Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Unhealed Stimulations

 The siStars held a meditation for all the chemicals that were dumped in Atlantis [USA] they held it over [3] days, for water, air and KI – [LAW] the ancestors were present, all the dumping of these chemicals was where the 9ether indigenous reside or are an hour away from these chemical dumps and are near fresh water

This is sum thing that the higher beings want to see, I’m going to call them the Orisha(s), this is sum thing they want to see in terms of spirituality – this is almost like a testing of ‘humanity’ which humanity means the quality of being a HuMin [HuMan] we had a test during the start of lock-down when they cleaned the waters in Italy, the dirty air over India [Himalayas] + things of that nature to see how you would react and since then the masses have reverted back to the 3D world – this is about the planet called KI and they want to know if you give a fu9k about her

To see if ‘humanity’ has the best intention to bring forth, all these people that donate money to charities, to those who support things like Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth, it can be called a test or experiment or stimulation aka situation, the planet has suffered and they are looking for the watches of KI, those who care about her – they are looking for those with the best intention to the healing of KI

Your ability to see things from the [God] mind, that is who you are now, you are world class now and you need to start acting like the [God] that you are – this means you are also not sitting around waiting for a saviour – the lioness does not wait for the lion to get what she needs

All them [Gods] that we read about in the past and here right now, they are you 

We have source, source is neither male or female, s-he is not a him [hmm] [Om] or a he-r, source has already given us the tools to ‘think’ for ourselves, you have been given light [data] many times over – you do things for yourselves – the old paradigm of you not thinking for yourselves is over for you, others are still plugged in, you are not – when you really know who you are, you will get the necessary understanding that you require for any situation aka stimulation - never forget that, you seek and thou shall find

Understand means to be Under-Satan, Overstand means to be Over-Satan and Inner-stand is when you truly get sum thing 

Sum [Some] Sum is used in Mathematics and has value and is to why I used the word Sum

These chemical spills will poison the land, air and water [also near freshwater] and was done to the indigenous 9ethers that reside there

This is the year to be intentional in all that you do, you cannot fart ass around with mindless thoughts or stupid 3D thinking – you don’t have time to be slipping like that

Premonitions and Predictions are slightly different – premonitions are sure to manifest [Magi] itself, a series of events that take place before  - if I said to you that I was in my car and I saw the SUN and a cube came out of the SUN, this is a premonition and depending on who said that you can bet your bottom dollar that is what it is going to happen – this is an example, I have many premonitions and sum are still pending – prediction can take a bit longer

We must inner-stand what it is to operate inside the holographic universe – once you know your purpose towards KI and that NATURE [NTR] is a technology that we can stream through at [will]

This is what the siStars did, they connected to aid in cleaning up the land, this will only work for those coming from the heart space, from those who have the planet at heart [earth]

There is going to be sum serious punishment handed down from Gaia and Tiamat [KI] to those who disrespected the planet, so let nature do her thing

In this moment in time for those who are operating from the collective mind, many are using or are in their sacral [CHAKRA] – and with the energy, at this current time because they are so heightened people will be looking to express that energy and a couple ways that they will be expressing this energy is through sex, masturbation or they will need or want to transmute that energy – so for those who are having these urges, the internet is full of women with butts and boobs hanging out, only fans+, its in music, media+ like nothing before, they know what is coming and is to why they have these things in place so that you can release to dead energy, they know that people are going to be deleted from their matrix [society] so whether you are male or female this applies to both and only if you are under contract [BAA][KAA] you must control if you are losing control, if you have to have it, you must control, women are being assaulted regularly, children are being assaulted

To transmute energy, is things like to go to the gym, for a run, to transmute energy is to open your creative side and start creating things, not in their Metaverse which many have entered – sacral CHAKRA is actually good for creation – creating a new idea, birthing a project – the s-e-x energy can actually be used to bring things into existence and we are seeing this on the flipside, many are using their creative sides to change things in this program – there are many things taking place behind the scenes that we will not see in the mainstream media but they are happening – I see uploads and see in forums the clips or stories of what is taking place that are positive, there are doctors, lawyers, people who are well versed coming together, the AU kicked out the Israelis from their convention to which this would have never have been heard of before, it may be small but we are a seeing a lot of ‘small’ things happening that is adding to ‘big’ things happening, but this type of data will never make mainstream

