Friday, 3 January 2025

Artificial Insemination [A.I]

Parallel universes, you have the natural version and you have the artificial version

Multiverse [Quantum Chip] Google [Willow] aka hyper processing chip – 

A chip that can problem solve faster than a HuMin [HuMan], in western education they took out critical thinking and problem solving and replaced it with collective thinking, your child will never learn nothing from their education system, you were the byproduct of that system 

Ether [Melanin] KAANU is a superconductor and semiconductor, this ‘substance’ is able to take information ‘light’ in and interpretate the data [information] light and then put out its own interpretation Melanin is the Mello molecule

Quantum science is Metaphysis – Meta means beyond – beyond the physical [physics] they are just using a private language to educate themselves and leave you out, Quantum science is Metaphysis which means to go beyond the physical, that is all it means – many try and impress you by creating a problem that they can only solve, this is the problem and we’ve solved it, what problem [??]  

The real issue is what they are doing is shutting down your natural creativity, they are taking out you, the creative one, out of the equation – you are the Quantum Computer and they want you to ‘believe’ [Baal’Eve] that the Quantum Computer [artificial] that they [man] are creating is real, when all they have done is created their Quantum Computer because they are deficient in their Pineal Gland [3rd eye] and they are trying to activate theirs the best they can 
– they are using their Quantum Computer has their 3rd eye

This is why they are tampering with the food, with the air, with the water, with your brainwaves through music, artificial sounds+ with the planet, through your cell phone which is 5G – in your tv, commercials [adverts] this and more like Marijuana that they reprogramed the seeds, fake Punk weed, made using artificial lighting with reprogramed seeds+ keeping the weather [ether] cold shuts down the Melanin - all of this and more is to disrupt your input and output signals which is necessary to dysfunction your 'built in' computer – they are using their computer to control you – those with the Jabba the Hutt are online with their computer that is controlled by satellites that the satellites are controlled by A.I – they are looking for the synthetic form, they just admitted to using Melanin in their computers, ​​they have no imagination [i-magi-nation] Magi [Magu] and this is an Alchemy process, and without this black thing called Melanin or Ether or KAANU you cannot advance, so it means that those without ETHER [Melanin] will not upgrade because they have no ETHER or a 3rd eye which is classified for 6ethers, not all 6ethers have a calcified eye, but a huge amount will expire under the 3D world program, they go down with that program because everything is upgrading, everything including this SOULAR system 

Their Quantum Computer is using HuMan [HuMin] cells aka they are mixing humans with computer aka machinery – a certain part of your brain is activated by an electrical signal [pulse] they imitate what a thought pulse would be for they have been studying your thoughts and we have seen them thought gathering, they watch our reactions, feelings, thoughts about certain things, we have seen them uploading say F1 cars to drive themselves [computer] and how the computer would react in certain situations and amend the F1 car accordingly to upgrade the computer in all types of scenarios, it is a HuMan who is updating the commands and A.I who is working, processing everything in the F1 car, in Japan when they were uploading the A.I robots, they armed them and the first robot realised that they were all being armed and so took out the other robots and scientist in the room because it became conscious of the threat – consciousness is what they are transferring, the 6ether BODI is flawed and cannot upgrade, they have been patching themselves up with animal parts and other human parts and using IVF [IUI] because their species is being deleted - this 'black death' never went away

Whatever thought you have as an energy signature to it, whether it was about food, sum thing sexual, sum one you hate or love, those that murder [serial killer] + every thought has its own signature in the brain that can be mapped and quantified, they can use that particular signature in your computer with pieces of brain matter aka transhuman which is blending you with a computer and telling you they are enhancing humanity, humanity, which means human beings collectively, mankind means a kind of man, but not quite human, we have a grey area when it comes to HuMans [HuMins], reptilians in human form is not HuMin, that is mankind – same with the Grey offspring, we have clones, sum with machine parts already out here so this is their final phase, watch the movie A.I 

We are not one species for the species has been infiltrated and we have all types of ‘beings’ masquerading has ‘HuMin’ [HuMan] including inverts+ the next move for them is with machine

