Thursday, 7 March 2024

Over and Under

Pluto is the planet that's synonymous [in astrology] with ordeals that alter everything, with revelation, ruin and revival

Into the signs

Things are changing, what used to fit, doesn’t fit no more, the once so mighty - fall, advanced technology, artificial intelligence+ all part of this Nu Age Matrix that is being implemented

Let’s start with the mighty have fallen, the Dendera [Zodiac] house sign Aquarius represents technology, the house sign represents ‘falls’ from great heights – so does Capricorn but not from great heights, Capricorn is like falling from one step and Aquarius would be like falling from a skyscraper

Capricorn is the lesser impact and Aquarius is the greater impact – with Pluto transiting between these two [energy] signs, we see the mighty falling, so for the last 18 years we have been watching those in authority figures crashing and this is an indication, not caused by Pluto, but an indication of Pluto transiting through the sign of Capricorn which filters down into corporations, corruption and organised bodies because Capricorn points to organised bodies

Aquarius points to the people collectively as well as the different ‘classes’ and ‘statuses’ of people and Aquarius also points to nations and so with reference to how the mighty are falling, with Pluto energy travelling in-between we are seeing these organisations crashing and now it will be the individuals above the collective who meet their day of reckoning, especially if they have been participating in activities that Pluto gives indication to

Aquarius is artificial light whereas Leo represents the SUN aka the flame of fire ‘light’ that is emitted from natural sources, Aquarius represents electricity and therefore is artificial light aka artificiality, whereas the SUN is electrical [plasma]  

So, when Pluto does its thing, Pluto is going to shed light on those who have been engaged in an artificial fake ‘unseen’ capacity – Aquarius is also the sign of ‘knowledge’ and ‘knowing’ [Gnosis], so Pluto being a energy disc [planet] of transformation is going to bring it from a point of – as opposed to being informed and instructed like Capricorn, we move into Aquarius which the ability to ‘know’ and ‘self-realize’ the actual truth which is now heightened, its highlighted

A lot of things that were going on that involved children like child pornography, child abuse, Paedophilia and things like dealing with the recreational mindset in things like music and television which is eventually going to be A.I out – they fall because Pluto gives indication to, exposure, everything that is corrupted is coming to the forefront, all those who are sitting over people who have committed sh9t against other humans, animals, the plants, trees in the Amazon that have been cut down by organisations, corporations that own these companies, animals like in India where they have a ritual to hack to death the KAU[COW] - COW farms to breed for their skin to make car seats, the list goes on and on, all those who have made ‘money’ from suffering, anything that violates will be brought out into the light [unseen] into the [seen] and this is what Pluto and Aquarius represents

– look at P Diddy that bi9ch is going down, raping men, killing men – but he is a billionaire, but he is a Scorpio and sum house signs are going to be affected more severely than others and this is because of the universal geometry upon which this science is based – we have 60o angles and we have 120o angles which when you see the sphere [circle] or the arc of the SKA we see one planet 120o from another planet - it is the harmonics between these planets indications are working together and they are working well in harmony – at 60o, at 120o and sum times at 180o these things are working in harmony and they work well together, they blend well together – for example, certain metals are sensitive to certain planetary motion, so like Gold and Silver which is the SUN and the MOON will not mix well or mesh well at a 90o angle or at 180o or sum times at a 150o or 210o angle from each other, there is an invisible hand that keeps these two metals from merging – and sum times they do mix, this is how planets which are energy discs work