If you do not find a way to transmute this energy, it will come in the form of rape for both male and female – the female needs to pay attention for we are seeing rape increasing – watch your surroundings because sum one is watching you, for the longest I have been letting you know that this is coming up – you may have to take a mtf out, you will not be punished for protecting your light, it is forbidden to kill another eye, but she said she understands – if you are a male you need to keep an eye on the female, you must not turn your eye, you must intervene, it ends and begins here, besides where are you going the plasma is both positive and negative, the sacral is also in the lower CHAKRA which is being removed for many, many people are in their sacral for the function only – these people are going to seek out to take, there will be no mercy behind what they do for many are just killing after they finish, its better you don’t take that chance, take that mtf out, carry sum thing with you like pepper spray or pocket knife, get a Corso, change up your routine, break it up, listen to your ‘gut feelings’ aka second brain – sexual assault is already at an all time high in western worlds with backward men arriving every day from 3rd worlds, pay attention to your surroundings

There is duality, there is balance, its down to the user, the usage of self-control, intrusive thoughts are coming from all these portals that have been opened by other beings coming through these portals to this planet – sum of these beings do not take a physical form and sum are just pure energy – so watch your thoughts and the people that you are with, remember you have to invite them in, or sum one in your company did, could be a family member or friend, many are in hosts, if your good to go and then in a flick of the wrist you start to have intrusive thoughts check yourself – the computer is reading you, rewritten Marijuana is fu9king with you, the cell phone is reading you, what are you into, what are you weak about, all this and more allows them entry, this is the last planet so all beings, entities are coming here because there is no where else for them to go has all dimensions are merging into this one

The shadow work, if you didn’t do any you are going to struggle this year 2023 [7] because the energy that is coming is going to go to the areas that you didn’t work on or that you haven’t healed from, remember negative energy only thrives off of people who haven’t healed yet, unhealed situations aka unhealed stimulations – so if you bypassed the healing [shadow] its coming back to you 10fold, don’t get mixed up with Karma, check yourself – your shadow is going to be brought to the forefront – so if you have family or family members, friends and you see them acting out, walk on by, these entities that are seeking many out are going to bring that person down to a animalistic nature aka a low state – a low state that will cause you to lose control, on the internet we have these Karen(s), yeah those types, be mindful of your energy, it is your responsibility to be self-aware aka self-conscious of your own energy – if you live near an ocean, warm weather or river, go and clean up, many coasts are poisoned now, however in places the water can be used to cleanse yourself or wash in salt water, use sea salt – don’t wash the next day and repeat over 3 days- clean yourself up 

Do you shadow work, your root and sacral are out of sync – the energy is constantly changing and we have to also

There are two KADMON(s) [ADAM] down here, one is heaven Kadmon and the other is beast Kadmon and it is the beast that we are going to see, more and more of, pay attention to those acting like animals, pay attention to pack mentalities

Bodysnatching, this is the year for both positive and negative [KAA] the negative need hosts and if you are vibrating too low or too wide open, then they have you marked for possession, sum of you have talent and they will use you to open sum portals for them or feed them, you should not be embracing anyone or taking any energy from anyone and if you feel depleted then you know where you lost your energy – and at the same time you are going to have sum ancestors come through you and do for example sum Mudras and chants or they will show you things that you will find on the internet that leads you to bliss, open sum thing that assists the planet, they access records that only you have, they had you show them sum thing+ all this and more – that ancestor is going to lead you where you need to go – people are going to be body snatched – this is the year of completion and many things are going to be settled this year – sum of you are going to be snatched to do missions and sum will be negative and sum will be positive, different beings are here, you work for the most-highest frequency, you do not serve the most-low frequency who s-he will wake up and think what the h3ll did I just do – INDIA is drawing me in, the symbols, the KAA energy, KALI MAA [INANNA] over and over until eye discover

Be mindful of your energy - do not let others know what poWRA you are holding, don’t flaunt it or you will lose it – do not sphere about what KAA poWRA that you are holding, people are watching the internet and the likes of TikTok, you will also piss people off, shut the fu9k up and be Kool with a K

Do not put yourself above others, we are in a collective consciousness and placing yourself above others limits you, remember Karma is instant for many and Karma is coming back around for many
Be you  

The KAA can be comfortable, sum people actually come back down here without no thought, sum come because they want to improve, finished sum thing, accomplish sum thing, sum because they still have past life Karma that they still have to clean and then there those who come back for sum thing petty, name sum thing, anything, alcohol, certain foods, seriously it can be that petty, they don’t want to elevate, they don’t want to evolve, this year [2023] pack light while you are traveling, you cannot carry all them bags where you are going, you cannot enter the higher realms with all them bags – bag lady, let go of attachments, detachment  - sum of you have moved and this is because your under contract [mission] and you cannot take baggage with you, sum of you know your on a mission but don’t have an itinerary but are going with the flow of the energy and those who are walking in their PTAH or finding the PATH are the ones moving forward for they see the signs and symbols and then you have the individuals who will be forced out – people are being stripped of many of their material things to make way for what is to come, this can be positive or negative – whatever it is for you cannot take any of that stuff with you – let it go, all those on the streets are already prepped and ready to go – find out why your still clinging – your going to be placed into a position where you won’t have that choice anyway

