Tuesday, 14 January 2025


In a video game you will have a certain number of characters that you can choose from, you will have lifelines and you can pick up ‘extra things’ along the way during the selective game of life, we have seen many people from the past right now [present] you’ve been playing this game [7] times already and we are going into the 8th root man [mind]

We know for sure in this particular space + time there are archetypical beings, we know that KAA [KA] means double you’ or ‘spirit double’ and that you can stream ‘energy’ from your KAA – we have bigger ‘energies’ that influence whole tribes – its not just a genetic thing, it’s a soul [BAA] thing, when the soul is mixed, we have more characters

Our ancestors lined up the birth of the children they were bringing in [you have your earth parents and you have your celestial parents] with the ‘star’ based on the characteristic of the ‘star’ with other energies because this brought in more success, strength and more power

You are on a journey and you are not alone, you do not walk this PTAH [PATH] alone because you are coming in with the DNA [RNA] DEA

The sequences of the DNA and back then the women would line up the birth of a child to alignment of the stars which is esoteric and hermetic doctrine of information because hermetic primarily deals with genetics – in the genome its like a long radio station [radio receiver] there is a whole bunch of channels and to get to the channel you want you have to align the DNA and the alignment comes in through aligning it with the Zodiacal constellation [Dendera] you need ETHER to be connected to the Zodiac – the origin of the Zodiac – women figured out a long time ago before they made men that if a woman or man - back then it was just a masculine or a feminine energy that came in at a certain time based on the winter and summer solstices and the two equinoxes, you know when they are coming in and you know what energies you are channelling – the prayers of the mother are answered through the womb – so what was your mum praying for when she was gestating you because she was programming your DNA

Because they told her she was praying for a outcome in life, they didn’t tell her that when you have a child growing within you and you continuously pray or be in a high state of negative emotion – either way, which is ultimate calm or ultimate chaos – this is going to mould your child

What the mother is doing by bloodline is they are literally dialling in the sequence on the genome – its only so many facial structures, its [7] specific or key or root facial structures, so its 7 to 7th power of the 7 aka a triple 7 genome materialization which means that each one of those 7s have seven options to the seventh power of expression – so if now, people are constantly being born, dying, you are recycling or opening up frequency stations

The frequency stations is calibrated from a star system ‘stella’ at a specific point in the SKA at a specific time of the year – so you bring sum one in who is under the Zodiacal sign of Cancer – born under this bloodline O-positive or O-negative, say from TAMERI [AMERICA] and born in say Chicago [CHI-KA-GO] on this day 15.1.2025 – you are dialling in and tuning in the child and the genome is matching it up like a radio station matches up a frequency – if it doesn’t align that frequency cannot express itself in the 3D world aka you cannot express yourself where you are not at – so understanding how genetics works –

You may have a father or mother who has certain traits that skipped you but went to your daughter or son, this is called a heritable cross family flip from the Fatherline to the next Motherline and its his daughters mother is okaying the daughters DNA to receive the heritance of the father that they call daddy’s girl – these mothers have passed their genetics to their children - red house and fathers house is blue house and this means they straight descendants and don’t give a fu9k about the fathers line heritable rights, mother and daughter are straight lineage whereas the fathers can or cannot come through aka mums heritable rights over their fathers heritable rights and sum of these wars are being fought under those two pretences, gender heritability is the cause of all wars on earth and the people sending everyone to war are not telling them what bloodlines are fighting who 

Clones do not have a gender and many have machine parts, IVF [IUI] do not have a gender, yes they will be in a masculine or feminine body but that is it and C-section means not gender was selected by the mother because the child did not pass through her but was cut from her - C stands for Caesar - you can see how many clones we have out here and not real humans or humins 

All this is relevant for we have clones out here and in their movie Star Wars they have two entitled the Clone Wars and Attack of the Clones take Barack Obama is a clone of Akhenaten and Michelle Obama is Tiye - many of the 6ethers are clones today - the boys from Brazil, many thought that the Nazis were cloning Adolf Hitler, Hitler was sent to the Himalayas and into Egypt which are the two oldest temple complexes and when they received the genetic information and the chemical formula to clone a human being that they were not supposed to have – the thought that Tupac was Tut and to stop him from ruling we have to reincarnate his father [Akhenaten] so he can pull rank but first we have to reprogram him so he only works for us aka an antichrist – one who is coming to seize the throne that doesn’t belong to him from the rightful heir aka a usurper a Jacobite – and now you know where we are at right now