So because Pluto is moving through Aquarius the hard points for Aquarius are Scorpio, Taurus and Leo and sum times Virgo and Cancer – so these people who are born under these [energy] signs are the ones who are going to feel the indications more than others, oh you are fu9ked now and so P Diddy is a Scorpion and on top of that he has Jupiter and Venus in conjunction which attests to his wealth, to his vast influence, to his manipulability, to his conniving ways, to his sexual activities and because Pluto is moving into a 90o angle, to those planets in his chart – because of Jupiter and Venus he is now fu9ked because Pluto is coming in on a 90o angle – this is called KAMA [KAAMAA] KARMA had he done ‘good’ with his wealth to the people around him, had he not cause harm to peoples lives and careers, had he ‘break bread’ with others then this Pluto angle wouldn’t be so drastic – he would still need to make adjustments - I keep an eye on P Diddy, because when he crashes, he is taking many with him, many people are already speaking up, where does this all go, there are those who follow music, soul, r +b, rap, hip hop, there are a lot of men in there and there are a lot of females in there, mothers, aunts, grands, nieces and of course siStars, all kinds of colours [rainbow] energies and they care about their men, uncles, dads, grands, nephews and br'Other the others, sent here to protect here, the most abundant energies Hydrogen [Source] is consuming this planet and everything on, in between and below her, plus, planetary [energy discs] energies and MAAT aka Universal Law - the FEMI.9 energy has been deployed and it will be shame, we know your name, the unseen must be brought into the light on so many levels, she will have the final say 

This applies not just to the famous and rich, this apples to you, a guy broke his foot a while back and he is a child of Scorpio and he said, what did he do to deserve this, at least he knows it was for a reason, he has accountability for sh9t he did and Pluto is making him count, this apples to you as well, sh9t is taking place for many and you must get out of the way of those who had it all that have fu9k all today and will have fu9k all tomorrow – see that word KARMA which is KAA and MA the MA comes from MAAT who is Universal Law, you cannot fu9k with her – it is not just Pluto moving through the SKA, we have others up there and there is also good that is being given unto those that deserve good, but your hand is being forced aka the energy is forcing the change. shift, the FEMI9 energy in us all - man and woman is vibrating higher  

So those on top or those deemed on top, those who are looked up to by the masses are going to be held to account – I see it in regular people and those who had YT channels, those people are being made to give an account, those who fu9ked with the data – sum people made money from the knowledge that was given to them and today they are being made to give an account – they are being held accountable for the things that they engaged in – no matter what you did down here, sum have gone to jail, but regardless it does not remove the Cosmic Law that harsh aspects put you through of trials and tribulations - many people are going down for sexual exploitations and Pluto is the planet of SEX and Aquarius in context of SEX deals with unorthodox, unacceptable practices with regards to SEX – SEX stands for Sacred Energy Exchange, but many were never ever practising S.E.X they were practicing the function without any energy or anything sacred about them –

Nature Boy received a life sentence without parole, Polight received 7 years+ Rashad Jamal received 18 years+ many of them out there – the pervert, the rapist, the unusual, the unacceptable, its hard for me because at times I would watch them over the years, maybe they did these things and maybe they didn’t however once Comic Law has been issued against you, you are fu9ked, maybe at a later date they are found not guilty but until then, KARAM has you – Pluto is in the mix and there will be many more than what we have been seeing for the next decade and we will see a lot of reforms

Music is changing, Afrobeat and Amapiano is what I have been listening to for the last decade and this African music will replace things like Hip Hop, evolution must take place and the 50 year cycle of Hip Hop is now coming to an end, that cycle is now ending – Neptune plays a huge part and shifts the Music – Hip Hop is 9ether Music aka black peoples Music, yet in 2023 the London College of Music is offering a BA [Hons] degree in Hip Hop – that means 6ethers aka European, Asia or Asian can teach black peoples music to anyone including other black people – let that sink in for a minute

Because its black peoples music it has been sabotaged, before the music was on records and you could play the record backwards and hear the Devil himself telling black people to kill, have anal sex+ smoke this and do that but when they went to CD format you couldn’t hear the secret messages in there, apart from Cypress Hill, Vanilla Ice and Eminem, Beastie Boys it is all black – music is the number one inspirational force on the planet, Beyonce is doing Country and Western music which was black music originally and this is because she is running out of ideas – the energy has shifted and she is being left behind – we know that the 9ethers ‘black’ people built the Cathedrals, why Tartara was built with sound ‘light’ in mind, why the Egyptian priests used sound to heal and repair, why the BUNTU [Buddha] used sounds, they knew about the sounds, frequency, tones, vibration, acoustics and why the ‘temples’ pyramids all used sound – so the powers that be cannot have such a powerful tool sitting with the underdog because it can be used to create a trend – dirty Moors where also used against real Moors with destructive messages with destructive images making it cool to be a killer, to be cool to be a thug for life, the record companies won’t back you if you have positive words to say, they tell artist you don’t have enough content, oh there is content but not what they want, the more negative the more support you will receive from the record company – its not the music, it is the 9ethers dominance of the music and that is why its fallen, hence Afrobeat and Amapaino, you can hear the primordial drum in there coming from the Motherland, I want harmony now, balance    

