An Eclipse can only happen when the Moon is near the 'line' this word Line comes from this Latin word Linea - we know the word Line to mean a straight direction - we have two lines over the USA and they are over the USAs Bible Belt
This eclipse that is taking place on April 8th
2024 is only taking place in TA.MERI [AMERICA] USA aka West Africa – the first
eclipse was in 2017 – which is [7] years apart, the Georgian Calendar and ULMEC
[OLMEC] MAYAN and Ethiopian Calendar are [7] years in difference, it will be
the Ethiopian NU YEAR on April 1st 2017 [2024] and if you add 2017
and 2024 = 9
2017 + 2024
2+1+7 = 10
2+2+4 = 8
10+8 = 9
Even though this is only taking place in the USA, this is
a still a global event – many soular and spiritual beings will be participating
April 1st is called Aprils fool’s day; we have
a new fool – the joke is not on you
April 1st is the NU Y-EAR aka the NU energy is deployed
and it is not on January 1st and straight after the April 1st we have the TAMERI [USA] eclipse on April 8th and they are getting ready for this one, they are deploying the National Guard
over there, schools, roads, sum public buildings will be shut – internet is
flooded with Tik Tok videos –
The last eclipse in 2017 was around 2mins and
42sec [2:42] and this one in 2024 is 4mins and 44secs [4:44]
[7] is key here, 1st April is the NU YEAR and [7] days
later is the eclipse, which the last one was in 2017 and [7] years later in
2024 we have the second one – the [7] years difference between calendars, the
Chakra system+ and all [7] planets will be lined up in the SKA
This does spell a NU beginning, so it is alright to be
worried and HAPI at the same time, this is a gradual NU beginning and not impulsive, you still need to
be careful with this energy, many want things in their life and you will feel like
sum thing great is going to happen in your life and the reason you feel like
sum thing great is going to happen in your life is because we have the Nu energy incoming 'spring' and we have Jupiter and
Uranus in the mix right now – during the first eclipse Jupiter was opposing
Uranus – the sense of expansion and electrifying was in the air and we could
feel that, now in 2024 Jupiter and Uranus are in conjunction and this time round
we are ‘knowing’ that change is here which equates to evolution – any evolution
cycle that was taking place [2017] is now at completion in [2024]
We also have Saturn, Pluto and Mars and Venus out here – Saturn
keeps us in check, makes us hold up and check yourself, don’t get impulsive –
Saturn is the wiser one – many are not ready for the eclipse, you’re not quite
ready for that rush – Saturn deals with those
who are impulsive aka stubborn, those who do not think about what they are
doing, the ones who say, that is life or fu9k it+
Nothing happens before the time, you prepare a cake and
you put it in the oven, you pull that cake out of that oven too soon and it
won’t be ready, we have a lot of stubborn people out here who only see the
things they want to see, they want to go out and enjoy themselves, they want to
do things that pleases them, we have many out here just trending and following
the ‘in’ crowd, however many of you know about this timeframe that we are in –
if you are spiritual and soular you will be good to go but for those
trending or those who are 50 – 50 aka spiritual and out of their fu9king minds
and they go out – this is not a good combination – we have a huge amount of
people who are mentally unstable – mental health – so many people are offline –
the 12th house deals with mental instabilities, we have people lashing out at
other people, violence has gone up 10fold, there is a lot of rage out there and
in homes, the workplace+ people are offline out here and you can see it, there is Lunacy going
on – keep in mind the Moon and the Moon deals with Lunacy aka ‘madness’ anytime
we have a SOULAR eclipse the Moon is in power and the Moon is not a natural construct
of this SOULAR system, we also have NIBIRU who is also in the mix and NIBIRU is
our magnetic SUN aka magnifying the energy exchanges – the Moon is coming together
with the North Node aka the Dragons head and is swallowing up the SUN –
I don’t
deal with the Moon and many people who used to deal with the Moon are also not dealing
with the Moon – but - the Moon drives emotional greed to which this planet is
connected to the Moon, the Moon usurps energies, the Moon traps souls, the Moon
is more for artificial races on this planet – you are supposed to overcome
those emotional states and control these things and attain emotional success