So you see these ‘Moors’ these ones are the ones who went up against the ‘Moors’ its not really white people against the black people, because it’s the dutty ‘dirty’ Moors against Moors, the dutty Moors are the ones who put the ‘white people’ in power in the first place – the Crusaders war is not just religious, its also with the Moors – the 9ether Germans also fought against the dutty Moors and these are missing links and once that war was fought and today Christianity rules the day – the rulers aka 9ether Nobility are double crossed and the empire gets switched and everything is iconic class whereby you change the colour of the person and rewrite the words, for example that is the real King James [9ether] who is switched to a [6ether] homosexual who has a transvestite – all them Jews with fine art paintings are from the black nobility in Europe, they stole them works of arts worth millions from these people and made it their own

King James set up Jamestown which is a colony inside the USA that was infringing on 9ether native Indian territory and sum Indians would say those Indians don’t like all Indians

This makes it a good or bad or a black or white thing when its way more deeper than that, nothing new was discovered during this time, Newton did not discover gravity sitting in sum vineyard, there are no inventions during this time, just copying

So we have today people who are Christians, Roman Catholics, Muslims, Church of England+ different forms of religion with different coloured ‘gods’ we have different bloodlines that don’t quite know who is who

When you are seeing sum thing at the end, always keep in mind that life existence always runs in cycles and this cycle has a plan to take everyone through the whole process to see how you endure – so if you are only judging everything based on the end then you will be one sided – we have learned a lot

Knowing you, knowing me [Abba] 


An ancient tree buried for 42,000 years holds data from the planets magnetic field during a near-reversal event - Radiocarbon dating reveals between 41,000 and 42,500 years ago — during a period when planets magnetic poles wavered but did not fully flip, they say, near reversal – they are looking the growth rings, during such events, the weakened magnetic field allows increased cosmic radiation, posing risks to life and modern technology that manmade, life is those without carbon, in which Melanin sits in carbon – the tree is actually 1,700 years old – we know they added the ‘I’ or ‘j’ in front of the year, so are we talking 700 years ago and not 1,700 – can radiocarbon be accurate

Given the recent acceleration of the magnetic north pole and its potential impact on ‘life’ and ‘communication, infrastructure is at risk, the magnetic field is going to go down and that field that once protected [shielded] will no longer support ‘life’

The higher beings have given warnings, NTR goes warns, mother only speaks once, they have given us all time, we always had the choice 

So this tree buried for 42,000 years and check out that TIGER below coming in at 32,000 - they have found 'Mammoths' with food still in their stomach and fish still in frozen lakes, meaning the 'ice-age' came over in the blink of an eye for they froze where they stood 

Check out IRELAND or ICELAND - this makes sense - POLAND is POLE LAND where the POLES used to be 

Last 300 years is really where we find the real data 

SMART City stands for Surveillance, Monitoring, Analysis, Reporting, Technology

All that 'black' under the shuttle is Melanin [Ether] think about that 

When they do the same to prisons in the USA, all the prisons are in shapes so that from the air the pilots know which buildings to bomb from the SKA, all the motorways in the USA have a ramp and the ramp will be taken out so you cannot leave - all the blue buildings didn't get hit by the wildfires in LA 
We are more conscious than a 100 years ago, make sure you fight the fight fight this time round, because we have been here before 

Smart Metre - one event after another - are European Americans that dumb, we are about to find out 

DEW is linked to HAARP - check the trees that are all intact, however they all look like they pushed back and up and at a slant  

Exposed tunnels, they say that Hugh Hefner had tunnels from his house and one tunnel went to Jack Nickerson - Paedophilia is sex with children, we are conscious now, more than ever, timing is everything, everyone has had the opportunity to filter out but heads will roll  

Look at him, people get off because he is a councillor, which is just a 3D world title, he is just a man who is genetically wired to have sex with children and this is called Paedophilia, at the Roman colosseums that had private rooms for children and men, and animal and men [Zoophile] that was then and this is still now -  

Sodom and Gomorrah, the cities where levelled last time round and a huge Earthquake shut down the colosseum - check the pepper shots on the building, 'brimstone'  

Last image, those colours are from the CHAKRA system, all of the PMs around the planet are Homo or tranny with no fanny  

Homos cannot have children, so how is it in 2025 we have millions of them, who is having inverted offspring - Homos are less likely to defend women or their own children or tribe