We are seeing a shift and those on TV or have books out are being made redundant – they are too commercialized and its not resonating, more and more people are seeking knowledge that comes from this higher shifting of energies, many people want higher knowledge [frequencies] to match their increased vibration, tell us sum thing we don’t know, I’ve heard that before, peoples tolerance levels are at an all time high and they need more which you cannot get from the 3D because its just fragments of a dead program that is ghosting along and is only being held up by dead people aka dead energies and besides, you know the 3D world inside out 

Technology is changing, when YouTube came about I didn’t want to go online, but with time I did and YT gave many a platform to read data – and what YT and other platforms were doing was giving the individual the choice to what they wanted to watch as opposed to being programmed or dictated to by Hollywood [movies] or TV programs – we can now go to YT and watch documentaries on may subjects, granted sum people have their channel blocked so its not full proof but the choice was made available to the user and all the uploader needs is views and likes to become popular and is the reason why many uploaders are now popular instead of mainstream TV or mainstream education, I myself have learned more from the internet than in school and today more and more are reliant on the internet for their entertainment and education

Its is the technology that is showing us where its been and where it is going and to me ignorance is the cause of all subjugation, if you ‘knew’ better you would have never have allowed yourself be put into this position and is the situation with technology or in this life, – no matter what you may think of technology and its impact, we are in the age of technology – we are in the age of Aquarius – if you take the motorcar, we still have those on horse and cart right now, so the impact of technology is not a threat to civilisations – true how many people own horse and how many people own cars [vehicles] the rich own horses and back in the day everybody owned horses and back in the day when the car came out only the rich owned cars – once your overstand the nature of progress you will be well advised to go with the flow or be left behind

If you look back in history, say around the 1700s – Russia was agricultural and feudal while Europe was industrializing and Russia had to catch up, take Japan who was still agricultural and feudal [Barons and Lords+] and they saw how Europe was advancing and they started to mechanize and get into the industrial revolution and what we are experiencing now is a product of the industrial revolution – now astrologically when we look at the ages [st-ages] – the heliacal point from the vernal point is 15o – the vernal point is 15o in front of the heliacal point and once you get that then you will know that we are in the Aquarius cycle and not the Pisces cycle  – the vernal point is in Pisces but the heliacal point or the edge of the SUNs corona is the face of the ages – this comes from the measurements of the ancient Khemet and their calendar and what they use is a star that becomes visible out of the SUNs rays to determine the ascendant of the age using the constellation [Zodiacal] that is in front of the vernal point as the symbol of the age, its not me making it up – Aquarius B heliacally rose in 1453 for 36 years before that and 36 years after that for a whole 72 year span we saw the Aquarius B heliacally rising – so therefore from the Egyptian astrological perspective we are in the age of the Aquarius

Longitude and latitude are the planets lay lines, the planets grid and that is how they got longitude and latitude

 With that in mind, a age is 2,160 years – so it’s a long time and to say it’s the age of Aquarius and that is it – no, there are too many years and processes going on that the 2,160 year phase just came about through one Zodiac symbol – we have seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years we have the same in that 2,160 phase – we entered the age of Aquarius in 1453 and they say Aquarius isn’t supposed to start until 2024 – however, using the heliacal measure it shows us that the age of Aquarius started in 1453 with the fall of Constantinople