aka control the impulses and to not let them control you and you are also to
control the Lunacy aka madness, people are crazy out here and those crazy stable people who act normal
We have the Moon in the mix right now and we are at the
peak, height of mental emotional [EM] activity that is about to bust out, the
NU Moon which is taking place during the eclipse is a NU Moon – it’s a NU Moon
with Draconian energy [Dragon] Kundalini [Serpentine] energy aka you must do what you
have to do aka know what you have to do and keep your emotions out of it which
Saturn is also part of, so this eclipse is not to be played with – 2017 was in
Leo and 2024 is in Aries – my sleeping patterns have changed during this last
[7] days with the Moon and my emotional state, last two weeks I was in my
feelings and emotions, sum days be like that, match this up with the Moon
activity and what we are getting ready for and BINGO
There is positive energy, lots of it and that is going to
give you a NU beginning aka a NU completion from what was started in the first
eclipse [2017] – whatever you started in 2017 didn’t Magi [manifest] to its
full potential for we had Jupiter opposing Uranus – revisit what you were
supposed to be doing from 2017 and do not give up on that, what was you doing in
2017 and what did you start that you have yet to complete and for others now you will
start to see the rewards, you are not just seeing the future – for sum the
future did not match up with their current and has not matched up to that
timeline and so many people gave up – they could see it but they were not ready
or where quite ready yet but of late, many have had a rejuvenating injection,
the last [7] years have opened the eyes for many and in the lateral stages of
that [7] year cycle between 2017 and 2024, the lateral stages say 2020 which
was 20/20 vision - many peoples eye was made wide open and here in 2024 people
are online even if they are offline, many are activated in sum way shape or
form – we have never been more conscious than we are today than at anytime in this particular batch of HuMins [HuMans]
Uranus reduces complexity and does not increase it so
when we come into Nu information ‘light’ its not really Nu, its research aka
re-searching new things that we think are new, we tend to overthink or think
this is too complex of things that have already been started, you are to reVisit and reStart
It comes down to what you ‘know’ and not what you
‘believe’ what you have stuck with no matter what, things that you resonated with to ‘know’ is truth – so don’t worry about dates or what is happening in the
3D world, its what you know today, its what your intention is with your energy
today, in real time because it is what you are putting into this energy, so if
you believe ‘belief’ then your energy is only 50 – 50 because you do not ‘know’
there are those who have built what they know and are sticking to that, you
must stay with what you know and how will you know >> because it will resonate within you
Systems are collapsing, the UK royal family are coming
down with diseases, empires are crashing – say Kate comes into being the Queen,
regardless if she is a man or is the clone version, her coming into the
Queenship actually marks the end of the Monarch – the end of one program aka
the end of one system and the beginning of a NU program aka a new system – many
would have to go for her to be Queen, we watch and see
The powers that used to be are being deleted and many
are scrambling for dominance, for power, they are worried on many levels and so
they are trying to replace everyone, there are a lot of clones out here and people wearing masks – immigration is just a media tool,
diverting attention into immigration – they don’t give a fu9k about
immigration, the only thing I have with immigration is that other beings can
follow with the flow, mass of people and move from one place to another under the
disguise of immigration – they are concerned that they are all being replaced
and that is KARMA [KAAMAA]
This is the YEAR of the DRAGON and indeed this is on so
many levels, NIBIRU is also referenced has the RED DRAGON, Dragon also is the
Serpentine energy, also called Kundalini
The word KUNDALINI is a NAGA root word that was
originally from the Yoruba and called OSUMARE and then taken to KHMT [Egypt]
and called the URAEUS and then transferred to the Indus [INDA] INDIA] aka NAAGA
The Draco energy is here, we are all in a Dragon mind
set, the bloodlines are strong in sum, this is the 18th galaxy that
we reside in aka the Draconian [Dragon] galaxy and Sirius is the link between the 19th