Mass death is coming worldwide, we may have had one of the largest mass deaths by an ‘earthquake’ in recent times, however the number could be much, much higher, ancestors spoke of this in 2012 and here we are, they only want 500,000,000 and this means a 90% cull rate, who is doing what at here is still questionable but the numbers are here, massive deaths will also occur to those who do not care about KI, like Bangladesh who continue to pump toxins into the water from their tanneries into the ocean or the breaking up of ships on the coasts in India, they have poisoned the beaches, wildlife+ or the USA who have over 2million oil barrels that they dumped just off of California, I used to think China was the worst but it turns out it is the US military, they fu9ked up the Galapagos Islands with their purpose oil spills, and in Mauritius, what about the logging, what about all these quarrels the list goes on and on, well guess what, you and many others are going to get fu9ked, it will be your life for the life lost aka creasy bear

Land slides is land moving and means the land is going to fold on itself, you should not have disrespected the planet and her elements, punishment is going to be a bi9ch – the LAW is land, air and water, its not just the HuMins here, there are other authorised beings in the waters, in the land and air, we have two more kingdoms – the plant and animal kingdoms which have been both compromised, nature and her forces have now stepped in and it will be lights out for many, you had been warned many moons ago – you cannot destroy the planet because she has to many admirers

You see things that many could eat for example, they will now have allergic reactions to, the sun is already burning many, things that they could use from nature, they will not be able to use, things are changing out there and its not from man, its not from his machines, the Feminine principle, the most abundant energy  

Judgement is here and we are in her fields [MAAT] KARMA can be instant for many, follow the laws, judgement is also coming from nature – people, places are going to be wiped from the map, places are going under water, portals are being opened, you see them paranormal investigators, they are fu9king things up, they will suffer in the end, the negative field is nothing to play with, a gadget and camera, asking stupid questions, where are you going with all this, portals are being opened and many are being taken with them, when you go home they come with you

This is where you live, many of you call this your home and look at the fu9king state of this planet, you let this happen on your watch, at one point in time you were the originals, ENKI gave you power over the planet when ENLIL said h3ll no, don’t do it, granted things fu9ked up, however, MAAT is asking you if you remember, like Michael Jackson, do you remember the time, do you want to go on like this or shall will crash this Monkey sh9t – you were the original keepers, protectors of this planet, fix up because she is not playing, you see all them Africans who let Europeans come in and take the land over under National Parks or Reserves aka reserved for them and kill those animals or allow them to be taken out of Edin [Eden], minerals, horns+ they are fu9ked, a lot of Africans are going to die, just because you are 9ether means fu9k all, you have to go through her first – all these posts are designed to get you into divine order – the SKA is full of others and they are on the ground, they are in the matrix, they are here, they are here to restore divine order – divine order is not your order

The treatment of people this year, be carful who you are speaking to, watch the tongue because its instant return, I know I keep writing that [instant Karma] and am conscious about myself, I is also nervous, I had a lot of downloads in 2009 and again in 2011 and 2012 and in 2017, 2018 and 2019, so I’m fu9king nervous for myself and others, water holds memories, water has a consciousness to it – your own Karma is being set up in a particular way that you won’t see it coming, even after you have been dealt with here, there is the after realm to contain with, your going to get your ass whooped over there also – I see many on the internet talking about how they are waking up with marks, scars on their bodies, sum one got beat down in the astral realms, payback is going to be a bi9ch for many [entities doing that in your home is different]

If you have been using your gifts for another, if you have been using your gifts in a destructive way, this year your gifts will either consume you or leave you, meaning you are going to lose your gifts and in sum cases it will be used on you – there is also spiritual jail, sum of you didn’t listen to your messages, sum of you gave your gifts to another, and sum of you were dismissive with what was being shown to you, given to you, and many of you have deliberately turned off the activation codes aka you deliberately turned away from your PTAH – I saw this place once and everyone had a nice house, car, the roads, streets where clean, people had on good clothes, smart, and has you walked down the street you could see that none of them were smiling, they had everything but they were not HAPI, it took me a while to realise that this was a spiritual jail, realm that these people were in

