Thursday, 21 March 2024

Sea the Sound

The Sone of Mu [Nu]
[The sound of Mu-sic]

369 forms the TRIangle, the MER [pyramid] MIR MAR get into your MEKABA and stay there, angle and angel are the same words, angles [angels] of light aka you

Sight and Sound [OM]

Kymatics [Cymatics] Ky-ma’At-ics Ki [Ky] is the study of showing how sound created everything in the universe, Ma’at [Green Prolegomenon], tones, vibration, frequencies, acoustics

KHMT [Egyptian] science is based on acoustics  
Cymatics [Ky-Ma’At-ics] and the Yantra are the same thing

Sound [light] is frequencies and wavelengths connected to certain tones-tunes octaves and harmonics, the sound is that of OM or Aum [Owm] which translates the Sound of Life

Sri Yantra, Mandala, then at OM sound via Tono-scope, there is a comparison of the similarities between the two of the sound, and that the Rishi [Orisha] is showing us that they shared the same understanding [knowledge]

Waves become Matter, frequencies are waves, OM has shape and replicates the universe

Primordial sound, we are returning to source  

YANTRA [CHAKRA] SHANKH - are all the same thing 

Learn about Kymatics and Hydrogen, H2O, and the Diamond Sutra the Diamond that cuts through Illusion, it will blow the settings in your mind, BUNTU [Buddha] awakened and not enlightenment
Hydrogen [Hy-dragon] 9ethers are supposed to be inhaling Hydrogen not Oxygen

At that stage only Kuluwm [Owm] is All, appointed creator of all these things in this state can cause this to happen, he calls all things into being

Like the one of the Big Bang(s) each additional bang had a different time and distance and magnitude that created a harmony of music heard by the true listener of OM [AUM]

It vibrates at a rate of 144 and it is the letter [D] of the 1st centre [C] octave bass, its colour is green [WAJI] prolegomenon 

When you start you inner journey to the central sun of your being called the soular plexus, and realign yourselves through the tone of vibration rate 144 in the first octave, down in the base clef in the note of [D] major, which yields the sound AUM [OM]

Solid matter are pure energy and energy solidified into different states of matter which is plasma gas-liquid solid

You are the Star-Seed
The [OM] sound visualized through Cymatics
Evolve + Ascend

Kate is dead and so is Charles, that is true about Harry and his father, William and Harry are both homosexual - they are getting you ready to tell you, she had to have been taken out in a ritual  - these uploads are important to watch - that girl who talks about the Matrix is bang on the money, she worked it out and she has brown eyes, she said it all 

Robots, Android+ are already walking among us - its not coming, its already here - that is a robot at the Grammy's - the Etruscans had robots, and in the days of Shiva 

The exact same date that Europe was put into their plagues from the Pharaoh, the 3 days of darkness, was April 8th the Pharaohs curses, which Pharaoh, the Chief of KHMT ASARU [A-SAR-U] aka OSIRIS - the SARS outbreak - this will be the 9th eclipse since TA-AMERI [USA] became a nation in 1776 and the 9th eclipse will dismantled the nation - the USA is West Africa - and this eclipse is only taking place over TA-AMERI - this is punishment [judgment] - 9 is the highest number in the Universe - we are returning to when the original plagues were first unleashed and that starts in the USA on April 8th 2024 or 2025 if you count their leap year 

First eclipse is 8th April [USA] and the second eclipse is on April 25th [half the planet] 
KHMT [USA] aka West Africa [West Egypt]  

RED backdrop - White, Yellow, Orange and Red SUN

Last 72hrs+ 

The Polar Vortex is still spinning backwards which started around March 4th - we deal with spirals, the Vortex spinning, rotating backwards is anti-clockwise which is life - spiralling in a number 9 and clockwise is death - spiraling in a number 6 - the SOULAR system would also be spinning aka anti-clockwise which is life [9] 

PINK [RED] deletes anything that is artificial to this SOUL-AR system 

[Green Prolegomenon]

200hz+ and 500hz into 1000hz+ and the bottom Schuman shows a signal [tone] coming in every near enough 30mins - we can see the WAJI [Green] colours [energies] 

What is that 

[3] types of people

[1] those who make things happen [2] people who watch things happen and [3] people who don't know what happened

 Gloria Chadwick
Discovering your past lives
She gives a great insight into techniques that you can use to retrieve your memory files on your past lives, be careful now because sum of you might not like what you recall, you may not want to see the way you died, its traumatising and these memories can trigger emotions that you thought you had a control over, so be wary of going down that route

Past lives are coming up for many, your Akashic records have been downloaded and are accessible

Tap into your passion and you find out who you are, you will reCall [reCell]who you are, that is part of all the dimensions merging and all of your past lives with it, the collapsing of files

Let go in Istal [Meditation] of fear, you must allow your MEKABA to travel without you and this allows you to gain knowledge [light] data [Aquarius] 

Use your passion [gift] energy for the positive of this planet, your fellow HuMin [HuMan] being, animal and plant kingdoms, find your passion and you find you

Overcome what you struggle with, you know what they are and you know your inner struggles, you must overcome them in sum way, form or shape, must come from the heart, you have to overcome what you struggle with, this is a must and can be generational curses, karma is real, can be money, relationships, family, you can be unhealthy, things like that, you have to evolve the soul and thus you will have to overcome what you know you do, in relationships maybe its you, its you that is the problem, you need to know why, only you have the answers

Overcome means to have poWRA over, be real in the field with yourself for there is accountability, you cannot hide from yoursCellsf

Have poWRA over what you did to you, have poWRA over the people that hurt you, have the poWRA over whatever it is so that the soul can evolve, karma is real and all you are doing is adding karmic debt and there is another cycle coming up that is for a long time, a lot of people are coming back down here and sum are going to remain here, once Karma has been dispensed it can not be absorbed by anyone else, Karma is for you 

When a person applies pressure its how you handle it, character building, repairing, all this makes you wise

The person that controls their emotions the most are the ones you need to be carful with, when they explode, they explode all the way

Focus on cell [self] what another people think about you is none of your business
Evolve your soul by overcoming things [that have poWRA over you] 
its not just about what you accomplish

Birthmarks can also be Karma marks

HETU [IY] coastlands, Isles, abode 'tombs' 
Turtle backs, Wombs, Keyholes - launch pads, look at the shapes, carved out of stone, crafts can land there - these places were not burial grounds - body for storage but not for death - look at these places

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