galaxy and the 18th galaxy, no matter the bloodlines we are all
going to be in the Dragon mind set
Its not about good or bad, its using the energy to get
things done, you know about the Reptilians already and you know that many of
you have Reptilian bloodlines whether you are 9ether or 6ether, the energy is
available for you to stream from to get things done – this is all FEMI.9
energies, this is the leadership energies, the MALE is only the aggressive part
of the FEMALE – this energy, what we are going through is the FEMALE being
reinstated, the leadership energy
Wombmen [Women] have you noticed that Women are the topic
of discussion right now, they just had women’s day but outside of that Women
are being mentioned more and more in the position of power and this and more
lets you know about the shift of power, the power of the FEMALE – a woman PM,
things are changing according to the energy, its not physical, its spiritual, we will see more and more women stepping up and filling the void
Exodus, mass migration, we’ve been here before in the
1900s with mass movement and here we are again, people on the move which usually
coincides with these double eclipses – sum people moved in 2017 and from then
onwards and sum will again move because maybe you need to take a bigger leap,
sum people will be on the move, not just a physical move+ many of you are restless – like in the USA,
many people are being influenced to be redistributed among the land, other
places we are seeing many people returning to their ancestors land after being
called there, they had never been to this place before but felt an urge to go
there, we are all in cities, drawn to the cities or born in a city and we are scattered
across the planet, with the mass movement in the 1900s we also saw the Spanish
Flu which is what we are seeing today just with a different name, the Spanish
Flu took out millions, people have been in one place for far too long, energy
can never be left stagnant, it needs to be moved around, people need to be moved around
and not be stuck in one place or the energy goes stagnant and this creates Cancer,
for the planet and for you, Cancerous Cells
Have you seen that produce from the
plant kingdom that is not of any nutritious value, forget it in Europe, vegetation and
fruit is either radiated blasted or of low nutritious value in Europe, the land is not
producing the best yield for a reason -
same with the water, this will be the trend until the resources are
For those in the USA – the effects of this eclipse will
last for at least a month+ during the eclipse, the force of your ‘will’ need
not apply, the SUN is being swallowed up aka ‘ego’ which is telling you to lay
down your ‘will’ and your ‘ego’ so this is not about what you think you need
right now, this is about what is best for you right now, so be in blankness
around the 7th into the 8th of April and be ready to
‘receive’ receive your next move – be in darkness, be still aka shut the fu9k up
The SUN represents the ‘will’ and the ‘ego’ and the MOON
[MONO] is supposed to represent the soul’s inner intuitive energy, however the
MOON usurps energy for those with a soul and we also have NIBIRU in the mix,
you’re supposed to be open and receptive to what is being delivered to you
than be forceful aka impulsive, impulse+ those are the things you should lay
down – don’t try and force anything, don’t manmade sum thing, all you need to
do is be still during this period, start now – all you are doing is utilizing
the Moon, just so you can be in balance, we do not worship the Moon and we know
it’s a former Reptilian Star Station, we know that ENKI and ENLIL brought the
Star Station here and the Reptilians use it, the Moon is under its own full power
when on full Moon cycles and does not produce light only illumination, so you can
use the Moons power – too much Moon energy is Lunacy, and too much SUN energy
is Ego – all you want is to integrate those two - that is what the struggle is, how do eye integrate
those two into my life, one is a time when I am supposed to use my intuition to
be led and one is a time when I am supposed to use my willpower
It is the time for you to use your willpower but with
balance, don’t over do it and this is the year that we will see many will over
do it and bring about illness – spiritual burnout – energy burnout – we see
many are already experiencing burnout – affects from this eclipse with Saturn
is also KARMA – so how will your KARMA play out –
NIBIRU is bending the light aka time, and April 2024 is
already upon us, time aka light is speeding up, creation is speeding up giving