Pedos hide behind religion, job titles and false marriages, right image, its everywhere, sum one wrote, the schools are indoctrinating kids, schools or 6ethers aka white people, lets be real for a second, 9ethers have yet to accept this, lets see sum 9ether men or women say sum thing about this monkey sh9t - we don't mind if they nuke the planet, at least all this monkey sh9t will be over [dead] 

Canadian PM is homo, b*stiality is beast aka animal - please nuke the planet 

Check the rings around the SUN and no one says nothing 

CHAKRA colours 'energies' for those with a CHAKRA system and not for inverts 

No one says nothing about the SKA 

Crafts in the clouds, using cloud cover 

Two huge crafts riding the SKA - that is the underbelly of these two crafts that the military can see on radar 

Taken in New Orleans [USA] check the SUN and all those other light sources, are they planetary bodies and we have a [9] planet alignment [including NIBIRU] 

Same images - showing the same thing 

2011 FU-KUSH-IMA [JAPAN] IPAN [IAPAN] they just had an M7 with Tsunami issued, maybe they are going for gold, IPAN has been shrinking for the last decade and we will be saying goodbye to them

Emotional discharges – intermittent sensations are present – the Moon will be playing havoc on many, EMotions, many people are affected by the Moon - all you have to know is if the former Reptilian starstation is on full power [full Moon] and this means the 'Moon' is using all its power - the 'light' rays are not light but illumination - affecting the water that your brain [organ] is sitting in 

ATLAS [COMET] KOMET [KOMAT] KOMAAT] - does that look like dust or rock or ice - use your brain, that is a craft and we can see the tail end, look at either side of this 'rock' craft - like wings 
I will be updating this image in the next 48hrs when NASA release them 

Finger on lips - older image - the SKA is KOMmunicating with you 

Knows [Nose] Gnosis 

Don't knock sum one who has broken English, it means they know another language 

That is #Deep, I just came across this from 2013 - you can see both the engineers in the middle 

There is balance in between

The letter M is an electron symbol

DUB 'Beetle' 


MANTIS - Check his or her head, triangular [elongated] and antenna 

Resident-aliens on Earth - this is an Earthling - b
ut I am sure he has a double citizenship with the Klingon planet, though - this hat little fellow is a mango seed weevil shown in startling detail

Blue Branded Bee [Australia] on the right is who they left out, we haven’t seen European Bees because over a billion have been wiped out during the last decade – the eco system crashed a while back and we are on borrowed time – food has run out - they wiped out the Bees using manmade pesticides 

32,000 OR [35,000] TIGER [Sabre-toothed] found frozen [they have probably cloned the cub] 

The DODO went instinct because the British soldiers ate them all - the British wiped the DODO from the planet and now they are ready with the clones

66 or 72 million year old Dinosaur embryo, this means they have cloned it  

Foie Gras

Force-feeding for foie gras involves shoving a foot-long metal or plastic tube down a duck’s throat and inhumanely pumping his stomach with so much feed that, after three times a day for several weeks, his liver swells up to 10 times its natural size – who does this, who eats this, Europeans, 6ethers - look at the ducks in the corner, shitting themselves, all this is coming back to the Europeans in this year 

  2019 attack on a Kangal 

Is that Chlorine in the tap water 

The fact that 4 young girls instead of sitting around decided to try sum thing, even if this might not work - through extremities comes an answer 

Marijuana [Weed] is a Herb [Herbivore] and works full stop for 9ethers but does not work for 6ethers, even fruits and vegetation doesn't not work on 6ethers, it might for a minute but whatever they have will come back more aggressive and stronger - no one promotes CBD Oil no more - Hemp oil from 1896 - 9ether Indians have been mastering the oil since day dot but CBD Oil does not work on 6ethers - they just blasted their own people out of California using direct energy weapons and here they used Mustard gas on their own people and soldiers, you let that sink in, NTR left natural remedies for 9ethers while the 6ethers use drugs made by man 

Their food pyramid is a lie 

The individual became ill after eating raw pork
The disease is also contracted through the ingestion of eggs found in contaminated food and water

Eating raw or undercooked pork can be dangerous due to the risk of parasitic infections such as trichinosis, caused by the roundworm Trichinella spiralis, and cysticercosis, resulting from the larval stage of the pork tapeworm, Taenia solium, this can lead to disseminated cysticercosis, which is a severe, widespread infestation of the parasitic disease caused by the larval stage of the pork tapeworm, Taenia solium

