Saturday, 2 March 2024

The Kingdom within you...

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all things will be added unto you

You’ve heard this scripture before and what this means is if you cultivate and inner-stand your own spirituality and your own evolution and growth and you take the time and invest the time and energy into MAGI [manifesting] your souls evolution and your personal evolution – that is the best investment

 Because when you’ve done that, your automatically vibrating at a much higher level and when your vibrating at a higher level you are able to magnetize [attract] what it is that your soul and yourself needs in the moment

The flip side of that is people have always ‘believed’ based on what the Matrix ‘society’ looks like and how its structured, you have people that are hardwired to the Matrix and are programmed from the Matrix – the Matrix ‘society’ tells them that if they achieve material success, then ‘things will be added unto you’ aka that everything else will fall into place – you have seen enough globally to know that is bullsh9t, that it is not true, it is false

Many people who have a lot of material wealth are suffering inside, they are suffering from the pain of not having true friends, not having true relationships, not being able to relax, not being able to trust because they are always thinking there is sum one out to get them or their material things, they suffer from not knowing if the love or the relationship that they are in is true or if it is as a result of the material things they have around them, they are unable to tell if their friends are true friends, you’ve seen this and witnessed this for yourself, fake ass people surrounded by the same fake ass people, many ‘know’ this, they know the truth but pretend and drink alcohol to numb their pain, stay away from them for they are going through an inner h3ll, inner torment despite their material wealth

During the pandemic a lot of people were exposed and their children witnessed this, a lot of people who had the material wealth were stuck inside their homes with nothing to do, nothing in common, many relied on the children being at school and mother and father at work but stuck at home meant spending ‘quality’ time together and all they did was watch DVDs and order sh9t from the internet, the children saw that mum and dad are full of sh9t and that is when themselves were hit with themselves and were faced with themselves and many of them could not deal with it from 2020 suicides went up, anti-depression drugs went up, therapy sessions went up, we witnessed depression reach an all-time high during and after pandemic and was a result of people having to face themselves for the first time

Sum times material wealth will keep you from yourself, many do not like themselves to start off with, many hide behind their career job title, status+ they prefer this material wealth that keeps them from experiencing themselves which then enables them to pay for external experiences that make you think you feel good, I ‘am not referring to those who are hardwired to the Matrix, this is for those who have a soul purpose only, for those who plugged out, this is not for those who are just trending, the Matrix ‘society’ tells them it feels good but really and truly they look like sh9t, they are not fulfilled, they are burnt out, they are redundant, they have no value

They are fulfilling on the physical material level but you are not fulfilling on the SOULAR[SPIRITUAL] level, it is SOUL/SPIRITUAL then the MIND and then the BODY, in that order and not the ROMAN order which is mind, body and soul – they make the soul last because they and their offspring do not have a soul so they cannot match the soul or emotional [EM] level ever’ – those with a soul are connected [Nexus] to their spirit that upon your last breath your soul and spirit will separate – everyone has spirit but not everyone has a soul

Many are pursuing soul + spiritual growth and evolution, not development, you’ve done your development, you want to evolve, those without a soul can only develop and not evolve – spelt like this evol-ve = evol [love] backwards, love is EM [Electromagnetic] which many do not have

Another trend out there is motivational speakers and motivational programs teaching you how to be spiritual and teaching you how to be financially successful, how to make money, how to make money from the internet, to be a winner, to be success+ there are people who are living their lives on to-do lists, you have many on bucket list to do before they die and there is to-do lists and goal lists and objective lists+ this is not satisfying on a soul level and only those plugged into the Matrix and hardwired to the Matrix are out there doing these things, yes they are able to tick the boxes but not on their soul, spiritual growth if they have a soul, the Matrix [society] tells them to tick those boxes, so they do it but now that programming was in the 3D and we are in the 4th and 5th dimension

They are hitting those goals of financials – with the financial market crashing down around them, they hit the goals, targets of number of projects completed or signed up, they hit the goals of the number of times their manager says, well done or good job or you are a legend or the number of times they appear in the newspapers or mentioned in bulletins+ or the number of parties that you get invited to+ all this and more are their benchmarks for people who are dealing with material  

But if you took those things away, what would you be left with – have you asked yourself this or are you to afraid of what you might be left with, are you afraid of what you might find

You see women who have married for status or married for material reasons and or are in a loveless marriage, there is no electromagnetic [EM] energy, just alcohol and physical wealth, they even have offspring that are a replica of her or him, pointless offspring for the next generation, they have everything that money can purchase but you cannot buy love can you, this is where the ‘Con’tract is really handy, because between mother and father or bride and groom [doom], they already knew this but no one wants to cancel the contract, no one wants to fail, but all relationships do not fail at the end, they failed at the beginning