the impression that time is speeding up – the way you can tell is if you have
the sense of a ‘lost of time’ rather than gaining time, the two examples still
work, but for those who feel that they have or are losing time of have a sense
of a ‘lost of time’ then BINGO – your feelings do not betray you, ‘time’ the
word spelt backwards is emit and you emit ‘light’ – this thing called ‘time’
will once again speed up [now] come April 8th and onwards, maybe earlier
for sum, these are round about dates and times for guidelines – your having a
sensation of losing time, no beginning of days and no ending of nights – the
planet is following protocol, you see, if this planet dies then all this that
you see around you will be over – this planet is only one of a few planets in
the entire Cosmos that is able to sustain complex organisms and she will not be
compromised, too many of us love her and would die for her – don’t you think
dying for her is a bit extreme, not if you know that she will bring you back – Saturn
deals with time and Aquarius is water – currency aka currenSea and in the deep
water [NUN] there is no time – there are many major planetary energies going on, all
you have to do is be still, you must find that space between you and others so
you can receive ‘light’ so balance, find space so you can balance all of these
energies, these planets are heavyweights, heavy energy, superior energy
These children that are in wombs right now, the deep
waters [Nun] are the nu builders, many people desire to have children in the Dragon
year because they know what their purposes and abilities will be, they are
considered Monarchs, these children born in these times ‘lights’ will have what
we would call issues but are not issues to them, special children, special generation,
there is this generation who is going to miss out, we are going to lose a
generation has part of this reSet but they are being replaced and many will be
in the womb during this eclipse, this is not like the eclipses before, this
does not mean sum thing drastic will take place, maybe it will, this is a spiritual
and soul exchange with major planets [7 energy discs] are involved – stay at home
during this phase for other sh9t is going on out there, protect your energy
first – you will be where you are supposed to be – you will be where you are
supposed to be for there will be a fallout
Men are being moved out of the way so that women can come
forth – the energy is supreme energy, 50 years ago women didn’t have the will to
come forward, a 100 years ago women didn’t have the ambition to come forth but
today, she is being reinstated, decades ago she wasn’t interested and these pervious
eclipses seem not that powerful but here we all here around the campfire with Marshmallows
singing Kumbaya My Lord – the Lioness holds the territory along with her siStars, they
never leave – it is down to you to go to source and how you utilize these
energies especially if you are FEMALE, you must have the MALE [Masculine] energy
under your control, it is you that holds all power, many women are breaking out
of conditions, Pluto forces you, its on so many levels – many major MALE leaders
in the next months will also be taken out, and this also filters down into the
MAN – those who went against her, those who opposed her will be going down,
slow deaths to goodbye – we will see a woman PM in the USA – Trump was the 45th
[9] PM and was the last one –
The portals that open during these eclipses hold residential
entities and those entities reside within you in your mind and is to why we
will see a lot of Lunacy and derangement for sum, many 6ethers men and 'Karens' will breakdown 'offline' those that we see in Slapped Ham+
We are at war and have been for a very long time, MARS
[LAHMU] is out there and MARS is the War energy planet, all of the Wars on KI
have started at 12:01am on a TUESDAY which is MARS energy day, how many wars do
we have going on right now and those from the last 50 years and including all
holy wars, its just that many Capitals are still functioning today, many places are
still functioning, we do not have a world war or a global war yet, who will start this
war, what if it is a woman who ends this war, sum one like Condoleezza Rice, and
what has happened to Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, Kamala Harris ?? they shut
down Harris, you don’t hear nothing from her, what about Khadijah Farrakhan aka
Betsy Ross – I know sum one is being readied
The USA is not ready for FEMI energy yet FEMI energy is
consuming this planet, so she is coming, ready or not, here I come...