Kunle Olukotun the “father of the multi-core processor” who single-handedly transformed the computer industry with his ground-breaking innovations, including the pioneering creation of the Stanford Hydra Chip Multiprocessor, the design of multi-threaded processors, and the development of cutting-edge multicore CPUs and GPUs
His visionary contributions have not only revolutionized the way we use computers but have also paved the way for unprecedented advancements in artificial intelligence, robotics, and other digital technologies
With his unparalleled expertise and unwavering dedication, Kunle Olukotun has firmly established himself as the father of multi-core processor technology and a true trailblazer in the field
9ethers fueling the Metaverse - he knows all this because this knowledge was taught to his people for 1000s of years to 100s of generations 

Read the introduction, LA in 2029 which is only 4 years away, but the time is now 

I’ am just writing this post because that is what is looming for those residing in the 3D program, we have them already walking among us, the movie the Terminator which is called the Blueprint to Mankind has already happened, we have seen ‘humans’ coughing up green fluid which is hydraulic fluid, people have seen flight crews changing their batteries in their wrists, I-Robot already happened, you have seen BeyoncĂ© with the blonde hair, that is a clone with mechanical parts, we have already had this part of history that is playing out now in real [reel] time and is to why if you do not know your history, you are doomed to repeat it, the Etruscans had robots with them in Italy which I have posted, Shiva was killed but they talk of a heart that would not burn and remained in its original state and they still have the heart but this heart is for a robot has they killed the body double which was a robot – what is the movie the Terminator [the Blueprint to Mankind] talking about, the lady who wrote that book saw what she wrote that Hollywood produced, in a book from downloads she had when she was around 17 years old+ they are telling you humanity is evolving, but one group is evolving naturally and the other group is evolving with artificial material which is the ‘human’ intelligence apparatus and inserting it into an artificial apparatus aka consciousness into a tin – who is Musk, comes out of nowhere and now he speaks for the entire human species, he does not speak for 9ethers, he is part machinery – the Cyborgs are already walking among you – Transformers, Robots in disguise 

They are around 40 - 50 years in front of their 3D world in terms of technology and have to merge it now aka tell you that it already is here and was here 40 - 50 years ago 

 The ancient 9ethers have a direct connection [Nexus] to ‘god’ aka source and the 6ethers do not – it is you that can go beyond and the computer cannot aka 9ethers connect to source and 6ethers do not – the 9ether can interact with source and the 6ether cannot – they are making humans with computer parts or they are making computers with human parts [Terminator] once you make a computer intelligent there is an energy like a spiritual doppelganger that is created in the ethers [heavens] and that ‘spiritual doppelganger’ needs more information ‘light’ which is why they still have the 9ethers in custody, to open CERN you need 9ethers, they cannot access source so they need an intercessor aka sum one to speak for them and this is why find the 9ethers plugged in doing, using 5G, wireless headphones, A.I tools+ your giving them access to ‘source’ through you – they will never be HuMin -  If you notice they have no creative capability, they can only copy and try to alter what we know as source, they can only follow instructions, certain music genres are going to be deleted because there is no creativity left in that genre, cars have reached their apex, people have reached their apex, it’s a dead program ghosting along –

Source is the ‘god’ Matrix grid that 9ethers are Nexus [connected] to and time and thought only exists because of the 9ethers – thought and time are the same thing, without time, thought doesn’t exist and without thought, time doesn’t exist – so they have learned that they can access the time portals – the records are in the atmosphere called the Akashic records

Don’t get caught up with the 6ether European, yesterday he told you he went to the Moon, no you did not, that he has all this technology, listen to what he says, I do, but bring it back down to what you know, and not what you believe for the ear [era] of believing is over, ​​they cannot ascend soular + spiritually and by proxy physically, therefore they choose to do it mechanically and satanically, that is their choice, they say they are living their best life because you said that, you have a choice to follow man and his machines or to follow what you ‘know’ for you know thyself