Constantinople was used because it was a grand feat of engineering which is what the Aquarius is the sign of and that grand feat of engineering changed the way ‘mankind’ collectively engaged in war ever since – there was other events in 1453, they were trying to fly in the ‘Persian’ empire, they were working on flying machines before Leonardo DaVinci, they were working on all types of transportation machines, all types of war machines, the largest cannon was created in 1453, called  ‘history's first great artillery barrage’ and was used by the Ottoman Turks against the eastern Roman empire and this is known has the fall of Constantinople when the Moors overran the eastern Roman empire – Con-stan-tinople [Con-Istanbul] TURKEY [TURKISH] TUR [KUSH] KUSH Byzantine – the cities port where they seized the city using that huge cannon to bombarded [barrage] the walls so they could gain access and invade

With that invention came a whole host of mechanization, less than a hundred years later DaVinci is working on a flying machine, that they started using explosives, weapons of mass destruction came into play, politics came into play, the fall of Monarchy, the power of the Church fell, they are admitting now that Adam and Eve is an allegory and that came from the Pope who said this, things have been transitioning from Pisces [religion] to Aquarius, manmade mentality, machines, electronics, metropolises – where they have many places stacked up together – these are Aquarius things – the fact that most of ‘humanity’ are moving to cities, framers and farming are becoming a forgotten science, I heard on the radio famers in the UK asking about secured funding, think of all the farmers in the 1700s and today and there are a lot of people here who still need to eat – this is what gives demand to artificial foods, genetically modified food, due the population exploding and this is typical of what Aquarius conveys in and of itself – we are moving from being a Maritime, agricultural people to a mercantile people – we have GMO and processed and artificial food because the demand for food needs to be met – we have clones, IVF children, artificial races, we have human cows producing human milk, the average person is not super spiritually or mentally cultivated to exercise sum form of discipline which would allow them to transcend what the collective of humanity is doing – people what to go offline, off grid, go to the mountains, be spiritual, its not applaudable, people are delving into their creature comforts, into spirituality, such is the nature of the age of Aquarius

Rely on yourself to know what age we are in, look around you, stay away from self-branded ‘Gurus’ those who are commercialized, those who everyone goes to, those who everyone buys their books, branded people – there is a trend in the SKA and there is a trend in history, we cannot look at one century and give it one name or symbol, it doesn’t work like that without showing how that unfolded, it is in blocks and different things happened in those blocks of time, sum are in 180 years section which is what the 180o angles mean which are 180 year cycles [blocks] – so at the beginning of the age of Aquarius we entered a 180 year block of Capricorn and this is the sign of industry, and this is the sign of feudalism and the colour [energy] of this sign is black and brown and the symbol or represents Capricorn is ‘falling’ – we saw the fall of the Moors and the exile of the Moors and the confiscation of their lands, we see landlords, barons and the Dutch East India company and all kinds of cooperations begin between 1453 and 1633 which equates to 180 that was ruled by Capricorn in the age of Aquarius then 180 years later we are in the age of Sagittarius of the Aquarius age – Sagittarius points the age of the foreigner no matter who you are, so if you’re a Caucasian, Sagittarius points to the CaucASIAN, the CaucASIAn, the African, the Latino, if your born into the HINDU this points to all other foreign people, Chinese, Japanese, if your African then Sagittarius would point to the Caucasian, the Eurasian, the Hindu, the Japanese, the Chinese, the Aztec, the Inca, the Mexican, at this time there was more foreign mixing on the earth more than at any other time and that would be between 1633 and 1813 and this is when the transit Atlantic slave trade flourished, this is when the European toppled every other countries barriers and opened up the entire worlds trade routes and the mode of transportation changed from Maritime [Sagittarius is the sign for transportation] in the sign of Aquarius, don’t lose sight that we are still in the age of Aquarius when we are talking about these sub ages [blocks] it was Matthew Perry who got Japan to open up its borders along with China where the knowledge of the Far East was granted to the Europeans as a whole

Then from 1813 to 1993 we were in the Scorpio block [cycle] of the Aquarius age and Scorpio is the sign of death and murder as well as medical discovers and surgery, birth, rebirth and mummies [death] there was more genocides committed on earth than at anytime between 1813 and 1993 than at anytime in history during that period