If you go blank in Meditation, totally empty out your
mind and go blank – just do nothing, that is allowing you [motherboard] to catch
up and do little bits and pieces in the background, delete what is in the recycle bin or recycle
what is in the recycle bin because this can slow you [computer] down – do nothing
and don’t try and figure out what to do next, the answers will come to you,
procrastinate is a good thing, no thoughts, isolate your thoughts and be blank,
listen to your heartbeat, listen to your breath, I listen to music that blocks
everything out and go blank, sliver cord detachment can also be achieved by
going into limp mode – don’t try to impose your will on to anything - you don’t have to go all ultra-higher spiritual being, you don’t need to be all spiritual – we are done with commercial things,
its not like that anymore, many of you have been and continue to upgraded, many
of you are in tuned and know when to Nexus [connect] to source or do this or
that or speak with this person or not+ so your already operating from a higher
dimension and not from a lower dimension such as the 3D – the reality for many
is that what they thought was spiritual turns around and eats them up – comes back
to Saturn, Saturn deals with time and so take your time, check things out and
going go with what resonates with you
For those born on the 8th April you are being 100%
guided and all you need to do is go with the flow and do not go against the
flow, ride the wave and sea where it takes you
No more asking for permission, stop asking for permission
– if it resonates with you, then do it
This is a gradual process that is not meant to hit you
like a truck but it will be like that for many, and even though its gradual it
is very much a rapid process for many, slow but rapid – a good thing can also
be a bad thing and things are changing out here – if you have been feeling
heavy judgement energy the likelihood is that its coming from you internally
but if you have been feeling heavy judgement energy then get out there and do
sum good, do sum thing that is positive energy, that can also be even being
honest, talk with that person, rectify things+ this does clear your KARMA [KAAMAA] KAA [MAAT] heavy judgement, what do
you feel guilty of or aware or conscious about that its heavy on your shoulders –
you did sum thing that you would like to reverse, you have the right to reverse
sum thing that you did or reverse that energy, you have that right – all you
have to do is what you know you need to do to in that particular guilt [awareness]
or consciousness aka heavy judgement energy
If you are receiving heavy judgement energy and its not
from any of the above, then I want you to know that KARMA is incoming for you,
you are fu9ked now and its like the guy who is going to the electric chair in
90mins and is waiting or when your mother gets home, you’re in trouble, its that
time in-between that is filled with heavy judgment energy, maybe its you or sum one
you know and you can read the signs but you have the feeling - then things will be changing for you and if its sum one you know make sure you do not assist them aka do sum thing for them, you need to leave them
The Universe does not recognise errors, mistakes, she dislikes
repeated mistakes, repeated errors, she wants you to fu9k up every now and
again, each time you excel she excels also, we become stronger, you can always
change, this is what a day is, it’s a cycle, one day [cycle] and means you can
be better than the cycle [day] before – own your sh9t and change your sh9t –
its never too late to rectify your KARMA or to begin to rectify your KAAMA – you
cannot move pass KAAMA unless you have served the KARMA or if you have rectified
your KARMA until then your plans to move forward will not be granted - the Universe recognises awareness, when you get sum thing, no one else can serve or take away your KAAMAA
There is also a Comet during this eclipse which is
another Dragon symbol which NASA call the Devil Comet which Devil makes up the
word d-Evil which are two names welded together Eve and Lilith and the letter d is from the word [dark] d-arc
Protect yourself and use your energy wisely, be grounded,
stay in control of your emotions, remain disciplined, bide your time,
strategizing, planning, thinking, this is no game here, this is very serious
times – individual goals that affect the greater collective
-to whom much is given, much is required - your good at what you do that is why you have more
Stay on your PTAH [PATH] – you will know when, what and
Temet Nosce in Latin means ‘know thyself’ it says this everywhere on the pyramid complexes and over the planet KNOW THYCELL
Fire in your hands - the power is with you
How the map is shaped is a lie, how the land mass is really shaped they also lied, they also lied about our br'others and siStars the other side of ice walls, there are two, this ice wall encircles all the land mass this side of the walls [spheres] they are called the Atlanteans but others call them Lemurians - they got stuck between the two ice walls - we are in the first ice wall which they call Antarctica with our br'others and siStars behind those other ice walls - everything that ever was or will ever be, already exists, but exists on different frequencies
See the SUN, all CGI - that SKA we see up there, its not the real SKA - there will be no alien invasion, only a CGI invasion - holographic imagery - its not real and the SKA is being controlled, there are five layers to this CGI technology which is what they are showing you when KONG throws the spear at the SUN - they can change the settings of the SKA with frequencies, they showed you this in the movie Hunger Games - you see there are other beings here and we do have Ashtar Command who are grounded over by the Himalayas - they also have other species and reversed engineered crafts, so here is the deal, they will launch a fake alien invasion which will really be them shooting up everything and in battle with the other crafts that are sitting in the SKA - there will never been a alien invasion, they would have done that when they got here in 2012, but they haven't - many aliens will be making a move and we will see them on the streets with you
Mexico - check the SUN??