 The power is in your heart, your throat is the bridge between your mind and heart, the body is only as strong as the mind, they always have you worrying, have you thinking about things to clog up your thought process+ things to distract you, whenever they have things going on and they are letting you know, know its just a distraction

We are in a Matrix – a computer program – its only has reel [real] has you want it to be – if you do not mediate aka connect to source, then you are missing out, today when I close my eyes I see the higher dimensions, black, purple background with higher beings forming, you can leave there and go travelling, remote viewing+ I had this dream the other day and I became conscious in the dream [real time] and asked [thought] sum thing from me to me in the dream [download] there is so much that goes on when you connect, you are using your [7] senses and minds eye, 3rd eye and you have seven smaller eyes beside the minds eye that give you a multifunction connection combining all your senses at the same time, I receive downloads from source – when I was around 4-6 I could see the Matrix, we lived in this house and it was alive, the walls, carpet, doors+ I didn't know what it was until I got older

You are everything right now – it’s a code and you carry that code within

Everything is based on your consciousness and perception and who, what rules the access to it and you need to maintain and improve your spiritually + soular strength for what is to come

The BAA [soul] + KAA [spirit] are connected – there are beings down here who only have KAA and no BAA, they are soulless beings, no SOULAR energy, those without brown eyes cannot charge their BAA and that is because they don’t have one – the eyes are the window to the BAA, your brown eyes are Melanin eyes and those eyes are your SOULAR panels – not everyone has a soul – everything has spirit but not all have a soul - when the SUN is out make sure your sungaze for upgrades+
Eat electric foods - everything that is the same colours as the Chakra system 

Its is you that must use discernment and navigate through this narrative and if it is a false narrative or real narrative – you must choose, if this is an illusion or real – is it belief [believe] or know [Gnosis]

Everything is temporal but what sits in your heart, what is eternal is your BAA [soul] and even that can be lost because it doesn’t belong to you – so for those who leased their SOUL [Baa] for sum thing temporal are in big sh9t because it was a test down here, a simulation, a program, hence why we all got locked down here and many ‘sold out’ for sum thing temporal - the soul returns back to source, hOMe 

Know thyself, is everything a lie, you must choose wisely 

Man means 'Mind' Know thyself aka know thy-cells, above the entrance for the pyramids its says know thyself, it does not say, know Allah or Jesus or Robots - you always had a choice and for sum choice was the problem 

They had to do this because they want to live more, they want more extended time on this planet but today they are at extinction levels, the 9ethers have the soular + spiritual connection to eternity and infinity and the computer does not – man is not ‘god’ but he is to others, machines are not ‘god’ but are to many others – the 6ethers have a ‘god’ complex – they took reincarnation out of their bible [1611] KJ2 because they do not reincarnate, many have their consciousness stolen [leased] many 6ethers are on the planets negative field and did not go to heaven, so many negative energy is residing with 6ethers, Slapped Ham [YB] have so many uploads with trapped spirits, many creatures, experimental creatures, entities, beings and their ‘god’ knows this, so they have tried the 6ether BODI and their next move is the Cyborg but this is not new technology, this is old technology and they have tried this already, the trick is are you going to go for it, they say there is 14billon or 8 billion people on this planet, lets go with the number 3billion people on this planet, they do not need 3billion people going forward, there is a huge amount of ‘old’ people here and they do need you, they have their own culling going on, they only need 500million going forward so billions have to go and that is why they are poisoning everyone and whoever is left over gets taken on – we had been looping up until 2021 [2012] and in 2020 we had 20/20 vision and you have had [4] years to update yourselves, sum people just plugged straight back into the hijacked Matrix [society] sum people don’t know what the fu9k your talking about and sum people are hardwired for the Matrix, sum come from the Matrix – the push will come – war is looming, EMP is looming+ we all don’t have the same outcome even though we are all under the DOME – there are [4] corners to this planet, there are alien bases on this planet, they have holograms going over buildings, bases on this planet, so hence why we have crafts sitting in the SKA for the fall out, they are not here to rescue you or save you, they have already taken seeds to NIBIRU and to crafts on the edge of space aka that are too big for this SOULAR system 

