The BODY [BODI] KHAT never lies - where the MIND [KHU] goes the BODY follow - it doesn't matter what you are eating [diet], how you are exercising, what you are reading, the BODY never lies, you lie but the BODY does not - 90% of language is BODY language, when you lie your BODY gets very weak - what you are saying [language] affects your cells [yourselves] which vibrate, your throat CHAKRA is the bridge between the MIND and HEART, so when you lie YOU lie to yourself [your cells] which are only going to be has strong as your MIND - when you speak truth, you walk in truth [power], then the BODY is strong, strong MIND - your voice [OM] are commands that your BODY will follow for your CELLs vibrated - the BODY lives in reality, the BODY is honest - it is the Conscious Mind that is providing the lies, not the Subconscious Mind - it is the BODY that is reacting to the lies that are coming from you - your immune system - central nervous system is your CHAKRA system - all is Nexus [connected]
When you live a lie everything around you becomes a lie and everything about you becomes weak versus when you speak truth, walk in your truth, truth is power, power from your CELLs because they vibrate to truth, especially for the natural beings of this planet - your settings become stronger
People 'smell' for the BODY is emitting toxic emissions from the BODY letting you know this person has put things into their BODY that is a lie, foods, seminal fluids, alcohol, toxic energies and lies [words, negative]+
2025 [9] You must be operating from the 144hz frequency, you must walk in your power [truth] you are dealing with what you know and not what you believe for those on a SOULAR + SPIRITUAL journey
Your MEKABA is the 'light' STAR BODI and is activating, many of you are online already
The MER-KAA-BAA represents the link between the SKA [SKY] and the energy [ELECTRIC] KAA BODY and the [MAGNETIC] BAA BODY - the SKA is the SEA [Liquid Crystal] and is currenSEA [currency] and so are you, as above, so below
Pyramids are called MIR [MER] and MAR - MEKABA is also spelt MER-KAA-BAA [MARKAABAA] or MAKABA - this complex is also known has the EKUR [AKUR] - Pyra means 'fire' and Mid means 'middle' referring to the column of energy called Tachyon [Tach-YONI-c] energy, the pyramids are built from the top down known has anti-destruction - the Nile [water] currenSEA and Mississippi river are one in the same and actually goes up to the SKA - water is dripping in from the DOME has mist and reaching the planet has water which is liquid crystal
SOULAR FLARES [CME] EMC2 interact with the KUNDALINI energy and your
SHANIC [SHANKH] CHAKRA system - in KHMT the system is called Sephek [Sefech] Ba Ra aka the [7] SOULs of RE [RA] - Aritu [Chakra] means wheel for your CHAKRAs rotate at 360 degrees
Hydrogen [Hy-dragan] Kundalini [Serpentine] Vajra [Yana] Tantric [Shakti]
[7] siSTARS [PLEIADES] Maia [Alcyone] Asterope [Celaeno] Taygete [Electra] Merope
[7] souls of RA [SEFECH BARA] aka Tree of Life [Kabbalah] Chakra system
ARUSHAATS [Seats of light]
CHAKRA [SHANKH] [Energy centres]
[7] BA[BAA] of Man [Man means Mind]
The word Kundalini or Khudalini(s) is a Naga root word is
[Osumare] and was originally from the Yoruba tribe [Orisha] aka Alkebulan
[Africa] and then taken to KHMT [Egypt] Khami and called the Uraeus and then
transferred to the Andamanese Indus [India] Muurs [Bey][Al], this is from the
Ka-systems - the Kundalini is the serpentine energy that travels up the
33 vertebrates spine [Djed] columns
How far does your memory go, do you dig for those memory
files, do you listen, and has you listen you are being told sub-consciously and
sub-textually [muscle memory] aka Subconscious by the language just like how they are able to
read sum ones brain pattern or wavelength by just the energy signature – how we do
[graphology], and you can tell the way by how sum one has their strokes, how
they cross their t’s, how they flare their letters, those who have messy
writing or have to turn the page upside down to write and more+ you can tell
what is in their consciousness – they are actually following the pattern of
where their brains are going – sum times you write sum thing like a letter or I
will write a post and I will read back and see the way I wrote sum thing or use
certain words that I don’t usually use+ all this and more are because you are
writing in accordance with the way your brainwave pattern is working
So, be mindful of the fact that whatever memories you
hold of your love ones, make sure that it is one of joy – because you are
either going to feed yourself or starve yourself
Motherships are worldwide, craft carriers, space platforms, scouts, probes, orbs, many crafts are actually in the SKA, these Drones over Jersey, why would higher beings used man-made Drones - they wouldn't, man and his show must go on, while this dimension closes down around him
These crafts have been assembling since the reintroduction of NIBIRU in 2012 [2021] and the powers that used to be had all the time in the world to tell the masses the truth
Left image is showing two huge crafts near the SUN, crafts often charge their crafts and right image looks more like sum one is shooting up there - these satellites that follow the SUN, like SOHO and STEREO that we are looking at, I often wonder if these satellites or satellite is actually attached to the DOME and is over looking the SUN rather than at the side of the SUN for this planet is not a globe like how they show you
This craft was spotted on the MOON and they said it was up to a billion years old, that is earth years, so the craft by the SUN in the image above is really huge against the SUN
How many 'objects' came in and changed their trajectory - these several objects are not meteorites or asteroids because they do not change their path, do they?