Portal wide open
Italy, clouds casting shadows on the water, clouds only hold vaporized water and not solid mass and the shape of the cloud is pyramidal - cloud mass cloak crafts
Crafts in the SKA around Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines+ that region, Asia - check the colours
What if the image was reversed
KANADA - Check that out
Follow the patterns of the Apocalypse that is a decade old already in the making
How did the cargo ship lose power - and then regain power and speed up, people are missing - the bridge was blown up on purpose like 911, there are little explosions on the right hand side, you can see when the bridge is going down its already on fire and talking of fire, where is all the fire coming from - they blew the bridge up - why and just before the 8th in Baltimore [BAAL-TI-MOOR]
That cargo vessel that broke the Baltimore bridge was called Dali, and Salvador Dali created a painting called the Broken Bridge in 1945
Read between the lines - the truth is out there
There is a code 'signal' nearly every 15mins - there is more than one code
Spiking over 100hz+
Read all data in CHAKRA [SHANKH] colours 'energies'
DEA [RNA] DNA upgrades
We are in session
This graph is used daily and lets us know how charged the planet is - white and red means charged and at the flick of thw wrist can produce a huge earthquake, the blue and black means charging and green and blue and yellow are also energies, the planet is charged everyday and where it is all white or red means those areas are ready to go
Plasma messes with their shape shifting device, that is one reason, and there is nothing rare about seeing the disagreeable and negative in their true form, they walk among us already with the robots and android, you are going to see everything soon, in this 'demon world' they are letting you know, to date we have not seen Tiffney from the plane or the British Boxer on a Croatia flight who also saw demonic faces on his PLANE and Ryan Garcia
These are creditable people that they will make them seem mad, what about Miami, those beings and creatures in a shopping mall with many people and this was in January, come March, nothing, makes you wonder what is incoming, there are many beings down here with us and this is nothing new, its just that the frequency is becoming more and more clearer now and means if you do not have a soul, you are getting deleted, the HuMans [HuMins] must be shown the light first aka the truth must be revealed to them first before anything, while they are getting you ready, we are getting you prepared
- there is no demon face syndrome - these colour coloured skies are for a reason - they are detoxifier rays, these frequencies are higher and effect the brainwaves - these beings are shape shifting, morphing, they are trying to hold their form but they are struggling, many are wearing sunglasses when they don't need to, many when you make them, they will know you can see them - there are millions and millions out here and below the ground, UV fu9ks with them
[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultraviolet light – black
light – purple light [2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma ray [radiation] light and [3] Amun Re = X-Ray [the hidden one]
U.V. – Gamma X-rays are [3] forms of 'black light' coming from Cosmic rays that come from outside of this SOUL-AR system
[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves
[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]
If you do not have a BAA [SOUL] you are going to be deleted, you need a SOUL to be in this SOULAR system and in the meantime the Ultraviolet is going to fu9k with them - them lot are in the SKA [plane] and the planet is heavy in plasma - planes have been rerouted sum flying in lower or higher, these beings walk among us and you are going to see them, they were hidden but all that is hidden must be seen, the unseen seen
Lab grown meat can be made any shape you want, why would you want the shape of a hand
2010 - Guatemala City
Sinkhole, near enough a
prefect sphere is shape and look how deep that is
We are in 2024 and we
still have ‘sinkholes’ forming, when two planets come close to one another,