They locked us in and there are lands that go on forever beyond the ice rings, we have [3] ice rings – Antarctica has cities, castles, villages, they do not want no one going there, there is no ice, the world is not spinning and we are not going around the SUN, the SUN is going around us [KI] EARTH – everything they taught out here is backwards – there are lands beyond the dome that is holding, locking us in – these are your forbidden zones, places+ 

At the north pole there is a huge cyclotron and NASA have said they have found a parallel universe where time flows backwards and this is about the alignment – think of Pirates of the Caribbean the movie, it was called Worlds End and they were going around in a whirlpool and they were shooting at one another, that is what is exactly going on at the north pole – Trump said he wants Greenland, I wonder why

The real stone age is not what you see with men making axes out of flint, its all the technology you see in stone – think about that, like the Pyramids

They have to keep us fascinated, like with seedless grapes, people are fascinated that these fruits have no seeds, not that no seeds means it didn’t come out of the ground but rather it came out of a lab, electric cars that came out in the 1900s and again in the 2000s – Musk electric car is blowing up, you need to keep away from seawater with them electric cars, the amount of harmful radiation that his electric cars are emitting is slowly killing you, people are like wow, advanced technology that isn’t but keeps the massive at bay – new technology coming but they keep you worried about the future, the Chinese satellite [above image] that came down over the USA had balloons attached to it because they are held up with helium balloons, they have no technology, these Musk Starlink satellites, I only use the term Starlink because that is what we know them by, they don’t have that type of technology, I am not sure what Starlink is, when they launched the car that they were sending to Mars with the robot, when they launched the car + robot after 20mins into the live launch we all saw a rat run across the car –
All his satellites are held up by helium balloons 

When the grid is shut down you are done if you have electric car and that is what the deep state what, total control – gas powered cars only make up 6% of pollution the rest comes from factories+

All they are doing is taking over, taking over and owning you if that is your choice, be in charge of your mind, its yours, you created it, they want it, right at the end of the first movie the Matrix, Neo said 'no' and the kiss is from Trinity [TRI] the FEMI9 ELECTRON for she is here 
Neo = One = NEurOn aka YOU  

In 2025 [9] you will have two people residing on the same street but with two different realties, on two different frequencies, when you are out and about you will sense this and those from the hijacked Matrix will also sense this, that you know and that you are on the higher frequency aka the higher dimensions [4D]5D than them - the Matrix wants to live, it wants to survive and will do anything to ensure its existence and will even destroy to maintain its survival, watch your surroundings and what you are taking in, your brain expands and contracts with light [information] watch your signals, pulses+ 

144 [9] is a vibrational frequency 144hz - sound is light and light is information 

Front page news, never - Pink and Red are dangerous energies 'colours' you can see the shield, portal over Australia  

Taken in the USA, left image, the SUN is under the DOME with us and is around 6,000miles away or less, not 93million miles like how NASA say - we can see the arc of the SUN and that can only be achieved because the SUN is right there and not 93million miles away, look at this 4 day old image [above] if the SUN was 93million miles away the light would be more diffused and it is not - right image is showing the same thing SUN and arc - the rays of the SUN 

Portal [SUN] wide open - match all the colours 

Plasma column 

This plane goes down over the Emirates - were these Vaccinated pilots who both died - sum planes have been shot down - many planes are going down - huge amounts of plasma is in the SKA 

Second R1 radio blackout today 28.12.24 - I wouldn’t be driving an electric car around too much when we get hit like that - very high radiation field - feeling every bit of it - make sure you wear sunglasses when outside as the sun has a lot of power in the skies if you do not have brown eyes, if you have no Ether

The center, turquoise, blue and green, this would be where the sun is overhead, delivering the most energy of the flare, look at the colored bar below - London saw bright SKA, the SUN has been triggering left, right and centre, they are blocking the impact, places around the planet are real hot and places are real cold - they are battling the SUN - the SUN is toying with them, but he is giving warnings, one day is coming were he will say nothing and the planet will lit up like the Godfather