Scorpio represents a genetic code which was discovered in 1951

 We can map history, its all there, we only have 6,000 years’ worth of history [hiStory] for they destroyed everything else – the signs of the Zodiac give the indication of our evolution as a civilizing force – the next one we are going into is Virgo and Virgo is the gatherer, the weaver, the merchant,

Virgo is camps, Virgo is 15 minute cities, Virgo has Capricorn in its 5th place or template wise, therefore Virgo is building, which is its primary activity for us, building sum thing, relationships, foundations+, one of our favourite pastimes, the Virgo [Masem] Mason [Mother + child] Mother + sun ‘son’ the Virgo people are never comfortable when they are not being industrious – so we look at Virgo with that light – we see now where its going as opposed to where its been, you have to take into consideration where technology has been and where it is leading us and how it is leading us

These are the things people are not paying attention to, they are caught up in the Matrix [society] paying bills, caught up in drama, many are not too concerned to what is going to be happening in 2043 but those who are on higher energy are concerned, then there are the ones sitting in the position of power who are very concerned on how they are going to be governing us in 2043

The European culture is everywhere – where are they not using UCC [Uniform Commercial Code] which counties do you not see UCC therefore they are using common law that comes from the European, that influence is rooted in the age of the Aquarius

In 1993 the block of Libra in the Aquarius age was the end of Desert Storm and was the announcement from PM Bush of the New World Order and the nature of that N.W.O is Libran, whenever they toppled a country they would install a puppet to run the country and when they left they would hold elections and they will use a Libran government voting democracy or we will continue to bomb you with bombs – it is during this cycle we have seen how A.I has rapidly moved up the chain

Virgo and Scorpio used to be one house sign until Libra was put in between them for balance after the FEMALE was undermined, Libra is responsible for all of the technological advancements that we are in – if you overstand the Libra template Libra has the sign of Aquarius in place of love and entertainment, so the majority of people are peace loving people, whether you are Libran or not – it has nothing to with you and your birthday and your birth sign for this year, we are talking about Libran state of being for the human being, most people want to at peace and not at war, getting along and relating to others and this tool, the internet which is ruled by Aquarius, Aquarius sits in the place of love and recreation, how many of you when you were single did not look online for a partner – the partner is Libra and online would be Aquarius, this is the new clubhouse – today I use the internet and can access society [Matrix] without leaving my home and that pleases me and I don’t even have to go outside, I can order my clothes, food+ over the internet and I don’t have to go outside, so I can maintain my peaceful state of being and that is where many people want to be in this ‘sub age’ because that is what it gives indication to, its time for that –

Libra also represents government and they are going to be pushing for One World government – Aquarius represents ‘knowing’ and being in the ‘know’ the Laws of the Universe do not change just because we are in the Aquarius age, so just as it was for the ancient man who was ignorant and dying because of his ignorance, so is it in modern times that the modern man who is ignorant of his true condition, if you do not raise your awareness your government are going to use this tool to keep your subjugated and that is what I AM TRIing to do along with others, get you to raise your awareness [consciousness] to this age that we are in

Its not just technology that is taking over, its not just the cell phone or the computer or the driverless car, technology entails from the food you use, to the cooker that you cook the food on to how your preserve your food to how you light your homes to how food is cultivated, processed and produced and packaged for sale and if you are ignorant of all these processes then they can do what they want – this and much, much, more is important to know where we are going and how we are getting there     

Aquarius also represents rebellion, the last time Pluto came through Aquarius was 1777 to 1798 and during this time we had the French revolution – the Haitian revolution – the industrial revolution – the American revolution and Monarchy, the rule of kingships on this planet and this has decreased drastically in the Aquarius age and if you overstand Leo represents Monarchy and Aquarius is only 180o from Leo then it would only be natural that democracies and republics sprout out and parliamentary and congressional government come to the forefront, well they have enough of that, they want One World government now for it is easier to govern the body of people under one body, its easier to have one economy rather than all kinds of international exchanges, that is what they are striving for and that is what Libra gives indication to, don’t forget that millions, billions of people are going to be deleted so the number of people will drop down drastically so they can manage that