their shields collide until they equalize themselves out, the result are these ‘sinkholes’
I also think they are vents, water can come up or down these shafts, what is
down there will be flooded up and vice versa, whatever is down there will be
flooded over – these sinkholes look like a huge laser made it because look how
prefect that hole is and how deep it is
90,000 year old footprints
– different layers of the past which is older than your Jesus who comes in at
2,000 years ago, so this is clearly not Jesus walking in what is called Morocco
[Moorocco] – which is in south Africa and not North Africa – we have joined
onto an ongoing history, this planet is billions of years old, she has been
here for a very long time – these numbers like 90,000 years old or the 2billion year old natural nuclear reactor in Gabon [Alkebulan] yes 2billion [billion] lets you
know that there is no beginning and that is why there is no ending – the Europeans get worried with things like this because they wrote the Western History, man told
you yet the planet is telling you sum thing else - the Europeans come in around 10,000 years ago, so who prints are these
Coal miners uncover a petrified tree stump entombed within a coal seam – one
tree stump, where was this place, many ancient forests - layers of history
SEX [Function]
FU9K [Function]
We used to have villages where women who are good at what they do would be available, the Patriarchal system messed it up, that last part when he started talking about 'God' was outdated, and no she is not saying that people don't see her has valuable, she doesn't hold any value to herself because now she realises that the choice she made was sh9t
P*rn from Babylonia Sex Magic along with Babylonia Money Magic - never be ashamed of your skillset, sum of you are good at what you do for a reason - Matriarchal villages, run and maintained by women
Real plants [flowers] the little people - plants talk to one another
This bird can mimic sounds, R2-D2, quasar sounds, monkeys, chainsaws+ and 20 different other species of birds - intelligence
HAHA - that was funny
Fort Victoria (Ambon), Indonesia – became a fort when the invaders come through, however we know the ‘Moors’ built these Star castles across Europe [no such thing as Asia minor or major] and the name Indonesia with nesia coming from the word Melanesia and Amnesia which is Ether [Melanin] aka ‘black’ - the top image shows an entrance that to me looks man made, you can see in the other image the volcano going off which in other pictures from around the world whenever the Europeans invaded sum where a volcano is recorded going off, advanced technology was used to construct these sites that man is only just using now, places like Indonesia are new names, words, people+
What is that guy doing in the last picture [right] check his two hands, European tools, European trademark to hammer and chisel - the image on the left is showing a BANTU [BUNTU] with their trademark Buntu knots [hairstyle] there are over 800+ tribal members within the Bantu also called the Buddha or Buddhas for there many - we find them from ALBANIA [AL] BANIA [BANTA] BANTU [BUNTU] to IRELAN [IRULAN] I.RU [TWA] you cannot chisel 9ethers out of their own history
Big problems lay ahead for this region, plenty of craft activity for a long time
Babylon [Baby Lyon] Baby
Ylon [Lyon] Lyra - Lynx [Lion]
Leon [Leo]
Babel + Elohim [El Elyon]
= Babylon
Sphinx [Lynx]
This MIR complex is switched on, you can see a plug under the ear of ASET [ISIS] sum thing will be plugged into that socket, like a craft coming over and plugging into the socket, cloaked or full visual but whatever happens, things will never be the same again - Babylon, Mesopotamia, Sumerian, Typhoon+ are all the same place, Babylon was like going to London or NYC, are they bad places, h3ll yes, but they are also good places - that is a FEMALE [FELINE] sitting there - a Baby Lion [Babylon] aka ASET [ISIS] the KAT beings are here and you know a FEMALE Dog will fight until the end, the MALE Dog will quit once he has had enough, she is called a BI9CH for a reason
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