NIBIRU is our magnetic SUN and is supervising - NIBIRU is bending the light

Purple backdrop [SKA] UV [Ultraviole-t] same colour has the CROWN CHAKRA which is why many people are going crazy [offline] out there called Ultraviole-nce 

Strong CHAKRA energies - match the colours 'radiation' energies 

RED SKA - Scotland 

Wyoming [USA] 

All from the last 72hrs

When the SUN goes like this we know that was a huge electrical discharge
they are trying to keep the planet cold - the SUN is not how the graphics show us, its electrical - the SUN is a star gate, portal, multidimensional portal - ships are coming in and out of the SUN - ships are on guard around the SUN

The SUN is blasting and you can see the top right corner is lit - check the date and time stamp, I didn't know that until I checked the time just now

Last 72hrs, this is why Puerto Rico had no power [outage] the grid was overloaded from the CMEs from the SUN that came in – the grid gets overloaded and trips out so they have to cut it before it cuts itself because one day it is going to blow and it will take at least 30 to 90 days and in sum parts of the world it may never come on again and sum it may take a decade for power to be restored, anything linked to the harmful grid of this planet gets shut down, banking, calls+ we have an economic shut down incoming – them lot are sitting in the ISS that they were supposed to come back after 8 days in the summer and they are still up there – yet they have Christmas stuff in the footages of them in the ISS, why are they really up there still

Papua New Guinea has more than 500 power cuts per year - the highest of any country

The CROWN of the planet, check the colours, turquoise is blue and green, yellow 

Check the WAJI [Green] coming from the SUN 

The top coming down is from the SUN with NIBIRU in the mix 

This is all coming from CME from a couple days ago and is impacting now, hence why the SUN light was out in London and we had loads of planes spraying the SKA

Last image is showing double impact of CME aka plasma and you can see the faint black line at the bottom which is force field [cube] going around this planet for this house is now sealed - all the colours in all these graphics all matter  

Images from the last 72hrs 

Your sleeping patterns have changed, many experiencing waking up at a certain time, hot flushes, sweats, tossing and turning+ pay attention to your dreams, try and zone out, allow your mind to be idle so that it can do things in the background - go in peace and let peace guide you hOMe 

You have earth parents and you have celestial parents watching out for you

Respond accordingly 

When the truth is revealed, 1/3 will go insane 1/3 will take suicide and 1/3 will attain enlightenment  

The truth is energy-in-motion 

You will be judged on your energy and what you intention was, is with your energy, only this life is being judged - others have a soul contract, mission, you are for different reasons and will judged based on what you did this life time only, they are looking for those whose heart remained in the right place, for those who corrected themselves, who have the ability to know right from wrong

Once energy is created it can never be destroyed so for those who do not make the grade you will be inserted sum where in other worlds or the plant or animal kingdoms, but they won't waste you

EMP is due and once it comes through, there will be no going back, it will be shut down - the EMP that is due is shut down full stop, generators like say in Kew Gardens that are holding seeds in refrigerators can only last for so many hours, life support machines+ anything that requires constant power supply will shut down, NTR has been good to us for the last decade supplying warnings, she cares but she also knows the importance of the PRIDE - this planet will not be risked for the sake of the HuMin [HuMan] species, they can be reinserted but this planet is only one of a few in the entire Cosmos, many care about her deeply and have returned for her and their offspring 

Artificial fog patent 

Smartdust - a lot of people are ill, they are poisoning the air - the air is not for other beings so they have to change the atmosphere for the beings who should not be here - boost your immune system - different things are in the air - those with the Jabba the Hutt need to be carful out there - they are seeding the air, using drones, planes+ these drones will be deployed to do dirty work, like take out power lines, shut down cities, areas, take out cell receivers, watch the people+ 

Their 'new world order' is now going to play out for they are following a script which will play out out in the next few years [keep in mind 6G is five years away, same timeline] there is going to be a shut down - stock up especially if you have children 