Signs and symbols in the SKA [SKY] - the 3D world [program]
ended sum years back and is just a ghost program held together by those
operating from the 3D program
Red SKA [Sweden]
Where is that blue light emitting from
USA [MYSTERY BABYLON] [NINEVEH] TAMERI must go down - the planet of the crossing [X]
It should be [9] - the planets are energy discs, Chakra, Tree of Life, Kabbalah
What does it mean when we see animals in white that are usually 'coloured'
Italy [Pescara] Chieti - the people that reside say in the city, like Milan come to Pescara for a break, the beach is white and sea is clear
What is draining her, rituals requires fasting for power, is this possession, she is sick for sure, she said she was a witch, is this meth and ecstasy, all this must be deleted in this cycle
Who is the mother of Ivy, JayZ and Beyoncé daughter, Bey in Turkish means Boy, once a boy [Boyonce] and JayZ is homosexual - me thinks its Aaliyah - Aaliyah died before Ivy was born but they can do things - that picture above of R Kelly and Aaliyah she looks like Ivy - sum one said it was Rihanna, Beyoncé cannot have children and that is because she was born a man
After Wendy exposed their fake pregnancy, they shut her down and today they say she has Demetria, whatever they sent her blew part of her brain - the front temporal is the 3rd eye that was also shut down - she is a 'talk' host and that is what they did, shut her down from talking and this served has a message to others to shut up - saying she has Demetria is the end result, but what was used on her brainwaves, you saw the way she reacted and she did not faint, she went offline
Aaliyah Dana Haughton
Drugged - why would they need to drug her if they were going to kill everyone on the plane regardless, why would they need to give her sleeping pills to knock her out - the fall out in Hip Hop [Rap] Soul with start a chain reaction and the fall out will be on many levels for the Patriarchal energy also contains Paedophilia, Homosexual energies, Babylonian Sex Magic, Babylonian Money Magic and Babylonian Blood Magic - Hip Hop [Rap] is foundation music for a lot of the male 9ethers especially in the USA where Rap and Reggie music will be deleted and the truth revealed
All of Eves daughters and Lalibela [Lilith] siStars did not die in vain, the oldest contract down here is the FEMALE - many were sent
Aaliyah [a-ALI-YAH] middle name is DANA which comes from DIYN [DEEN] BULL [BAAL]
Ali translates 'the source'
ASET [ISIS] - the [7] daughters of HATHOR [ATHEER] ATHENA in IRULAN are
also known has EMMA [EMMAS] who was a mother ‘Goddess’ of the TUATHA [HATHA]
DUN [DUNN] the Celtic wife of BELI, which is the wife of BAAL or from DUN which
means ‘brown’ the ‘EMMA’ are Oracles and DANA [DIYN] means 'Judge' aka head Oracle
AL [EL] are ranking titles, only those elected to speak on behalf of the Most-High can use these titles [YAH] YHWH is a title and is a mathematical equation
Tetragramma-ton = Tetra means the number [4] Gram is a measurement of weight >>
Tetra also = FISH <<< YHWH is [4] without the vowels and all letters
carry a numerical number
Aaliyah was born in Brooklyn [QUEENS] a huge amount of 'famous' people come from this place in TAMERI [USA] and Oracles
Lord Krishna – Kirshna
means ‘dark’ and he is described in the Mahabharata as Neela Megha Shyama which
means as dark as a rain-filled cloud – Hari Hari Krishna is the story of the
‘little black boy’
Krishna is also shown in
blue [underworld] spirit world - Andre 300 new album is called Blue Sun and Andre is using the FLUTE, same like the Orisha [Rishi] ESHU
INDI [INDIAN] the original word was INDA [NAAGALAN], out of this word the European created two words [1] EDEN [2] INDIA - INDA means pregnancy or the DOME
Africa was known as INDA during Genesis
Indians are literally the Twa
India is INANNA domain
In the Metu Neter the name for the Nile River was ITERW
Orisha [Rishi] Risha
Orissa [Odisha] Orisha
[Odessa] Odia [Odin]
Lord in KHMT is Neb
The Hindu Kush [Gods] with Alkebulan [African] Kemetic
Vishnu – Seth [ENLIL]
Shiva - Osiris [ENKI
Brahma- Amen [ANU]
Rama- Heru [ENKI]
Lakshimi – Isis – Aset [INANNA]
Kali Maa - Isis - Aset - INANNA
Hari Hari Krishna - [ENKI]
ENKI uses more than 20 avatars
Krishna is his [ENKI] most important and venerated avatar
the BODI [KHAT] VESSEL [AVATAR] SHIP - you are light - your body is a transformer aka you are a transformer
The plane once at a certain attitude will be operated by the computer, however the computer cannot land or take off and that is done by the human mind, they still need the impute of a human because the computer cannot land or take off - all these driverless cars controlled by satellites that in turn controlled by A.I, what about public transport, like busses, coaches, trains, replace them all [humans] with the computer, save money, but yet in 2024 [2025] they still cannot replicate the human mind - they are trying to make the shift but the computer + A.I cannot compute - the human mind is still the most powerful device down here, can you outsmart the computer, can you outsmart the A.I -
Melted Castle in what is called IRAN which is in Mesopotamia [Babylon] Sumerian - Castle is an Ethiopian word meaning dwelling in the sand
Coal + Crystal Quartz fused together - that is what SOLAR panels meaning we are still a type 1 civilisation and the civilizations before us were higher - NTR will be destroying the bottom image
The same people that own these National Parks in Africa and so on - only Europeans do this
By the same people who say they are trying to protect it
EMbrace the change because we need the change, we might not want the change, but 'need' and 'want' are two different things, the planet must be protected or there will be no playground left for us to play in, NTR is cleaning up her house and that includes us all
[E] is electric [spirit] and [M] is magnetic [soul]
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