This condition occurs when the larvae disseminate throughout the body, affecting multiple organs and tissues, including the brain, muscles, eyes, and skin, leading to a wide range of symptoms depending on the location and burden of the cysts - Neurocysticercosis, where the larvae invade the central nervous system, is among the most serious manifestations, potentially causing seizures, headaches, and neurological deficits - diagnosis involves imaging techniques like MRI or CT scans alongside serological tests, and treatment typically includes antiparasitic medications, corticosteroids to reduce inflammation, and sometimes surgery to remove cysts

Prevention strategies focus on improving sanitation, food safety, and public health education in endemic areas to reduce the transmission of Taenia solium

I work at a restaurant and sometimes when someone orders the pork chop, they will say "oh I want that rare please" I always look at them amazed - 1) I never asked you what temperature would you like your pork because that is not an option when it comes to pork. It's cooked one way - 2) No legit restaurant will ever have employees asking you what temperature you'd like your pork
If they do, do not eat there – end quote

Swine Flu, from animal to Human
Pig [Pigment] aka Pig Meat, Pork [???], Ham [Hams son], Bacon [BAA + CON] AKA conning the soul [energy] eating Pig is borderline cannibalism – they grow human parts on and in pigs, organs, ear+
Arnold Schwarzenegger has a pigs valve for near enough 40+ years, Botox is pigs fat+ put any of them in 9ethers and they die, humans are made from animal parts and humin [humims] are not
There are two different species down here, the Negriod and Caucasian, the Mongolian is in between

Muslims are forbidden to eat the pig – Halal and Kosher from Hebrew [Hibiru] Nibiru] Kasher meaning ‘fit’ fit for human consumption – flesh, blood+ is what keeps the humans together, Plant based food means plant aka factory, there is meat, flesh in their vegan food, they have to have it, its what keeps them together [body] the other species does not have to eat meat –

Carnivore and Herb-ivore 
Cane and Abel – said really fast Caneabel [Cannibal]
Esau [Esaw] eats flesh
Kadmon eat vegetation
The domestic pig was bleached, its man made 

This is why natural remedies or plant based medicine will not work on 6ethers hence why they keep it from the 9ethers because its their medicine 

What was this place before 1890 when they say they 'completed' this building in the USA [TAMERI] MONTANTA [HELENA] HATHA [ATHEER] 

The Palace of natural Electricity, built in 1900 in Paris for the Exposition Universelle or World's Fair
Steam generators inside the building provided natural, free electricity for the fair
A gigantic water fountain facing the Palace circulated 26,000 gallons per minute and was illuminated at night by changing coloured lights ‘flashing’

The Palace was demolished after the conclusion of the Exposition

PARIS [PAR-ISIS] sum one lying, built in the 1900s, so us the blueprints, you mean you found this structure and then you knocked it down, do you think 6ethers could really build this and then knock it down, many of the people have been added and everything that is blurry in the images – you can keep your boy Tesla and his harmful electricity, point being the 9ethers impute is natural and they built these places - you can't make money from 'free' 

6ethers in horses and carts and you built this [left] - where is everyone - when did they repopulate their world - none of this makes sense if you look at this from Western history, a falsified timeline that doesn't exist, 1000 [900] years - when its more like 300 years 

TAMERI [USA] showing Boston [Massachusetts] 1902 - they always show these picture with extreme brightness to block out your view - post reset - old world of TARTAR - so advanced they had to hide it [try] who, 6ethers from 9ethers, we are in a post apocalyptic world, but not everything was destroyed, looking at the trees, they cleaned this place up around 2-4 years before this image was taken 

TAMERI [USA] Boston [Massachusetts] TARTAR 

City Hall, Philadelphia [USA] TAMERI  
First occupied in 1877, topped out in 1894, and completed in 1901
The world's largest free standing masonry building
When topped out in 1894 was the world's tallest habitable building
Designated a National Historic Landmark in 1976

TARTAR empire that also had stargates to travel between cities and Hydrogen 'air' ships 

What is all that soot on the top
Show us the blueprints to this building that you didn't build 

GULLAH wars was from 1739 in FL [TAMERI] while in Europe they were only learning how to wash [hygiene] in the same year

Lake Nnalubaale [Victoria]  
Ugandan men showing the 6ether Europe man Lake Victoria so he can discover it
9ethers are remembered for being slaves, their daddy is here now 
Discovered, founded+ mean different things 