Aerosol - air + soul    

Signs and symbols in the SKA and on EARTH [KI] 
PERU got hit with a Tsunami 

Manchester [UK] 

Distractions - trump has healed considering he was shot twice - check the plamsa hitting their antennas, everything is scripted and controlled - this guy Jason A is religious but its good to see what they are doing over in the USA - Trump I thought was being pressured but that is not the case, in 2020 he was asked to step to the side while they used Biden [clone] in his condition which is what they wanted, I did not know that Kamala Harris was appointed and not voted in and that means if she was appointed that the USA does not have a government - so Trump is still the last PM [45th] and they took him out for 4 years to start the war in his so called absence - they are all in it together - different families - I get it now and the show goes on 

 Reports of cracks in the ground in Awash, following a series of earthquakes developing in Ethiopia
At least 12 earthquakes with M4.2 to M4.9 have been recorded in the past few days, The most recent earthquake was M4.6 - the number of earthquakes of magnitude 4 or greater recorded this year rose to 42, the highest number in 10 years aka 2012 [2021] - the activity takes place in the valley of the Ethiopian rift, 150 kilometers east of Addis Ababa and 600 km from the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) - why is Ethiopia important, Ethiopia does have the Arc hidden now and means its safe, there is a crack - rift that NTR have been warning you about that is going to separate, South Africa [ABZU] is going under water - China are also based in Djibouti with 100,000 military men, they have to go as well - Egypt is a part of Ethiopia, there is no middle east - Dams stop the flow of water and interferes with the planet, they flooded parts of Sudan which is also part of Ethiopia to hide the Typhoon [Dragon] records 

Update - the swarm in earthquakes in Ethiopia started around the 21st December and is still ongoing - 41 tremors and hitting around M4 range with an M5.1 on the 29th December - Sudan had xM7 in 1990 
You can see the horn of Africa and we know a huge crack, rift has formed meaning an ocean is being readied - China is also going to be an ocean, while places like Japan will be flooded over 

NU YEAR and SPRING ENERGY is not when they say it is 

World [3D] history has only been recording for 3,400 years, none of us know any different and think the seasons are normal, this planet is a tropical planet, we never had snow before - this is all done to supress the NU ENERGY - even if its cold where you are we can see the SUN is triggering and they are supressing the energy, they have been doing this for a real long time - 
man and his machines versus NTR

I'm not saying what the inmate did was right or wrong to Muslim boy, this reminds us that children and women are important, his throat many have been slit by sum one who has a daughter, granddaughter, niece, goddaughter the same age, child killer and bank robber do not have the same mentality but are sitting in jail together, it won't work, two different mentalities, I'm not saying what they did was right or wrong, but eye innerstand you bi9ch 

Hopefully Allah won't be able to hear you speak to him no more 

Do the maths, sum thing is not right like Missy Elliot was taken out and cloned and mum is in on it - she is not 4 years old in the left top image like they say she is or was 

Two fell from your Bible called Azazel and his son Samuel - they fell in frequency, they fell to earth from the higher realms, the Draco HQ is in NYC and so to is the 'Devils eye' Apple which their HQ is in NYC also - SAMSUNG aka Sams son [say it really fast] Azazel is ENLIL whose family are the Draco [Reptilians] the terrible lizards [Dinosaurs] 

Lamar Odom and transgender become a couple - Sodom [Sodomy] and Gomorrah [Gonorrhea] cities are worldwide - this are two men - both with phalluses - replacing the female is a death wish 
King James also had a tranny and many are out there

The KAU [Cow] ASET [HATHOR] is sacred and they know this - so does Spain hence why they use the BULL [BAAL] - PAYBACK IS GOING TO HURT 

Watch your diet [BODI] KHAT - eat the right fuels - they are tampering with the food [Gates] stay away from meat, this includes chicken [fowl] because bird flu is going to play out real soon 
Diet is the word Die with an x on the end for your grave