 There is not just A.I or the interNET [plaNET] you have virtual reality which is going to eventually be like prison, where you will be locked up in a little booth sum where, where they can sedate you constantly – they told you about this in their movies, many think that the Simpsons are predicting reality, dumb mtf, its all happening right now – in Dick Tracy in 1968 Dick talked to his partner on his watch that was strapped to his wrist and that was only on TV, that is fiction, is it, it was in Comic books, yeah that is just Comic books, is it, that was over 40 years old - a watch with a phone in it, they get you ready for this in their movies, they also have augmented reality and that is I look at the sofa through my phone and when I look at the sofa through my phone I see the Pokémon siting there and when I move my phone and look at the sofa, he is not sitting there – that is augmented reality, then you have holographic technology with them trying to use holograms [Bluebeam] and with all these different types of technologies that they are putting on us you need to be aware [conscious] so that you know how to carry yourself through them because you cannot stop this progress or can you  – man is either going to be made or destroyed

We have genetic modification and neuralink issues aka transhumanism and why is transhumanism going to flourish – because you have people born with genetic defects, you have clones, IVF and artificial races born with genetic defects that are sum times called ‘rare’ they are genetic defects and they want to seek to undo that, they already use animal parts on their races, they chipped a Monkey, why a Monkey because that is their closest relative, and they want to use that science on the normal people and enhance them to become ‘super’ super soldiers, they want supremacy, and because this is human nature because we all admired Superman, Spiderman, Hulk, Thor, Heru+ anything that was above us – we aspired to be that, we admired supernatural, the ability to run the 100m in 9.5 seconds and you want to do it in 9seconds, go faster, be stronger, it is the nature of life, intelligent or otherwise to evolve, to improve upon itself, even plants and animals do this, so it is impractical to think that mankind cannot be stopped, can they, or do you get left stuck while the rest of the world advances around you – the history show us how they had to get with the times or they would be overcome

The neuralink chip they say is to help the blind see better, ok then, and if they can do that and make it legal then they will chip those who are not blind to see better, maybe you will be able to get x-ray vision and you can see better, you can get a chip that allows you to scan a room, scan your shopping items, the cell phone is not the age you think it is, its well older, the computer was not invented by Gates or Jobs, its well older, the internet was first used by the military and did not come out when they said it did, the technology they had and they were 50 to 60 years in front of the planet

It is the exposure to these frequencies to cause our genes and cells to mutate at that level – wear natural fibres such has linen, wool or cotton and not synthetics, eating natural foods reduces static electromagnetic build-up in the body, organic does not mean natural, synthetics like Nylon [New York + London] harbour bad frequencies and reduces your antenna, filter heavy metals by using Activated Charcoal and use foods to replace the minerals you lose through filtering out the metals in your body

We have the onslaught of these manmade electromagnetic waves and this is what their science is saying is the need to usher in transhumanist or human augmentation, they know that they are going to have a virtual reality – why have they released virtual reality headsets

Things to think about

Since we are in the Aquarius age, every time a major planet, outer planet, from Saturn to Neptune to Pluto passes through Aquarius we will see the age of Aquarius indications peak up, we just went through a major conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn – they are getting ready to eliminate Bit-coin and governments just make their own electronic coins, currency is over and it will be digital

But we have yet to agree to all that, this system will crash but we don't have to follow man and his machines - all what is written we have had before, A.I nearly wiped us out last time and history [hiStory] will only repeat itself to those who do not know it - the EMP will shut down everything and without power, none of what they are doing can materialize - man has already submitted to them, but we have yet to - NIBIRU is also in the Aquarius age

6G is only 6 years away, the rapid growth of technology is increasing, A.I robots are already walking among us and overnight things will change, they had the android in the time of Shiva and the Etruscans, the 3D world is redundant and technology must be given but we must know where we are going and to do this we must know where we are coming from 

What is he 'Man' afraid of 


Stay on your PTAH [PATH] 

Gnosis means 'Knowing' to know

The last reSet caused us all to start from 7hz 
MyStory [Mystery] MyStar-y [MaSon-ry] vs HiStory 
Know thyself 