Belgium is French and Dutch 6ether people today and boy you are going to pay for this, the 9ethers back then were humble, yes they had warriors among them, but these lot were humble beings who the 6ethers targeted, yes they were humble but their grandchildren are not who will pick up the pieces, these grandchildren all know the story and this story merges with other stories from those who know what happened, the 6ether European cooked and ate his daughter because they meet the rubber quota, so when sh9t hits the fan around the planet and 9ethers goes ballistic, you will know why, they don't forget and the 6ether does  

Disturbing Data from the Middle Age of the 6ethers history
In the 1600s and 1700s

Visiting the Palace of Versailles in Paris, it is observed that the sumptuous palace has no bathrooms
In the Middle Ages, there were no toothbrushes, perfumes, deodorants, and much less toilet paper
Human excrements were thrown out of palace windows
On a holiday, the palace kitchen was able to prepare a feast for 1500 people, without the minimum hygiene [High Gene]

In today's movies we see people from that era shaking or fanning
The explanation is not in the heat, but in the foul odour emitted under the skirts, which were deliberately made to contain the smell of private parts, since there was no hygiene

It was also not customary to shower due to the cold and the almost non-existence of running water
Only the nobles had lackeys to fan them, to dispel the bad odour that exhalants the body and the mouth, besides scaring away bugs

Those who have been to Versailles have admired the huge and beautiful gardens that, at that time,
They were not only contemplated, but used as a toilet in the famous ballads promoted by the monarchy, because there were no bathrooms, they didn’t know what a bath was which was introduced by the 9ether Moors, this was just not in France, this was the whole of Europe including the British 

In the Middle Ages, most weddings took place in June, for them, the beginning of summer, the reason is simple: the first bath of the year was taken in May; so in June, the smell of people was still tolerable, however, as sum odours were already beginning to disturb you, brides carried bouquets of flowers near their bodies to cover the smell, hence the explanation of the origin of the bridal bouquet

The baths were taken in a single massive tub filled with hot water; the head of the family had the privilege of the first swim in clean water

Then, without changing the water, the others arrived in the house, in order of age, women, also by age and finally, children, the babies were the last ones to bathe, when his or her turn came, the water in the bathtub was so dirty that it was possible to kill a baby inside

The roofs of the houses had no sky and the wooden beams that held them up were the best place for animals: dogs, cats, rats and cockroaches kept warm, when it rained, leaks forced the animals to jump to the ground

Those who had money had tin plates, certain types of food oxidized the material, causing many people to die from poisoning

Let's remember that the hygiene habits of the time were terrible

Tomatoes, being acidic, were considered poisonous for a long time, can cups were used to drink beer or whiskey; this combination, sum times, left the individual "on the floor" - in a kind of narcolepsy induced by mixing alcoholic beverage with tin oxide

Sum one passing by the street would think he was dead, so they were picking up the body and preparing for the funeral, then the body would be placed on the kitchen table for a few days and the family would stand watching, eating, drinking and waiting to see if the dead man would wake up or not, hence the wake of the dead (wake}, which is the vigil next to the coffin

England is a small country, where there wasn't always a place to bury all the dead

Then the coffins were opened, the bones were extracted, they were placed in oarsaries and the grave was used for another corpse, sum times, when opening the coffins, you could notice scratches on the lids inside, indicating that the dead man had, in fact, been buried alive

Thus, when closing the coffin, the idea came to tie a strip of the deceased's wrist, pass it through a hole made in the coffin and tie it to a bell, after the burial, sum one stayed on duty next to the grave for a few days, if the individual woke up, the movement of his arm would ring the bell
And it would be "saved by the campaign", an expression used by us to this day

Man tells us these are natural sandstone formations in TAMERI - if you know, you know

Same pioneer builders - with Israel and Palestine they come under Ethiopia [Egypt] for those names Israel [1948] and Palestine [1988] and you can see clearly these 'walls' are older than the 1900s+  

Mexico [AZTLAN]
This ceramic head from Mexico, its suggested that this head could have been used as a detachable helmet for a larger figure, such as a warrior or is a Vimana helmet - helmets like this, especially from Veracruz, often showcased fantastical creatures, combining different animal traits for dramatic or symbolic purposes or this is an actual being, person, because we have seen a lot of mixed creatures coming out of AZTLAN both in ceramics or in real life 

And the Map was turned upside down 

Alkebulan [Africa] is the only continent that is located in all [4] hemispheres [Hemi means 'half' and half a sphere is a dome]