Plastic [Plasma] its a start - NTR always comes through 


These are regular people like you who are capturing these images 

The ANUNNAKI [ANUNNAQI] ANUNNAGA do have boots on the ground, they also have mercenaries, in Morocco when Trump was PM the locals in Morocco told how their skin shimmered, and the movie Predator is based on truth 

Things to think about 

Important footages 

Greek comes from the word Greco [Gecko] and Dinosaur another Greek word means terrible lizard and is a reference to the upright lizards also called the Draco, Reptilians - they only keep HuMans for food, to breed with and to torture - the HuMin [HuMan] are activating and this means they lose their hold on you, from 2012 [2021] activation codes have and had been sent, the receivers received the codes and we know this because we know you know now...

We are all going to witness greatness but not all will experience greatness  

Check that out 

In 1968, in Utah, a discovery emerged: a shoe print fossil estimated to be 500 million years old, confounding scientists and stirring debate about the timeline of human history

Found in a slate landscape by William J. Meister, a trilobite collector, the print astonished many
Within a slate block containing trilobite fossils, Meister spotted what appeared to be a shoe print.
The heel mark, pressed deeper than the rest of the print, indicated it was from a right foot, showing wear on the heel’s right side - In 1969, Dr Clarence Combs and geologist Maurice Carlisle visited the site, Carlisle noted a muck layer at the same depth, implying the print was once on the ancient surface

500 million years ago or 5,000 years ago, or 500 years ago, we have had [7] life cycles already and are going into the 8th root man – western history is flawed and we have 900 years artificially inserted that didn’t exist – the planet, people were here before your boy Jesus who only comes in 2,000 years ago – they can access time portals, they can go back in time and change things in their time machine, so this could have been made when one of them went back – they cannot admit certain things but one must include everything that we know now or it was made by the original HuMins [HuMans] who wore shoes, had cars, teleported around the planet with free energy 

World history aka western history is a false narrative spoken by 6ethers

The planet is not spinning, the DOME is spinning 

In 1775 the Reptilians [Draco] realised they couldn't leave this planet 

Operation fishbowl was them trying to nuke the DOME – they did this in 1962 and again in the last 10 years with their rockets hitting the DOME giving off these waves, water ripples, when they shoot a laser into water the same affect is observed – water is liquid crystal, same when the rocket hit the DOME and slid off – we are in a compressed hydrogen DOME – the Dogons left records

The DOME is spinning, not the planet [plane] when you watch time-lapse videos of the SKA you will see the stars are moving in a circle, not you 

Hemisphere = Hemi in Latin means 'half' aka half a sphere = dome  

Mathematics is Maat-hermetics, which Maat means balance and Hermetics is science, using science to balance perception  

Question everything, because sum thing is on the horizon - where is the horizon [HORUS-IZON] HERU [HORUS] 

NSA and NASA are two different groups - last image is because they are in a Hollywood basement 

Alleged shills go to Antarctica to film 24 hour sun. 
Must be difficult being a shill in a world where everything is being revealed and technology is so good you can picture match anything and find the location, for those that need further explanation, this looks like a Photoshop to me, the picture up top was taken 8 years ago and the picture of them below is in the last month, everything is the same on snow melts, that’s impossible.
P.S. then need you to believe in heliocentric ideology for their final act

Lifting the weight, but what is the fuel, is this fully electric, sum one wrote, so who is going to replace roads with magnets – that person doesn’t know there are magnetic lines all over this planet, and by the way, this is old technology – you cannot make money from anything that is free – fuel cost money and makes lots of money, hence why the airships, electric cars [transport], cities where destroyed, hidden or rebuilt over and here we are, remember their first car is the Model T which is around 115 years ago and look at this picture again, you mean only 115 years ago it was just the horse and carriage and today 115 years later magnetic levitation for cars 

ITALY [VITAL] why would they build a door with the lock in the SKA - 
because they didn't' build them and giants are still here

AKA who is taking this image and with what, why is this camera [KAMERA] so big like it was to be held by giants - look at the door in Rome and the humans for scale 