Ancient technology sitting in a Chinese museum, this 'bike' is a hover-board, no wheels, magnetic power, also called a VIMANA which means 'Flying Machine' 

Stay above the SOULAR PLEXUS [Middle Cell] self 

Sound [light] is healing - thy body is an organ [instrument]


See where Egypt [Khemet] is and where Saudi [Al Ghor] is in-between is ‘Gods’ land where the ANUNNAGA would assembled when on KI [Earth] the word Israel [Isis + Ra + El] is a made up word like Jerusalem [Heru + sol]  Palestine is Pale Skin - this land does not belong to 6ether Muslims or 6ether Jews, this land must be flooded and both sets go back to your cave systems, given that Egypt and Saudi are 9ethers lands, then if anyone owed that strip of land it would be the blacks – when Kerry went to sign the peace agreement RA [SUN] had a coronal hole facing the planet with one in the chamber, so we know this land is not for artificial races – there is a space landing site near Lebanon that is 1 of 3 space ports

One is called NIFFUR [NIPPUR] which is the Iy ‘temple’ of ENLIL also known as NIBIRU-Qi earth place of NIBIRU and is where the ‘Gods’ assembled when on Qi [Ki] earth – these ‘Gods’ where black beings, bomb yourselves all you want, when the time is right the land will be recovered but until then – The dead sea was never dead until the British killed it

This is their 'Holy War' the Crusaders War, we are not part of any religious man made war  

They jailed Rashad Jamal who was the last one out of three to bring in the Oshun sweet waters, so BBQ has upped the levels, HAITI will usher in the Oshun energy one way or another - this is a rebel, not a gang leader and it is the government who brought HAITI to her knees 

The KAA 'Spirit' of Toussaint L'Overture goes on - the energy is with the people of HAITI  


Check the shape of the SUN and who is that bottom right 



Seen again - they remind me of the HEKA symbol 

The above image comes from 2024 and this is from 2018 - you can see the SUN has flipped or the satellite has flipped because the 'horns' of the SUN are at the bottom now, but in 2018 we have had these objects around the SUN 

Who is opening portals, projections

Signs of the times 

The Mitochondrial DNA [MtDNA] is being switched off for the artificial races and increased for the soul-ar beings, the Schuman is being restored from double Masculine SHU + MIN to SHU + TEFNUT which is Masculine and Feminine, see the wave frequency in the bottom right image 
We have left the low frequency of 7hz and are hitting over 100hz, we have [3] tones hitting the planet
 which is a part of the 3black-lights called;

[1] U.V. RAYS
[3] X RAYs

[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves 
[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

The SUN has been triggering and we see the SUN is bright so they will be making the planet cold in an attempt to cool the planet

They are saying this is the sea surface which makes you wonder what the actual depth temperature is

Fire in the hole - your molecule structure is being altered from the inside out - rusty - iron - red oxide

White disc and yellow hue - which one is the SUN 

Nu year is April 1st - that is when the Nu energy [Spring] is released onto the planet - not January 1st, instead they created April fools day - who is in the fool  

Yes I saw that he had been referring to Biden has Obama but clearly it is Biden who has Demetria, a lot of people are coming down with Demetria - cognitive decline for Biden the clone doesn't remember is is aging but with Trump, yes he called Biden Obama but what is really going on out there apart from they do not want Trump back has the last PM of America [45] 

The real Oprah was taken out a long time ago - whoever this is will be shut down like they did with Wendy Williams who now has dementia they say, watch her right eye and then the other, this is called KARMA - KJ2 was rewritten to take out the word reincarnation because those without a soul cannot leave the planets negative energy field, they are trapped here - a lot of entities came through the CERN portal and once here they needed a host - that last clip reminds me of this especially with the dialogue he has with himself 

Sodom [Sodomy] and Gomorrah [Gonorrhea] was destroyed by 'God' and she will destroy their cities once again - its Wombman, Man and child aka Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve 


They say Global warming means longer days
NIBIRU is bending the light 
No beginning of days, no ending of days 


 Love and Hate can never be friends, not until the world comes to an end


What a cover!!! 

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Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...