Egypt is an English word derived from the Latin term "Aegyptus," which is the name Greeks imposed over the nation of Kemet during their occupation of the land after they invaded around 300 YEARS AGO - Aegyptus comes from the Kemetic word Hwt-ka-Ptah, which translates to "Mansion of the Spirit of Ptah", which was one single temple located in Memphis [Tattu] where the Greeks received their education - it was not the name of the nation – when Egipt was first built it wasn’t even in this dimension – Egipt and Khemet are two different places and over the years structures were added, meaning it wasn’t built all at the same time – the Ekur [Sphinx] complex was built at different times

The word Kemet translates to the Black Nation – country, the determinative being which translate to Nation of Country, sum say Land or soil, however nowhere in the word for Kemet do the glyph or determinative for land or soil appear as sum have suggested, the ‘black’ headed ones – 6ether Arabs or 6ethers are not from the ‘black country’ there is no such place as the Middle East

Other indigenous names of the nation were, Ta-Meri [Ta-Mare] the Beloved Lands, and Sema Tawy, the United Lands

The identity of Kemet cannot be reduced to the term "Egypt," as this designation fails to encapsulate the intricate historical and cultural tapestry that characterized the civilization

Kemet was the cradle of the 9ether civilization, laying the foundations for governance, spiritually [soular], and social structures that inspired subsequent cultures but its roots are firmly planted in the lands south of Kemet in what the ancient Kemetians called Ta-Netjer, which translates to Land of the Gods, home of the Horizon Dwellers and origins of their pantheon – this part of the land ‘Land of the Gods’

They say also that the Egyptians are pioneers sent out by the Ethiopians, Osiris having been the leader [Chief of KHEMET]

The Egyptian record when correctly read will tell us plainly that the 9ether human birthplace was a land of the papyrus reed, the crocodile, and hippopotamus; a land of the great lakes in Karua, the Koloe of Ptolemy, or in Apta at the horn point of the earth — that is, in Equatoria, from whence the sacred river ran to brim the valley of the Nile with plenty – the planets land mass have moved around at times that they call crust displacement

The track of civilization with cities springing in its footprints is seaward from the south, not upward from Lower Egypt, which was a swamp when Upper Egypt was already the African home of civilization, the Egyptians always gave priority to the south over the delta in the north, also the south was and is the natural habitat of the oldest fauna and most peculiar of the sacred zootypes
Gerald Massey, Ancient Egypt Light Of The World, Vol 1, pg. 50:

Christopher Ehret wrote in 1996 in an article entitled, "Ancient Egyptian as an African Language, Egypt as an African Culture"  - "Ancient Egyptian civilization was, in ways and to an extent usually not recognized, fundamentally African. The evidence of both language and culture reveals these African roots. The origins of Egyptian ethnicity lay in the areas south of Egypt" - Christopher Ehret, 1996, pp. 25–27

The imposition of the term "Egypt" serves to alienate Kemet from its African roots, as many modern scholars have erroneously attempted to create a dichotomy between Egyptians and Nubians, viewing them as separate entities rather than parts of a continuum, as stated, modern scholars have immersed themselves in discovering the absolute dividing line between Egyptians and Nubians, which has led to a misrepresentation of African civilization, removing Egypt from Africa in the process, the historical continuum of the Nile Valley region emphasizes that the history of Kemet is intertwined with that of Nubia [Ta-Nehisi], where significant cultural exchanges occurred

This interconnectedness challenges the notion that Kemet was a distinct entity, separate from its African [Alkebulan] context

"King [Neteru] of Upper Kemet, beautiful is the Ka-Soul of Ra who appears in Wa-Set"



Graffiti versus stencil [spaying over already made template rather than freehand] bottom right image that goes for 10s of 1000s of pounds and the rest go for nothing - perspective 

In 2014, before going to prison, rapper Gucci Mane entrusted his girlfriend, Keyshia Ka'oir who is Jamaican, with $2 million to support herself, Keyshia leveraged her entrepreneurial skills to grow that money, investing in her businesses, including Ka'oir Cosmetics and Ka'oir Fitness

By the time Gucci was released from prison in 2016, she had turned that $2 million into $6 million, which she then returned to him when he got out of prison, the couple have remained together and are married ever since he left prison

Keyshia understands [INNERSTAND] the assignment and stayed true to her man - let me go out with her next!!

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In a video game you will have a certain number of characters that you can choose from, you will have lifelines and you can pick up ‘extra th...