Those based on material things and on money cannot purchase energy, the true HuMin [HuMan] is designed for love [EM] and so with an absence of love there is always going to be a void, there is always going to be a feeling of inadequacy, there is always going to be a feeling of emptiness, unsatisfaction, unfulfillment, sadness, depression, unhappiness+ and we are seeing a lot of that in the Matrix [society]

Young people do not follow those trending, do not copy your parents and for those who are middle-aged, stop, take a knee, take a breath, spend the time, search your soul or research [re means to bring back] re – search your soul – search yourself for what it is that you think you are here to do and start attracting [magnetize] that to you, you will receive all the resources that you need once you stop and commit to that journey if not you are just trending and wasting time 

SOUL translates, strength, powerful and is referring to how much energy you have and is what we are being measured against  

Love is EM [Electro Magnetic] eat electrical foods - don't take in dead energy from dead energy people, energy can go stagnant and you don't want that - love is not the Romanic version out here in the Matrix, are you Roman, then stop Romanizing and using European love which is their Romantic Matrix version - which is verbal and physical whereas yours is energy-in-motion [EM] 

This song [sone] sonata [re-sonate] touches my soul 
Stay away from the soulless

This was posted 6 years ago but was filmed 13 years ago and in the opening scene you can see NIBIRU the binary Star @0:09 and again above the main Sun @0:36 and @1:44 and @1:01:09 

When your kids moan about sh9t, show them this documentary, a day is coming when we are going to swap places with these children - people 

South Africa [AB.ZU]  T'Shaka ZULU will be going under water - European foreign policy fu9ked many over -  Robert Mugabe was educated by the British and wooed by them, they even made him a Sir but when he found out that they were really after the resources he kicked them out of the country and gave all the farms back to the people from the Europeans, so his country was sanctioned - Robert Mugabe wasn't no saint either - ABZU is ENKI land, these are his children - his offspring and the Europeans know this - the movie ZULU with Michael Caine tells the story of the invasion by the British to secure South Arica for the British and Dutch+ the Zulus beat them and the invaders had to wait for the invention of the second rifle to beat people with spears and shields 

ABZU is North Africa, not South Africa [Alkebulan] for the planet is upside down 

AIDS[HIV] EBOLA+ was made by the Europeans to depopulate the original people so that the Europeans could replace them - the Europeans said they caught it from eating bush meat and they also said is came from Homosexuals when in actuality it was created in the USA in a military base - Magic Johnson who has AIDS as had it for over 30 years, they have the antiretroviral - his boyfriend was Jermaine Stewart who had a 80s hit song we don't have to take our cloths off, they let him go and he died 
Its not only the Europeans its the dirty Moors who are behind this also - that food aid from the USA is poison, Bill Gates and Prince William wants Africa depopulated and this started in the 80s, not now   

What Esther said made my eyes glaze over - all the children that spoke - but Esther said that if her mother dies she will get into the grave with her - that rocking she does is from mental health - their uncle is a c99t - in the comments they said that they intervened and found Esther a secure home and for Tino 

Obert is bright and very resourceful and is looking for a way out - when he goes to class listen to what the teacher is teaching them, about religion?? is that education or indoctrination

Grace is the future President 

'When kids can't dream we can say goodbye to everything' that is what the reporter said  

Out of extremes will come an answer - and the beat goes on, that is what they say 

This system must crash 

Planetary activity taking place, the one at the bottom is moving at record speed 

That craft is [1] of [3] main crafts that assembled here in 2012 with NIBIRU 

Next to the SUN 

The SUN is triggering and NASA [NOAA] are hiding data, they are blasting the planet [HAARP] in a vain attempt to keep her cold [cool] at the same time hence why they keep this 'Artic' weather theme going - the planet is heating up because the frequency is increasing

M6 near Saudi [Al Ghor]  

[3] tones are hitting the planet reaching 100hz+ whereas the old tone was 7hz 

DNA [RNA] DEA Upgrades are affecting the body
SOUL-AR flares [CMEs] affect everyone differently - this is the CROWN [CHAKRA] part of the body where the energy comes through and out of your hands and feet and for sum its not passing through and is causing issues with that person - PLASMA [PURPLE] ULTRAVIOLET  

 Orbs, probes, scouts+ are scanning above and below the ground, they are over military installations, facilities+ 

Abandoned villages

Vasya in the Hay - he made her day, watch her smile  

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Smiling Faces

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