet [Sokhet] Sakhet [Sochet] is the ancient NTR [Neteru] of the life of the fields, meadows, marshes and the wetlands

She is mistress of Sekhet-Aaru, the Field of Reeds, the otherworld, netherworld paradise where Asaru [Osiris] rules

And these fields have been described as the KA [KAA] SPIRIT of the Nile Delta

No other recorded story ever of the bird, the egg creation story, it was called the N-Gher or Neg-uR which corresponded to the creator and the one who laid the sun-egg or the golden egg and both carry the trilateral root #NGR.

Now the trilateral root #NGR corresponds as well to king [royalty] as well as the golden serpent or rainbow serpent which is the creative energy force of the sun because the trilateral root #NGR also corresponds to NAGA which is a sun serpent and also corresponds to creation and you have the temple of NAGA in Nubia which was a temple dedicated to ApeDeMak the Akir [lion] headed

Paa NaTaRu called SekhMet in KHMT and she is a sun N.TU [deity] and this takes you right back to the sun serpent of creation

#NGR also corresponds to NaGaR and NaGaR-U which means ancestors, NeGus, NiGeR all the way down to the molested European created NiGRo and NiGgeR all have the #NGR trilateral root, but in reality, they are calling you the creator

The N-gHer [Nig-Ur] is carrying the #Neb Bowl and Neb means Lord and within the Neb [Nebu] or you have the Waas or Uas Scepter, Ankh [Aunk] and the Shem [ring] which is also a symbol of the sun representing the life of a Neb [Lord] a PerAhu [Pharaoh] or Negus [King]

The N-gHer [Nig-Ur] is carrying the #Neb Bowl is your baby story of the Stork bringing you your baby which they used the Stork, the bird used by KHMT is the NER [Vulture] goddess NEKHBET [NAKHBAT] 

If You look to the left side corner you will see the MeTut or symbol of a bird and sun MeTut and it means #SaaRe or SaRa and means Sun [Son] of AMUN [God] aka N.TU [Neteru]

We are dealing with sun-enegry poWRA of electric-magnetic force that #Animates all things from Bugs, trees and HuMins and Suns [star]s and is called the Kaa in KHMT

 NIBIRU came through Sirius – Orion is called SAHU – they talk of ancient galactic wars between dark-skinned ANNUNAKI [these beings]  fighting pale-skinned Reptoids [Greys mixed with Reptilians] for galactic control and supremacy which led the various alien races contributing stem cells to form different races of the earth after a form of truce as a result, white people are a hybrid of blacks and sum of the alien race from Lyra

You have to get use to seeing animal headed beings, they have at least 1million of them in Dulce Base [Mexico] Raccoon city  

There were 100,000 Cheetahs at the turn of the 20th century and today they say there are only 7,000 left – the fastest land animal on the planet is running into extinction because of man
That is near enough 93,000 Cheetahs wiped out in 100 years, what happened before a 100+ years ago

6ether Arabs and 6ether Muslims and 6ethers 'white' people are not from Egypt, in 1958 'Egypt' merged with the republic of Syria until 1961 so 'Egypt' was founded in 1958
How about the names like KHAMI [KHEMET] KHAMAT [KAMMU] which translates 'black' the land of the black [ASWAD] you cannot steal their culture, its got their stamp all over it  

Gullah Geechee [GeeChee] people from Carolina, Georgia and Florida [Gullah Wars] 
who were murdered for their land, this is why we don't share the same feelings when we see these places going under, that is payback for murdering and raping their people - NTR is making all the moves and taking back energy that was borrowed - no man can stop the time, he knows what timeline we are in and he had the opportunity to tell you the truth, he decided to hold out for the longest that he can but has you can see, NTR is not waiting on no man 

BABYLON SEX MAGIC - rupturing the Sacral [Root] Chakra means the Prince will never become a King and they know this, many were taken because they know who you really are - both the 6ether and 9ether will be disciplined accordingly

BABYLON MONEY MAGIC - 6ether Arabs, do ALLAHs work and get 40 virgins [children] and a place in paradise - these men kiss each other 3 or 5 times on the cheek - money is the route to all EVIL and the 6ether Muslim loves EVIL - join the MONEY revolution they say 
6ether Arabs are just Caucasians - we want all monkey minds deleted from this planet  

 MAN means MIND [KHU] the 'oldest' contract down here is the FEMALE contract 

KIMI RAIKKONEN #Funnyman - they call him the Iceman because he doesn't express his emotions, feelings+ he does, when he met Nicole Kidman his face went red - he has blue eyes and they are ENLIL offspring, who had to be domesticated because once energy has been created it can never be destroyed and through the simulation we have all had to start again 

India have had F1 races in 2013 and 2022 but it is Africa that is the only place never to have an F1 race let alone a 9ether driver, same like Snooker - 9ethers can dominate and this is what keeps them at bay

We've come a long way to leave with nothing 

TEXAS [USA] and it blinks and is 8ft tall 

Many other beings reside here on and in EARTH 
There are good and there is bad, choose wisely 

Cell phones with cameras came out around the late 90s into the 00s and boy have we seen sum things that if you had a traditional camera you might not have captured, this is only for evidence and does not mean these 'ghosts' entities, have only just come about, from 2012 we have seen an increase in Paranormal activity - many have home security, detection cameras and are picking up paranormal activity in their homes, para means offsite + normal which is abnormal - the planets negative field is where they are all residing including those without soular energy are also in that field, you need a soul to leave or to go to heaven to which many are not in heaven, they are here - I have watched so many uploads and have yet to see 9ethers in any footages, all we see are 6ethers experiencing these things - so what does that mean - why is it only them that are experiencing the Paranormal world - many of these footages come from 2020+ onwards - the planets negative field will merge - residual energy leftover is the spirit energy that stays here, hence why KJ2 had to take out the word reincarnation because the 6ethers do not reincarnate - so if they cannot come back they stay here - so do these other beings, entities, ghosts+

UK Matrix glitches 

5G already did this - 6G is only sum thing like 4-5 years away, 
you are being converted to an artificial antenna - 66% increase since 2019 that means in four years 66% of young people - this figure includes footballers, athletes, does this include clones, IVF [IUI]+ those who took the Jabba the Hutt and accelerators - are these figures based on 6ethers only+ 

TESLA did not invent the transformer nor the rotating magnetic field which was already here 

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