And to the SEMU [priests] and practitioners [witches+] gurus, shamans and spiritual leaders, those that continue to hurt people based on money, like a priest used to attack another, the work that you do will be sent right back to you – because the energy is different now and the ancestors are very active – the energy is different now and is for the collective not for the individual, its for the better of the planet and not to cause division – no one is that skilled to redirect the energy coming back to you, you cannot redirect what is coming back to you, the energy is different now – you if you are caught out here causing division regardless of race, your going to get embarrassed out here, we are now moving into the unity consciousness and that means no division – I see things and many do not know who they are fu9king with, she is higher than us all put together, do you understand, we cannot play with the feminine principle 

You know there are those whose ancestors are straight killers, sum are straight warriors, military, spiritual assassins – straight Vodun [Voodoo] – they are still practicing but just on the other side, you better be careful out here – ancestors will be protecting their children and their kind, these gurus who are leading many down the wrong PTAH will in turn be led down the wrong PTAH

Be true in what you do, be real because this is the Karma fields and many will go down in so many ways in this field, we will see those in the spotlight [famous] to those on the internet who have mislead be exposed in the very limelight that they crave so much, many people who had gifts have lost them and many more will follow suit this year, many people look drained and have depleted their energy

MAAT forgives, INANNA didn’t just hold her ground, she gave it back to all the others, this is ENKI(s) twin, MAAT does not recognise mistakes but rather awareness, forgive others in your heart, see with her mind [Aset, mind, throne, pulpit, seat] MAAT will hold you out if you repeat, she wants you to make it, she is kind, come from your heart, open your heart

Between NIBIRU and RA [Triad] they are going to burn up those who are not matching the frequency of KI and that means both the 9ethers and the 6ethers are going to be burnt to a crisp because you are not matching the frequency and many will be shocked at sum of these 6ethers for making it through because they are vibrating to the same frequency has KI – those who grew a heart and have [1]ion and got their frequency right are coming through, they honoured their contract – not all 6ethers will be wiped off of the planet and if they are here then they are supposed to be here – genetics are changing and many will change with the DNA upgrades and that is right across the races, those that are leftover are supposed to be here – artificial will go, clones and hybrids will go, many without light will go but there will be many 6ethers who will be here After Earth with those 9ethers that make it through, this thing is in stages so there are many ‘throughs’ aka phases – their DNA is going to activate in order for them to withstand the sun, the planet must be made secure or there will be no races, so those leftover are to aid in the healing, rebuilding+ on so many levels, there is good and bad in all races and at this stage we have to come together because its unity consciousness and that means one and all or one in all – we have sum thing that is going to shut the planet down and in that moment we are going to have to come together and the playing field is going to even itself out, those with power are going to lose it and it handed to the others but in the mist of all that the shutdown will occur, it was to do with colour but now it is to do with frequency – what frequency are you on – were not on repeat like before, we want change – you already know the history and then sum – what are you proving, nothing – sh9t is going to happen but leave that to Karma, we are not here for the physical war only the spiritual war – we want to attract the same frequency aka the same light   

Keycodes, you have them within you and what they are for is down to your ranking, your role and who you are – we have seen in the Schuman the return of nu access codes to our natural intelligent gifts, we have had the [7] senses upgraded also, these are upgrades to the DNA [DEA] [DEA is your celestial DNA] and heart Chakra activations – you have elemental knowledge within you that will get initiated – even those who have Reiki type training, average people will also have access if they have the keycodes – sum of you have gifts that are tied into nature in sum way and you may not know where that came from, this is the elements initiating you likewise ancestors are going to be initiating you into different orders that come from your bloodline – many have gone into other cultures, gone into things that have nothing to do with their bloodline – your bloodline goes much further and into other lands – its is [7] different bloodlines that we have making you a divine being – you can access them all, so pay attention to your KAA and what it shows you, you have the access codes within you, you have these codes in your bloodline – if you’re here during this time then your supposed to be here during this time, the ancestors have your back

Remember who you are, your mind must be unity consciousness now, do not get involved with anything that spreads division – do not let anyone who is not operating from their heart space be near you and ask yourself what are you attracting yourself to – be careful of things that you consume, diet and things you watch on tv and cell phone+ everything that you do must be intentional

There were individuals who made choices against themselves in 20[20] and again in 2021 and yet again in 2022 – that shedding for those who took the Jabba the Hutt, you know the zombie rhetoric that they have out and the movie World War Z or I AM legend – well their DNA is changing to whatever they had intended the DNA to change to, so be mindful of who you are around, ask a lot of questions, move accordingly  - things are just getting started

Use your Godhood poWRA, use your i-magi-nation to create things – those that gave to sum thing outside of themselves are subject to this bullsh9t – there is nothing that man has that is more powerful than the planet herself, you cannot break her – man doesn’t create any planets, then how can he break her –

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Search and Rescue

She watches, she waits... KALI MAA is the timekeeper and it will be in her time The right leg is over the left leg and that right leg is swi...