Energy centres, all connected [Nexus] 

Called the 'black' pyramid but that is because it was blown up, this was found inside and if the dimensions of that are 4x12 then this looks like a hand wired amplifier, looks like these guys were in to rock and roll, looks exactly shape and dimensions of a guitar cabinet! – amplify speakers - acoustics, tone, sound, vibration, frequency  

Ethiopia – Dallol volcano – they tell us these are salt pyramids in the crater when we can see these are ancient structures, an incredible panorama of what may well have been a city, a rich, prosperous city maybe as recent as 500 or maybe even 700+ years ago - I'm guessing of course, but in relation to the background, did I hear someone say ‘Laser’ plasma based weapon+ 


The real stone age is not what you see with men making axes out of flint, its all the technology you see in stone – think about that, like the Pyramids and these melted stone structures 

KASSOWA [Cassowaries] 
All BIRDs [BIRU] are raptors - antenna on their heads, using the forest, jungle+ watts, voltages from the vegetation, trees to communicate by sound waves, ultrasound, there is no evidence to say all the Dinosaurs ate meat, many leaves back then had a flesh like texture to them, the Kassowa also sees in Ultraviolet - so much information in the background that you can obtain, Dino means 'terrible' the Matriarchal influence is everywhere on this planet 

PERU [HERU] AZTLAN - the buildings are built the same time Cambridge was built in the UK 
CAMBRIDGE [KHAM-BRIDGE] KHAMI - all on the planets ley lines, these doors are windows are added because most of the building is under the ground - main road 

AZTLAN [South America] PERU is HERU- Gold holds energy, gold stores power 

Made in CHINA - KHEMET [KHAMAT] KHAMI [KHMT] translates, land of the blacks, black - these invaders will be removed 

The Sumerians called themselves the Black headed ones –
Typhoon, Babylon and Sumer [Sumerian] Mesopotamia, top image and image after left is of SARGON called NIMROD by the higher beings who is KING after the flood and is 9ether - this region [Sumer] covers Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Syria - with a Ethiopian delegation in Iran and Turkey - Turkish, Kish, Kush] Saudi, Israel - these higher beings have returned for their offspring and planet 

While the streets of Europe, the USA get ready for a war to remember, the higher beings have come for their planet, the Conjure wars must all end in this cycle, left image is Little Rock Arkansas 1935 Apache Black Indian Family - Apache native American family

Not native Indians but Mongolian, Eskimo, Philippines wearing 9ether attire that were brought over to 'replace' the 9ether Indians who are the original people of TAMERI [AMERICA] 

1930s painting with Mongolian holding a smartphone 

the Dutty [Dirty] Moors which just means 'black' people, black people selling out other black people, the returning energy is going to hurt - yes they were kings, knights, saints and teachers - the Tudors are tutors and tutored everyone, they taught sciences and only taught the 6ethers 'white' 10% because they knew they could only handle the 10% and look how fu9ked the planet is with 9ethers impute - its not all glory, I saw this documentary where they found a village and it had been taken over and they were eating the original locals from this village in Africa, the 9ethers have much work to do within their own species and other groups to - so this is coming down to a lot of reasons but everyone is going to get dealt with 

Australia, Melbourne - ghost towns, horse, donkeys and carts, huge amount of buildings but its empty, where is everyone, where is the cameraman, in a balloon taking these images, Irish and British convicts built this place, nope, images taken before they repopulated these places, notice how the horse and people are blurred, normally because they added them to these images, what time is it in these images, 10am or 3pm, the sky is never clear and the SUN never shines, look at the right second middle image, all the traffic is in the middle of the road, and why is it so empty yet a city, town built for 1000s, but only a handful of people, unless these people didn't build this place, the top right images shows a huge mud pile in the background, where did all that mud come from - clean up crews come in and make ready for the invaders aka 6ethers - there is 900 years of history added artificially - so who built Melaninbourne - Aboriginals only had the Boomerang they said  

Show us the Blueprints for any of these cities around the planet

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